Faktor Kuasa
Faktor Kuasa
Faktor Kuasa
The useful power component (kW) is true power, which is totally resistive,
e.g. electric fires, tungsten lamp, iron, heater, hot plate, etc.
a. Electric motors
b. Transformers
c. Welding equipment
d. Arc furnaces
e. DC Drive
f. Choke/Ballast
g. Coil
Lagging power factors of less than 1 are caused by inductive load devices,
which require reactive power to supply the magnetizing currents. Without
corrective measures, this reactive power flows back and forth between the
loads and power source, requiring greater generating capacity and larger
transmission lines, transformers and internal feeders. Although no useful
work is done, the apparent power in kVA is greater than the real power in
The most flagrant contributor to poor power factor is the standard a.c
induction motor. This is by far the most common type of motor, used in
every plant in large numbers. The power factor, which can be expected,
varies with the size of the motor as indicated by the table below:
These motors are an even greater contributor to poor power factor when they
are operated under light load conditions, considerably less than rated. The
reason for this is that the reactive power needed to supply the magnetizing
current remains about the same, while the real power drops radically with
load. Low loads means low power factor.
is a very individualistic matter and, as seen below, the value of power factor
improvement for this purpose depends on the specific power factor penalty
clause in a customer’s utility rate schedule. In contrast, power factor
improvement for the purpose of increasing internal electrical system load
handling capabilities benefits any plant with low power factor problems.
The power triangle below shows what can be accomplished by taking local
power factor correction measures.
In turn figure below shows the additional load which can be added without
exceeding the original kVA level carried by the feeder.
The economics of power factor improvement for electric bill reduction vary
widely from utility to utility. Some utilities do not charge for poor power
factor so that if bill reduction is the only purpose no power factor
improvement measures are justified at all. Other utilities charge penalties
based on operating at power factors below levels that range from 1.00 down
to 0.80, lagging. But even here the economic justification of power factor
improvement measures depends on how the penalties are calculated and the
general level of an individual utility’s rates.
Supposing that this was a 50kW motor operating on a 415V, 3 phases, 50Hz
supply, it would draw 93 amps from the supply. This current would consist
of useless power of 56 amps to magnetize the pole pieces and 75 amps of
useful power would be transmitted through the machine to drive the load.
In order to measure this useful and useless power the supply authorities has
to install two meters:
kVArh = Tan θ
It therefore follows that if there are no kVArh, i.e a capacitor has been
installed to cater for all the magnetizing current, then the power factor would
be unity but in practice it is not economic to correct to unity.
Supply authorities frame their tariff in such a way that they charge for the
maximum demand part of the tariff in the following manner.