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Grade 7 Health Unit: Personal Health: Incorporating The Alberta Information and Communication Technology Curriculum

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The key takeaways are that the Personal Health unit aims to help students make responsible choices to maintain good health and develop personal responsibility for health through gaining knowledge on various health topics. Technology is used to assist students in researching and evaluating health information.

The purpose of the Personal Health unit is for students to gain knowledge and experiences that contribute to their overall well-being and ability to make informed health choices. It also aims to help students identify reliable sources of health information.

Some specific outcomes students are expected to achieve include comparing personal health choices to standards, examining personal grooming habits, analyzing messages from media about body images and lifestyles, and relating factors that influence food choices to nutritional needs.

Grade 7 Health

Personal Health
Incorporating the
Alberta Information
and Communication
Technology Curriculum

By: Catharina Wagner

As an important part of Wellness Choices, the Personal Health unit in Grade 7
Health contributes to students ability to make responsible and informed
choices that help them maintain good health. Throughout this unit, students
will gain knowledge and experiences that add to their overall well-being,
which is the main goal of the Health curriculum. With the assistance of
technology where appropriate, students will continue developing their
personal responsibility for health. Students will do this through the
enhancement of their own attitudes and behaviours that reflect healthy
choices and reduce the potential for harm.
One of the goals of this unit is to assist students in identifying reliable
sources of information and in becoming discerning consumers of healthrelated information. Because students learn health-related information from
many sources, it is important that students know how to seek out relevant
and accurate information about personal health. Technology is essential in
this area of study because it provides students with the opportunity to
validate the information they hear from others, and the proper use of
technology also provides students with a way to conduct their own
inquiries/research on health related issues. Technology will be used in this
unit to assist students as they research, evaluate, and synthesize information
in an effort to understand personal health, and apply this learning to current
and future situations.
This unit consists of seven lessons, under the assumption that the
Health and Life Skills course is taught one time per week, for approximately
an hour.

Alberta Health and Life Skills Program of Studies

General Outcome:
Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others.
Specific Outcomes:
W-7.1 Students will compare personal health choices to standards
for health; e.g., physical activity, nutrition, relaxation, sleep, reflection

W-7.2 Students will examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and

evaluate the impact of grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal
grooming habits/choices
W-7.4 Students will analyze the messages and approaches used by
the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle choices
W-7.5 Students will relate the factors that influence individual food
choices to nutritional needs of adolescents; e.g., finances, media, peer
pressure, hunger, body image, activity
W-7.6 Students will analyze social factors that may influence
avoidance and/or use of particular substances
*W-7.3 will be included in the human sexuality unit

Alberta Information and Communication Technology

Program of Studies Outcomes:
Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making, and Problem Solving:
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a
variety of technologies
3.1 Plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of
electronic sources
3.4 Access and retrieve information through the electronic
3.5 Analyze and synthesize information to create a product
3.6 communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner,
through appropriate
forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia
presentations, applying information technologies for content,
audience and purpose
C3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the
use of a variety of technologies
3.2 evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed
information to a particular topic
C5 Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry
3.1 Access, retrieve and share information from electronic
sources, such as common files
3.2 Use networks to brainstorm, plan and share ideas with
group members
Foundational Operations, Knowledge, and Concepts:
F4 Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and
electronic information

3.1 identify aspects of style in a presentation

3.2 Understand the nature of various media and how they are
consciously used
to influence an audience
3.3 - identify specific techniques used by the media to elicit
particular responses from an audience
Processes for Productivity
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
3.1 communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled
environment, by using such communication technologies as
email and web browsers
3.2 demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files

1. Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth: A
Childcare, School and Recreation/Community Centre Resource
This manual provides facilities and organizations, including schools,
with the tools they need to provide healthy food choices for children
and youth. It translates nutritional science into practical food choice
guidance and complements Eating Well with Canadas Food Guide
2. GirlPower Campaign
This website provides users with the opportunity to see all the changes
that have been made to this one photo through retouching. It will gives
students the chance to evaluate the impact media messages have on
body images and lifestyle choices.
3. Media Literacy Project
This website provides deconstructions of media messages, getting
consumers to think about what isnt told in media messages, and how
these messages promote certain ideas.

