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Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783: Launching Place Primary School

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Launching Place Primary School

Issue One

Thursday 5th February 2015

You can read all types of research that will tell you how to identify a successful
school; however we believe the best litmus test is the response of the
children, teachers and parents. We have had an extremely smooth start to the
school year. The ease to which all students have slipped back into the routine
of school doesnt just happen. It is indicative of the time, effort and excellent
preparation carried out by our staff. Credit must also go to the children who
have settled quickly and industriously back into school mode. We have been
delighted by the many positive comments we have received about the school.
We are also most appreciative of our supportive parents who have clearly
prepared their children for a positive start to the school year.

Schools are dynamic people organizations and as a school community we all have a vested interest in the
well-being of the school. Our number one priority is the happiness and safety of every child. Children who
are feeling happy and safe are receptive learners. If you have concerns about your child, please contact us, as
problems are far more easily attended to now than in the last week of school!
We are only too aware that at times parents tend to think their concerns are trivial and you debate with
yourself whether you should contact the school. Our response is that NOTHING is too trivial when it comes to
the education of YOUR child. So if you have concerns or want clarification, please contact us. We will ask you,
however, to consider the following points:
Use our diary system regularly it is a great communication tool between your childs teacher and

Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783

School Council 7pm
Nominations for School
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Book Club due
Prep/Buddy/New Families
BBQ 5.30pm
Swimming Carnival
Labour Day (No School)

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Teaching staffs number one priority is teaching the children and therefore if you arrive unannounced, it may not
be convenient or possible to release them from teaching duties to speak to you. It is always best
to arrange a meeting time.

We will continue to endeavour to keep parents well informed by various communication channels.
Our most important form of communication is our weekly newsletter, with an electronic copy
available through email or on our website. Important information is included in the newsletter
including dates of upcoming events and student work please take the time to read it and stay

Monday 16th February

Letters will go home tomorrow asking parents to nominate times for individual meetings with classroom teachers. These meetings
will allow parents to share any information about their children which will assist the classroom teachers work of ensuring a
happy and productive time of learning at school. Teachers will also outline how the child has settled into the routines of the new
school year, and discuss the attitude and work habits which have been displayed so far. Please return the note setting out your
preferred time for an interview by Wednesday 11th February.
Your confirmed interview time will be forwarded to you on Friday 13th February.
Please note: Parents of Foundation/ Prep students will have the opportunity for a 15 minute chat directly following each childs
School Entry Assessment.

A big thank you to parents - we are very appreciative of your work around students having correct uniform. It really makes a difference to students,
promoting a sense of belonging to both the school and their friends. It was impressive at last Mondays assembly to see a sea of blue.

Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email launching.place.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

ABN 96 199 518 803

Page 3

The Foundation/ Prep students have started their school life beautifully and this was particularly evident at
Mondays assembly. They are fast becoming accustomed to the rules and routines of school. It is an exciting
time for both students and their families. In order to make this move to school a successful one the
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) has provided additional resources for
interested families. Parents of Foundation students can access the Departments site for tips, insights and
news: Foundation/ Prep for Parents: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/parents/primary/Pages/

Our first School Council meeting for 2015 will be held next Tuesday, February 10th. This meeting will be the final meeting for the
existing School Council and therefore the final meeting for some of our hard working School Council members. Next weeks
newsletter will include information about how our new School Council will be formed; a timeline outlining the process will be

Tuesday 10th February 2015

Safer Internet Day is a global event held annually to promote the safe and responsible use of digital technologies (including
mobile phones), for children and young people.
Safer Internet Day's theme for 2015 is Building a Better Internet Together. In 2014, over 108 countries, 16,500 schools and 10
million people participated in the day. Whilst Victorian schools work to make everyday a safer internet day, Australia is fortunate
that this annual event coincides with our Back to School programs where the issue of Cyber safety is discussed.
More information can be found by following the cybersmart link: http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/
There is a very informative section for both kids and teens (child friendly language). It is also worth accessing the parents section
where a lot of issues are discussed and advice offered. A leaflet outlining some keys points has also been included in this weeks

