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Content Literacy Lesson

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Teacher Candidate: Kat Marusich

Date: February 23, 2016


Part 1: Classroom Information
Grade: 5

Content Area: History/Social Studies/ELA_____

School: Chaparral Elementary

Mentor Teacher: Bonnie Cameron

Group Size: 33 Lesson Length: 45 minutes

Student Context:

Students with Special Needs

(IEP and/or 504)
Students with Other Needs
(ELL, Behavior, Struggling
Reader, etc. Math)

Identified Needs
2 students with Autism and
2 with ADD/ADHD

Extra support through verbal
praise and encouragement during
the lesson, check understanding,
aid assistance
Monitoring throughout lesson,
check understanding, aid

Part 1: Planning for the Lesson

A: Standards

Key Content Standard:


ELA Capacity: CCSS-M Standards for Mathematical Practice, or NGSS Science

and Engineering Practices, CCSS-ELA Capacity of Literate Individuals


Related ELD Standard (must be included when using an ELA Standard):

5.A.COLLABORATIVE.1. Exchanginginformationandideaswithothersthroughoral
B. Objectives


Learning Objective/Goal: The students will (DO __) to (LEARN ___).

Students will summarize the importance of the colonists working together to learn how it
caused change within the colonies.


Language Objective (transfer this from "Incorporating Academic Language"):

Students will summarize how the colonists worked together and how this cooperation
caused change using sequence words to join ideas such as First, Next, Then, Lastly,
Finally, Later, After, and Prior to.

C. Assessments:

Informal assessment strategies you will use during class (What evidence will you
Informal assessment strategies include questioning and monitoring. I will hear students
communicating about how cooperation aids in decision making and proper history words
such as delegate, committee, correspond, unify, militia, and comparing. I will also hear
students discussing the importance of each meeting and the importance of how the
colonies cooperated. I will monitor to see if students are following along in their
workbook, if they are highlighting, underlining, or circling the correct information, and if
they are summarizing the correct events.


Written assessment you will use to determine, for each individual student, to what extent
they have met your learning objectives. (What evidence will you collect?)
Collect summary at end of class and homework the following day.

D. Lesson Resources/Materials (e.g., handouts, manipulatives, text pages, special supplies):

Our Nation student text book Lesson 5.2 pages 107-110
Copy of Lesson 5.2 pages 107-110 with only text features (cut out text)
Document Camera
Teacher Edition of Our Nation pages 107-110
KWL Chart
Homework page How did the colonists work together?
Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process
Optional: Starter and/or Homework Discussion (0 min.)

Introduction (5 min.): Describe how you will 1) make connections to prior knowledge, tap into
their experiences and interests or use a hook, AND 2) let students know what the objective of
the lesson is.
Introduction: Set the Scene.
Ask students if they have ever worked in a group? How did it go? When did you work in
a group? Was it recent?
Explain how working in a group is more effective that working alone and that the
colonists realized they had to work together in order to cause change.
Tell students the objective of this lesson is for them to summarize the importance of
colonists working together and how their working together caused change and unified the
Body of the Lesson (35 minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students will
be doing during the lesson.
Before: Think Pair Share.
Think: Have students think about if they have ever worked in a group or team.
Pair: Have students turn to a partner to share how it makes you feel when working in a
team. And what the benefits are to working in teams.
Share: Teacher will ask for volunteers to share either their answer or their partners
answer on how they feel about working in teams versus independently and why.
Review aspects of a summarydo not rewrite the original piece, keep the summary
short, use your own wording, refer to central and main ideas, read with who, what, when,
where, why, and how questions in mind, do not put own opinion into summary tell
students We are going to be writing a summary at the end of the lesson about how
colonists worked together to cause change.
What chapter is about
o Show workbook page 107 with only the text features showing (in materials)ask
for prediction
What do you see?
What do you think this page is about based on the text features?
Have students share with partner what they think
Have students share with whole group of what they mentioned or
what their partner mentioned.
Repeat for pages 108, 109 after completed pg. 107
Fill out Know part of KWL chart based on the text features in lessonBased on the
information we have read and in previous lessons, what have we learned about
o Check for understandingsee if IEP/504 and struggling students are
comprehending the informationThumbs up or down if you agree with these
items and if you could tell them to your friend.
Define unfamiliar words: delegate, committee, correspond, unify, militia, uni-