4. Tools for Teachers

This website gives ideas for how to teach this unit.
5. Teen Health and Wellness (Nutrition, Fitness, and Appearance)
This website is directed towards teenagers, and contains
articles/information that address many aspects of teenagers lives.
6. Smoking Out the Truth: Teens and Tobacco (Video)
A video about cigarette content, effects of smoking on the body and
the wallet, reasons why teens smoke, nicotine and addiction, alternate
forms of tobacco use, how to quit and reasons to quit. The role of the
media is also discussed.
7. Brainstorming Website
This website will allow students to create a mind map online.
8. Class Blog Website
I will have a blog set up specifically for this class, where students will
post to when required.
9. Poll Everywhere
Poll everywhere will be used to create a word cloud from the input of

Lesson Plans:

Lesson: #1 - Introduction to Wellness Choices - Personal


Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7
Time: 60
Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others

C5 Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry

P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
W-7.1 Students will compare personal health choices to standards
for health; e.g., physical activity, nutrition, relaxation, sleep, reflection
C5.3.1 Access, retrieve and share information from electronic
sources, such as common files
C5.3.2 Use networks to brainstorm, plan and share ideas with group
P6.3.2 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
1. Describe the different aspects of health (physical, emotional,
2. Identify standards for health.
3. Identify their personal health choices.
4. Compare their health choices and standards for health.
Key Questions:
1. What are the different aspects of health?
2. What are standards for health?
3. What are my personal health choices?
4. Do my personal health choices meet standards for health?
bubbl.us website
Assignment #1
If students would prefer to create a mind map with a different software tool,
or draw it out and upload it to the class blog, this is also acceptable.
Lesson Procedure:
1. Say to students: Today, we are going to begin our unit on how
personal choices relate to overall wellness. Health choices affect
you in the following three ways: 1) Physically, 2) Emotionally, and 3)
2. Ask: Can anybody tell me what physical health is? After some
suggestions, tell students that physical health is your bodys ability

to handle your daily activities. It allows you to do things without

getting tired or ill.
3. Ask: Can anybody tell me what emotional health is? After some
suggestions, tell students that emotional health is your ability to
deal with your feelings and how you react to others in different
4. Ask: Can anybody tell me what intellectual health is? After some
suggestions, tell students that intellectual health is your ability to
think about what happens to you on a daily basis. It involves how
you learn. It also involves how you solve problems and make
decisions. It includes your reflection on what you have learned from
your previous actions and choices.
5. Put students into pairs, and have each pair grab a laptop. Hand out
assignment #1 to each student.
6. Tell students that they will be making a brainstorming web/mind
map to get them thinking about the different aspects of their health
(physical, emotional, and intellectual), and then answering some
questions about healthy lifestyles.
7. Have students go to https://bubbl.us/ and create a mind map that
includes the three types of health. For each type of health, students
are to brainstorm at least three ways in which they can
improve/maintain this type of health, and three ways that damage
may be done to this type of health. For example, being on a soccer
team could improve your physical health, while eating excessive
amounts of junk food could damage your physical health.
8. When students are done this activity, have them post their mind
maps on the class website.
9. Using a laptop, continuing to work in pairs, have students answer
the questions on their assignment #1 sheets.
10. Tell students that we will continue talking about health standards
and health choices next class, where we will compare the two.
1. In-class questions: This will give me an idea of what students already
know about health.
2. Blog Post #1 - Mind maps: These mind maps will let me know if I need
to spend some direct instruction on ways to improve health/ways that
health may be damaged, or if students already have a fairly good
grasp on this.
3. Assignment #1: This will give students an idea of their own health by
comparing it to health standards. It will also allow me to see if they can
begin making comparisons about their health with standards of health.

Lesson: #2 - Introduction to Wellness Choices - Personal

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a
variety of technologies.
C5 Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
W-7.1 Students will compare personal health choices to standards
for health; e.g., physical activity, nutrition, relaxation, sleep, reflection
W-7.5 Students will relate the factors that influence individual food
choices to nutritional needs of adolescents; e.g., finances, media, peer
pressure, hunger, body image, activity
C1.3.4 Access and retrieve information through the electronic
C5.3.1 Access, retrieve and share information from electronic
sources, such as common files
P6.3.1 Communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled
environment, by using such communication technologies as email and
web browsers
P6.3.2 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
1. Identify standards for health.
2. Identify their personal health choices.
3. Evaluate their health choices in relation to standards for health.
Key Questions:
1. What are standards for health?
2. What are my personal health choices?
3. Do my personal health choices meet standards for health?

