Final Research Paper
Final Research Paper
Final Research Paper
Salwa Saleh
Professor Vicki Stalbird
English 1201
07 April 2016
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can
survive outside the uterus. An abortion which occurs spontaneously is also known as a
miscarriage. Abortion should not be used as another form of contraception. Since life
begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life.
According to Catherine T Coyle, from the perspective of peace psychology, the
role of abortion in acts of violence against women is explored, with a focus on violenceprevention strategies. (17). This article is about women who are victims of violence
which lead them to seeking abortions as the solution. It also suggests that the victims
check in at a clinic where they can get help. Study shows that psychologists can have
better understanding of women and why they choose abortions as their solution. And
better yet try to prevent them from considering abortion for health reasons. Coerced
abortion is a form of violence and has occurred by government policy in China and as a
result of other violence against women: sex trafficking and war situations.
The writers purpose for this article is to provide violence prevention strategies
towards women who seek abortion and are victims of violence. The audience for this
piece of information are woman who are victims of violence or anyone who knows any
women who are victims of violence that need urgent help.
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Those type of woman can seek professional help to cure them and put them out of
their misery in a healthy way.
According to Diana Greene Foster, various restrictions on abortion have been
imposed under the pretense that women may be uninformed, undecided or coerced in
regard to their decision to terminate a pregnancy. (F117) This article is about women
who are unsure about terminating their pregnancy. Understanding if whether some
women have low confidence in abortion is useful for providing health care to their needs.
Most abortions sought women had high confidence in their abortion decision. High
confidence such as being young adolescents, being African American, not having a high
school diploma, having a history of depression, having health issues, having a difficult
time making decisions and having spiritual concerns that abortion is considered murder
and having the fear of not being forgiven by God. If those women were to have support
such as their mothers or male partners than it would increase the odds of their high
The writers purpose for this article is to talk about women with high and low
confidence when it comes to decision making on abortions. Some of the women are
unsure about going along with it. It shows that if women had emotional support than it
will decrease their chances of considering abortion and that some women are religious
and consider God before they go on with a decision making especially one so serious.
According to Michelle J Hindin, there is a high unmet need for modern
contraception among adolescents, and adolescent girls who have already been pregnant
are especially vulnerable to a rapid, repeat pregnancy (defined as a subsequent pregnancy
within two years) (16). This article is about interviews of young pregnant adolescents. It
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focuses on perceptions of the adolescents, perceived information, skills, and motivations
required for adolescents uptake of contraception. This article basically provides
information on young adolescents who seek to have a rapid repeat pregnancy and what
they can do to prevent that. It talks about AHEAD (Adolescent Health Experience after
Abortion or Delivery) and what will design, pilot, finalize and ultimately evaluate an
intervention for prevention of repetitive pregnancies amongst adolescents. Some
countries will be selected to evaluate the intervention in diverse, political and economic
The writers purpose of this article is to talk about young adolescents and that they
shouldnt consider having a rapid repeat pregnancy especially after they had an abortion
the first time. They talk about other countries evaluating an intervention to prevent
repetitive pregnancies. They talk about certain groups that could help support these
adolescents in decision making.
Women shouldnt consider pregnancy a second time especially after they go
through an abortion the first time. Its a health and life risk that shouldnt be considered.
The adolescents are young and usually make poor decisions that need adults with
experience to help support them.
According to Jones and Jerman, following a long-term decline, abortion incidence
stabilized between 2005 and 2008. (Jones & Jerman, 2011). This website is about
information and facts about abortion. It talks about the incidence of abortion, who does it
and why. It also contains a chart of a rate of abortions going down from 1973-2011. It
talks about the providers and services for the clinics that perform the abortions. It has a
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pie chart of women when they have abortions after their menstrual periods. Lastly, it talks
early medication, safety and law and policy of abortions.
The writers purpose of the article on this website is to provide facts about
abortions. Giving out charts of rates of women getting abortions and why. This website is
good for women who consider getting an abortion they can always access this website
and check it out. It provides essential facts such as the medication, safety and laws.
If the pregnant women who consider it could read the information based on this
website, then maybe theyll have second thoughts. Not only will they be terminating an
unborn human beings life, but they will put their life on a line.