Identify and explain importance of pictures and text features within this lesson and how
they relate to cooperationpicture of men at the table working at table, title, Colonies
decide to meet
Based on looking through the text features, ask students what they Want to learn about
cooperation among the colonists that we have not learned thus far.
o AskWhat do we still want to know about cooperation that we have not found?
o Fill in Want to know section of chart
o Give examples for each categoryWhere in the text did you think of that
Read first paragraph to class pg 108
Have students read twice independently
Reread again aloud
Answer What events led to the Albany Congress.
Ask how students arrived at answer
Ask students to summarize the paragraph by writing it on the blank piece
of paper
AskHow did the colonists work together during the Albany Congress?
Read second paragraph to class
Have students read twice independently
Reread again aloud
Read second paragraph pg. 108
Answer What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?
Ask how students arrived at answer
Ask students to summarize the second paragraph by writing it on their
summary piece of paper
AskHow did the colonists cooperate during the Committee of
Read third paragraph pg. 109
Answer What were the results of the First Continental Congress?
Ask how students arrived at answer
Ask students to summarize the third paragraph by writing it on their
summary piece of paper
AskHow did the colonists work together during the First Continental
Read fourth paragraph pg. 109,
Answer In the text, underline the actions taken by the Second Continental Congress.
Ask how students arrived at answer
Ask students to summarize the fourth paragraph by writing it on their summary piece of
AskHow did the colonists work together during the Second Continental Congress?

Summarize main events that led colonists to successfully cooperate and how colonists
were able to cause change.

Check for understandingsee if IEP/504 and struggling students are

comprehending the information, aid present to assist further and keep on task
Thumbs up or down if you agree with these items and if you could tell them to
your friend.
AskSo, what have we learned about cooperation based on the information in
this lesson? Record information under the Learned part of the KWL chart
Review aspects of a summary againdo not rewrite the original piece, keep the summary
short, use your own wording, refer to central and main ideas, read with who, what, when,
where, why, and how questions in mind, do not put own opinion into summary
Post slides of aspects of writing a summary
Write sentence starters on the board for the summary of how colonists worked
together to cause change
The colonists worked together to
The Continental Congress took step to
The Committee of Correspondence led tothrough cooperation.
The Albany Congress enabled colonists to
The colonies caused change by)

Students write a summary of how the colonists worked together to cause change within
the colonies.
Remind students they have summaries of the paragraphs and now the question is asking
to determine how cooperation was successfully used to cause change.
Check for understandingsee if IEP/504 and struggling students are
comprehending the information and are able to write the summary

Homework (if you are assigning homework, what will it be?):

Assign How did the colonists work together? worksheet
Closure (5 minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson and
restate the learning objective.
After: Discussion
Students share key ideas mentioned within summaries
Part 3: Incorporating Academic Language
(to be completed after you have planned the content part of your lesson plan)
1. Describe the rich learning task(s) related to the content learning objective.
The rich learning task is for students to write a summary about the importance of working
together and how the colonists worked together to cause change. It is related to the learning
objective because students are summarizing an informational text, a writing skill, of how
cooperation aids decision making.

2. Language Function: How will students be communicating in relation to the content in the
learning task(s)? Identify the specific function (purpose or genre) you want to
systematically address in your lesson plan that will scaffold students to stronger disciplinary
discourse. The language function will always be a verb. Some examples are: describe,
identify, explain, justify, analyze, construct, compare, or argue.
Students will summarize how cooperation aids in decision making by completing a written
summary of the events of the lesson.
3. Language Demands: Looking at the specific function (purpose or genre) your students will
be using, what are the language demands that you will systematically address in this lesson?
Key to this lesson: delegate, committee, correspond, unify, militia, uniSyntax1: ]ggvf
Prior to
Discourse2: Students will read the text, answer questions relevant to the paragraphs,
annotate their text, discuss with a partner, share what they learned with the whole class,
offer information for the KWL chart, and write an independent summary.
4. Language Objective: What is/are the language objective(s) for your lesson? (The students
For example: The students will compare different types of parallelograms using transition
words such as similarly, different from or by contrast. Note: be sure to copy and paste this
into the top of the lesson planner.
Students will summarize how the colonists worked together and how this cooperation caused
change using sequence words to join ideas such as First, Next, Then, Then, Lastly, Finally,
Later, After, and Prior to.
5. What does your language objective sound like/look like for different levels of language
learners? Ask yourself, What would the students say/write when using the language
1Use of a variety of sentence types to clarify a message, condense information, and combine ideas, phrases, and clauses.
2 Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the
discipline talk, write, and participate in knowledge construction.

