Classification of Living Things
Classification of Living Things
Classification of Living Things
Duration 45 mins
Specific topic of lesson plan Classification of living things
General objectives:
• Textbook
• Charts
• Whiteboard
Method of teaching:
• Lecture method
• Activity method
• Demonstration method based learning approach will be utilized.
Previous knowledge testing & Announcement
• I will ask the students to open page # 2 from the book and to read the
paragraph of lesson with correct pronunciation.
• I will then correct their pronunciation.
• Students will follow me.
• Then I will explain the paragraph for
better understanding of students.
• I will show the chart to help them
in understanding the classification of living things
Kingdoms of classification:
Now a days scientist classify living things into five main group is called
classification. These kingdoms are name as
• Monera ………………… Bacteria
• Protista ………………. Algae
• Fungai …………………. Yeast, Mushroom, etc
• Animalia ………………. Animals
• Plantae ………………… Plants
Bacteria: Algae:
• Bacteria are unicellular organisms. • Algae are unicellular, colonial and
• They are found everywhere on the world.
multicellular organism.
• Some bacteria makes their food but other
live in and get food from the body of other • They are found in ponds, sea, lakes etc.
organisms or dead bodies. • They have chlorophyll and make their
• Most bacteria cause diseases in animals and own food by photosynthesis
Examples: Chlamydomonas, volvox,
Fungai: Animals:
• Fungai are found unicellular, • Animals are major group of multicellular
multicellular or filamentous form. organisms.
• They cannot prepare their own food.
• All Fungai lack chlorophyll and cannot
prepare their own food. • They depends on plants and other
animals for their food.
• They absorbs food from their
surroundings, yeast, and mushroom etc.
Classroom activity:
• After this assessment the I will ask the students the questions of the
lesson classification of living things as their homework.