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Stored Pests in Myanmar

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Bean Weevil

English Name - Bean weevil

Scientific Name - Acanthoscelides

obtectus (Say)

Family - Bruchidae

Order - Coleoptera

Body Length 2 -3 mm (adult)

Kind of Pest - It is a primary pest

and can be attacked since it was in

the field.
Characteristics -

Forewing cannot cover

the last

segment of abdomen as usually as bean beetles. The

difference from other bean beetles is that at the tip of

femur, there are a big thorn and two small thorns in

series. From first segment to 5th segment are red brown

and the rest are dark brown.

Life cycle Adult female lay 40-300 eggs among the

grains and cracks and on the kernels. Eggs are laid
loosely. Larvae emerged from egg penetrate into the
kernel and eat. They pupate inside the grains. At 30 C

and 80% R.H, it lasts for 27 days from egg stage to

adult stage.

Damaged crops It usually damages pulses. Especially it

attackes lablab bean and groundnut.

Damaged symptom - Circle holes are appeared in pulse

seeds. Difference from other bean weevils is that those

holes are bigger than those damaged by other bean



Cowpea Weevil

English Name - Cowpea Weevil (Up)

Southern Cowpea Weevil (Down)

Scientific Name - Callosobruchus maculatus

(Fabricius) (Up) ; C. chinensis (Linnaeus)

Family - Bruchidae

Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest -

It is a primary pest and

can be attacked since it was in the field.

Body Length - 3 7 mm (adult)

Characteristics - Adults is a small brown beetle. Forewing

cannot cover the last segment of abdomen as usually as
bean beetles. On the two edges from the tip of femur of

these beetles, there is an equal thorn each or interior thorn

is longer than exterior thorn. In C. maculates, dark yellow

hairs are covered on the side of abdominal segments and

there are small and thick white hairs on the abdominal side
of C. chinensis.

Life cycle -

A femal adule lay eggs on the kernels and on

the surface of seeds. On the surface of seeds, they lay eggs

as stick as glue. They live for 6 days in egg stage and then
become adulthood. Larvae emerged from egg enter the

seeds directly. Throughout their life, larvae live and damage

inside the bean seeds. It takes about 20 days for larval

stage. Pupation takes place inside the bean seed kernel. It

takes 7 days for pupal stage. At 32 C and 90% R.H, it lasts

for 21-22 days at least from egg to adult stage.

Damaged crops - It damaged mainly pulses. C. chinensis

used to damage chickpea, rice bean, nylon bean, lablab

bean, long bean, green gram, black gram and brown bean
and C. maculatus attack pulses attacked by C. chinensis
pigeon pea and soybean, too.

Damaged symptom - Larvae used to penetrate and damage

inside the bean seeds. Usually, damage can start from the
storage in the field and adults can fly more than half a mile.

On the surface of bean seeds, oval shaped eggs can be seen

evidently. By storing damaged kernels that have been

harvested, further rearing can be found.


Red Flour Beetle/ Rust-red Flour Beetle

English Name - Red Flour Beetle, Rust-red Flour Beetle

Scientific Name - Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)
Family - Tenebrionidae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest It is a secondary pest and usually damage in

the warehouses.

Body Length - 3 -4 mm (adult)

Characteristics Adult is small flat body and has long body
and reddish brown. Larvae are yellowish and white and long
and slender shape. Head of larva is light brown. Well
developed larvae is about 6 10 mm long. Antannae is club-

shaped and the upmost three segments is significantly

bigger than the adjacent segments.

Life cycle An adult female usually lay about 150 600

eggs on the agricultural produce here and there. Eggs are

small and slender-shaped and white. From egg to larval
stage, it used to last for 2 weeks to 2 months. On the last
segments of abdomen, there are two significant


Larvae grow inside the grains from larval stage till pupation.

Pupa is yellowish white and finally changes to brown. It lasts

for 1-2 weeks in the pupal stage. At 35 27 C and above

70% R.H, life cycle lasts for 20 days. In the adult stage, it
used to live and eat for 6 months.

