Lesson Plans 1 To 4
Lesson Plans 1 To 4
Lesson Plans 1 To 4
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)
-investigating the transfer of heat in terms of convection, conduction and radiation, and
identifying situations in which each occurs
Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will be (Explain how you will know that lesson objective have
been achieved / monitor student learning)
able to:
(What will students know and be able to do at the
completion of the lesson specific, concise and
attainable objectives)
- the importance of having an energy efficient house
and how the design of such houses can prevent heat
loss or heat gain
- Should understand that energy efficient house design
will make the house more comfortable for winter and
-Should understand that such house save energy
- Learn how the properties of Al foil, wool, aerated
blocks, fiber glass, double glazing, ventilation and
deciduous trees, moss and other plants reflect heat
during summer and trap heat during winter.
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
There was no need to do so for this lesson and for this particular class as they were all in the science extension class
( all were brilliant students of the same level).
5 mins
Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
achieve the learning objectives?)
30 mins
I will run through the powerpoint and explain the concepts to students
I will also ask questions while running the presentation and will my best to answer questions
from students if there are any.
15 mins
Vacuum flask demonstration. As part of the slides which covers vacuum flask, we will pass three
different types of vacuum flask around the classroom and ask students to open it up, have a look
at it from inside and outside and discuss among themselves about the features of the flask and
relate it to how it can prevent heat loss and heat gain.
I will ask the classroom or the some random groups to give me an explanation about their logic
about the vacuum flask or simply asked them about their conclusion about the topic. Then after
listening to all their discussions, I will give my explanation about the topic and the activity.
20 mins
5 mins
Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
At the end of the presentation and discussions, we will run through a quick recap about the main
points and objectives of the lesson. I concluded by telling them about the need of an energy
efficient house, reminded them of the different factors that need to be taken into consideration
and how these act as an insulator or a way to stop heat loss or heat gain. To relate to the
objectives, I asked students questions to make sure I they understood what they were meant to
understand. The interacting discussion about the vacuum flask were very helpful at the end as it
EDN550 Professional Experience Information for Pre-Service Teachers 2016
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Reflecting on the lesson and how I have achieved it, and also taking into consideration my mentors comment,
I figure out that I went through the lesson slides too fast. This could have been improved by going slower and
by leaving the slides up for a few minutes so that students can also read it by themselves and make quick
notes of what I explained.
According to my mentor teacher, I had modulation in my speech but the tone was a bit low. I should have
spoke louder taking into consideration the size of the class. However, the good thing Is that as I progressed
through the presentation, my tone improved.
Thinking about the questions I have asked to the students, I must say that I was happy with the amount of
responses Ive got from students. However, I think I should have given them more time to think about the
Few positive points about the lesson:
- As I was explaining concepts, I made eye contact with all students and my questions kept them engaged. I
was also satisfied that I could engaged with them and they were not scared or felt intimidated by my
- While they were busy doing their classwork and activity, I walked around the class to check the progress.
Some students used this opportunity to ask me more questions about the topic.
Lesson Plan 2
Day: M T W T F Date: 17th Feb 2016 Time: 12.15 pm - 13.15pm Year: 10
Learning Area: Chemistry Topic: Separation of Food dyes using paper chromatography (practical class)
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Students use science inquiry skills to develop their understanding of patterns in the properties and composition of
*Since it was a pathway 2 class ( less Brilliant students), I will assume that not all students will have any
prior knowledge about the topic.
(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)
use science inquiry skills to design, conduct, evaluate and communicate investigations into the properties of
elements, compounds and mixtures and the energy changes involved in chemical reactions
evaluate, with reference to empirical evidence, claims about chemical properties, structures and reactions
communicate, predict and explain chemical phenomena using qualitative and quantitative representations in
appropriate modes and genres
Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will be (Explain how you will know that lesson objective have
been achieved / monitor student learning)
able to:
(What will students know and be able to do at the
completion of the lesson specific, concise and
attainable objectives)
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
There was a student who was Autisic. Before the class, I did some research about Autism to learn more about how
to understand how these kids actually learn. Many Autistic students are visual thinkers. So I included many visual
aids in the explanatory session. I drew diagrams on the board to explain how the chromatography paper is and
work. I included the stationary phase, mobile phase, Solvent, Solute ( used different coloured Markers on the
board). I avoided complex words and sentences. Every time, I was checking his work and asked if he understood or
not and would eventually help him. I asked questions in class and I was surprised that he was willing to answer so I
gave him extra time to answer.
5 mins
Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
achieve the learning objectives?)
35 mins
10 mins
Students will be given the time to carry out the experiment themselves. They will set up the
experiment and record their results.
In the mean time, I will work around to see if everything is running smoothly and will ask them
questions about any observations they made or recorded ( ask them why)
I will also remind them of safety in the class while doing the experiment.
After the experiment, I will ask them to clean up and put back materials where they were.
Brief discussion for the results they got and give them work sheet as homework.
10 mins
Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
At the end of the practical and discussions, we will run through a quick recap about the main
points and objectives of the lesson. I concluded by telling them about the need and use of
chromatography. To relate to the objectives, I asked students questions to make sure I they
understood what they were meant to understand such as which chemical in this experiment
acted as a solvent, which as a solute . The interacting discussion about the possible explanation
of their results made student understand that different mixtures have different components.
