Chapter 10 Whem I Was A Child
Chapter 10 Whem I Was A Child
Chapter 10 Whem I Was A Child
We will learn:
• to communicate states and events in
the past in order to share information
with others.
This is me when I was a baby. I was This is me and and this is Rani in Grade
three point four kilograms and fifty VII. We were not close friends at that
two centimeters long. Now I am fifty time. We did not study together. We
kilograms and one hundred fifty never played together. Now we are
centimeters tall. I was bald. I had no best friends. We study together, play
hair. Now I have long hair. together, and cry together, too.
Is Edo here?
We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. When we are writing, we will
say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any
problems, we will go to our teacher for help.
Siti and Rani - They were not close friends. - They are best friends.
Edo and
to be am was being
do not collect
to go go went going
to do do did doing
did not do
to go go went going
to do do did doing
a. the past form has –ed in the end of the word, for example: ________
c. some past verbs have totally different forms from the present forms,
for example: _____________________________________________
I know that
Day 1 Day 2
Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6
Day 7 Day 8
We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. We will also say each word
loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will
go to our teacher for help.
Day 9 Day 10
Now, here I am in this SMP. Last Last year was my first time to learn
year I was in Grade VII, and now English. I learned to greet other
I am in Grade VIII. This school is people in English, to introduce
two kilometers from my home. I myself in English, and to ask and
learned many new things in Grade answer questions in English. We
VII. It was my first time to go to also learned to describe our
school on my bike. I met boys and family, our friends, and our school
girls from different parts of this in English. I sang my first English
town. I was very happy when I first song. I also read my first English
wore my blue-and-white uniform. story.
Day 11 Day 12
We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
punctuation marks correctly. When we are writing, we will
say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any
problems, we will go to our teacher for help.
My Journal