SYLLABUS: Soc 357 Research Methods: Email
SYLLABUS: Soc 357 Research Methods: Email
SYLLABUS: Soc 357 Research Methods: Email
You are expected to attend all scheduled class periods. Habitually late arrivers will
receive only partial attendance credit.
You are expected to do all required reading and participate in all course exercises and
The instructor will not loan his books to students. However, books will be placed on
reserve in the library.
Proper spelling, grammar, and citation should be used in all assignments.
It is the intention of the University of Wisconsin, as well as myself, to work toward full
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to make facilities and instructional
programs accessible to all people, and to provide reasonable accommodations according to the
law. No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability, and all individuals
shall have the right to enjoy full and equal goods, services, facilities, privileges, and advantages
of accommodations. Please see me as early in the semester as possible to discuss special
arrangements that may be needed to help you succeed in this course. You should contact the
McBurney Disability Resource Center (263-2742) for assistance and evaluation. Please note: to
receive accommodation for a disability, the McBurney Center must certify you as a qualified
disabled person. I cannot provide any accommodations without certification from the
McBurney Center.
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Due date:
Research Ethics: September 25 in Class
Article Critique: November 20 in Class
Assignment #3
Quiz 1
Sept 30
Oct 30
Due December 15 by 7 pm; This date is set in stone with no exceptions.
Quiz 2
Final Project
NOTE: The schedule below is flexible and subject to change throughout the semester. If the
syllabus changes, I will notify you and provide an electronic copy of the changes.
Part I : The Logic and Ethics of Research
Week 1
T Sept 2 - Introduction to the class
Th Sept 4 - Scientific Knowledge
Read: Chapter 1
Week 2
T Sept 9 Paradigms, Theories and Social Research
Read: Chapter 2
Th Sept 11 - Paradigms, Theories and Social Research
Read: Revenge of the Nerds
Week 3
T Sept 16 Objectivity and Ethics
Read: Professors and their politics
Th Sept 18 Social Research Ethics
Read: Chapter 3
Read. UW Madison Human Subjects Protections Tutorial, modules 2 and 3.
Part II: Conducting Research- Gathering Data
Week 4
T Sept 23: Research design
Read: Chapter 4
Th Sept 25 - The Logic of Research: Conceptualization, Operationalization, Measurement
Read: Chapter 5
Week 5
T Sept 30 -Scales and Indexes
Read: Chapter 6
Read: Rubin, "Measurement of Romantic Love
Th Oct 2 Quiz 1
-Sampling Principles and Conventions
Read: Chapter 7
Week 6
T Oct 7 - Survey and Interview Research
Read: Chapter 9
Th Oct 9 -Survey Questions
Read: The Science of Asking Questions
Week 7
T Oct 21 - Field Research: Introduction to Field Research and Observation
Read: Chapter 10
Th Oct 23 - Qualitative Field Research
Read: Farming For Us All. (2 Parts)
Week 12
T Nov 25 Computer Lab Open Session for Assignment Preparations
Part IV: Experiments and Applied Research
Week 13
T Dec 2- The Logic of Experiments
Read Chapter 8.
T Dec 9 - Experiments in the Social Sciences
Read: Pager, The Mark of a Criminal Record
Week 14
T Dec 9 Evaluation Research
Read: Chapter 12
Th Dec 11 Final Class - Review, Writing Social Research
Read: Chapter 17