Damaged crops It is a major pest of maize, wheat and

other cereal crops, stored grain based products. Moreover, it
also attacks pulses, cocoa, nuts, dried fruits and spices, too.

However, they prefer grains that have been milled like

wheat. They are also a major pest of husked groundnut.

Damaged symptom Damage can be seen evidently on the

surface of grains and when adults appear. They destroy

broken grains that have been destroyed and holed by other
pests. Damage to stored grains by adults and larvae.

Dried Fruit Beetle
English Name - Dried Fruit Beetle

Scientific Name - Carpophilus hemipterus


Family - Nitidulidae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in

the warehouses.

Body Length 2 -4 mm (adult)

Characteristics Body is oval shaped and flat. Fore elytra is
very short and cannot cover last 2 -3 segments of abdomen.

It is from light brown to black and there are 1-2 yelllow

spots. There are 11 segments in antenna and the last three
segments are big and and combine and as a ball.

Life Cycle An adult female lay about 1, 000 eggs. Living

for 2 3 days in egg stage and then hatch. Young larva
damage grains, fruits or mouldy parts of broken by many

reasons. It lasts for 6-14 days in larval stage. Pupapation

usually takes place among grains or on the surface of bags.
It lasts for 5-11 days in pupal stage. Adult stage lasts for 3-

4 months and sometimes one year. According to the

environmental conditions, from egg to adult stage lasts for

12-24 days. At 32 C and high relative humidity, it can live

for at least 12 days.

Damaged crops It is a major pest of dried fruits. In the

field, it is a secondary pest for cotton boll and maize core

and different kinds of fruits. After the different crops have

damaged by other pests, it usually damage at last.

Generally, ripen cereals (e.g ripen maize) and mouldy

grains remains.

Damage symptom This pest can be found on old grains

that have much moisture content. Both adult and larval
stages destroy.

Siamese Grain Beetle

English Name - Siamese Grain Beetle
Scientific Name - Lophocateres


(Klug, 1832)

Family - Lophocateridae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage

in the warehouses.





Characteristics Significant stripes are found laterally on

the fore elytra and brown and dark grey colour. Body is
flat. Especially, along the side of fore elytra is more
flattened. On each side of thorax, there is a point each.

Antenna is club shape and the top three segments are

apparently big.

Life cycle An adult female lays eggs among the broken

grain kernels or cracks. Eggs are usually laid 13-14 in
cluster. After living 7 days in egg stage, it becomes
larva. It lasts for 42 days in larval and pupal stages. At

35 C, live cycle is about 50 days. As it distributed in

United States of America from rice imported from
Thailand, its name is Siamese beetle.

Damaged Crops It can be found in cereal crops

(especially paddy) pulses, cassava and oil seed crops.

Damaged Symptom This pest can be found together

with lesser grain borer, grain weevils and red flour

beetles. It is difficult to see because of its small size and

fast activity.


Cigarette Beetle/Tobacco Beetle

English Name - Cigarette Beetle,

Tobacco Beetle

Scientific Name - Lasioderma

serricorne (Fabricius, 1792)

Family - Anobiidae

Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.

Body Length - 2.5 3 mm (adult)

Characteristics -

Body is oval shape. Fore thorax plate

and hind elytra is smooth and light reddish brown. As fore

thorax plate covers the head, it is like bending head when

looked from side. Body is not flat and can be seen 40.
Life cycle -

This beetle can mltiply anywhere above 19 C

and 20-30% R.H and the most suitable temperature is 30-35

C and 60-80 R.H. An adult female lay about 100 eggs on

the surface strored items during her life. Within 6-10 days,

larvae emerge from eggs. Depending on food, ot lasts for

17-30 days in larval stage. Pupation takes place amont the

brokens. Pupal stage lasts for 3-10 days and to reach adult
stage, it takes 3-10 days. Emerged adults can live for 2-6

weeks withing eating food. Depending on food, it lasts for

25-50 days from egg to adult stage. At 37 C , life cycle is 26

days and at 20 C, life cycle is 120 days.

