Junior High School Students' Perception About Social Media As A Place of Bullying.
Junior High School Students' Perception About Social Media As A Place of Bullying.
Junior High School Students' Perception About Social Media As A Place of Bullying.
A Research Paper
10 - Rizal
Reyes, Miguel S.
Sico, Laurence P.
Navarro, Jethro Z.
Sarcilla, Lovelyn S.
Riano, Xyrone Luke C.
Ramos, Federic Nico P.
Opalalic, Prince Lenard N.
Peñaranda, Jhon Michael D.
Roderos, Angelica Nicole R.
Siguancia, Lhara Dominique M.
March 2020
This chapter includes the introduction, objectives, statement of the problem, the scope
power, be it physical, psychological, or influential, by someone with more power. This act
other channels like social media, a new subdivision of bullying was coined. This concept,
the act of bullying taken to a virtual setting, was later known as cyberbullying.
age groups, ignoring the student-student idea from bullying, but the highest cases occur in
the teenage group, mostly between 15 and 17 years old (Ybarra and Mitchell, 2004b). The
term is now lenient with the definition, sometimes used in describing acts of defamation
towards the bullied through comments or messages. In other times it is used when a
cyberbully takes, for instance, a photo and alters or accompanies it with a derogatory
rumor. Now, cyberbullying includes the two acts formerly mentioned and other similar
low self-esteem, and anxiety, in some cases accompanied by depression (Nansel et al.,
2001; Rigby, 2003; Smith & Brain, 2000; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004a).
Since the bullying takes place in virtual means, there is no actual physical contact
between the bully and the bullied. The bullying, therefore, is purely psychological and no
physical harm, at least none given by the bully, is done. The problem, however, is that the
media influencers and public figures. This research aims to discover the perception of
view social media as a way of receiving and sending messages and chat with others
The study will be conducted to find out the different perceptions of junior high
school students about social media as a place of bullying, answering the following
1. What are the causes and effects of cyberbullying that Junior High School students’
2. How will the Junior High School students cope up if they ever experienced
This study aims to know the perception of junior high school students about cyber
Students. As the main respondents of the study, their opinion and perception about
the students in school. The teachers play a great role in the coping period of students when
Parents. Parents are the ones whom students rely on, this study can help them to
further understand cyberbullying in order to know how they can handle the situation
Future Researchers. They will be able to use this study as a reference and an
This study entitled, “Junior High School Students’ Perception about Social Media as
a Place of Bullying”, aims to identify the different perceptions of grade 10 Junior High
School students of different schools about social media as a place of bullying. This also
covers the causes and effects of cyberbullying as known by grade 10 students, their coping
mechanism when bullying happens to them, and how cyberbullying affects their
performance in school.
type of questionnaire with five (5) for Strongly Agree, four (4) for Agree, three (3) for
Neutral, two (2) for Disagree, and one (1) for Strongly Disagree.
The researchers started this study on the second half of February and had their title
defense on the 22nd of the February. The collection of data happened within a month and
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