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Chapter 10 Whem I Was A Child

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Chapter X

When I was a child

We will learn:
• to communicate states and events in
the past in order to share information
with others.

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Observing & Asking Questions

We will work in groups. We will play the

roles of the speakers in the conversations.

Here are what we will do. First, we will listen and

repeat the conversations after the teacher, one by
one. Second, in the group, we will play the roles
of the speakers. Third, we will correct each other’s

We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly.

This is me when I was a baby. I was This is me and and this is Rani in Grade
three point four kilograms and fifty VII. We were not close friends at that
two centimeters long. Now I am fifty time. We did not study together. We
kilograms and one hundred fifty never played together. Now we are
centimeters tall. I was bald. I had no best friends. We study together, play
hair. Now I have long hair. together, and cry together, too.


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Observing & Asking Questions

Hey, look! They are playing marbles. It

was my favorite game in primary school.
I played marbles every day. But now
What are you carrying? I never play marbles anymore. I have
so many things to do at home and at
school. Did you play marbles too?

Yes, I did. But I did not do

They are toy cars. I collected them it very well. I always lost
when I was in elementary school. the game.
I do not collect toy cars now. I’m
going to give them to Ucok, my
younger cousin.
No, I did not like Math because
the teacher did not explain it
You did not like Math clearly. But now it is my favourite
in primary school? subject because Mr. Sihombing
explains it clearly.

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Observing & Asking Questions

Are you going to eat

your lunch now?

Is Edo here?

No. He is sick. He caught the No! It is my breakfast. I did not have

flu yesterday. He walked home breakfast before I went to school this
when it was raining hard. morning. I woke up at six because I
went to bed very late last night. I did
my homework until ten.

You know I usually come on time to school.

But this morning I got a flat tire. Then I
walked with my bike here. I got here at six
fifty, and the gate was already closed. So here
we are, not attending the flag ceremony.


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Collecting Information

We will work in groups. We will identify the

speakers’ statements about themselves in
the past and at present.

Here are what we will do. First, we will study

the examples carefully. Second, we will copy
the example to our notebook. Then, we
will discuss in groups the statements about
themselves in the past and handwrite them in
the second column and the statements about
themselves in the present and handwrite them
in the third column.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. When we are writing, we will
say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any
problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

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Collecting Information

Students In the past Now

- She is an SMP student

Dayu - She was a baby.
(a teenager).

- She was 3.4 kg. - She is 50 kg.

- She was 52 cm. - She is 150 cm tall.

- She was bald.

- She had no hair. - She has long hair.

Siti and Rani - They were not close friends. - They are best friends.

- They did not study together. - They study together.

- They never played together. - They play together.

- They cry together, too.


Edo and


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Collecting Information

We will be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in four

different forms. We will use all the verbs in this chapter.

Here are what we will do. First, we will do a

written task in our group. We will copy the
table with the verbs in the four forms to our
notebooks. We will handwrite the work. While
writing, we will say the words. Second, we will
be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in the
four forms, orally. We must not see the table. Our
teacher will say the “to...” form, and we will say
the other three forms. We will do it very fast.

We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly.

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Collecting Information

to– Present Past –ing

to be is was being

to be am was being

to be are were being

to have have had having

to study study studied studying

did not study

to play play played playing

to cry cry cried crying

to carry carry carried carrying

to collect collect collected collecting

do not collect

to give give gave giving

to go go went going

to look look looked looking

to play play did not play playing

to do do did doing

did not do

to lose lose lost losing

to like like liked liking

did not like

to explain explain(s) explained explaining

did not explain


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Collecting Information

to– Present Past –ing

to catch catch caught catching

to walk walk walked walking

to rain rain rained raining

to eat eat ate eating

to have have had having

did not have

to wake wake woke waking

to go go went going

to do do did doing

to know know knew knowing

to come come came coming

to get get got getting

to attend attend attended attending

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We will work in group to reflect on our

learning. We will discuss to complete
the statements in the box.

I know that I’m now learning to ________________________________

I know that a verb has ___________ different forms:

a. the past form has –ed in the end of the word, for example: ________

b. some past verbs have different vowels/sounds from those in the

present forms,
for example: _____________________________________________

c. some past verbs have totally different forms from the present forms,
for example: _____________________________________________

I know that

a. we use the past form for ___________________________________

b. we use the present form for ________________________________


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Observing & Asking Questions

We will work in groups. We will learn to read entries

written by Dayu to each other.

Here are what we will do. First, we will listen

carefully to our teacher reading each of the
entries. Second, we will repeat after him/her,
sentence by sentence. Then, in groups we will
learn to read the entries to each other. We will
correct any mistakes we hear.

