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Nurs 3020 Final

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NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Evaluation Process Nursing 3020

The Mid-Term Evaluation will be completed by students at the mid-point of the clinical placement to
assist students to take inventory of their current development and assist them to make plans for
future clinical practice. The student will use a reflective process to help assess progress in meeting
established program, year, and course objectives. The student will submit an electronic copy of the
Mid-Term Evaluation document to the clinical instructor prior to the formal mid-term student
evaluation. Because the document is to be completed electronically, the student and instructor can
take as much space as they need to provide appropriate evidence and feedback.
After receiving the students Mid-Term Evaluation, the clinical instructor will complete the comment
section providing feedback and evaluation of the students progress. The clinical instructor will
provide suggestions for improvement. The instructor will place a check in the S column if progress
is satisfactory, and in the U column if progress is unsatisfactory. If a student demonstrates
unsatisfactory progress at mid-term, the student and instructor will develop a Learning Plan outlining
strategies in which the student will engage, along with clear expectations that must be met for the
successful completion of the course. The course professor may be involved in developing the learning
The student and instructor should save and print a copy of the mid-term evaluation. Printed copies
must be submitted to the course professor within a week of completion.
At the end of the rotation, students will complete a Final Evaluation. Students will use a new copy
of the evaluation template to archive their achievements and areas for future development. The
student will submit an electronic copy of their final evaluation to the instructor; this will help the
instructor complete an assessment of the student.
In order to complete the final evaluation, the clinical instructor will provide additional evidence by
completing the comment section, providing feedback and evaluating the students progress. The

NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

clinical instructor will collect evidence in the form of the student self-assessment, comments of the
health care team members, patient input, student submissions (including portfolios) and
observations. A summary of achievement as well as implications for future learning should be
included in this document. The attendance section and record of completed hours is to be filled in
completely. The completed document is to be printed, shared with the student and signed. The signed
copy must be returned to the TFSON within 10 days.
The Year Lead, lab instructor, and/or course professor will assess the completion of the Learning
Center Component, if applicable.

Students and instructors will complete both the mid-term and final
clinical evaluation documents electronically. An electronic copy of the
completed (student and instructor) final evaluation should be
submitted to the course professor within 48 hours of the final
evaluation delivery. A printed and signed copy should follow within 10
days of the evaluation meeting.

NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

NURS 3020H
Clinical Evaluation


Student Name: Emily Joy

Clinical Instructor: Maureen Robinson
Missed Clinical Hours: 0

Missed Lab Hours: 0

NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

Program Goals
Graduates are generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.
Graduates are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities
and populations) in a variety of settings.
Graduates continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply
nursing knowledge in their practice.
Graduates will demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts.
Graduates will contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying,
and mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers
Graduates will establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health
care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment,
evidence-informed interventions and outcome measures.


NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

1 Explain the experience of acute illness in individuals
receiving care in acute setting

2 Interpret critical aspects of the persons experience of acute

illness in relation to common signs and symptoms,
responses to treatment, patterns of coping, and impact on
individual and family relationships

So far on the unit I have received different patients with a wide range of
illnesses and surgical procedures. I have had a patient explain to me that
they wish they did not have a particular life saving surgery because it
ruined their tattoos. In this particular case I had to understand how much
the tattoos meant to the patient and how that shaped his experience at the
hospital an unpleasant one. There was not much I could do to fix his tattoos
but I found through just talking with him and understanding what his
tattoos all meant calmed him down and hopefully made his stay at the
hospital a more pleasant one. Through my progress notes written during the
shifts I am not only using documentation for objective data but also
subjective in means of what the patient says in relation to their illness. Also
through my reflective journals I also explain the experience of a patient on
the acute floor and how that influenced me in my practice. Through my
head to toe assessment I am not only assessing them physically but also
mentally as I learn more about them and what they want their experience t
be like on the acute floor. Overall I have found that each individual
experience on the units differ and by communicating and working together
with the patients makes it a more pleasant and safer environment.
I continue to listen to my patients throughout the second part of the
semester. Many patients would describe the feelings of being a nuisance
or a bother when they had to use the call bell for assistance. I would try
my best to reassure them that they were not.
Upon arriving to clinical I receive my patient for the day along with their
admitting diagnosis, the surgery that was done, and any past medical
history. This then ables me to search the s/s of the illness and any
associated problems. So then once I get to the unit I have a better
understanding on what to focus on during my assessment. As well as
during my head to toe assessment I am evaluating their s/s, responses to
treat, and if they are coping well. An elderly lady was my patient for the
day and she was very close with her husband and would always want to
wait for him to come to visit before engaging in ambulation like walking
around the unit and leg exercises. So I had to respect that aspect of the
patient and learn that relationship meant a lot to her so I had to respect that.
I think that this was her way of coping with being in the hospital having
just had surgery she needed her husband there as a way of coping and
feeling comfort during her time there.
Throughout the semester I continued to research my patient the evening
before by completing the prep and plan paper so that I could come to
clinical prepared. I would also ensure that I would follow up with my
patient so I could see their response to the treatment. For example the one


NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)

NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________

Date _____________________________

Signature of Student_____________________________________________________

Date ______________________________

(Final Evaluation Only)

Student Areas of Strength
1. I think one of my strengths is my willingness to try something new in the clinical practice. I am
not afraid to step outside of my comfortable zone in order to try to practice new nursing
2. I think that I do a good job in my therapeutic communication with patients. I try my best to talk to
them and understand their point of views while being admitted in the hospital.
3. I think I manage my time as best as I can well during clinical. I know at this time I do my
assessment, and then I give them a bath, and then administer my medications, which I make
sure I have researched.
Student Areas for Future Development
1. This was my first time using and ADU and giving out medications in placement so as I move
forward I wish to continue to practice dispensing medications in a timely fashion.

NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

2. When talking with patients about disease related aspects I need to feel more comfortable in
telling them nursing knowledge. I know that I know the answer to their question but I need to feel
more confident in telling them that.
3. In future practice I hope to continue to practice my wound dressing changes. The more practice I
have doing it the easier it will become in doing them while using sterile technique.
Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)






Total number of clinical hours completed_____________

Clinical Component

(Please circle the appropriate outcome)

Clinical Learning Center


Not completed


NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation

Signature of Instructor____________________________________


Signature of Student______________________________________


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