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Proposal 2

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Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

Page 3 Original Ideas
Page 4 Main Idea
Page 5 Target Audience
Page 5-6 Market Competitors
Page 7 Production Requirements
Page 8 Cast, Crew and Budget
Page 9 Project Schedule
Page 10 References

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

At the beginning, when I was deciding what my short film should be about I was constantly
thinking of different scenarios that could occur. One was that I could take a comic turn on a
night out to a club. You would see a group of guys getting ready for a night out and seeing
that their main aim is to get a girl by the end of the night. It wouldnt go as smoothly as they
would hope with everything going wrong, with a lot of slapstick comedy occurring throughout
the film. This idea was quickly rejected as it didnt have a strong story and would become to
typical for a modern comedy.
I was also planning on doing something slightly different to the idea I have now. I was
originally going to have the story all about Joshua. We would still see a week of his life,
however it would be a lot sadder, we would see his struggle as he couldnt find any jobs,
couldnt find any place to stay, with him starting to become deeply depressed. This was until
the end of the film where we saw a girl sit on the park bench next to him, they start chatting,
walk off out of shot and the production ends, this was to assume that they would become a
future couple and Joshua would finally be happy. Speaking with piers we decided that this
production was too depressing and wouldnt have a strong story throughout, making it
become boring very quickly.
This is why we decided to change the idea to see the girls point of view as well through the
week. This means that I can play around with the story a lot more and the whole production
will be happier and more appealing towards my target audience.

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

The Week
The short film I am going to produce for channel 4 is called One Week. It is and unconventional
love story between two people who are both unemployed and looking to take that next step
in life by finding their own house and job. We follow the week of how these two came to
meet. The first character is Joshua Jackson, this will be played by Owen Riseley. His week is
very different compared to Rosie Lawrences, the other character within the production, who
will be played by Rosie Stillman. Joshua Jackson will be having a much less successful week
compared to Rosies. Nothing seems to go his way and he is slowly losing hope to find a job
even slightly related to degree which is architecture. Throughout the week Joshua has
multiple opportunities in which his life could change for the better. He has an opportunity to
get a perfect first house, a perfect job, and go see his favourite band. Somehow he ends up
ruining these opportunities by either being too pessimistic are just lacking in confident within
the situations. Rosie on the other hand has a much more productive week. She gets given
very similar opportunities throughout the week, however the difference is that she takes
these opportunities and pursues them to make sure she can have the best possible outcome
with each situation that occurs. These two people have very different personalities, however
there is one thing that brings them together, this is a band called Arctic Monkeys. They have
seen them live multiple time and are going to see them in an upcoming concert. These two
people only every see each other at the end of the production, however throughout there are
multiple occasions where they almost meet. This is because there is a location which they
both go every day to have lunch and relax even for just a moment. This is a park bench. It has
a view of the whole park, of the nature and is just out of the way in a peaceful area. They have
both spent a lot of time at this bench but have never been able to meet, they will always just
miss each other. This is why that I show them meeting at the end. I want to show that no
matter what happens, no matter how close you are, it will always turn out for the best, you
just have to be patient. I believe that my production is different to other stereotypical love
stories because it doesnt focus on the couple being together and how they evolved as a
couple. It shows how they meet for the first time and it is left to the audiences imagination
on how well theyll be as a couple. I wanted to show how close you can be to the next big
thing that happens in your life, and how it can literally come out of nowhere. This is why you
should live life to the full and take every opportunity you get because it could lead to much
better things further down the road.

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

Target Audience
The target audience is something I have spent a lot of time over as I want to make sure that I
know who would be perfect for this type of production. I firstly researched Channel 4 as that
is where my production will be shown. Looking at Channel 4s audience figures the main
audience are the younger and more upmarket audience, this is compared to other
commercial broadcasters. To be more specific the audience are 16-34 females within a social
class of C2DE. This is to my benefit as when I did research into what my target audience would
be I found out that they would be young female teens between the ages of 16-25 within the
lower social group. This is because of the love story. It would mostly appeal to the young
teenagers, within the age range people would be able to relate to the story as the older

People would be able to relate to the

story. Some of the viewers might be in
the same situation as the characters
and so they would enjoy the realism
within the production. Using BARB I
was able to see how many people
watch Channel 4 on a weekly basis.
This is 35,311,000, this should mean
that I would get a vast amount of
people to watch my short film. My
production will be on at prime time
(6:15 pm) as well meaning that I should
get even more of a variety of people as
this is the most popular time people
are watching channel 4.

