Power Factor Improvement
Power Factor Improvement
Power Factor Improvement
Chapter (3)
Eng.Zeyad Lababneh
In this lab we were educated in how to improve power factor using capacitors in parallel
with inductive load.
1- Introduction
Improving power factor involves minimizing the phase difference between voltage and
current. Most loads are inductive and require some reactive power to function properly.
Power factor correction is used to bring the power factor to unity. It is important to correct
power factor to avoid negative effects on energy costs, equipment lifespan, and accessory
sizing, such as electrical cables.
Induction machines used in industrial factories operating at low loads, arc lamps, and
rapidly changing power usage can result in a low power factor. As a result, utilities may
charge factories a power factor or maximum demand tariff (KVA tariff).
If Φ phase angle between voltage and current, then the power factor is Cos Φ
In an ac circuit, there is generally a phase difference between voltage and current. In an inductive circuit, the current lags the applied voltage by
an angle of 'Φ ', hence the power factor of the circuit is referred to as lagging, whereas in a capacitive circuit, the current leads the applied
voltage by an angle of ‘Φ’, hence the power factor of the circuit is referred to as leading.
Fig (a): Phase difference between current and voltage
The following are some of the advantages of the improved power factor
The main cause of low power factor (0 2 to 0.3) at light loads and (0.8 to 0.9 at full loads) is due to induction motors, which have lagging
reactive currents. These lagging reactive components of current can be compensated by connecting a device having leading currents in parallel
with the load. One such device is a capacitor. The capacitor has leading currents and partly or completely compensates these lagging reactive
components of load currents. This results in an increase in the power factor of the load.
1. Static capacitor
2. Synchronous condenser
Static Capacitor
Power factor can be improved by connecting the static capacitor in parallel with the equipment operating at lagging power factor. The
capacitor draws leading currents from the supply voltage by 90° and compensates for the lagging reactive components of the load current. In
the case of 3-phase the capacitor can be connected either in star or delta as shown here.
Synchronous Condenser
An over-excited synchronous motor running on no load is known as a Synchronous condenser. The over-excited synchronous motor takes the
leading current and behaves like a capacitor. When it is connected across supply draws leading current partially or fully compensates for the
lagging reactive components of the load current and thereby improves the power factor.
The above figure shows how a synchronous condenser is connected to improve the power factor. The 3-phase load draws a current from the
supply which lags voltage by an angle of . Now the synchronous condenser takes a current of , which leads to voltage V by an angle of .
The resultant current I can be obtained by the vector sum of and , which lags voltage by an angle of . It is clear that the angle is less
than . so that is greater than . In this way, the power factor can be improved to unity even. Synchronous condensers are usually
used where a large quantity of corrective KVAR is to be required.
o By varying the field excitation of the synchronous condenser, the power factor can be improved to a finer value.
o The synchronous condenser can withstand overloads for a short duration.
o The cost is higher than static capacitors of the same size (above 500 kVA)
o The maintenance and operation cost is high.
o Considerable losses in rotating parts of the synchronous condenser.
o Lower efficiency compared to the static capacitor (nearly 97 %)
o Produces noise during operation.
o Synchronous condenser is not self-starting, hence, it requires auxiliary equipment for starting.
o There is a chance to fall synchronous condenser is out of synchronism which leads to interruption of supply
Power Factor Improvement Solved Examples
Example1: A 3-phase, 5 kW induction motor has a p.f. of 0·75 lagging. A bank of capacitors is connected in delta across the supply terminals and
p.f. raised to 0·9 lagging. Determine the kVAR rating of the capacitors connected in each phase
Solution 1:Given
1= −1(0.75)=41.41\degree
1= (41.41)=0.8819
2= −1(0.9)=25.84\degree
2= (25.84)=0.4843
5(0.819−0.48435) = 1.99kVAR
1.99/3 = 0.66kVAR
Experiment Set-up:
The experiment was setup according to the circuit diagram below. The capacitive load was
made variable by connecting wires to the capacitor board in the power lab. By changing the
combination of different capacitors and turning them on, we were able to vary the
capacitance. And Inductive load was kept constant by connected the wires to inductive
board on power lab module.
Procedure :
capacitor Is Vs Ic Il P Q S PF(measured) PF(CALCULATED)
• Capacitors are reactive power supplying components. When capacitors are added in
parallel to the inductive load, the inductive effect will be cancelled out.
• Beyond a certain value of capacitance, the reactive power becomes in the negative region
and the apparent power does not decrease any more but starts increasing again which
causes the power factor to decrease to lower values than one.
• low power factor increase energy losses in transmission. however high power factor
decreases losses in AC transmission.
Quastios :
Homework 1 :