Who Wants To Live A Million Years Lesson Plan
Who Wants To Live A Million Years Lesson Plan
Who Wants To Live A Million Years Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Who Wants to Live a Million Years?
Subject: Evolution
Time: 45 Minutes
Lesson Objective(s): (What students will accomplish by the end of a single lesson; needs to
align with core curriculum/student achievement standard)
o After completing a computer simulation, students will understand how genetic
variations in a population can create adaptations in individuals that can lead to
either the success or downfall of a population, and demonstrate competency by
completing a worksheet with at least 85% accuracy.
Instructional Materials: Materials needed for the lesson (textbook, construction paper,
scissors, PowerPoint, guided note templates)
o Mobile lab (laptop for each student)
o Who Wants to Live a Million Years worksheet
survive through natural disasters and predators. The goal is to find the
right combination of adaptations to help their organisms survive for a
million years.
o Guided Practice: (teacher directed, scaffolding, check for student understanding
including any questions to ask or anticipate from students)
Using the projector, guide students to the correct website using the
address listed on their worksheet
Instruct students to complete the Learn About Natural Selection
section of the website before moving on to the game
This includes Natural Selection, Darwins Bio, and Quiz
o Independent Student Practice: (e.g., teacher monitored, check for student
understanding including any questions to ask or anticipate from students)
Students should work through all sections of the simulation, making sure
to fill out their worksheets as they go along.
Complete the Natural Selection, Darwins Bio, and quiz
sections of the simulation before moving on to the Survival
o Record all answers on the worksheet
Students should complete at least three attempts at The Survival
Game, making sure to carefully note initial and additional
adaptations for each attempt
o Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: (e.g., review terms, concepts,
and/or learning process; establish connections to the next lesson; check for
student understanding including any questions to ask or anticipate from
Find out which students were able to survive a million years at least once.
Have them describe the adaptations and lifesavers they used
Student Assessment/Rubrics: What will you use to determine if students have met the
objective(s) for this lesson? (Include pre- and post-assessment plansformal and/or
informal, summative and/or formative, etc.).
o Pre-assessment:
Formal: Bell Ringer
o Formative:
Informal: As students complete the simulation, walk around the room
and periodically check in with students. Make sure they are following
directions correctly. Ask which adaptations they have used and which
ones they find to have been the most beneficial.
o Summative:
Formal: completion of Who Wants to Live a Million Years worksheet
Name: _______________________________________________
Period: ________________
Darwins Bio:
1. The boat that Darwin sailed on when he visited the Galapagos Islands was called:
2. Where was Charles Darwin born?
3. What was the name of the book that Charles Darwin wrote?
1. _____
5. _____
9. _____
2. _____
6. _____
10. _____
3. _____
7. _____
4. _____
8. _____
Long neck
Short legs
Long legs
Your goal is to try to get your species to survive for 1 million years through environmental pressures
such as temperature changes, predators, and diseases. As you play the game, keep track of what
traits you started with as well as what pressures you encounter.
To begin, you will choose three organisms. You can access more mutations (variations due to
chance changes in the genes). What does Charles say about diversity? You will have two life
preservers/mutations to introduce new traits into your population. Read carefully and choose
wisely. Make note of any life preservers used.
Make a table of three attempts to make it to a million years. Record your initial traits, additional
mutations, and pressures that you experience during the game.
Attempt #
Initial Traits
Additional Mutations
If you make it to 1 million years, what enabled you to accomplish this? _______________________
If you didnt make it, what could you have done differently? ________________________________