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Annotated Biblograpy Engl 102

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Sarah Figert

Professor Gathof
English 102
19 February 2016
Annotated Bibliography: The Psychological Effects of Social Media
Becker, Mark W., Reem Alzahabi, and Christopher J. Hopwood. "Media Multitasking Is
Associated With Symptoms Of Depression And Social Anxiety." Cyberpsychology,
Behavior & Social Networking 16.2 (2013): 132-135. Academic Search Complete. Web.
18 Feb. 2016.

This article is a secondary source. It is published on a scholarly database, and was peer
reviewed. This article discusses a research study done on the psychological results of
media multitasking. Throughout the article the relation between psychological disorders
social media, and media multitasking are discussed. The main point the authors make in
this article is that social media multitasking can increase or heighten the symptoms of
depression, social anxiety, as well as other mood and anxiety disorders. The purpose of
this article is to spread awareness, and to help understand the complex relation between
social media and psychological disorders. This article relates to pop culture because it
talks about social media, which is everywhere in modern society. The article also talks
about media multitasking which relates media to multitasking, which is very common in
the fast-paced lives of modern western culture. This article relates to my final research
paper because it is about the psychological effects of social media.

"Concerns Regarding Social Media And Health Issues In Adolescents And Young
Adults." Obstetrics & Gynecology 127.2 (2016): e62-e65. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

This article is a secondary source. The article discusses the effects of social media on
adolescents. The authors make the point that during adolescence is when people are
developing their own thoughts and ideas about the world and experimenting, making
them extremely impressionable. The article argues that social media is becoming a part of
daily life, epically for adolescence, thus influencing them directly and indirectly. The
main argument of this article is that adolescence who are influenced by social media are
likely to engage in harmful behaviors such as, cyberbullying, inappropriate promiscuity,
and much more. The purpose of this article is to help increase awareness of this issue, as
well as to offer solutions. This article relates to pop culture in that social media is a huge
part of pop culture, and is becoming incorporated in the lives of the majority of our
society. In my final research paper, I can use this article to make points about the effects
of social media that can lead to psychological repercussions.

Cyberbully. Charles Biname. ABC Family. 2011. Film.

This movie is a primary source. Cyberbully is a movie about a teenage girl who is
cyberbullied through a social media cite, and has intense psychological repercussions

including a suicide attempt. Throughout the movie the main character is so obsessed with
social media that she wont even stop using it when she gets bullied through the social
media cite. This movie demonstrates the vulnerability and impressionability of adolescent
girls who are influenced by social media. This movie shows the psychological effects of
social media on adolescent girls, which is the topic of my final research paper. This
movie shows some of the negative aspects of social media in relation to adolescent girls.
The movie, Cyberbully, is related to pop culture because it is a movie that was shown on
a popular television channel, and it is about social media which plays an important role in
the day to day life of modern society.

Honor Whiteman. Social Media: How Does It Affect Our Mental Health and Well-Being?
Medical News Today. 10 June 2015. Website. 18 February 2016.

This article is a secondary source. It is posted on a reliable website, it is a popular source,

peer reviewed articles. The author has researched medical diagnostics, neurology, and
stem cell research. She is also said to have had experience with journalism by the cite that
the article is published on. In the article the author discusses what social media is, the
addiction to social media, social medias negative repercussions, and the positive side of
social media. The main argument in this article is that while social media has some
negative aspects, such as time consumption, the benefits, such as creating an outlet for
people with social anxiety and building self-esteem, could outweigh the negative aspects.
The purpose of this article is to create awareness of the lasting effects of social media and

how they can be used to better our society. This article relates to pop culture because
social media is a large part of our culture and society. It relates to my research project
because it provides a positive perspective to the psychological effects of social media.
My final research paper is going to include both positive, and negative effects of social

Lewis, Andrew J., et al. "The Impact On Family Functioning Of Social Media Use By Depressed
Adolescents: A Qualitative Analysis Of The Family Options Study." Frontiers In
Psychiatry (2015): 1-8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

This article is a secondary source. In this article the authors discuss a research study on
how social media effects adolescence with a preexisting major depressive order in
relation to their family. The result of the study, as well as the main argument of the article
was that social media is a threat to the parents authority and control. The article argues
that social media increases isolation, and is not a positive influence on adolescence in our
society today. This is a credible source because it was found in a scholarly data base,
meaning it was peer reviewed. The authors were also affiliated with the School of
Psychology at Keakin University in Melbourne, Austraila. The topic of this article is
social media, which is huge part of pop culture. The article relates to my final research
paper because in it I will be discussing the psychological effects of social media on
adolescence; this article provides a perspective of the parents, and also provides research
about adolescence with preexisting psychological disorders.

McLean, Sin A., et al. "Photoshopping The Selfie: Self Photo Editing And Photo Investment
Are Associated With Body Dissatisfaction In Adolescent Girls." International Journal Of
Eating Disorders 48.8 (2015): 1132-1140. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Feb.

This article is a secondary source. This is a credible source because it is on a scholarly

database, and the authors are affiliated with the School of Psychology and Public Health,
La Trobe University, and the School of Education at La Trobe University in Melbourne
Australia. The article discusses a research study done to examine the relationship between
adolescent girls posting selfies on social media cites and psychological disorders. The
main point of this article is that social media can provoke psychological disorders in
adolescent girls such as, eating disorders, and issues with self-image. The purpose of this
article is to bring awareness to the effects of adolescent girls being overexposed to social
media. This article relates to pop culture in that social media, and selfies, are a big part of
life in our society. This article can be helpful to my final research paper because it talks
about a specific disorder that is directly related to the use of social media.

Slater, Amy, and Marika Tiggemann. "Media Exposure, Extracurricular Activities, And

Appearance-Related Comments As Predictors Of Female Adolescents SelfObjectification." Psychology Of Women Quarterly 39.3 (2015): 375-389. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

This article is a secondary source. It is credible because it was found on a scholarly

database, and the authors are affiliated with the Centre for Appearance Research at the
University of West England, and the School of Psychology at Flinders University. This
article discusses a research study on the relationship between social media,
extracurricular activities, and self-objectification. The article states that exposure to social
media was related to self-objectification, eating disorders, and other issues. The article
also stated that there wasnt a correlation between extracurricular activities. The main
point and purpose of this article is to bring awareness to the issues adolescent girls
experience with social media, and a solution of extracurricular activities. This article is
related to pop culture in that social media is a prominent part of life in society today. This
article will help with my research paper because it discusses how specific disorders are
related to social media.

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