Access to polleverywhere.com
Access to Canadas Food Guide http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guidealiment/index-eng.php
Lesson 2 PowerPoint
Students who do not have a personal device to use for the polls can partner
up with a friend that can send in their answer for them.
Lesson Procedure:
1. Ask students to take out their assignment #1 sheets with their answers
on it. Ask a few students for input on questions f, g, and h.
2. Review with students how they can find reliable information on the
internet. Remind them of things to look for such as names of authors,
dates of publication/research, if any sources are cited on the
website, .edu or .gov domains because these are reserved for
educational institutions, and the government, respectively, and good
spelling and grammar.
3. Create a concept web on the board. Ask students where we can find
reliable information about health both with and without technology.
Suggestions may include brochures at schools and health clinics, gyms,
recreation centres, and Canadas Food Guide.
4. Go over the answers to assignment #1 as a class.
5. Tell students that we will be narrowing our focus on food/nutrition
choices for the rest of the class.
6. Open up Lesson 2 PowerPoint, and polleverywhere.com. Beginning with
polleverywhere.com, have students use their personal devices to send
in their answers to the question: What is a food you eat often? Once all
the responses are in, create a word cloud with the answers.
7. Create another poll on Poll Everywhere, except this time, have students
answer: What is a food you rarely/never eat? Once all the responses
are in, create a word cloud with the answers.
8. Begin a discussion based around students answers. Ask students what
contributes to their eating habits. Why are there some things they eat
often, and some things that they dont? Be sure to talk about hunger,
personal likes and dislikes, level of physical activity, family traditions,
what friends eat, concerns with body image, and advertising and
9. Read the following scenarios to the class. After each scenario, have
students discuss in small groups what decisions they think the teens in
each scenario made, as well as what factors they think may have

influenced their decisions about their food choices. Afterwards, discuss

in a class setting.
a. Hasan is hungry, but only has $4.25. The vegetarian sandwich he
likes costs $4.75, while a caesar salad costs $3.50.
b. Jacqueline and her brother are doing the grocery shopping for
their family. Next to the box of cereal they usually eat, Jacqueline
sees a new cereal that has been advertised on TV. She has also
seen posters for the cereal in the window of the grocery store,
and at her bus stop.
c. Jaryn and his teammates have just finished a soccer game. Hes
looking forward to eating at the fast-food restaurant in the mall
near the school, which they do after every game. To his surprise,
instead of ordering their usual double-cheese chili dogs and large
pops, almost all of his friends order taco salads and fruit juice.
d. Meagan is a vegetarian. She eats no meat. Shes been invited to
her friends house for supper. When she arrives, she realizes that
supper includes barbequed hamburgers and chicken breast.
e. Karin and Alejandra have been training for their upcoming swim
meet. As they leave the pool, they stop at the vending machines
to get something to snack on. The machines are full of pop,
chips, nachos, gum, and chocolate bars.
Using laptops, have students compare their personal health
choices to standards for health in a blog post on the class blog. Have
students respond to the prompt: Using Canadas Food Guide, compare
your food choices to your nutritional needs. Think about how you could
improve your diet. Think about ways in which you are already meeting
your nutritional needs. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best,
compare your food choices to your nutritional needs, and give it a
rating. Be sure to explain why you gave yourself that rating.
1. In class discussion
2. Scenario analysis
1. Blog post #2 Canadas Food Guide

Lesson: #3 Personal Grooming/Cleanliness

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed

choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
W-7.2 Students will examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and
evaluate the impact of grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal
grooming habits/choices
P6.3.1 Communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled
environment, by using such communication technologies as email and
web browsers
P6.3.2 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
1. Identify their own personal grooming habits.
2. Describe how grooming/cleanliness may be impacted by outside
Key Questions:
1. What are my personal grooming habits?
2. What influences my grooming/habits of cleanliness?
Lesson 3 PowerPoint
Assignment #3
Lesson Procedure:
1. Introduce the concepts of grooming and cleanliness to the class,
and explain the difference between the two. Cleanliness has to do
with personal hygiene. Cleanliness involves paying attention to your
skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes, and ears. Not paying attention to
cleanliness can potentially lead to illness or disease, which affects
your health.
2. Ask students for some examples of cleanliness. (It includes activities
such as brushing your teeth, washing your hair, showering, and
using deodorant.)
3. Grooming includes the things people do to make themselves look
good. It may not affect physical health, but it can affect intellectual
and emotional health.