Market competitors
As I am creating a short film the main competitors that I will face will be production companies
that have a wide range of short films on their website. One company I looked at were called
The Smalls. This is a production company that gives spotlight to short films and gives
filmmakers the tools they need to create, share and connect through their short films. The
Smalls supports and promotes upcoming
artists, attempting to give solo filmmakers a
chance to earn both recognition and money
through what they love doing. This business is
very relatable to me as they mainly focus on
amateur creations, which is what I am. I have
looked at some of their work and found a piece
called Contemplation. This production closely
resembles my short film. It is about what a man
Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms
Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

is to do after is partner has chucked him out of the house. We see what he can do and how
he manages the situation from his car. This production will have a similar audience to mine
as it is about a real life situation that could happen and it is about the bond between these
two people and how they can resolve the problem. From looking at this short film it has given
me ideas on what I should stay away from in my production, this is use of very few locations
and the similarity in shots. I found that the production can get very repetitive after 5 minutes
as its all done in the same location.
I looked at another film company and
found White Lantern Film. This is a
company the focuses on creating high
quality pieces of work throughout the
industry. They have produced award
commercials and short films. The
Production Company have a wide
audience as they have done so many
different pieces of work. They have also
created a short film that goes straight
into my target audience. This short film
is called Silent Things. It is about an
Autistic man and women who undergo
and test of character and friendship
when a 15-year-old girl comes between them. It is a very moving and professional short film.
Because you get to see this bond between the three characters and the love they eventually
have for each other. This is a very impressive piece of work which has won awards making it
a very strong competitor.

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

Cast and crew

Patrick Berry
Owen Riseley
Rosie Stillman
Norbert Avery
Rhiannon Shaw
Jack Stillman

Director, cameraman,
Producer, Editor
Actor, Joshua Jackson
Actor, Rosie Lawrence
Understudy, Joshua Jackson
Understudy, Rosie Lawrence
2nd Cameraman

Contact information

Camera with Mic, Sony RX10, Rode Video Already owned
Mic Pro
Already owned
DJI Ronin - Compact 3-Axis Stabilised Handheld
120 per day x2
Gimbal System

Two Red heads

Premiere Pro editing software
Studio hire
Total Cost

Already owned
Already owned
15.49 a month
Full day 8 hours 400

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

Project schedule
Week commencing 25th April I will be preparing for my Pitch all week. This will include
rehearsals and creation of my proposal.
Week commencing 2nd May On the Monday I will be making sure everything is ready for my
pitch on Tuesday. This means I need to make sure that everything is printed off and is looking
professional and appealing. From Tuesday onwards I will be presenting my pitch and starting
to think about what I need to do for my pre-production
Week commencing 9th May This is where I will be starting my pre-production I will be
producing scripts, location recces, storyboards, production schedules etc. All of my preproduction will need to be done by the end of the week.
Week commencing 16th May On the Monday I will start my filming, this will be done at my
house, for this day I will only need Owen Riseley, as I will be filming the house and park scenes
which only have him in it. On Tuesday I will need Rosie and Owen. I will use the morning to
film all the scenes at Rosies house and then spend the afternoon with both Rosie and Owen
in the final Bench scenes. On the Wednesday I will make sure that all of my filming is complete
and that I have enough footage to start editing. The Thursday and Friday will be spent looking
over my footage, editing it and looking over to see if I need to add in any more clips.

Week commencing 23rd May By the Monday I would only have a little bit more editing to do
and should finish by that day. On the Tuesday and Wednesday I will be looking over my
production and re-film if there is anything I may need add or improve. On Thursday I will edit
in the re-filmed footage and by the Friday I would have finished the production and get it
ready for Channel 4.

Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms


Audience figure for channel 4- http://www.barb.co.uk/viewing-data/weekly-viewing-summary/
Channel 4 target audience - www.channel4.com/media/documents/.../ResearchPowerPoint.ppt

Competition - ://www.thesmalls.com/

Contemplation http://www.thesmalls.com/contemplation
Competition http://www.whitelanternfilm.co.uk/#movies
Silent Things https://youtu.be/Aiw7Ng3pBuk

Premiere pro costs per month


Email Address: patrickberryfilms@hotmail.co.uk Follow on Instagram www.instagram.com/patrickberryfilms

Website: www.patrickberryfilms.com
Follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/patrickberryfilms
Work Number: 08475128265
Follow on Twitter www.twitter.com/patrickberryfilms

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