According to SK Henshaw, current debates on how to reduce the high U.S.
abortion rate often fail to take into account the role of unintended pregnancy, an
important determinant of abortion (Henshaw, 1998). This website is about unintended
pregnancy in the United States. The relatively high rate of unintended pregnancy in the
United States has received increasing attention as the immediate cause of both abortion
and unplanned birth. For example, the Institute of Medicine recently published a report
that summarized the consequences of unintended pregnancies that are carried to term and
urged the adoption of a new national goal that all pregnancies be planned. Improved
fertility control would allow women and couples to have children when they feel best
prepared socially and financially to assume the responsibilities of parenting.
The writers purpose of this article to talk about unplanned pregnancies and what
happens to some women. Some women resort to abortions where others end having to get
miscarriages where those of course are unplanned. Some even just go along with
pregnancy and give birth when theyre not even socially and financially prepared. The
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audience of this article are women of course and anyone who seeks to search about
Sometimes pregnancies are unplanned and women arent prepared to support and
raise a baby especially on their own. If they had emotional and financial support it would
be different.
According to Peter Nichols, the first two views are on a par with respect to the
thesis that identity is what matters in survival (14). This article is about Don Marquis
(one of the authors) and his argument about abortions being immoral for the same reason
that killing anyone else is immoral. According to the TRIA account (time-relative interest
account, an act of killing is wrong to the extent that it deprives the victim of future value
and the relation of psychological unity would have held between the victim at the time of
death and herself at a later time if she had lived some have argued with this statement that
abortion is generally permissible, because there would be little to no psychological unity
between the fetus and later selves if it lived. This article basically sums up equal
arguments about abortions.
The writers purpose for this article is to provide peoples judgements about
abortions and arguments. The audience for this piece of information are obviously
women and anyone who agrees that abortion is considered murder and immoral.
Should unborn human beings be denied the right to live? It is essential in my
topic because my question pertains to unborn human beings be denied of their rights for
selfish reasons. Selfish reasons such as women not wanting children at the time or not
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being financially and emotionally prepared. Some consider abortion as murder and
immoral its like killing another human being except in this case, this human is not alive.
According to Othieno, Babigumira and Richardson, after adjusting for potential
confounding variables, the odds of being in the abortion complications group remained
greater among women who did not know their HIV status compared to HIV-negative
women (19). This article is about limited published evidence about the status of HIV
among women who have had abortions or suffered from abortion complications. The
purpose of this study is to determine whether women who suffered incomplete abortion
complications are more likely to be HIV infected than those without complications. They
assume that women with incomplete abortion complications have higher rates of HIV
infection than women who attended clinic for other obstetric reasons. This study points to
the need for targeted interventions aimed at strengthening the delivery and coverage of
HIV-testing programs for pregnant women and post-abortion care.
The writers purpose for this article is to publish evidence that women who have
had abortions or suffered from abortion complications having HIV. And to see if whether
the ones who are likely to be more infected are either the ones who had incomplete
abortions or the ones without complications. The audience for this information are
women and possibly doctors or the ones who perform abortions on women. If women
were to read this information before considering the abortion, then they will think twice
about doing it. Same with the ones performing it.
If women were to find out what could happen to them such as suffering from HIV
then they would reconsider it. Basically get the thought of abortion out of their minds.
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According to Carlson, Leopold and Angwafo III, unsafe abortion is an important
public health problem which accounts for a significant cause of maternal mortality and
morbidity in resource poor countries (141). This article is about unsafe abortions. An
unsafe abortion is defined as a procedure for terminating an unintended pregnancy carried
out either by a person lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not
conform to minimal medical standards or both. Majority of these unsafe abortions are
carried out in rural areas of developing countries, usually by unskilled persons who do
not have proper knowledge of the anatomy of reproductive organs and in unhygienic
environments thus leading to various complications. This article contains evidence that it
happened before to a twenty-one-year-old girl who was 11 weeks pregnant that just
underwent an unsafe abortion and suffered from injuries on her body.
The writers purpose for this article is to encourage women who do seek to get an
abortion consult a doctor before deciding on an abortion and to make sure they know who
is going to do it and if they know what theyre doing. The audience are for this piece of
information are women of course and doctors.
Abortion is murdering an unborn human being but an unsafe abortion is not only
hurting the baby but hurting the mother herself and putting her life at risk.
