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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Knowledge

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Tabitha Fanning

5th Grade Social Studies

Common Core State Standards: PO 1. Describe factors leading to the Civil War:
a. Role of abolitionists and Underground Railroad
b. Sectionalism between North and South
c. Westward expansion
Strand 1 Concept 6 PO 1
ELA: Describe how a narrators or speakers point of view influences how events are described. (5.RL.6)
Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details
in the text (e.g., how characters interact). (5.RL.3)
ELP: HI-5: writing a summary paragraph containing only key ideas and relevant content vocabulary summarizing a
variety of text and of varying length.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will use the exploration of primary sources to analyze life during the civil war for African-Americans in
different regions through DBQs and discussion with peers.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response.

Students will complete a reflection detailing two primary sources, one from the north and one from the
south. Students will choose the sources that made the greatest impact on their perspective of life during
The Civil War era and explain why the sources did so.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

SWBAT examine primary sources from different perspectives during The Civil War.
SWBAT compare and contrast the lives of African-Americans in the North and South through DocumentBased Questions.
SWBAT create their own understanding of slavery and freemen during The Civil War.
Key vocabulary:
Document: record (something) in written
9 Primary sources-Artifacts, Text-based, Photographs
Primary Source: is an artifact, a document, a recording, (hard copies & digital)
or other source of information that was created at the
Student Notebook
time under study.
Secondary Source: any source about an event, period,
or issue in history that was produced after that event,
period or issue has passed.
Document Based Question: series of short-answer
questions that is constructed by students using one's
own knowledge combined with support from several
provided sources.
Emancipation Proclamation: an executive order
issued on January 1, 1863, by President Lincoln freeing
slaves in all portions of the United States not then under
Union control,

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

How will you activate student interest?

How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

Teacher will ask the class to discuss with their shoulder partner what they believe to be slavery during The Civil
War, who was affected by it and how it was ended. Teacher will ask partners to share with the class their thoughts.
Teacher will remind students that during The Civil War time period, Blacks who lived in the south were slaves and
according to law, blacks in the north were considered freemen.
Teacher Will:

Guided Practice

Instructional Input

How will you model/explain/demonstrate all

knowledge/skills required of the objective?
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address misunderstandings or
common student errors?
How will you check for understanding?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?

Student Will:

What will students be doing to actively capture and

process the new material?
How will students be engaged?

Point out each station that contains a primary

Actively listen to instruction while sitting quietly.
source. Teacher will explain to students that they
Students will ask questions when appropriate.
will be in groups rotating from station to station.
Model student will follow teachers lead and actively
Teacher will tell students that they will be
examining the documents, and answering the
Follow instructions and move to their groups station
DBQs individually and then discussing their
quickly and quietly.
thoughts as a group.
Teacher will model this interaction with one student
by sitting at station one, reading the document
aloud, writing their DBQ responses in their
notebook and then discussing their answers.
Teacher will break students into 9 groups and have
them go to their first station, corresponding with
their group number.
Differentiation Strategy
Students needing any kind of extra support whether, hearing devices, modified seating, etc. will
already be in place.
Students who may need assistance remembering instruction will receive a hard copy of directions for
the lesson.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:

How will you ensure that all students have multiple

opportunities to practice new content and skills?
What types of questions can you ask students as
you are observing them practice?
How/when will you check for understanding?
How will you provide guidance to all students as
they practice?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this practice?

Monitor students progression through the primary

source and DBQ.

How will students practice all knowledge/skills required

of the objective, with your support, such that they
continue to internalize the sub-objectives?
How will students be engaged?
How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
How are students practicing in ways that align to
independent practice?

Listen/read the primary source at their first station.

Analyze the source considering why it was written and

Teacher will periodically check in with each group

ensuring students are on task and moving through
the station proficiently.
Teacher will add to discussions happening at each
station (especially stations that finish early) to
provoke deeper thinking.
After 10 minutes at the station the teacher will ask
students to move to the next station.
Teacher will follow this procedure for 9 rotations
until every student has seen and responded to
each primary source.
Teacher will allow multiple days for this lesson.

by whom. Students will ensure they have an

understanding of the articles content before beginning
the DBQs.
Students will individually answers the DBQs in their
social studies notebooks in detail. Once all students in
the group have completed writing their thoughts the
group will discuss what they thought the source meant
and their responses to the DBQs.
Students will follow cues and move to the next station,
which is the next largest number from the station they
are at. Station 9 will move to Station 1.
Students will read and respond to primary sources and
DBQs. Discussion with group to follow at each station.

Differentiation Strategy
Students who need extra support will be given a pre-determined peer buddy to be in their group with
them that can model behavior and answers questions or provide assistance.
Electronic and hard copies of the documents will be available.
Teacher Will:

sIndependent Practice

How will you plan to coach and correct during this

How will you provide opportunities for remediation and
How will you clearly state and model academic and
behavioral expectations?
Did you provide enough detail so that another person
could facilitate the practice?

Have each student group at their last station share

with the class what they thought about their
primary source. Followed by asking students what
they think about African-Americans in the North
versus the South during that time.
Instruct students to write in their Social Studies
Notebooks what they learned and reflect on what
was different from what they had previously
thought. Last, students will create their own
statement that provides their own historic
assessment of how blacks were treated during The
Civil War Era in the north and south.
Differentiation Strategy

Student Will:

How will students independently practice the knowledge and

skills required by the objective?
How will students be engaged?
How are students practicing in ways that align to
How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
How are you supporting students giving feedback to one

Collect their thoughts on all of the primary sources they

read. Students will think about conflicting perspectives
and create their own version of history and record in
their science notebooks. Students will record any
misconceptions they had and decide what they think
might have been the real case when it comes to
treatment of blacks in the north and south.

Students who the ability to type their responses will be given the resources to do so.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?

Teacher will ask students to share what they wrote in their notebooks.
Teacher will ask students to consider everything they learned today when thinking about any historical event to
keep in mind that there are two (or more) sides to every story.

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