function. Remember to consider the language demands while creating sample language that
the students might use.



The colonists did/did not work

The Albany Congress, Committee of
Correspondence, and Continental
Congress were meetings.
The colonies did/did not unify.

The colonists worked together

by ____.
The Albany Congress showed
The Committee of
Correspondence allowed
_____ to unify the colonies.
The Continental Congress
took steps to solve ____

The colonists worked together
by ______________ to cause
The Albany Congress showed
_______ about the colonists.
The Committee of
Correspondence allowed
_______ to help unify the
colonies because _______.
The Continental Congress
took steps to solve ____
(problems listed) by ______
preparing the colonies for

6. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach
the specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent
Introduce new words and have
students tell the word to a
partner and what they think the
word means

Guided Practice
Have students annotate text

Independent Practice
Set norms for partner

Sentence starters

Protocols for answering each


Partner/group work

Use student primary language


Rephrase/re-voice student

Filling out KWL chart

Aspects of summaryreview
what a summary is

Answers with walk through of

how got there
Written directions for how to
write a summary available for
Homework, one page

7. Be sure to incorporate your ideas in #6 above into your actual lesson plan!
Assessment Notes:

* Be sure to incorporate assessment items of your targeted academic language into your
* Be sure to review any assessments you are going to use, and consider what modifications you
may need to make for your language learners.
Part 4: Lesson Analysis
In addition to answering the questions below, annotate (make notes on) the actual lesson plan to
indicate what worked, what didnt, missed opportunities you had, where you collected evidence
of student learning, how you monitored students, and other anecdotes.
1. What was your content learning objective/goal?
Students will summarize the importance of the colonists working together and how it caused
change within the colonies.
2. a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or
made progress toward the content learning objective? Please complete the chart below.
Teacher Actions &/or Strategies
Students were asked to summarize the
main point of the first paragraph

Evidence of Student Learning

Students made progress toward the
learning objective of summarizing by first
restating information from the text. When
asked, if you were to tell your mom today
what you learned in History, and you did
not have your textbook in front of you,
what would you tell her about the colonies
deciding to meet. Students were able to
then summarize the main event by telling
me that they wanted to improve the
relationship with the Iroquois so they could
be allies (a word we learned last week).

Students were able to fill out the Know

section of the KWL chart

Students were asked to tell what they knew

about cooperation based on the text
preview. They were able to tell me that the
colonists used cooperation to help the
colonists through war, helped them agree,
and helped them work together to form the
Continental Congress after looking at the
text features.

Students were able to identify the Want to

know section of the KWL chart based on
looking at the text features

Students were able to comprehend the text

features and connect to the fact that the
colonists would be participating in
cooperation, somehow, throughout this
lesson. They were able to tell me that they
wanted to know How did cooperation
helped the colonists? Were there any
conflicts among colonists? Are debts and
taxes still in process? and How did they
work together?