According to Tupa Anton, first, he argues that Boonin's analogy between his
trolley case and a normal unwanted pregnancy does not hold. I revise his trolley case in
light of my objections. Second, he argues that Boonin's arguments for the permissibility
of killing, when applied to this revised trolley case and by extension, typical unwanted
pregnancies do not succeed in justifying killing (126). This article talks about a guy
named David Boonin defending his argument that abortions involve killing the fetus is
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permissible. Even if granting for the sake of argument that the fetus has a right to life. His
primary argument is an argument by analogy to a trolley case. The author of this article
argues against Boonins argument between his trolley case and a normal unwanted
pregnancy does not hold. He revises this trolley case in light of his objections. Also that
Boonins arguments of permissibility of killing of unwanted pregnancies does not succeed
in justified as killing.
The writers purpose of this article is to defend his argument against someone else
saying otherwise. The author obviously doesnt agree with Boonins statement of
abortions be granted as permissible because it does not justify as killing. The audience for
this article is women and anyone who objects to these arguments. This shows an
argument between two people with different opinions.
According to Vallely, the methods they undertook was a six month, prospective,
mixed methods study at the Eastern Highlands Provincial Hospital (111). This article
describes the reasons why women resorted to unsafe abortion, the techniques used,
decision to seek post abortion care and women's reflections post abortion. Reasons for
inducing an abortion included: wanting to continue with studies, relationship problems
and socio-cultural factors. In Papua New Guinea induced abortion is restricted under the
Criminal Code Law. Unsafe abortions are known to be widely practiced and sepsis due to
unsafe abortion is a leading cause of maternal mortality. Physical and mechanical means,
traditional herbs and spiritual beliefs were also a reason. In conclusion, women in this
setting are resorting to unsafe means to end an unwanted pregnancy, putting their lives at
risk. Women need access to safe, effective means of abortion.
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The writers purpose of this article is to explain why some women resort to unsafe
abortions. Their reasons why and abortions being unsafe. The audience are women who
seek abortions or women who plan to be sexually active so they can take special
precautions to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.
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Works Cited
Coyle, Catherine T., et al. "The Relationship of Abortion and Violence against Women: Violence
Prevention Strategies and Research Needs." Issues in Law & Medicine 30.2 (2015): 111127. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
Foster, Diana Greene, et al. "Attitudes and Decision Making Among Women Seeking Abortions
At One U.S. Clinic." Perspectives On Sexual & Reproductive Health 44.2 (2012): 117124. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
Hindin, Michelle J., et al. "Adolescent Health Experience After Abortion or Delivery (AHEAD)
Trial: Formative Protocol for Intervention Development To Prevent Rapid, Repeat
Pregnancy." Reproductive Health 12. (2015): 1-6. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15
Mar. 2016.
Jones RK and Jerman J, Abortion incidence and service availability in the United States, 2011,
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2014, doi: 10.1363/46e0414.
Henshaw SK, Unintended pregnancy in the United States, Family Planning Perspectives, 1998,
30(1):2429 & 46.
Nichols, Peter. "Abortion, Time-Relative Interests, And Futures Like Ours." Ethical Theory &
Moral Practice 15.4 (2012): 493-506. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
Othieno, Carolyn, Joseph B. Babigumira, and Barbra Richardson. "Are Women With
Complications Of An Incomplete Abortion More Likely To Be HIV Infected Than
Women Without Complications?" BMC Women's Health 15. (2015): 1-9. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
Sama, Carlson B., Leopold Ndemnge Aminde, and Fru F. Angwafo III. "Clandestine Abortion
Causing Uterine Perforation and Bowel Infarction in a Rural Area: A Case Report and
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Brief Review." BMC Research Notes 9. (2016): 1-4. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3
Mar. 2016.
TUPA, ANTON. "Killing, Letting Die, And the Morality of Abortion." Journal of Applied
Philosophy 26.1 (2009): 1-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
Vallely, Lisa M., et al. "Unsafe Abortion Requiring Hospital Admission In The Eastern
Highlands Of Papua New Guinea - A Descriptive Study Of Women's And Health Care
Workers' Experiences." Reproductive Health 12.1 (2015): 1-11. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
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