We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly.

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Observing & Asking Questions

Day 1 Day 2

When I was a baby, when I could When I cried, they calmed me

not do anything, my parents and down. When I was afraid of
my elder brother took care of me. something, they comforted me.
My brother is five years older than My dad often carried me around in
me. I didn’t sleep with my mum. the morning sun. When I got older,
I slept in a baby cot in my parents they spoonfed me. I played with
bedroom. My brother slept in his my brother. I was naughty, but he
own room. My mum breastfed me never got angry with me. He was
for two years. very patient with me.

Day 3 Day 4

I started my kindergarten when In the classroom, my teacher read

I was five years old. I did my us stories. We sang happy songs,
kindergarten for two years, one we coloured pictures, and we
year in Kindy A and one year in played with dough and colorful
Kindy B. My kindy was near my paper. In the playground, we
home. I walked to my kindy with played sliding, we ran around, and
my mum or my brother. Sometimes we also played hide-and-seek.
I went with my dad on his


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Observing & Asking Questions

Day 5 Day 6

I started my primary school when I learned many new things in

I was seven years old and finished primary school. I learned to write
when I was twelve. I also walked and to read in Grade 1 and Grade
to school, because my school was 2. My favourite teacher was Mrs.
only 200 meters from my home. Ningrum. She was very smart. She
I went to school with my brother taught us traditional dances and
or with my friends. Sometimes songs. She also taught us to plant
my dad took me to school on his trees and take care of the garden.
motorcycle. Sometimes I walked to One day she took us to the local
school by myself. library to borrow books.

Day 7 Day 8

I have many sweet memories in my I learned to ride on a bicycle in the

primary school. My friends and I school yard in the afternoon after
often helped Pak Min, the janitor, school. And then I could ride in the
because he had so much work to small streets in the neighbourhood,
do. We felt happy when we could with my friends. My friends and I
help him. My Physical Education often spent hours chatting in the
(PE) teacher, Mr. Laode, often took small green yard near the Kelurahan
us to walk around the hills and office. The boys climbed the big
along the river near our school. We trees. We also swam in the river. It
took a rest under the trees when was still very clean at that time. It is
we were tired. very dirty now.

Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell 153

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Collecting Information

We will work in groups. We will handwrite

Dayu’s statements about her in the past.

Here are what we will do. First, we will study

the statements in the example carefully.
Second, we will copy the example to our
notebook. Then, in groups we will handwrite
Dayu’s other statements from her other entries
about her in the past in our notebook.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. We will also say each word
loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will
go to our teacher for help.


1. She could not do anything.

2. Her parents and her elder brother took care of her.
3. She didn’t sleep with her mum.
4. She slept in a baby cot in her parents’ bedroom.
5. Her brother slept in his own bedroom.
6. Her mum breastfed her for two years.
7. When she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down.
8. When she was afraid of something, they comforted her.
9. Her dad often carried her around in the morning sun.
10. When she got older, they spoonfed her.
11. She played with her brother.
12. She was naughty, but her brother was very patient with her.


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Collecting Information

We will be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in four

different forms. We will use the verbs we have learned.

Here are what we will do. First, we will do a

written task in our group. We will copy the
table with the verbs in the four forms to our
notebooks. We will handwrite the work. While
writing, we will say the words. Second, we will
be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in the
four forms, orally. We must not see the table.
Our teacher will say the “to...” form, and we will
say the other three forms. We will do it very fast.

We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly.

Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell 155

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Collecting Information

to.... Present Past –ing

to take take took taking

to sleep sleep slept sleeping

to breastfeed breastfeed breastfed breastfeeding

to calm calm calmed calming

to comfort comfort comforted comforting

to spoonfeed spoonfeed spoonfed spoonfeeding

to start start started starting

to read read read reading

to sing sing sang singing

to colour colour coloured colouring

to run run ran running

to learn learn learned learning

to teach teach taught teaching

to borrow borrow borrowed borrowing

to tease tease teased teasing

to hide hide hid hiding

to ride ride rose riding

to spend spend spent spending

to climb climb climbed climbing

to swim swim swam swimming


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We will work in groups. We will learn to read

entries written by Dayu to each other.

Here are what we will do. First, we will listen

carefully to our teacher reading each of the
entries. Second, we will repeat after him/her,
sentence by sentence. Then, in groups we will
learn to read the entries to each other. We will
correct any mistakes we hear.

We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly.

