Lesson Plan Template: Learning Goal: Understand
Lesson Plan Template: Learning Goal: Understand
Lesson Plan Template: Learning Goal: Understand
Course: T&L1
Date: 4/13/16
Subject: Science
Grade level: K
science) K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to
survive. [Clarification Statement: Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in food but plants do
not; the different kinds of food needed by different types of animals; the requirement of plants to have light; and that all
living things need water.]
Learning Goal:
The students will understand that everything exists under certain circumstances.
Critical Content:
Critical Skills:
Assessment Plan
Sentence Stem:
Formative/Summative: Students will... Teacher will...
Integration of
(Reading, Writing,
Viewing, Visual
Formative: students will categorize the sorting picture activity and describe why they put
them where they did.
I will collect them at the end of class to evaluate
Technology Standards
Language Objectives:
Includes either the academic
language you will be teaching or
the language processes you will
expect the students to use during
the lesson. Ex: Ask and answer
questions. Orally defend a
ITSE: creativity and innovation- apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
Ex: Google Docs: Modification, Teacher will have students use a google doc to sign up for performance projects.
Sentence stem: Differentiated the (process, product, content, environment) by _(name the strategy)_ based on student (ability, interest, readiness).
For the kinesthetic/ tactile learners I will have them color and cut out pictures and then have them
glue them on paper.
For the auditory and visual learners I will speak instruction as well as write it on the board.
Visual is the organization of the checklist as well as the sorting of the pictures.
The visual and auditory learners will enjoy the computer game as well.
For the kinesthetic learners, I will have them all get up and do an activity where they have to go to a
wall marked living or another wall marked non-living to answer questions that I ask.
(Includes: Hook the learner increase interest, activate prior
knowledge, review, preview content and vocabulary,
essential questions posed, and relevance established)
Good morning! Its a great day to be alive. Who can tell me what it means to be alive? *kids
answer* Make a list of what the students say makes a living thing and then use reasoning to
eliminate the reasons that are not true. Alright class, we have a great list of things that can help
us figure out if something is living or nonliving. There are 5 characteristics that living things have
and they have to have all of those 5 in order to actually be classified as living.
Guided Practice:
Go through the checklist with them and make sure they have a good idea about it. Describe to the students
the instructions with coloring the pictures, cutting them out and sorting them. Go through the instructions
with the wall game.
Independent Practice:
Have the students sort the living and non-living pictures on separate pages. Have the students finish filling
out the Is it alive checklist on their own as we read the words together as a class. The students will all
work together on the online game to figure out the answers.
Review what we have learned about what makes something living. Think Pair Share: Ask each student to
think of their 3 favorite living and non-living things and share them with a partner.
Self Reflection:
What went well?
What will I change?
I need to make sure that the students know that there are 5 things that something has to meet in order for it
to be a living thing. Covering the vocabulary is incredibly important in the beginning. Make sure to follow up
with the students and see what they are learning and assessing whether or not theyre getting it.