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S4Es-Ivb-2: Chapter 2-Water in The Environment Lesson 59: Uses of Water From The Different Sources

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School South City Central School Grade Level FOUR

Teacher Mrs. Naida A. Bernat SCIENCE
LESSONPLAN Date January 30, 2019 Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the different sources of water

2. Explain the use of water from the different sources in the context of daily

A. Content Standard Identify the different Sources of water

B. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to explain the use of water from the different sources in the
context of daily activities

C. Learning Competency/ Identify the different sources of water suitable for Human Consumption
Write the LC code for each.

II. CONTENT Chapter 2- Water in the Environment

Lesson 59: Uses of Water from the Different Sources


1. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Science 4 Curriculum Guide

Science 4 TG, pp. 301 -305
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science 4 LM, pp.
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)
Power Point Presentation, pictures, strips ofwith sentences, manila paper, glue
2. Other Learning Resource

C .Process Skills observing, describing, comparing, and inferring

D. Values Integration Conservation Education

Cleanliness and Sanitation/ Environmental Education


A. Engagement
Conduct a short review on the topic about soil as a natural resource through a
1. Review
question and answer form.
What do you think keeps the soil moist?
Where does the water come from?
A. Picture Puzzle (Game)
Each group will be given a cut out picture place inside an envelope and assemble them in
order to identify the body of water

B. Reading a Poem (English Integration)

( Poem )
Three fourths of the earth is water
In the forms of oceans, lakes and rivers
Stream, brooks and waterfalls
Water vapor in the air

Water everywhere, water has three forms

Ice in the solid form
Water that we drink is in liquid form
Steam in the gaseous form.
C. Poem Comprehension
Ask: What is the Poem all about?
How much water do we have here on earth?
What are the different forms of water?
A. Group Activity (Cooperative Learning)
B. Exploration
 Activity: Where Do I Come From

 Divide the class into 5 groups

 Each group is given an envelop
 Read the instructions before they will proceed to the proper activity.
 Group Activity will be graded using a Rubrics ( see attached Rubrics)

B. Setting standard in doing the activity

W–orks quietly.
A – lways cooperate with your group.
T---hink and give ideas. Time on task
E – njoy.
R – eview your works.
C. Go around and follow-up the conduct of activity by each group.Remind each group
that they will be presenting their gathered data in class after finishing their activity.

D. Group Reporting

A. Discussion and Analysis

C. Explaination 1. Ask:
 What are the different sources of water?
 Can we live without water? why or why not?
B. Generalization
1. What are the different sources of water?
2. What are the different uses of water in our daily lives?

D. Values infusion(ESP Integration)

1. Describe the picture

2. How can you take care of the different sources of water given to us by God?
3. How can you conserve water?

E. Elaboration Explain the use of water from the different sources in the context of daily activities through
Differentiated activities

Group 1 – rap
Group 2 - Role Play
Group 3 – Poem
Group 4 - Poster
Group 5 – Song

Content Originality Creativity Impact Total
40% 20% 20% 20% 100%

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

E. Evaluation 1. Which is the cleanest source of water and found beneath the earth’s surface?
A. Saltwater B. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these
2. What source of water contains plenty of salt which is useful for cooking?
A. Seawater B. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these

3. Which source of water is also called as surface water and does not contain salt?
A. Seawater B. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these

4. Which of the following are the examples of fresh of water?

A. river , sea, ocean, pond C. river , lake, falls , pond
B. river , well, sea , pond D. river , lake, sea, well

5. Why are sources of water important?

A. We use it for drinking.
B. We use it for cleaning our home
C. We use it for creation like swimming and fishing
D. All of the above
F. Expand (Assignment) Make a poster on a ¼ size illustration board on the different sources of water and
its importance to man’s life (Arts Integration)

You will be graded base on this rubrics

Content Impact Neatness Originality Total

40% 20% 20% 20% 100%

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation _________ of Learners who earned 80% above
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for _________ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? __Yes ____No____
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson _____of Learners who caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to ____of Learners who continue to require remediation
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Grade 4 Science Teacher
Observed by:
Head Teacher II

Noted by:

Rubrics for Cooperative Learning


3 2 1
All the sources of water and One or two sources of water Three or more sourcesof
descriptions are recognized and descriptions are not water and descriptions
recognized. recognized.
All members of the group are 1-2 members of the group 3 or more members of the
participative and cooperative. are not participative and group are not participative
cooperative. and cooperative
The reporter of the group The reporter of the group No reporter is willing to
discussed well the idea of the did not discussed well the discussed the topic.
topic. topic
The group finished on time. The group adds 5 minutes to The group adds 10 minutes
the deadline to the deadline.

Rubrics for Differentiated Activities

Content Originality Creativity Impact Total Total
40% 20% 20% 20% 100% 100%

Rubrics for Poster Making

Content Impact Neatness Originality Total Total
40% 20% 20% 20% 100% 100%

Prepared by:
Grade 4 Science Teacher

Observed by:
Head Teacher II

Noted by:

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