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S4Es-Iva-1: Write The LC Code For Each

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School Grade Level FOUR

GRADE 5 Learning Area SCIENCE

LESSON Teaching Date Quarter FOURTH
PLAN and Time


I. OBJECTIVES Define soil operationally.

Perform an activity as instructed.
Follow safety measures in performing an activity.

The learners demonstrate understanding of…

A. Content Standard

The different types of soil.

B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to…

Practice precautionary measures in planning activities.

C. Learning Competency/ The learners should be able to…
Write the LC code for each.
Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil.

II. CONTENT Definition of Soil


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 4 - pp. 287-293
2. Learner’s Materials pages Learner’s Material in Science 4 - pp. 244-251
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Power point presentation, LCD Projector, Laptop, bond paper/ cartolina,
B. Other Learning Resource
Review – Tell something about the picture.
Using a picture, gather the pupils’ ideas about what soil is.

A. Engagement

( Reflective – 5 minutes )
Allow the pupils to go outside of the classroom where they can walk on
the school ground (uncemented) for 3 to 5 minutes. If the weather is not
good, just let the pupils stay on the lobby or classroom where they can
B. Exploration still see the school ground. Let them observe for 3 to 5 minutes.

Note: Below are suggested instructions to be observed before taking the

class outside of the classroom.

Set standards on:

 Avoiding unnecessary noise in getting in and out of the classroom
 Adopting buddy system/ be with the group all the time
 Not to go out empty-handed, bring notebook and pen
 Working on assigned task
 Not to run around the campus
 Wearing of cap or use umbrella
 Being mindful of the time allotted of the activity
 Observing cleanliness in the area

(Reflective – 5 minutes )
Today, we’re going to talk about the soil. Again, can you remember what
you have seen outside?
C. Explanation
What can you say about the soil?
What covers the surface of the ground and what it contains?
Can you find similar things if you dig deeper into the ground?
Do all soils have similar characteristics?

The teacher will discuss the definition of the soil.

(Constructive, Inquiry Based – 5 minutes)

Let the pupils fully understand the definition of the soil by making

What is soil? (Soil is formed as a result of an extremely slow process of

D. Elaboration breaking down big rocks into smaller particles and the decay of plants
and animals.)

Where can you find soil? (Soil can be found everywhere.)

What part of the earth covers the soil and what can you find in it? (It
covers most of the land part of the earth. You find plants, animals, houses
and other organisms on the soil.)

Why and how is soil important? (We live on the soil and it helps us in
many ways.)

(Reflective , Integrative – 5 minutes)

TRUE OR FALSE: Write LAND if the statement defines true about soil
and EARTH if the statement is wrong.
E. Evaluation
(LAND) 1. You can find plants, animals, houses and other organisms
on the soil.

(LAND) 2. Soil is formed as a result of an extremely slow process of

breaking down big rocks into smaller particles and the decay of plants and

(EARTH)3. Soil is an artificial resource.

(LAND) 4. Soil covers most of the land part of the earth.

(LAND) 5. We live on the soil and it helps us in many ways.

(Constructive – 5 minutes)
Additional Activites/Assignment Observe and describe the soil outside your house. Write your observations
on your notebook.



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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