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Running Head: Social? 1

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Running head: Social?

Is It Really Social?
Kevin Liao
Madonna University

Social media has taken the stage across the world. There is much debate whether or not it
is actually social. This essay tackles the topic in favor of the social argument. More specifically
this essay looks at how the conveniences of the Facebook create a social experience as it is
currently the most popular social media platform. In addition, this essay will also go over how
people not using the site could possibly be missing out on social interactions as well as who uses
this site. Scholarly journals and various news sites were used to back up this argument.

Is It Really Social?
With the internets growth over the past decade more and more uses for it appear. Social
media being one of those uses. Facebook is known to be the most successful social media site to
emerge. Being new it is something most people want to try. The thoughts of not having to go to
the post office to stay in contact with a loved one or being able to easily share experiences
amongst many friends at the same time can sound very appealing to people. Some may argue
that there is nothing social about Facebook and that it is ruining face-to-face interaction.
Although this may seem true Facebook is more social than some may think and truly puts the
word social in social media.
The convenience in Facebook is one of the many things that make it truly social. For
example about two thirds of Facebook users said they used Facebook to keep in touch with loved
ones and friends, especially those who live too far away to communicate easily (Smith, 2011).
People are able to share their experiences, photos, and have conversations with their friends as if
they are with them. Those who want the face-to-face aspect can easily use Facebook video chat
where they are able to talk and see each other via video in real time. Facebook users can easily
share funny videos or news articles and talk about them with their friends on the site or in real
life. In addition, instead of having to hire a private investigator to find a long lost friend or
endlessly flipping through phonebooks a Facebook user could simply type in that persons name
and their profile would pop up. Over 50% of people said that reconnecting with old friends is the
major reason they use the site (Smith, 2011). Being able to contact and reconnect with old
friends opens up doors of social interactions. Like previously stated after reconnecting with an
old friend one could chat with them or even set up plans to meet at their old favorite restaurant or

visit them when they are in the area. With Facebook being so convenient it is now easier to
socialize than ever before.
Facebook is also a new place to meet new friends and possibly future partners. For
example 43% of people said that they used the site to create new friendships (Smith, 2011).
Many people are very open about what they post on Facebook. They share things they find
funny, post about the sports game that is on, and talk about their opinions on topics where
everyone can see. With all of this information being so readily available people can easily find
other people who share the same interests as them and what their personality may be like judging
from what they post. One user could be commenting on one of their friends posts about football,
then a friend of that friend could comment on that post as well. Next thing you know theyre
watching the Lions lose together the next day because of that post. People also use the site for
intimate relationships. 16% of people said they use the site for dating purposes (Smith, 2011). In
a survey of 19,000 people married within the years of 2005 and 2012 35% of them said that their
relationship began with online messages (Koebler, 2013). These numbers come from a time
when social media wasnt as popular as it is today. One can only assume that the percent has
grown exponentially. Like previously stated many people are open about sharing their interests
and opinions, which many times giving away what kind of person they are, this creates a
relatively simple way for a user to find someone that they have things in common with. The
action of commenting on someones post is enough to light a fire that lasts a lifetime. To think
that one of the most important events in a persons life occurred because of Facebook is truly
amazing. Without the site some people would not have their significant other with whom they
intend to spend the rest of their life with socializing. It does not get any more social than making
new friends.


Many trends start on Facebook which people love to do with their friends and post online.
For example the ALS(Lou Gehrigs disease) ice bucket challenge started on Facebook. The trend
involved recording someone pouring a bucket of ice water on themselves in order to feel what
people with ALS go through for a slight moment. The main purpose was to spread awareness of
the disease as well as raise funding. The reactions from people participating were very funny so
the trend was something everyone wanted to do and enjoyed to watch. Over 17 million people
participated in the trend (Bonifield, 2015). Something fun to do with friends was created through
Facebook. Another example of this is popular dance moves. Many dance moves are created and
popularized through Facebook that are fun for friends, family and basically everyone to do. For
example one of the most popular dances to arise are the whip and nae nae. The dab is
another more recent fun dance move that was popularized by football player Cam Newton of the
Carolina Panthers that quickly gained attention on Facebook. Just like seeing your best friend
getting a new bike when you were little and you wanting one because of that many people
wanted to be a part of the crowd and try out these fun dances for themselves and even show off.
New slang also emerges that people use to communicate. The word babe quickly evolved into
the word bae. Calling a party fun has turned into calling a party lit. With Facebook reaching
such a large audience these terms spread more quickly for people to use compared to if they were
invented before the days of social media. It is very likely that those words would have only
stayed in a certain area. With Facebook being so widespread many people socialize using things
they found on the site.