b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies you used that led to successful
student learning of your content learning objective.
Questioning was a strategy that was used successfully because I was able to lead the
students in the direct direction of summarizing each paragraph. I was able to ask students to
tell me the summary and I received an answer. However, the student answering the question
would first tell me a sentence from the text. I then asked them, If you did not have your
book in front of you what would you tell me? There were then able to rephrase the
information and tell me through their own words, after a moment of thinking. Questioning
enabled me to hear what students were thinking and it enabled me to guide them toward the
learning objective of summarizing.
Another strategy that was used successfully was the use of the KWL chart. Students were
able to connect the text features to what they know about cooperation based on the previous
information about the colonies and things they still want to know about cooperation while
reading the text. Students were able to look at the text features and relate them to cooperation
after being questioned. They were also able to create questions about what they still want to
know about cooperation and how the colonists benefitted from it. This was successful
because students had specific questions they could answer throughout the lesson. They could
look at the chart with their questions and it enabled them to guide them toward answering the
questions based on the information we read.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?
Evidence that is missing is if all students were able to summarize each paragraph and if
they were able to connect that information to how it lead colonists to cooperate and how it
caused change within the colonies. To capture this in the future, I will have students write out
their summaries of each paragraph as well as a final summary of how colonists cooperated
and how it caused change within the colonies on a separate piece of paper. This summary will
be collected at the end of class as an exit ticket.

a) What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled
to meet or make progress toward this goal? Please complete the chart below.

Teacher Actions &/or Strategies

Asked students to summarize the first

Calling on students to summarize the


Evidence of Student Learning

Students re-read sentences from the
paragraph. They were not able to
comprehend the information. They told me
that, Britain wanted to improve relations
with the Iroquois, which was directly
from the text.
One student paused for a long time after
asked the question, What was the
summary of the Leaders Meet in
Philadelphia? This student kept looking
at me and then the text with an unsure
look on her face. She then said she did not
know and asked if I could ask someone

b) Write a narrative that explains the decisions and strategies that may have interfered or
created missed opportunities in terms of student learning.
Selecting students to answer each question was a strategy that interfered with student
learning because I kept seeing the same hands raised. When I called on students who did not
raise their hand, it was clear they had not made progress toward the learning goal. They were
not able to summarize the paragraph without referring to direct quotes from the text.
Another strategy that interfered was combining the KWL chart with discussing aspects of
summarizing. I feel these hindered students toward meeting the learning goal because there
was so much going on in this lesson. They were asked to identify aspects of cooperation that
they knew about from previewing the text features and information they wanted to know
about cooperation after previewing the text. Then they were asked to summarize the text
paragraph by paragraph during the lesson. I feel if I focused on one aspect or another, KWL
chart or summarizing the text, it would have been more beneficial for the students.
c) What evidence is missing? What would you do to capture this evidence in the future?
Evidence that is missing is if students are able to summarize events within a paragraph, if
they are able to connect the information to the importance of the colonists working together,
and how it caused change within the colonies. To capture this in the future I will focus on one
aspect. I will focus solely on summarizing. I will have the students read the paragraph twice
and I will read the paragraph to them once more. Then, I will ask them specific questions that
will guide them toward successfully completing the learning goal.
4. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what decisions and
strategies would you change (in planning, instruction, and/or assessment) to teach an

upcoming lesson? How do you expect these strategies to impact students achievement of the
lesson learning goal(s)?
If I were to teach this lesson again, I would focus on one specific strategy that leads to the
learning goal. This lesson plan contained too much content for the time allotted. I would
focus solely on summarizing and not have the KWL chart present. I would read the
paragraph aloud and then have the students read the paragraph independently twice after.
Next, I would have the students pair share, share their partners response with the whole
class, then write the summaries of each paragraph. This would be more beneficial because
students would become familiar with the text as they read it. They would also all be required
to write each summary of every paragraph after reading.
I would also have students copy their summaries to a separate piece of paper. By
summarizing each paragraph, and ultimately how cooperation aided the colonists, which is
the learning objective, students can see how cooperation benefitted the colonists. They would
be able to reference their mini summaries, summaries of each paragraph, to compile them
into a summary of the whole chapter.
5. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps
in future instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?
Next steps for future instruction will be to finish this lesson. I was not able to finish this
lesson in my allotted time. I will finish this lesson by having students read, re-read,
summarize, and answer how the questions about colonists cooperating correlate to each
paragraph. I will have the students write their summaries and identify the importance of the
colonists working together and how it caused change within the colonies.

History-Social Science for California Our Nation, Scott Foresman, 2006. Unit 5 Lesson 2. This
lesson will be used in this lesson because it is the subsequent lesson in their Social Science unit.
It shows how cooperation within the colonies led to unification and preparation for war if

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