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Allison Laws
Ms. Lindsey Belzyt
International Academy of Macomb
2739 Words
March 2015



Taking Action


Appendix A: Process Journal Extracts


Appendix B: Product/Outcome


Works Cited


When I began the Personal Project, I decided to choose a topic that was both interesting
and challenging, so I would have the opportunity to learn and make mistakes. I began the process
by listing my hobbies and activities I participate in, such as figure skating and dancing, so I
could identify the topic my project would revolve around. I noticed that all of these activities all
involve exercise, so I chose it as my topic. Then, I found a global context that related to the topic
of exercise, which was Identities and Relationships. This global context focuses on health,
especially physical and mental, while also focusing on collaborating with the community.
However, exercise is an extremely broad topic to be researching, so I had to narrow it
down further, which led to my inquiry question: how does exercise help improve the mood of
those with depression or other difficulties, and how can we help those people? Yet, I eventually
changed it to, how does exercise help improve stress, depression, and anxiety and how has it
changed the lives of people suffering from these three conditions? I changed it because I had the
opportunity to communicate with people over a longer period of time, and I already knew ways
to help people with depression. Therefore, the new question would allow me to discover new
information. I am upset when I see people suffering from difficulties that surround their daily
lives, and I wanted to see how exercise could improve the lives of these people experiencing
depression or other conditions. This brainstorming led to my goal.
The goal for my personal project is to make a video of people with depression or anxiety
exercising with other people with the same difficulties. This is a difficult goal to achieve
because many people have busy schedules and may not be able to make it to one of the classes.
Also, the people that I will contact might not be able to attend/teach on one of the days that the
class meets. I would be thankful if many people from the community became involved with this
project, even though they may not be affected by these problems themselves. Within this goal, I

hope that I can help better the lives of these individuals by exercising with others that suffer from
the same difficulties as them.
Like I stated before, it hurts me when I notice that people everywhere have their own
struggles, and many can be life threatening when untreated. I want the community to be
involved in helping these people so they can feel more welcomed in the community. Some
people might cast them out because they have these difficulties, and my project will help connect
them. I hope that with this topic for my Personal Project, I can help improve the lives of people
suffering from depression and other struggles that they face in their daily lives by showing them
how exercise can help their conditions.
I started the research process by collecting multiple sources in order to present my final
outcome. It was difficult to choose which ones were the most important because I didnt know
which websites displayed accurate information. I also decided to interview people and collect
surveys that would give me some primary sources for the project, since the websites were
secondary sources.
I began researching by finding background information on my topic; specifically looking
for evidence that proves that exercise does improve symptoms that cause depression. Although
most of these were secondary sources, I had to research this, so I could move forward with my
project. Most of these sources were found on the Internet, where I could easily access them.
And from these sources, I was able to collect information on how exercise relieves symptoms of
depression. These helped me learn about exercise, and let me brainstorm what I could do to
bring my project into the community. Additionally, I used research skills from my classes to help
me with finding sources as well. This played a large role in deciding whom I wanted to
interview and include in my project.

I looked at information from psychologists and other researchers to make sure that the
research was plausible. I learned that exercise improves health problems, such as high blood
pressure or arthritis. Although not everyone has health problems such as these, they can still gain
confidence in themselves once they start exercising. Before staring the project, I believed that
confidence was a key way to take people out of a depressed state, and it has been shown that
exercise raises self-esteem; therefore, my hypothesis was correct. Some ways that exercise
improves depression symptoms are that the body temperature rises and it reduces immune
system chemicals. This can cause a calming effect to come over the person. Other examples are
that it distracts someone of worries, helps them have social interactions, and it promotes a
beneficial way to cope. Coping in a healthy way is very important, because if people reflect on
how badly they feel or live with their condition, hoping the symptoms will disappear, it can lead
to worsening symptoms, doing the opposite of what they want to accomplish.
I later reminded myself during the project that my previous gym teacher during middle
school, Mike Benavides, used to be overweight. I decided that I wanted to interview him so I
could have a primary source for my report, and so people could hear someones experience with
exercise. The interview gave me the perspective of someone that was overweight and had
problems with self-esteem and confidence, but overcame it. He described his personal story with
exercise, before and after he started. I noticed that most of his time being overweight caused
difficulties, such as being able to move, and he suffered from them. Also, he was never
motivated to exercise during this time, making his self-esteem very low, until it lead to visible
problems. So he started exercising daily, and he was able to lose almost half his weight. From
the information I received, Benavides was happier when he was exercising. I am thankful that I
was able to listen to his story because numerous people also suffer from obesity, and his story is