Damaged Crops - It damages mainly on stored tobacco and

cigarette. It also attacks cocoa, peanut, pulses, wheat flour
and food.

Damaged Symptom Larvae damage undamaged cereal

grains and pulses seeds. It used to eat radicle. Holes by pest

in tobacco can be seen easily.


Mexican Bean Weevil

English Name - Mexican Bean Weevil

Scientific Name - Zabrotes subfasciatus


Family - Bruchidae

Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a primary pest and used

to attack in the field.

Body Length 1-1.5 mm (adult)

Characteristice - Forewing cannot cover the last segment of
abdomen as usually as bean beetles. Size is small.

Difference from other bean beetle is that it is dark colour

and there are two stipules which can move on the tip of
femur of hind leg.

Life Cycle It is like bean beetle. It lays egg singly on long

bean, kernels and on the surface of pulse seeds. At 32 C

and 70% R.H, it lasts for 24-25 days from egg to adult

Damaged Crops - It used to attack on pulses.

Damaged Symptom - White eggs can be seen on bean
seeds. Dark bean weevils can be seen evidently. It can fly

Rice Moth
English Name - Rice Moth
Scientific Name - Corcyra

(Stainton, 1866)
Family - Pyralidae

Order - Lepidoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.
Body Length 15-25 mm (wing span)
Characteristics It is a small brown moth. Larvae has red
head and there is like a shield on first segment of the thorax
and body is white. Fore wing and hind wing are brown and
along the wing is darker. There is a short stuff along the
wing. One mouthpart is stout in male while long and
protrude in female.
Life Cycle Moth lays about 100-200 sticky eggs on food. It
lasts for 4 days in egg stage and emerges larvae. Pupation
takes place among buildings and bags. It lasts for 27 days
from egg to adult stage. Depending on food, life cycle is 78









Damaged Crops It damages stored rice and other cereal

crops, dried fruits, nuts, spices, oil seed crops, some pulses
and chocolate.
Damaged Symptom After attacked by primary pest, it
used to start to damage. It used to live with hairs among
broken grains and dusts. When this pest attack the grains,
dusts can be seen with abundant.

Black fungus Beetle

English Name - Black Fungus Beetle, Lesser Mealworm,

Litter Beetle

Scientific Name - Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer,1796)

(Left) A. laevigatus (Fabricius) (right)
Family - Tenebrionidae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in

the warehouses.

Body Length 5.5-7 mm (adult

Characteristics Body size is big. Body is oval shape and

flat. Depending on age and species, colour is brown and

black. When operating the eye that can be seen from side,

the number of eggs from the narrowest point is 3-4 eyes, it

is Alphitobius diaperinus and when operating eye that can

be seen from side totally, the least number of eye is one, it
is Alphitobius laevigatus.

Life Cycle Eggs are laid on food with clusters. From 3-10

days, larvae are hatched from eggs. Larvae can move

quickly and can be seen on food in series. Pupation takes

place in the room built by food. Adult live long and eat and
fly. At 21-24 C, it can live for more than 400 days.

Damaged Crops It damages mainly on cereal crops,

especially on animal feeds. It used to attack on chicken

farm and disease carrier. It used to attacke moist and
mouldy plant products, plants and animal feeds.
Damage Symptom

When grains have high moisture

content and mouldy, this pest can be seen evidently. As the

size is big, the damage of this pest can be seen clearly.
Adults used to hide shady places outside the bag.

Flat Grain Beetle

English Name - Flat Grain Beetle

Scientific Name - Cryptolestes ferrugineus


Family - Cucujidae

Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.

Body Length 1.5-2.5 mm (adult)

Characteristics Size is small. Body is long and flat. The
colour is light reddish brown. The most sigficance is head
and fore thorax is half og the whole body and antenna is
more than half of body length.

Life Cycle An adult female lays about 200 eggs among the
brokens which have been destroyed by other pests. Larvae
hatched from eggs continue to attack the grains that have

been damaged by other pests. It eats leaf-to-be. It lives in

the broken grains and makes pupation. It lasts for 23 days

from egg to adult stage. When temperature is high, life

span is shorter and when temperature is low, life span is

Damaged Crops It used to damage on cereal crops. It

continues to damage the crops destroyed by any other
pests. It used to damage on oil cake, too.

