Document 2
Document 2
Document 2
“In the real world there is no nature vs. nurture argument, only an infinitely complex and
moment-by-moment interaction between genetic and environmental effects.”
~~Gabor Mate~~
The theme of this course is the study of human development at the theoretical,
scientific, and personal/introspective levels. The goal is to help you develop your base
of knowledge, skills, and values regarding human development and the lifespan.
***Please note that some Friday lectures will be online. These online classes may
consist of lectures, video clips, and/or activities. All information for each online session
will be posted on our class website on Blackboard and you will be required to complete
each activity/assignment listed.
CLASS PREREQUISITES: Psychology 101; Psy 230 is NOT OPEN TO students with
credit in CFD 270
• TEXT: Experiencing the Lifespan, 5th ed. Janet Belsky. Worth Publishers.
• ONLINE HOMEWORK: LearningCurve (access code needed)
o NOTE: The text and LearningCurve access have been bundled for you in
the SDSU bookstore
o You may purchase the ebook, along with LearningCurve access directly
from MacMillan.
ACCESS TO LAUNCHPAD. We will discuss this further on the first day of
• Additional readings (posted on Blackboard)
• 4 red Parscore scantrons
• Pens/pencils/paper for note-taking
• Printouts of lecture notes (posted on Blackboard)
• Attendance: We will be doing activities almost every class session and they will
be worth points, so attendance is crucial.
• Respect: While in class, please show respect not only to the instructor but also
to the other students—no phone calls, texting, instant messaging, or ipods. If you
are on your computer in class, please no surfing or chatting as this is distracting
to other students around you. Also, please be sensitive to the opinions of others
by refraining from side conversations, interruptions, sleeping, etc. You will be
asked to leave this classroom if you fail to show such respect.
• Exams: No late exams will be given without documentation (e.g., doctor’s
note). If you know that you will miss an exam, please make arrangements with
the instructor at least 1 week prior to the exam. If you miss an exam without
making prior arrangements, you will need appropriate documentation to take the
exam. Make-up exams will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis.
• Assignments: Most assignments will be uploaded to It is
expected that you will turn-in assignments on time. It is your responsibility
to be sure that you have checked due dates for all assignments and upload
them by the deadline. All late assignments will have a maximum point
value of half credit (without documentation), whether they are one hour late or
Psychology 230, Spring 2020
one week late. All late assignments must be turned in by the last day of class
(Thursday 5/7 by 11:00 am) to receive any points.
• Grade challenges: Upon receiving graded assignments, you have 1 week to
check your grade with the instructor. This includes the grade for the final exam
and your final grade for the class. After one week, grade challenges will not be
Reading of textbook
• You will be required to read the chapters of the text and any assigned articles.
Reading of articles
• You will be required to read 4 articles (one for each section of the class) and turn in a
short written response on I will let you know in class and as an
announcement on Blackboard/email when the article is posted on Blackboard and
when the response is due.
• There will be four exams. The fourth exam will be given on the last day of class and
will be the same format as the other exams (non-cumulative). Exams will include
multiple choice and true-false questions. Each student will need to bring a red
Parscore scantron on the day of the test as well as a number 2 pencil. Latecomers
will not be allowed to take the test.
• Late exam policy. It is your responsibility to take the exam on the date scheduled.
Students must provide documentation for missing an exam and/or talk to the
professor about the situation. If a make-up exam is needed, it will be scheduled AT
THE PROFESSOR’S convenience, and it is the student’s responsibility to attend the
make-up test session. Exams taken within 1 week after the originally scheduled date
of the test will have an automatic 10% deduction, exams taken 2 week – 4 weeks
after the originally scheduled date of the test will have an automatic 30% deduction.
No exams will be scheduled 4 weeks after the originally scheduled date of the test
and students will receive a 0 for any exam no taken.
In-class activities
• There will be in-class activities that we will complete throughout the semester which
will serve to exemplify the concepts that we are discussing. You must be in class on
the day of the activity to receive credit for it.
Course Grades
Exams - 76%
Online Homework Assignments (LearningCurve) – 8%
Article readings and responses – 8%
In-class activities – 8%
Grading Scale:
Students will receive a grade based on their weighted average in the class.
Grade Rubric
A 92-above C 72-77
A- 90-91 C- 70-71
B+ 88-89 D+ 68-69
B 82-87 D 62-67
B- 80-81 D- 60-61
C+ 78-79 F 59-below
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