PEM Electrolysis For Production of Hydrogen From Renewable Energy Sources 2005 Solar Energy
PEM Electrolysis For Production of Hydrogen From Renewable Energy Sources 2005 Solar Energy
PEM Electrolysis For Production of Hydrogen From Renewable Energy Sources 2005 Solar Energy
Connecticut Global Fuel Cell Center, University of Connecticut, 44 Weaver Road, Unit 5233 Storrs, CT 06269-5233, United States
Received 2 June 2003; received in revised form 30 August 2004; accepted 1 September 2004
Available online 19 October 2004
Communicated by: Associate Editor S.A. Sherif
PEM electrolysis is a viable alternative for generation of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Several possible
applications are discussed, including grid independent and grid assisted hydrogen generation, use of an electrolyzer for
peak shaving, and integrated systems both grid connected and grid independent where electrolytically generated hydrogen is stored and then via fuel cell converted back to electricity when needed. Specic issues regarding the use of PEM
electrolyzer in the renewable energy systems are addressed, such as sizing of electrolyzer, intermittent operation, output
pressure, oxygen generation, water consumption and eciency.
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PEM electrolysis; Hydrogen; Renewable energy
1. Introduction
Hydrogen may play an important role as an energy
carrier of the future (Veziroglu and Barbir, 1991,
1998). Hydrogen may be used as fuel in almost every
application where fossil fuels are being used today, but
without harmful emissions (Barbir and Veziroglu,
1992), with a sole exemption of NOx emissions when
hydrogen is combusted (which, however, can be eectively controlled). In addition, hydrogen may be converted into useful forms of energy more eciently than
fossil fuels. And despite public perception, hydrogen is
0038-092X/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2. PEM electrolysis
Most of the electrolyzers used today in capacities up
to several thousand m3/h are based on alkaline (KOH)
electrolyte. Another option is to use a proton exchange
membrane as electrolyte. This peruorosulfonic acid
polymer (also known as NaonTM) has been used in
chlor-alkaline electrolysis and also in fuel cells. PEM
electrolysis is a process just reverse of a PEM fuel cell
process (Fig. 1). Water is split into oxygen, protons
and electrons on one electrode (anode) by applying a
DC voltage higher than a thermoneutral voltage
Fig. 2. HOGEN PEM Electrolyzer by Proton Energy Systems (stack on the left and complete packaged system on the right).
Table 1
Specications of HOGENRE PEM electrolyzer by Proton Energy Systems
Hydrogen output
Max delivery pressure
Hydrogen purity
Water usage
Water quality (min) required
Power consumption
Electrical supply required
Operating environment
Controls and automation
3. Applications
Hydrogen may be produced from PV generated electricity in a variety of applications, and used as a fuel directly, or transmitted through pipelines to the users, or
used to enhance the performance of the PVs by matching their output to the user needs. Each of these applications is briey discussed below.
3.1. Grid independent solar-hydrogen generation
Instead of connecting to the grid, a PV array may be
connected to an electrolyzer to produce hydrogen, which
then may be used in a variety of applications (Fig. 3).
option. Some studies suggest that transmission of hydrogen through a pipeline in some cases may be more economical than transmission of electricity over a long
distance (Justi, 1987; Coluccia et al., 1994; Oney et al.,
1994; Keith and Leighty, 2002). Recently, there was a
proposal, accompanied by a techno-economic study, to
ship megawatts of wind power through hydrogen pipelines from the wind farms in the Dakotas to the users
in Chicagodistance of some 1600 km (Keith and
Leighty, 2002).
4. Issues
Operation of a PEM electrolyzer in conjunction with
renewable energy sources, and particularly with a PV
panel or array, has several specic issues that will be discussed below.
4.1. Relative sizing of an electrolyzer and PV array
An electrolyzer may be sized to receive all the power
generated from a PV array, but it would operate with
the same capacity factor as the PV array, which is determined by the sun availability. Capacity factor is a coefcient of utilization of installed capital, and therefore it
is an important factor in determining the economics of
any power generating or energy conversion device. A
more economical option may be to size the electrolyzer
at a power lower than the PV maximum power output.