Damaged Symptom It used to attack on long stored

grains. Although it is difficult to see because of small size,

when seiving the grains, this pest can be seen in the dusts
and broken. Both adult and larval stage can damage.

Bamboo Borer

English Name - Bamboo borer, Bamboo

False Powder Post Beetle, Ghoon Borer
Scientific Name - Dinoderus minutus
(Fabricius, 1775)

Family - Bostrichidae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and

usually damage in the warehouses.

Body Length 3-4 mm (adult)

Characteristics Body is like rectangle and reddish black.

Like lesser grain borer, spiny round fore thorax plate cover

the head. Difference from lesser grain borer is that fore

elytra accend backward. There are straight and short hairs.

Life Cycle An adult female lay eggs singly or in cluster.

Eggs were laid on cracks or wall or floor of warehouse or

dust made from adult and dusts. Hatched larvae eat the

dusts made from adults by penetrating the grains or top of

grain damage. Pupation takes place among the grains or
dusts. At 35 C and 75% R.H, it can live for 180 days.

Damaged Crops It attacks cereal crops and dusts of cereal

crops. It penetrates and eat dried root crops, bamboos,

Damaged Symptom Small holes can be seen on bamboo

and dusts used to come out. Small holes can be seen on

paper bags that has put crop flour, too.


Tropical Warehouse

English Name - Tropical Warehouse

Moth, Dried Current Moth,
Almond Moth

Scientific Name - Ephesians cautella

(Walker, 1863)

Family - Pyralidae

Order - Lepidoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in

the warehouses.

Body Length 14-22 mm (wing span)

Characteristics It has light brown and specks. Tip of fore
wing is round and there are small hairs along edge of the
wing. Although one of mouthparts ascends upwards, it
cannot be over head. Moreover, tip is dull.

Life Cycle An adult female moth lays 250-300 eggs on the

surface of grains or hole woven from gunny within 4-5 days.

Eggs are white and change to light orange colour before

hatching. After 3 days, larvae are hatched from eggs.

Larvae eat leaf-to-be of grains. It lasts for 22 days in larval

stage. Pupae is light brown and pupation takes place among

the wall of warehouse and bags. Pupal stage lasts for 7

days and adult stage lasts for 2 weeks. At 28 C and 70%

R.H, it lasts for 6-8 weeks from egg to adult stage.

Damaged Crops It mainly attacks maize, wheat and cereal

crops from the warehouse. Sometimes, it also attacks

peanut, cocoa, banana, dried fruits, spices.

Damaged Dymptom Web dust can be seen on the surface

of grain bags, among the grains. Among these web dusts,
pupae can be seen.

Redlegged Ham Beetle

English Name - Redlegged Ham Beetle

Scientific Name - Necrobia rufipes (Degeer)
Family - Cleridae
Order - Coleoptera

Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in

the warehouses.

Body Length about 4 mm (adult)

Characteristics Body is shiny green and blue. Segments
from the base of antennae is red. Top three segments of
antenna is significantly large and dark brown.
Life Cycle An adult female lays eggs on the surface of
items. Larvae penetrate into the items. At 30-34 C and in
moisture condition, birth rate is high. Under 20 C, birth
becomes stop. At 21-42 C, it can bear and at 30-34 C and
high moisture content, birth rate is the best.
Damaged Crops It usually attacks seeds of oil seed crops,
dried coconut, dried meat and fish. It seriously attacks dried
coconut that is watery and mouldy.
Damaged Symptom As size is large, it can be seen
evidently. Adults coming out from bags can be seen.

Saw-toothed Grain Beetle

English Name - Saw-toothed Grain Beetle (left)

Merchant Grain Beetle (right)
Scientific Name - Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus)
(eft) O.mercator (Fauvel) (right)
Family - Silvanildae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.