relatable (Appendix B). Working with him throughout this project gave me relief because I
could rely on someone to help me with information and gave me new ideas on what to do to help
me with the goal.
Finally, I used Weebly to create a survey for students throughout our school. I understand
the amount of stress that comes from homework and studying, which is why I made the survey
(Appendix B). I cope with the stress by exercising regularly, and I wanted to observe others
reactions to exercise, as well. The surveys allowed me to see how other people reacted to
exercising. Most of the responses were positive, but a few were negative. I inferred that that was
how they felt very close to the time they finished exercising, which is reasonable. Over time
physical activity improves mood more effectively, rather than shortly after they exercised. The
most used response was that they felt lively, energetic, and healthy, and only two responses were
that they were upset after exercising (Refer to Figures 4-5: Appendix B). I also asked, as an
option, if the responder had anxiety or depression. And, many replied with yes, some form of
either or both. This information more so helped me with proving the other information was
correct, instead of finding more research.
During the beginning of the project, I set up specific criteria for success. This included
interviewing multiple people, going to different fitness clubs/places, and video taping three
separate exercises. I selected these criteria because it includes three important parts of my
outcome. I needed each requirement so my product could be completed, with including
information from primary sources. My criteria are precise, and present three specific
requirements for the outcome.
Additionally, I created a timeline/calendar, explaining what I had to complete each day,
for both the outcome and report. I also followed the handouts given, which included a six-step

process to begin the project, which helped formulate my goal. I wrote process journals for each
step, including process journal one and two (Appendix A: 1-2). In first semester, I changed my
question multiple times; because it was either too confining or it didnt allow me to develop a
strong goal and criteria. I also changed what I wanted my outcome to be, especially since I
didnt have time or wasnt allowed to go and videotape certain classes, which included the
Recreational Center in Macomb (Appendix A: 3-4). Throughout the summer, I completed my
product, and continuously documented my process and development (Appendix A: 5-6). I was
able to follow a timeline that required me to do specific amounts of work each day, while having
the flexibility to change whatever I needed to.
Since I am a very organized person, I didnt have trouble managing my time and
resources. The calendar kept me on track with the project, and included deadlines, so I could
finish what was necessary. Also, some obstacles throughout the project overcame me. The
major obstacle I faced was with the Recreational Center in Macomb. I wasnt allowed to
videotape, yet it took them about two weeks to respond to me, which put me behind schedule.
Another example is that extra-curriculas and vacations during the summer didnt give me a lot
of time to complete the product. However, I handled the obstacles by searching for alternative
places to videotape. It was extremely helpful that my neighbor has a subscription to Anytime
Fitness because it allowed me to videotape there. And, I have done yoga at Bliss Yoga before, so
the owner was familiar with my aunt and I. So, the people surrounding me helped me handle the
obstacles that came.
After I evaluated all of my sources, I continued contacting people [from fitness and yoga
clubs] throughout the city. During the summer, I was able to be in contact with my previous
yoga instructor, Mary Sabo, and my neighbors fitness instructor. Mary S. is the owner of Bliss

Yoga in Shelby Township. My neighbors instructor is a trainer at Anytime Fitness in Macomb.

I received permission from them to create my outcome at their Wednesday [Energize/Spinning]
classes. So, I had the chance to finish my outcome during the summer.
My outcome is a video, about six to seven minutes long, displaying three different types
of exercises- yoga, cycling/spinning, and strength training- that can help people suffering from
depression (Refer to Figures 1-3: Appendix B). The video was edited on IMovie, and includes
text and pictures explaining the project and exercises. Music and transitions were added to make
the video more interesting, since the original audio was soft and almost inaudible. I videotaped
three styles because individuals have unique body types, and they are able to experience an
exercise that is perfect for them, instead of one type that makes them miserable. Unfortunately,
the video is too large for it to be posted on Weebly, however it is open for people to access [as a
hard copy] if someone wants to view it. My outcome includes a great amount of information that
was made with the help of the community.
Like stated previously, my goal was to create a video of people with depression and
anxiety exercising, so I could help people outside the community. Although I didnt interview
every person in each class, I know that they were there for a reason. If no one there had a form
of depression or anxiety, I still was able to create a video that will help people with anxiety or
depression, due to the research I discovered early in the project. Therefore, my outcome reflects
the goal because I achieved creating this video. My outcome also connects to the global context
I chose, which was Identities and Relationships. Using exercise as my topic makes the outcome
directly relate to Identities and Relationships, because this global context includes physical and
mental health. Therefore, I was able to explore health and well-being. My outcome correlates
with the goals and global context I chose.