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Day 9 Day 10

Now, here I am in this SMP. Last Last year was my first time to learn
year I was in Grade VII, and now English. I learned to greet other
I am in Grade VIII. This school is people in English, to introduce
two kilometers from my home. I myself in English, and to ask and
learned many new things in Grade answer questions in English. We
VII. It was my first time to go to also learned to describe our
school on my bike. I met boys and family, our friends, and our school
girls from different parts of this in English. I sang my first English
town. I was very happy when I first song. I also read my first English
wore my blue-and-white uniform. story.

Day 11 Day 12

We have no helper, so my mum, my In the past only my mum cooked

dad, my sister, and I do the chores for us. Now, my brother and I often
ourselves. We make the bed. We cook for the family. We fry eggs
wash and iron our clothes. We also and make fried rice or noodles.
dust the furniture. We sweep and When I lost something, everybody
mop the floor every day. I often go else found it for me. Now, when I
to the shop to buy sugar, soap, oil, lose something,
salt, rice, vegetables, fruits, and so I find it myself.


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Collecting Information

We will work in groups. We will identify Dayu’s

statements about herself in the past and at present.

Here are what we will do. First, we will study

the example carefully. Second, we will copy the
example to our notebook. Then, we will discuss
in the group the statements about Dayu in the
past and handwrite them in the first column
and the statements about Dayu in the present
and handwrite them in the second column.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. When we are writing, we will
say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any
problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell 159

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Collecting Information


- She was in Grade VII last year. - She is in Grade VIII now.

- She learned many new things.

- She rode to school on her bike
for the first time.
- She met boys and girls from
different parts of the town for
the first time.
- She __________ very happy
when she __________the blue-
and-white uniform for the first
- She __________ English for the
first time last year.
- She __________ to greet other
people in English.
- She __________ to introduce
herself in English.
- She __________ to ask and
answer questions in English.
- She __________ to describe
her family, her friends, and her
school in English.
- She __________ her first English
- She __________ her first English
- She __________ not a class
- She _____not_____ many
things for her class.


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Collecting Information


- Her school __________ near - Her school __________ 2

her home. kilometers from her home.

- Other people __________ many - She __________ many things to

things for her. other people.

- She __________ most of the - She __________ most of the

time. time.

- She _____not_____ the chores. - She __________ the chores.

- She _____not_____ the bed. - She __________ the bed.

- She _____not_____ the

- She __________ the furniture.

- She _____not_____ the clothes. - She __________ her clothes.

- She _____not_____ the clothes. - She __________ the clothes.

- She __________ the floor every

- She _____not_____ the floor.
- She _____not_____ to the
- She __________ to the shop.
- She _____not_____ for the
- She __________ for the family.
- When she __________ - When she __________
something, everybody else something, she __________ it
__________ it for her. herself.

Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell 161

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Collecting Information

We will be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in four

different forms. We will use the verbs we have learned.

Here are what we will do. First, we will do a

written task in our group. We will copy the
table with the verbs in the four forms to our
notebooks. We will handwrite the work. While
writing, we will say the words. Second, we will
be drilled by our teacher to say the verbs in the
four forms, orally. We must not see the table.
Our teacher will say the “to...” form, and we will
say the other three forms. We will do it very fast.

We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly.


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Collecting Information

to– Present Past –ing

to learn learn learned learning

to meet meet met meeting

to wear wear wore wearing

to greet greet greeted greeting

to introduce introduce introduced introducing

to ask ask asked asking

to answer answer answered answering

to describe describe described describing

to sing sing sang singing

to do do did not do doing

to read read read reading

to make make made making

to wash wash washed washing

to iron iron ironed ironing

to dust dust dusted dusting

to sweep sweep swept sweeping

to mop mop mopped mopping

to buy buy bought buying

to cook cook cooked cooking

to fry fry fried frying

to lose lose lost losing

to find find found finding

Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell 163

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We will work in groups. We will write five statements

about activities we and other people around us did or
experienced and when they happened.

Here are what we will do. First, we will study

the example carefully. Second, we will copy
the example to our notebook. Then, in groups
every one of us will handwrite five statements
about activities we and other people around us
did or experienced and when they happened.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and

use the punctuation marks correctly. If we have any
problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

1. I got this scar on my cheek last week.

2. My sister did not go to the festival last Monday.
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________


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We will work in groups to reflect on

our learning. We will discuss what we
have learned.

Now I know how to express states or events in the past.

a. We use the _______________ form of the verbs.

b. A state or an event in the past can be related to ______________

I have learned many new words, too, for example _______________

_____________________________________ They are in my real life.

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In our journal, every one of us will

handwrite our reflection on our
learning process. We will use English
or Bahasa Indonesia.

My Journal

I have just learnt to


The activities I like most were


The activities I found most difficult were


What I need to do better is/are



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