In that case some of the power from the PV would be
unutilized, or stored in the batteries, but the electrolyzer
would operate with a higher capacity factor. For any
combination of PV availability and load proles, there
is an optimum electrolyzer capacity (Barbir, 1999b).
Economics of PV-hydrogen systems greatly depends on
the conguration of the system and its application, in
addition to the available solar insolation.
4.2. Intermittent operation
Direct coupling of an electrolyzer with a PV array
implies intermittent operation with highly variable
75 C
55 C
25 C
Pressure (PSI)
equation), which corresponds to an isothermal compression work. It is therefore the most ecient way of compression. The only loss is hydrogen permeation through
the polymer membrane. High hydrogen pressure is often
required if hydrogen is to be stored in high pressure
tanks for later use, or used as a fuel in an automobile,
or shipped through pipelines.
4.4. Oxygen generation
The water electrolysis results in both hydrogen and
oxygen being produced on the opposite sides of the
membrane. The electrolyzer produces stoichiometric
amounts of oxygen, i.e., for every two moles of hydrogen a mol of oxygen is produced as well. Oxygen is typically vented (unless oxygen generation is the primary
purpose of water electrolysis such as in submarines),
but if needed oxygen may be captured and stored for
later use (for example in fuel cell). Storage and handling
of oxygen, particularly at elevated pressures, requires
special care.
by the current density, which in turn directly corresponds to the rate of hydrogen production per unit of
electrode active area. A higher voltage would result in
more hydrogen production, but at a lower eciency.
Typically, cell voltage is selected at about 2 V, but a lower nominal voltage (as low as 1.6 V) may be selected, if
the eciency is more important than the size (and capital cost) of the electrolyzer.
Another source of ineciency is hydrogen permeation (loss) through the polymer membrane. This is typically insignicant at low operating pressures, but it may
signicantly aect the overall eciency at very high
pressures (>100 bar).
In addition there are power losses in voltage regulation and some power is needed for the auxiliary equipment (pumps, fans, solenoid valves, instrumentation
and controls). Typical industrial electrolyzers have electricity consumption between 4.5 and 6.0 kW h/N m3, corresponding to the eciency of 6580%. Fig. 9 shows
typical PEM electrolyzer eciency curves at various
The electrolyzer eciency is therefore:
200 psi
2000 psi
3000 psi
Time = 400 to 2,000 hr
Decay rate = 20 V/cell hr
Operating Hours
Fig. 10. Voltage increase with time during continuous electrolysis. (single cell, 929 cm2, 1.1 A/cm2, 10 bar, 5155 C).
the input from a PV array, this eciency may be considerably lower. If there is a good match between the polarization curves of PVs and electrolyzers, experience from
a handful of PV/electrolysis pilot plants shows that they
can be matched directly (with no power tracking electronics) with relatively high eciency, >93% coupling
eciency (Steeb et al., 1990).
4.7. Performance degradation with time
When sizing an electrolyzer for operation in conjunction with the PVs, one must take into account voltage increase with time. If the eciency or the hydrogen
generation rate are important, then end of life electrolyzer performance must be taken into account rather
than beginning of life performance. Voltage increase is
steeper in the rst couple of thousands of hours of operation, 2050 lV/h, but then it levels o (<3 lV/h), as
shown in Fig. 10 (Anderson et al., 2002). The reasons
for voltage increase are equilibration of water content
in the membrane, and oxidation of catalyst and other
metallic components. With good design and careful
selection of materials, this performance degradation
may be minimized.
5. Conclusions
PEM electrolysis is a viable alternative for generation
of hydrogen in conjunction with renewable energy
sources. It particularly matches and complements the
photovoltaics. It may be coupled either directly, if the
polarization iV curves are well matched, or a DC/DC