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Costume Notes: Maheen Hashmi

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Costume Notes

Character 1 sixth former (Big sister - Man meet)

This character that is going to be playing a big sisters role in the production that we
are going to produce will be wearing smart clothing as she an sixth form student and
the location is based in a school. She will be wearing a black trousers, white shirt
and black blazer, we have chosen this as this shows the maturity of her being an
older sister. Colour says a lot about the character for example white shows purity
and black shows a depressing side of her as she is now an adult and she has many
responsibilities as she has her younger sisters responsibility in the production.

Character 2 School Girl (Esha Abbey)

This character will be playing a younger sisters role in the production that we are
producing. The character that plays this role wears black shorts with a white polo
short that is worn when doing P.E as she also wears colour Nike trainers. This
costume also represents that she is a school girl. On the polo shirt and the shorts it
has the schools logo to represent the school. Her hair is tied up in a high pony tail
which a typical school would do that at her age.

Character 3 Ayushi (Doll)

The character that does a role of a ghost wears a knee length dress that has many
colours such as blue, yellow green and many more with white sandals. The dress is
short and girly with different colours which also represents the age of the character
which could possibly be the same age as the other character Abbey as she also
plays with a doll.


Maheen Hashmi

The makeup that I had done for Ayushi a character role of the ghost I had applied
white powder to her face to change the skin complexion to white to make her look
pale. I had used to this as I have seen in other successful horror movies that have a
girl as a ghost usually look pale. I had used red lip stick that was smudged around
her lips to make is look more scary. I applied eye liner that was also smudged under
her eyes and around her eye lid to make her face look scarier when close up shots
would have been taken.

Abbey Small Sister

Samantha Older Sister

Female Ghost

Maheen Hashmi

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