4. Ask students for some examples of grooming. (Doing your hair,

using makeup, etc.)
5. Have students complete assignment #3 on their own.
6. After completing assignment #3, students will create a blog post
answering the following questions:
a. How much do you spend on essential and non-essential
products in a year?
b. What do you think influences teens when they make choices
about their grooming and cleanliness habits and activities?
c. What influences you when you make choices about your
grooming and cleanliness habits and activities?
1. Assignment #3
2. Class discussion
1. Blog Post #3

Lesson: #4 Impact of the Media on Lifestyle Choices

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a
variety of technologies
C3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the
use of a variety of technologies
F4 Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and
electronic information
W-7.2 Students will examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and
evaluate the impact of grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal
grooming habits/choices
W-7.4 Students will analyze the messages and approaches used by
the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle choices
C1.3.1 plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic

C1.3.4 access and retrieve information through the electronic

C1.3.5 analyze and synthesize information to create a product
C1.3.6 communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through
appropriate forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia
presentations, applying information technologies for content, audience
and purpose
C3.3.2 evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information
to a particular topic
F4.3.2 understand the nature of various media and how they are
consciously used to influence an audience
F4.3.3 identify specific techniques used by the media to elicit
particular responses from an audience
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
1. Describe how the media creates messages that promote certain
lifestyle choices through advertising.
Key Questions:
1. How does the media influence my grooming/habits of cleanliness?
2. How does the media influence my lifestyle choices?
Sticky Note Poster Paper
Lesson Procedure:
Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Today, we are going to analyze the impact of the media on body image
and lifestyle choices.
2. No matter where advertisements are found, a variety of techniques are
used to persuade you to buy the product. This can affect things such as
body image and lifestyle choices. Today, we will look specifically at how
the media uses certain techniques to influence your lifestyle choices.
3. Split the class into 7 groups. Using a laptop, each group will research
one of the following advertising techniques: 1) Sex appeal, 2) Snob
appeal, 3) Appeal to tradition, 4) Celebrity testimonial, 5) Appeal to
excellence, 6) Loaded words, and 7) Bandwagon.
Development (30 minutes):
4. In these groups, have students complete assignment #4. In this
assignment, students are to create an advertisement for their specific
advertising technique. Give each group of students a Sticky Note
poster paper, and let students know they will each take turns
presenting their advertisements at the end of class.

Closure (25 minutes):

5. Allow each group about 3 minutes to present their advertisements, and
allow some time for comments/discussion/questions.
1. Advertisements/Presentations

Lesson: #5 Impact of the Media on Body Image

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
F4 Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and
electronic information
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with

W-7.2 Students will examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and
evaluate the impact of grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal
grooming habits/choices
W-7.4 Students will analyze the messages and approaches used by
the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle choices
F4.3.1 identify aspects of style in a presentation
F4.3.2 understand the nature of various media and how they are
consciously used to influence an audience
F4.3.3 identify specific techniques used by the media to elicit
particular responses from an audience
P6.3.1 Communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled
environment, by using such communication technologies as email and
web browsers
P6.3.2 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:

1. Describe how the media creates messages that promote certain body
2. Describe how the media creates messages that promote certain
lifestyle choices.
Key Questions:
1. How does the media influence my grooming/habits of cleanliness?
2. How does the media influence my lifestyle choices?
Lesson 5 PowerPoint
Assignment #5
Access to http://medialiteracyproject.org/deconstructions
If students have an ad in mind that they would like to analyze instead of one
of the ones on the website provided, they can do this as well. The website
provided is encouraged though because it provides an explanation to help
students grasp how the media influences their decisions. For students that
dont need this extra support, choosing any ad they know about is fine.
Lesson Procedure:
1. Body image, or the picture you have of your physical self, affects all
aspects of your personal health and wellness: physical, intellectual,
and emotional. It also affects the choices you make about your
activities and habits. Today, we are going to look at how body image
affects your health and lifestyle choices, and how personal health
and lifestyle choices are promoted by the media.
2. Talk about what a healthy body image is:
a. Helps you to resist pressure to strive for the perfect body
b. Feel confident
c. Find meaningful ways to feel good about yourself
d. Take care of yourself
e. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses
3. (Class discussion). Ask students if they feel pressured to look a
certain way/what these pressures are. Talk about how in Western
society, the female ideal is to be thin, and for males, it is to be lean
and muscular.
4. Remind the class of the advertising techniques we talked about last
class. Tell students that these techniques, along with others, are
used to make people feel like their bodies are not good enough as
they are, and this helps advertisers sell products and services.

