Kaikorai Primary School: N e W S L e T T e R
Kaikorai Primary School: N e W S L e T T e R
Kaikorai Primary School: N e W S L e T T e R
Dear Parents,
It has been a very busy and productive start
to the year and as you can see from the
upcoming schedule, school will continue to be busy in the
upcoming days and weeks.
Most of these activities are either fully funded or heavily
subsidised through the school donation and to a smaller
extent the parent group. We greatly appreciate the
financial support that our community provides as this
allows us to provide an interesting and varied
Thank you also to the many parents who attended the
Meet the Teacher evening. You can find details about
the Parent/Teacher interviews inside this newsletter
where you will be able to discuss your childs needs in
greater detail.
Kind regards,
Simon Clarke
Important Dates
February 23 - Room 1 and 2
at Art Gallery - (ST)
February 23 - Room 3 and 5
at Aquarium - (ST)
February 23 - Information
meetings regarding
Keeping ourselves safe,
Year 6 camp and Religious
February 24 - Room 3 at
Aquarium - (ST)
February 24 - Kaikorai Kiwis
February 25 - Room 2A and
4 at Art Gallery - (ST)
February 25 - Room 1 at
Urban Farm - (ST)
March 1 - David Elliot
talking to Juniors (ST)
March 4 - Room 7 Assembly
March 8,9,10 - Parent
Teacher Interviews
March 11 - Room 9
March 11 - Next Newsletter
March 15-18 - Year 6 camp
March 21 - Anniversary Day
March 25 - Easter Friday
March 29 - Easter Monday
March 30 - Easter Tuesday
April 15 - Last Day of Term
Parent Teacher Conference
You are warmly invited to attend the mid-year Parent Teacher Conference to discuss
your child's progress and achievement. The conferences will be available on:
Tuesday 8th March, Wednesday 9th March and Thursday 10th March
Conference Bookings
We will once again be using the School Interviews website to coordinate bookings.
Bookings can be made at:
using the School Code 752wh
Although the vast majority of parents will be able to access the web from a home
computer, a friend's computers or a workplace computer, our office staff are available
to assist any families having difficulty with the booking process.
We advise parents to book early to confirm their preferred time.
Online bookings will close Monday 7th March at 5.00 p.m.
Once again the school is offering parents the opportunity to purchase books at a
reasonable price from Scholastic Books. Usually the booklets will go home on a
Monday and the orders and money will be collected on Friday. Once again books
can also be ordered and paid for on line and the order will be sent to the school with
the schools order. The school also receives Reward Points which we use to purchase
books for the Library. If you have any concerns or problems please contact me
before or after school.
Dale Blackie
School Tops
You may have noticed a bold ST in the up coming events section. This
stands for school top is compulsory to be worn for this event. Additional
school tops can be purchased from the office.
The school hats have also arrived and it is expected that all children will
be wearing the correct school hat by the end of next week.
Information Meetings
On Tuesday the 23rd we will be holding an information meeting regarding;
Keeping Ourselves Safe programme - 5.30pm in the hall
Year 6 Camp - 6pm in the hall
Religious Education - 6pm in R11
The Keeping Ourselves Safe programme is run in conjunction with the New Zealand
Police and is focused on a range of community safety issues that children face such as
bullying, stranger danger and cyber safety and is tailored specifically for each age group.
This meeting is intended for parents of children in all age groups.
Religious Education is provided in all classes in years 3-6. This meeting will provide
information on what is involved in the programme.
Parent Group
Kaikorai Kiwis
Kaikorai Kiwis has
begun for the year. We
would love to see you there if
your child is due to start school in the next
6 months. Please find details on the school
web site. If you know of any children in
zone who may be coming to Kaikorai
please encourage them to come in to
school and enrol.
Road Patrol
This year the road patrol is operating on Wright
Street, directly outside the school gate, before school
(8.30am-8.55am) and after school (3.00pm-3.15pm).
Please follow the instructions of the volunteer and
cross close to the orange cone.
For those parking and driving on Wright Street, be
aware of this crossing when making your way in the
area. Note that the crossing at the traffic lights on
Highgate is no longer patrolled.
We still require six volunteers to ensure that
the crossing is operating for the full term.
Please email Vanessa at
roadpatrol@kaikorai.school.nz if you can help one
week per term.
Ph: (03) 467 7204
Mob: 021 277 5554
Shona Cumming
Business & Property Lawyer
Fun French Beginners Classes Years 2-6: We are once again offering our popular 8 session
French taster course this term, conveniently based at school, at a time to suit those interested.
The major emphasis is on communicating orally through the interactive use of fun games, song,
role-play and real life activities. For more information, please email admin@Lpa.co.nz or
contact us on 022 358 2211. Cest si bon!
To enrol or
for more
Mark McNoe,
Text 0275
314875, or ph
489 1650, or go
Classes are suitable
for Primary and
Intermediate School