The research I examined helped me when finishing/organizing my outcome. I used all of

the research to determine which exercises would be most helpful, because I never investigated
further to see which exercises were the most helpful. If I had researched after, I wouldnt have
learned and I wouldnt have made mistakes, which was an important part of this entire project.
We [students] were supposed to make mistakes and learn from them, so we could have the
perseverance to keep trying until we obtained the material we needed for the product or outcome.
I collaborated with many people when planning the outcome. I worked with my aunt and Mary
for the yoga section of my outcome, because my aunt participates in the classes weekly, so she
knew Mary more than I did. I worked with my neighbor and her instructor, plus the manager of
Anytime Fitness, for the cycling and strength training portion of my outcome (Appendix 2).
Everyone was very helpful and they were the people that gave me the opportunity to make my
outcome, since I was turned down my other fitness clubs.
My final product reflects new ideas and acknowledges multiple perspectives. Finding
three different types of exercises that were helpful is new research, since many health websites
only state that exercise helps depression and anxiety without much explanation about which
exercises benefit these mental disorders. I had the opportunity to discover more benefits to
practicing exercises that I enjoy doing. The inclusion of three exercises also represents different
perspectives. I was able to see how instructors teach differently and what they believe about
exercising. Therefore, I was able to create an outcome that includes information that can help
people with depression or anxiety disorders.
The whole process I have been involved in for my project has been very stressful,
however I am very content with my outcome. Like stated previously, my criteria was to

interview people, go to different fitness clubs/places, and video tape three different exercises,
and my outcome follows my requirements perfectly. My video includes two different fitness
clubs (Bliss Yoga and Anytime Fitness), and contains three unique exercises (Appendix B). And,
I did interview my middle school gym teacher, which was the other criterion. I definitely could
make improvements with this project, specifically branching out to other places within the
community, so I could have a variety of exercises and people in my final video. However, it was
difficult being in contact with other clubs; yet, I was still able collaborate with three
people/companies to complete the project.
In addition, I am very appreciative of the knowledge I have gained throughout the
project. I can use the information I learned while Im exercising, specifically, being mindful of
how I feel. Also, I can use it to help others with anxiety and depression I could encounter in the
future. Also, I have been able to learn about the benefits of exercise. Conducting research and
being involved in the exercises helped expand my knowledge. Completing the project helped me
learn about my global context, Identities and Relationships. I had the opportunity to learn about
many individuals experiences and how it has shaped their personalities. With the Relationship
aspect, I was able to view connections throughout the community, and the interactions between
the club members, whether it was Bliss Yoga or Anytime Fitness.
Finally, throughout the project, I developed three IB Learner traits, which include inquiry,
thinking, and balance. Developing the attributes of an inquirer included researching, both online
and inside the fitness organizations. I was able to become a better thinker by creating the process
I followed to make my outcome. I also improved my thinking skills by overcoming obstacles
and finding an alternative plan to fix the problem. Being balanced was a major part of the
project. I had to balance extra-curricular activities, homework, and the project throughout the

school year and summer. Additionally, I developed two ATL skills, which consist of
collaboration and organization. I collaborated with numerous people throughout the project, who
helped me develop my goal and made my outcome, because I wouldnt have an outcome without
any people in the video. Also, I developed organization skills, even though I was a very
organized person before I began the Personal Project. I specifically planned out what I had to
complete each day and had a systematic mindset so I was on task.
Overall, the process of completing the Personal Project helped me develop skills and
interact with the community that increased my knowledge and improved my education.


Things I am involved in after school are figure skating, on Mondays and Fridays
every week, and I go to my churchs youth group every Wednesday, for junior and
senior high studentI think people my age are concerned about their self-image,
social media, food, popularity, and television. I think people around the world are
concerned about hunger, poverty, employment, and terrorism. My topic for
investigation is physical activity and obesity. I chose this topic because I think
physical activity/exercise is important so you dont become obese. This fits under
Identities and Relationships because this global context relates to health.
Today I started step three for the personal project. Some questions I am considering
How can fun and energetic workouts impact how someone feels?
What ways can physical activity affect the weight of people?
How may working out with groups of people affect how you feel while you work
The question I am going to research for my personal project is how can fun, energetic
workouts with groups of people affect how you feel while you work out? I
researched this question and found out that exercise give you more energy throughout
your day and it has been found out that working out with others is more fun.
I have decided that Im going to go to my sisters dance studio to see what days they
have Zumba classes and I might look into Zumba to see what days they might have a