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Reflecting on the lesson and how I have achieved it, and also taking into consideration my mentors comment,
I figure out that this lesson was way better than my first lesson. I could clearly see the precious piece of advise
that my mentor teacher gave me becoming in effect: Teaching and the way to teach is something that you
acquired with experience. During this lesson, I was more confident, and was more engaged with the
The quick lesson with visual aids (as there was an autistic child) before starting the experiment proved to be
quite useful as the kids understood more what they should do. Also, the demonstration ( of the experiment)
made kids understand more how to set up the experiment and how to carry it out.
I must say everything worked out in this experiment.
Maybe one thing that could change was the way the students were recording their results. Some did in a
complete different way which was hard to understand after. Maybe, I should have come up with a standard
table which has all the colors that we used for the experiment and kids would have recorded how these colors
Lesson Plan 3
Day: M T W T F Date: 18th Feb 2016 Time: 11.15 to 12.15pm Year: 10 (Pathway 2)
Learning Area: Chemistry Topic: Correction of Homework ( Practical worksheet + Other worksheet on
ionic solid properties)
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)
Understand the concept of chromatography and ionic solids. Be able to apply their practical skills in solving theory
Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will be (Explain how you will know that lesson objective have
been achieved / monitor student learning)
able to:
(What will students know and be able to do at the
completion of the lesson specific, concise and
attainable objectives)
- Students should be able to understand why we use
chromatography, how to set up chromatography, what
are the safety precautions that need to be taken while
in the lab, understand why the colours separate, know
what is a solvent and what is a solute.
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
There was a student who was Autisic. Before the class, I did some research about Autism to learn more about how
to understand how these kids actually learn. Many Autistic students are visual thinkers. So I included many visual
aids in the explanatory session. I drew diagrams on the board to explain how the chromatography paper is and
work. I included the stationary phase, mobile phase, Solvent, Solute ( used different coloured Markers on the
board). I avoided complex words and sentences. Every time, I was checking his work and asked if he understood or
not and would eventually help him. For the Ionic bonding session, I also included diagrams and wrote all the
answers on the board so that students can copy and understand better.
5 mins
35 mins
10 mins
10 mins
Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
achieve the learning objectives?)
Since it is important to mark and correct worksheets, I will go through the worksheets with the
students but before that I will give them few minutes to go check their answers with their
Then I will go through the questions with the students. Firstly, I will try to ask for their answers
and then explain to them the underlying theory or concept.
Will again ask for the answer from those who could not answer after explaining the concept.
Will then write the answers for each questions on the board ( as there is one Autistic and several
less brilliant kids)
Will give them time to copy the answers to the questions.
Brief discussion for the results they got from the experiment and ask them why they think it is like
Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
At the end of the class, we will run through a quick recap about the main points and objectives of
the lesson. I concluded by telling them about the need and use of chromatography. To relate to
the objectives, I asked students questions to make sure I they understood what they were meant
to understand. Will give a quick conclusion about the important questions.
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Reflecting on the lesson and how I have achieved it, and also taking into consideration my mentors comment,
I figure out that this lesson was way better than my first lesson and second one. The confidence was stronger
and I was not nervous at all. The way I asked students to discuss their answers to their peers was really
successful. This gave students a chance to compare their answers in pairs. Students can then correct/ change/
complete their own answers before a whole class check. This puts students at the centre of the correction
process from the start and asks them to reflect upon their own and each others answers with a greater degree
of learner autonomy.
I think the only thing that could change is better timing as we could not finish marking the second exercise in
one slot as students had quite a few questions about the first worksheets.
Lesson Plan 4
Day: M T W T F Date: 19th Feb 2016 Time: 09.30am to 10.45am Year: 9 extension
Learning Area: Science Topic: Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change and Global Warming
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
- Know about the atmosphere composition
- What are green house gases
-What is global warming
- What are the alternative source of energy
- The definition of greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, what are the causes and the gases that cause greenhouse
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)
- What are the different sources of greenhouse effect
- what are the greenhouse gases
-what is global warming
-understand that there are other clean source of energy
Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will be (Explain how you will know that lesson objective have
been achieved / monitor student learning)
able to:
(What will students know and be able to do at the
completion of the lesson specific, concise and
attainable objectives)
- Students should be able to understand what is global
warming, how it is caused, what are the consequences,
what is the detrimental effects of high levels of CO2 and
other greenhouse gases.
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
There was not such adjustments to be done in this class.
10 Mins
11. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
achieve the learning objectives?)
20 mins
DVD viewing: Play video about the topic and let the students watch
After the video, allow some time for questions from students and answer them
25 mins
Worksheets: Will ask them to answer the DVD worksheet questions while watching the video
and will go through the questions after completing them.
12. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
At the end of the class, we will run through a quick recap about the main points and objectives of
the lesson. I concluded by telling them about there detrimental effects of Greenhouse gases, also
made them understand that greenhouse gases is not always a bad thing as the globe would have
been very cold without these gases and also ask few questions about the main issue brought up
in the video..
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Reflecting on the lesson and how I have achieved it, and also taking into consideration
my mentors comment, I figure out that this lesson was very interactive and the video
was very good. Students enjoyed the video and I made an important observation:
they were all absorbed into the video and was watching & listening attentively. Hence,
they actually understood the topic really well. After the video, we could clearly see the
eagerness on students face to answer questions. This probably suggests that video as a
source of learning could be a very good tool for educators.
The only thing is that we did not get time to do Sudoko for 10 mins as classes ended
early on that day due to assembly nor could the children answer the questions on the
worksheets. The announcement for the assemble was a late one and nothing could
have been made about this. Maybe in the future, we should have a backup plan about
such situation.