Stored Pests in Myanmar
Stored Pests in Myanmar
Stored Pests in Myanmar
obtectus (Say)
Family - Bruchidae
Order - Coleoptera
the field.
Characteristics -
the last
Cowpea Weevil
Family - Bruchidae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest -
there are small and thick white hairs on the abdominal side
of C. chinensis.
Life cycle -
as stick as glue. They live for 6 days in egg stage and then
become adulthood. Larvae emerged from egg enter the
bean, long bean, green gram, black gram and brown bean
and C. maculatus attack pulses attacked by C. chinensis
pigeon pea and soybean, too.
inside the bean seeds. Usually, damage can start from the
storage in the field and adults can fly more than half a mile.
Larvae grow inside the grains from larval stage till pupation.
70% R.H, life cycle lasts for 20 days. In the adult stage, it
used to live and eat for 6 months.
Dried Fruit Beetle
English Name - Dried Fruit Beetle
Family - Nitidulidae
Order - Coleoptera
(Klug, 1832)
Family - Lophocateridae
Order - Coleoptera
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.
Family - Bruchidae
Order - Coleoptera
and there are two stipules which can move on the tip of
femur of hind leg.
and 70% R.H, it lasts for 24-25 days from egg to adult
Rice Moth
English Name - Rice Moth
Scientific Name - Corcyra
(Stainton, 1866)
Family - Pyralidae
Order - Lepidoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.
Body Length 15-25 mm (wing span)
Characteristics It is a small brown moth. Larvae has red
head and there is like a shield on first segment of the thorax
and body is white. Fore wing and hind wing are brown and
along the wing is darker. There is a short stuff along the
wing. One mouthpart is stout in male while long and
protrude in female.
Life Cycle Moth lays about 100-200 sticky eggs on food. It
lasts for 4 days in egg stage and emerges larvae. Pupation
takes place among buildings and bags. It lasts for 27 days
from egg to adult stage. Depending on food, life cycle is 78
Life Cycle Eggs are laid on food with clusters. From 3-10
Family - Cucujidae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and usually damage in
the warehouses.
Life Cycle An adult female lays about 200 eggs among the
brokens which have been destroyed by other pests. Larvae
hatched from eggs continue to attack the grains that have
when seiving the grains, this pest can be seen in the dusts
and broken. Both adult and larval stage can damage.
Bamboo Borer
Family - Bostrichidae
Order - Coleoptera
Like lesser grain borer, spiny round fore thorax plate cover
dust made from adult and dusts. Hatched larvae eat the
Tropical Warehouse
Family - Pyralidae
Order - Lepidoptera
grains. Larvae usually moult 3-5 times. Larval stage lasts for
Maize Weevil
English Name - Maize Weevil, Greater Rice
Scientific Name - Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
Family - Curculionidae
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a primary pest and used to attack in the
Body Length 3.5-4.5 mm (adult)
Characteristics Colour is reddish brown and there are four
orange spots on the elytra. Significance is protruded snout.
To differentiate from S. oryzae, it can identify the male
genitelia. The surface of male genitellia of S.oryzae is
smooth while the surface of male genitellia of has groove.
Moreover, S. zeamais is darker than S. oryzae.
Life Cycle An adult female usually lays 150-300 eggs. Eggs
are while and oval. These eggs hatch larvae and eat inside
the grain and most of the damage is by these larvae. It lasts
for about 6 days to hatch. After hatching, larvae begin to
eat grains and when they grow, they make tunnel into the
grain. Moulting is 4 times. Grownup larvae is white and
develop and legless and about 4 mm long. At 25 C,
development of larvae lasts for 25 days. Pupation takes
place inside the grain and newly hatched adult come out
English Name - Cadelle
Scientific Name - Tenebroides mauritanicus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Family - Ostomotidae (Trogossilidae)
Order - Coleoptera
Kind of Pest - It is a secondary pest and
usually damage in the warehouses.
Body Length 5-11 mm (adult)
Characteristics Jointed head and front
thorax is as if divided and like joining neck. On each side of
front thorx plate, there is a point each. Top five segments of
antenna is larger than the rest.
Life Cycle Larvae eat plumule of seeds and at last change
to pupae after penetrating wood.
Damaged Crops It damages almost all stored grains.
Especially, it commonly damage cereal crops and oil seed
Damaged Symptom In larval stage, it eat plumule of
seeds. Moreover, it is also a predator. It penetrates not only
wheat bag, but also penetrates loosen woods.