Planning social events has never been easier. For example, any Facebook user can create
an event and pick who they want to invite from their friends list. Then with the simple click of a
button the people invited can return a response and can signify if they are Going, Maybe
going, and Not going. What is really nice about this is that the responses are very quick. A
person no longer has to worry about how many people will show up or if no one will show up at
all. Everyone invited will be able to see who else is invited and whos going as well. This is
extremely convenient and makes planning out lit parties where everyone can socialize a piece
of cake. Pictures of people doing the whip and nae nae at the party can later be posted to the
invite for everyone to have a laugh at after the event is over. A good example of this is burgers
with Papaw. A viral photo of a saddened grandpa went viral recently on social media. The
Grandpa was saddened that he made 12 burgers for each of his grandkids and only one of them
showed up (the one that posted the picture). After gaining so much attention everyone on social
media wanted to eat a burger with Papaw. This motivated the family to send out invites which
were sent out in picture form and on an open invite on Facebook where anyone was welcome to
mark themselves as Going. They were able to organize the event through Facebook and were
able to create an event that thousands of people from all over the world showed up to. It is easy
to see how useful of a tool this is for creating and maintaining social events.
Facebook is also a very good tool for politicians and businesses to socialize with their
constituents. Like stated before Facebook is very convenient. Businesses take advantage of it
and use it to communicate advertisements to their customers. For example, web browsers tend to
keep track of what you search. Facebook uses this data and tailors advertisement to your search
history. This way you end up seeing advertisements you are supposedly interested in. Many
businesses love sharing their own funny videos as well that in some way or form help promote

their product. This creates a different type of relationship with the customer. It is almost as if the
user is friends with the business. Politicians use the same tactics. Promoting their political
agendas to the masses on social media. President Obama used Facebook to socialize with the
younger generation of voters. Though cause does not equal correlation Obama had more young
voters than McCain did. Businesses and politicians use Facebook in order to socialize with their
Although many of these functions are great Facebook merely stole ideas from other sites
and put their label over it. For example Facebook video chat was originally Skypes idea.
Another example of this is the chat function. That has been around since Aim. Sharing stuff on
your wall was originally MySpaces. It is clear to see Facebooks innovative social tools are
built upon theft.
Though many argue that we are moving away from being social spending so much time
on line it is clear to see that Facebook has created a whole new world of social experiences to be
explored. The convenience of the site has made socializing with others easier than ever. More
and more people are keeping in touch as well as reconnecting. Fads of the generations are being
shared and enjoyed through this site. Politicians and businesses are easily socializing with their
target audiences. New friendships are being made and even marriages because of this new
innovative site. This site truly creates a social experience, though some may fail to realize it. At
the end of it all however, these great innovations were merely stolen making Facebook not as
great as it appears


C, L. J. (2005). Probing popular culture: On and off the internet. Choice Reviews Online, 42(09).
This articles tells us about the effects of the internet on our culture online and offline.
Tappert, C. (2013). Cached: Decoding the Internet in global popular culture. Choice Reviews
Online, 51(02).
Informs us about the effects of the internet on culture globally
Page, M. A. (2012). Popular Culture: The new literacy challenge for english Teachers. Popular
Culture: The New Literacy Challenge for English Teachers, 129-133.
Tells us how class rooms are changing because of the internet
F. (2013). Internet pop culture influence greater than ever. Retrieved from
Tells us how the internet has a greater influence on culture than ever.
L. (201). "I Can Has Cultural Influenz?": The effects of internet memes on popular culture |
Levinson | Forbes & Fifth. Retrieved from

Informs us about internet memes creating internet culture
Author, C. (n.d.). The effect YouTube has on pop culture. Retrieved from
Tells us how YouTube helps expand culture.
Paul, A. (2008). Editor explores impact of internet on pop culture. Retrieved from
An editors view of how the internet effects pop culture. Explains the popularity of blogs.
Kutchinsky, S. (2014). Has technology changed cultural taste? Retrieved from
This articles informs us how cultural tastes have change because of the internet. Explains how
YouTube is a big contributor to change.
Parker, B. (2014, February/March). What Should We Be Worried About. Retrieved from
Explains how the internet in a way has created a new culture. Tells us how we are
brought into this new culture.
F. (2013). Internet pop culture influence greater than ever. Retrieved from
Explains how the internet has a greater influence on pop culture more than ever. Explains things
such as hit sensation Psy and Kick starter
P. (2015). Internet seen as positive influence on education but negative on morality in

emerging and developing nations. Retrieved from

The internet is great for education. Tells us how it has a possible negative effect on pop culture.

Rose, J. (n.d.). How social media is having a positive impact on our culture [OPINION].
Retrieved from
Explains how the internet through social media positively effects pop culture

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