5. Tell students that advertisers achieve the illusion of perfect bodies

with props, lighting, angles, computers, altering and editing shapes
and features, and combining body features of different people.
6. Show students an example of this editing on the SmartBoard.
7. Have students go to the following website, and choose an ad to
deconstruct: http://medialiteracyproject.org/deconstructions
8. For their weekly response, students are to state which ad they
chose to analyze. Then they will answer the following questions:
a. What advertising techniques are used in this ad?
b. What product is the ad trying to sell to you?
c. How is the ad promoting this product?
d. What types of body images are promoted in this ad?
1. Class discussion
1. Blog Post #4

Lesson: #6 Substance Use and Avoidance

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
W-7.6 Students will analyze social factors that may influence
avoidance and/or use of particular substances
P6.3.1 Communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled
environment, by using such communication technologies as email and
web browsers
P6.3.2 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network,
wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and
downloading text, image, audio and video files
Instructional Objectives:

Students will:
1. Identify sources of influence on their use/avoidance of particular
2. Practice their refusal skills when pressured to use a substance.
Key Questions:
1. What factors in my life contribute to the decisions I make about
substance use/avoidance?
2. How can I say no to a substance when I am feeling pressured?
Link to online video
Lesson 6 PowerPoint
If there are any students with high anxiety, etc., instead of engaging in a
skit, they can write out a script as if they were to be in a situation in which it
was tough to say no.
Lesson Procedure:
1. Today we are going to talk about how all of the different influences
in your life contribute to decisions you make, including substance
use and avoidance. Many of your decisions form the basis for
lifelong habits.
2. Make a concept web on the board, asking: What are some things
that influence your decisions? Answers may include: friends, family,
advertising, culture, beliefs. Point out how many of these factors are
social factors.
3. Go over how hard it can be to say no to using substances when
social factors play a role in the situation.
4. Tell students what a drug is. (Changes how your body or mind
5. Because it can be hard to say no in a group setting to drugs, have
students practice their refusal skills. Have students get into groups
of 3-4 and create a short skit that involves a situation in which the
student is offered a substance, and they say no. The social group
should continue to pressure the singled out student, and the
student must find ways to stick to their answer. Offer students
suggestions as to how they might say no.
6. Watch Smoking Out the Truth: Teens and Tobacco (Video)

7. Have students write their weekly blog post. Students should

describe a situation in which they had a tough time saying no. They
should describe why they had a tough time saying no, and what
strategy they could use next time in order to say no.
1. Skits
2. Blog Post #5

Lesson: #7 Final Project

Subject: Health and Life Skills

Grade: 7

Time: 60

Wellness Choices Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
C1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a
variety of technologies
C3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the
use of a variety of technologies
P6 Students will use communication technology to interact with
W-7.1 Students will compare personal health choices to standards
for health; e.g., physical activity, nutrition, relaxation, sleep, reflection
W-7.4 Students will analyze the messages and approaches used by
the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle choices
W-7.6 Students will analyze social factors that may influence
avoidance and/or use of particular substances
C1.3.4 Access and retrieve information through the electronic
C1.3.5 Analyze and synthesize information to create a product
C1.3.6 communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through
forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia
presentations, applying information technologies for content,
audience and purpose
C3.3.2 evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information
to a particular

P6.3.1 communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled

environment, by using such communication technologies as email and
web browsers
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
1. Investigate a topic of their choice.
2. Describe how a particular topic affects their health.
Key Questions:
1. How can I make responsible and informed choices to maintain my
Access to http://www.teenhealthandwellness.com/subject/12

Students may choose to do this project with any type of software, so that
they can do their best through the use of a technology they are familiar and
comfortable with
Lesson Procedure:
1. Hand out final project rubric/detailed assignment to students.
2. Give students the full class to work on the assignment.
3. Tell students the assignment will be due next week.
1. Discussion with students/observation
1. Final Project

Learner Outcomes







Blog #1
Assignment #1
Blog #2
Assignment #3
Blog #3
Blog #4
Blog #5
Final Project
Learner Outcomes

Blog #1
Assignment #1
Blog #2
Assignment #3
Blog #3
Blog #4
Blog #5


























Final Project


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