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

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This year we are trialing a small change to bell times. Lunch will now be eaten inside classrooms at 1.00 pm. So far we have found that the students and
teachers are very positive about the new arrangements, which allow for a full 90 minutes of learning when students return to classrooms after the lunch
Bell times are
8.50 am 9.00: children enter classrooms and get organised for the day. Parents are welcome into classrooms at this time for an
informal chat.
9.00 am 11.00 am: First learning session
11.00 am 11.30 am: Morning recess
11.30 am 1.00 pm: Second learning session
1.00 pm 1.10 pm: Inside eating time
1.10pm 2.00pm: Lunch play time
2.00 pm 3.30 pm: Third learning session

Reminder: All students are encouraged to have a fruit/ vegetable snack at 10.00am. Students are also reminded to always have a water bottle in the
classroom so that they can stay well hydrated especially during the summer months.

During the school day, all teachers work closely together to ensure students are supervised whilst out in the
playgrounds. In our planning, we have the school divided into distinct zones and staff are assigned to each of
these zones from 8:45am before school, through each recess and lunchtime, as well as after school until 3:45pm.
In further support of our Prep students in term 1, we have extra support staff assigned to this area at all times.
To ensure that students are appropriately supervised, we ask that students arrive at school after 8:45am each
morning. If you elect to send your child/ren to school prior to 8:45am, it is important that you understand that
they will not be supervised until yard duty teachers begin their assigned duty from 8:45am. Similarly, at the end
of the school day, the school will ensure the appropriate supervision of all students until 3:45pm and after this
time it is the responsibility of parents to collect/supervise their children. In further support of parents on this
important matter, our Before and After School Care programs provide wonderful levels of care for students.

Narelle Messerle and Debbie Hobbis

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Parents and Friends will be having their first meeting for 2015 next Monday 9th February, after assembly in the
staffroom. All welcome!
Parents and Friends is one of many great ways to became involved in your childs school journey. Our main role
is to raise funds, which are then spent on maintaining or purchasing new equipment and resources, to assist in
making Launching Place the best school for our children. Over the past two years we have been raising funds to
go towards new playground equipment.
Feel free to come along and see what Parents and Friends is all about. We would love to see some new faces
(and familiar ones too!) with lots of fresh ideas.
Some agenda items for the meeting will be electing a new committee, activities/events for term 1 and 2, also to
discuss the Country Fair.
If you cant make it but are interested in joining us or would like more information please leave your name at the
office and we will contact you.

Would like to ask for donations for dress ups for the Performing Arts Program. Dads old shirts, Mums old
dresses, hats, scarves, bow ties etc anything really. They can be brought to the music room between 9 and
9.30 in the mornings.

Some important dates regarding aerobics.

Prelim Comp Saturday 16th of May The Arena, Geelong
State Finals Saturday 6th of June (Long Weekend) The Arena, Geelong
Nationals (if selected) Saturday 15th of August, Gold Coast Convention Centre, Gold Coast
Spring Challenge Saturday 17th of October The Arena, Geelong
Happy stretching!!
Candice Nyman

Hayley P


Kimberley D


Holly B


Andrei F


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Hopefully the students have settled in to their routine, and you all have received your canteen menu. Due to a technical difficulties the Slushie Machine
wasnt operating today; hopefully it will be running by next Thursday. We will keep you informed. If you are able to assist in canteen please return the
helpers form.
12th Jodie D, Gillian S, Paul T

Jo R, Sharon B, Larissa F


Kyle K, Peta R, Jaimie C

Wesburn Junior Football Club Registration Day will be

held at the:
Sunday 15TH FEB 2015

9.30am to 12.30pm
For more information contact wesburnjfc@gmail.com
Chris Read 0408 178 412
Brendon Murphy 0459 053 413
Website www.wesburnjfc.vcfl.com.au
Initially Wesburn will be offering Auskick through to
Under 16's teams and a Girls U12 team in 2015 (subject
to registration numbers)

Note: The day may be postponed in the event of

extreme weather conditions

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