Question Type
Do you feel your
questions were clearly
structured and readily
understood by the
Every closed-ended question was usually followed by an openWhat balances was there ended question to get them thinking outside of the box, whether it
was in the work that I assigned for them or the presentation I did at
between the various
the start of class to introduce and explain the topic to them. Even
questions types?
with the closed-ended questions I posed them a variety of question
types (i.e. true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blanks, construct a
graph, draw a diagram, etc) so the students never seemed to get
bored or distracted by repetitive questions.
I never outright tell a student they are wrong, or shame them for
offering an answer that is incorrect. My response to incorrect
How do you deal with
answers acknowledge what they have said, but try to lead them
incorrect responses?
towards the right answer i.e. Youre on the right path, but lets
How do you deal with
think of it this way or Almost, can anyone else help ______ find
students who stumble
the answer to make everyone feel validated and included no
and grope for an answer? matter if their responses are right or wrong. I think effort and
inclusion are more important than being right the first time.
in order to add to an
initial response?
Overall Comments
Yes, I made it clear at the start of the lesson that the introduction
and class discussion would help them answer the question that I
assigned for them, and I demonstrated an answer on the board
with step-by-step instructions to show them the level of answer I
expected from them. When I introduced myself, I also said that I
expected the same amount of respect as their regular teacher, and
that the classroom rules did not change even though I was a
different teacher.
I did have to remind a few of the more talkative students that even
though it was good that they felt confident enough to always put
their hand up and answer me verbally, it was important to also
focus on their work and finish the activities I set for them. In all of
my lessons, I think I had over-prepared and possibly assigned too
much work (which I believe is favourable to too little) because
there was never a time where a student finished all of their work
and then sat there with nothing to do.
All teachers had a duty of care for their own students in the
classroom, as well as a duty of care for any student they might
come across outside of the classroom, too. Duty of care also
extends into understanding and familiarizing yourself with
each student on a personal level to ensure that every student
can be motivated to learn on an individual basis, not just
universally as a single cohort. The teacher must recognise the
potential that each student has, and what ways they can best
stimulate and encourage that student into achieving. A teacher
also has to ensure that all students are capable of learning in
a safe and equal environment. Beyond the roles in the
classroom, I also saw that every teacher had to share the
responsibility of supervising lunch and recess a few times
each week.
Function of Schools
Did you observe the
connection of your
schools with the broader
community? How did this