Body Length 2.5-3.5 mm (adult)

Life Cycle It lives inside the stored items throughout its
whole life. An adult female usually lays 300-400 eggs. Under
20 C, death rate of egg is high and the most suitable
temperature to grow egg is 30 C and lasts for 3-12 days to
hatch. It lasts for 12 days in larval stage and pupal stage
lasts for 5-15 days. At 25 C, life cycle lasts for 40 days and
at 35 C, it lasts for 20 days.
Damaged Crops It usually attacks cereal crops, products
of cereal crops, nuts, spices and dried fruits.

Damaged Symptom It is a secondary pest and usually

damage in the warehouses.

Lesser Grain Borer

English Name - Lesser Grain Borer

Scientific Name - Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius)
Family - Bostrichidae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.
Body Length 2-3 mm (adult)

Characteristics Head covers under the thoax. Larvae is

white and there is little curved slender in front part. As flat
and sharp front thorax plate covers the head, head seems to
be round when looked from above.

Life Cycle An adult female lays 200-500 eggs. Within a few

days, eggs hatch larvae. Hatched larvae chew and eat

grains. Larvae usually moult 3-5 times. Larval stage lasts for

27 days at 32 C. Pupation takes place inside the damaged

grains. It lasts for 3 days at 34 C. At 30 C, life cycle lasts
for 32 days inside the maize. Adult can live for 30-60 days.

Damaged Crops It usually damage cereal crops in the

warehouse, product of cereal crops, dusts and dried


Damaged Symptom Both larva and adult usually eat grains

externally. It mainly attacks grains and food. They are

dangerous while storing paddy. When this pest attacks the

grain, seeds become abnormal. It penetrates not only inside
the seeds but also the outside. When putting rice flour,
wheat flour, paper bag used to be porous.

Maize Weevil
English Name - Maize Weevil, Greater Rice
Scientific Name - Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
Family - Curculionidae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a primary pest and used to attack in the
Body Length 3.5-4.5 mm (adult)
Characteristics Colour is reddish brown and there are four
orange spots on the elytra. Significance is protruded snout.
To differentiate from S. oryzae, it can identify the male
genitelia. The surface of male genitellia of S.oryzae is
smooth while the surface of male genitellia of has groove.
Moreover, S. zeamais is darker than S. oryzae.
Life Cycle An adult female usually lays 150-300 eggs. Eggs
are while and oval. These eggs hatch larvae and eat inside
the grain and most of the damage is by these larvae. It lasts
for about 6 days to hatch. After hatching, larvae begin to
eat grains and when they grow, they make tunnel into the
grain. Moulting is 4 times. Grownup larvae is white and
develop and legless and about 4 mm long. At 25 C,
development of larvae lasts for 25 days. Pupation takes
place inside the grain and newly hatched adult come out

from hole. Adults also usually eats inside the grains.

However, they are not like larvae and move from one seed
to another. Life cycle is about 5 weeks at 30 C and 70%
R.H. The best temperature for their survival is at 27-31 C
and above 60% R.H and it stops to grow under 17 C. The
actual life cycle depends on the quality of damaged grains.
Adult can live for 4-12 months.
Damaged Crops Although it can damage all cereal crops, it
prefers wheat, rice and other small grains.
Damaged Symptom Direct damage can be seen on the
surface of cereal crops. A larva makes hole while its growth
and comes out. Damage of larvae is significant. Adults
mainly damage previous damaged grains.

English Name - Cadelle
Scientific Name - Tenebroides mauritanicus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Family - Ostomotidae (Trogossilidae)
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and
usually damage in the warehouses.
Body Length 5-11 mm (adult)
Characteristics Jointed head and front
thorax is as if divided and like joining neck. On each side of
front thorx plate, there is a point each. Top five segments of
antenna is larger than the rest.
Life Cycle Larvae eat plumule of seeds and at last change
to pupae after penetrating wood.
Damaged Crops It damages almost all stored grains.
Especially, it commonly damage cereal crops and oil seed
Damaged Symptom In larval stage, it eat plumule of
seeds. Moreover, it is also a predator. It penetrates not only
wheat bag, but also penetrates loosen woods.

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