big event. In my research, I have found that the neurotransmitters within your body
cause a feeling of pleasure and reduce the amount of pain you may feelStress can
also cause negative thinking, so people who dont stress about things as much
normally have a better mood. Exercise also is a distraction from negative thinking
and helps people relax more.
Today I spoke with Mrs. Broski about my topic. I am changing my question but it
will still be on the same topic, which is exercise. My new question is, how does
exercise help improve the mood of those with depression or other difficulties and how
can we help those people? I like this question much more than my last one because I
feel more confident with this question. My research that I have done still corresponds
with this new question but I can find more information on it as well.
My goal is now to make a video promoting the three best types of exercise that
helps relieve stress. My question is now how does exercise help improve stress,
depression, and anxiety and how has it changed the lives of people suffering from
these three conditions? Today I went to videotape part of my final product at Bliss
Yoga. This was a four-minute video of customers/yoga enthusiasts participating in a
7:30 Energize/Yin class. The Macomb Recreational Center wouldn't allow me to
videotape, so I will be video taping at Anytime Fitness as well next week.

I have finished editing and improving my video. I have music and audio throughout
the video and it is informational as well. The slides are transitioned in an intriguing
way and it's not that boring anymore. I also provided explanation so people can
understand my inquiry question before the video actually begins. I am very content
with my outcome, and although it was sort of a chaotic process throughout the
summer and this past month, I am very happy that my product is over and that I can
start the final draft of the report.

Includes description of my goal and question. Six minutes of yoga, cycling/spinning, and
strength training.
A: How did you feel prior to exercising?
B: First of all, I was embarrassed and uncomfortable doing activities that people do daily.
My self-confidence and self-esteem was very low and I was never pleased with myself.
I wasnt motivated to be active because I just wanted to eat. Eating junk food didnt give
me any energy to move and I felt tired every day when I was overweight. Also, I was
much more pessimistic about life, in general. I was always looking on the bad side of
things and not as much as the good in life.
A: How did exercise improve the way you live today?
B: When I started exercising, I felt healthier and I ate healthier. This health led me to
have more energy to accomplish tasks throughout the day. I wanted to do more daily than
just sitting around because I could move faster. Exercising also increases my selfconfidence and I became more outgoing. I was much more optimistic about life because
I felt good about myself. I also wanted to help others more that were in the same
situation as I was.
A: Do you think exercise can help those with depression or anxiety?
B: Yes, I definitely think that exercise can help people with depression or anxiety. It is a
great way to manage stress and figure out different emotions. Time spent exercising is a

great way to manage your time if you arent doing anything. It has been researched that
exercise does improve mood. There is a release of endorphins that makes you feel
happier. Working out will give people a better outlook on life, in my opinion.

A: In what ways do you think the community can get involved with helping people that
suffer from depression or anxiety with exercise?
B: I think our community could educate people better to incorporate exercise in the daily
life. I also think that the community could establish more community programs. The
community should be educated nutrition and how to eat the right way despite busy
schedules and high costs of health foods. If you compare the prices of a McDonalds
burger to organic food, there is a big difference in price.
A: Do you think exercising in groups is more helpful than exercising alone?
B: Yes, working in groups is better and helps motivate people to come to class more
often. They will want to exercise more when they work with others. There is a support
system when you exercise in a group because they are all there for the same reason.
Whether it is lack of confidence or being self-conscious about their weight, they are all
there in a similar situation.




These images are of my neighbors exercise

group at Anytime Fitness.


How Often People Exercise


How People Feel After They Exercise

These two figures display the results from the Weebly surveys.


Arnold, Kylene. Does Exercising Affect Your Mood? Livestrong.com. Demand Media, 18
February 2015. Web. 1 October 2014.
Benavides, Mike. Personal Interview. 9 December 2014.
Mayo Clinic Staff. Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms. Mayo Clinic. Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 10 October 2014. Web. 15 October
Nair, Lakshmy. How Exercise Improves Mood. Livestrong.com. Demand Media, 18 February
2015. Web. 1 October 2014.
Pozen, Robert C. Exercise Increases Productivity. Brookings. The Brookings Institution, 24
October 2012. Web. 30 September 2014.
Weebly Survey Entries. 90 entries. 16 September 2014 to 18 December 2014.
Weir, Kristen. The Exercise Effect. American Psychological Association. American
Psychological Association, December 2011. Web. 30 September 2014.

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