Finger Millet Published Paper 2014
Finger Millet Published Paper 2014
Finger Millet Published Paper 2014
Determination of Seed Rate and Inter Row Spacing for Finger Millet
Production (Eleusine Coracana Gaertn.) in North Western Ethiopia
Yayeh Bitew, Fekremariam Asargew
Agronomist, Adet Agricultural Research Centre, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, P .O. Box 08, Bahir Dare,
Corresponding author: Yayeh Bitew
Finger millet is one of the main crops grown in Northwestern Ethiopia. Broadcasting is the dominant
planting method of finger millet production in the country. An experiment was conducted on the effect of
seed rate and row spacing on the growth, yield and yield component of finger millet at Adete and Finoteselam
research station during 2011-2012 cropping seasons. Four seed rates (10, 15, 20 and 25 kg/ha) and four row
spacing (20, 30, 40 and 50 cm) were factorially combined. The experimental design was a completely
randomized block with three replications. JMP5-SAS, computer software was used to compute the
analysis of variance. Seed rate did not significantly affect plant height, number of heads, number of
fingers, lodging, blast diseases, total dry biomass and grain yield of finger millet. Similarly, interaction
between seed rate and row spacing had not significant effect on the yield and yield component of finger
millet. On the other hand, row spacing significantly affect lodging and grain yield of finger millet. Thus,
due to relative increment in yield components and reduction of lodging and blast diseases infestation,
highest grain yield was recorded when finger millet was planted at 30 cm row spacing. Planting finger
millet at the lowest seed rate (10kg/ha) at 30 cm row spacing gave the optimum grain yield of finger
millet. However, when the farmers consider the straw yield as business, partial budget analysis showed
that at the current cost of the grain and straw yield of finger millet, planting 25 kg/ha and 20 kg/ha seed
rate of finger millet in 30 cm row spacing gave the first and second highest net benefit.
Key words: Finger millet, seed rate, row spacing.
Table 1 Combined main and interaction effects across two years (2011-2012) on the yield and yield component of finger millet at Adet research
Source of variations PH LF N0H N0F LI BD TDB GY
Effect of seed rate on the yield and yield component of finger millet
10 kg/ha 99.29 11.67a 216.00 1443.75 3.50 1.78 8083.87 3136.96
15 kg/ha 99.27 11.10b 210.83 1379.17 3.45 1.78 8416.35 3095.43
20 kg/ha 99.45 11.26ab 202.92 1335.67 4.50 2.07 8495.05 2977.37
25 kg/ha 99.87 11.24ab 208.25 1399.92 4.48 2.05 8755.13 3022.66
Mean 99.47 11.32 209.50 1389.63 3.98 1.92 8437.60 3058.11
Effect of row spacing on the yield and yield component of finger millet
20 cm 95.72b 11.25 201.92 1321.08 5.35a 2.28a 8160.26 2747.88b
30 cm 99.12ab 11.36 210.83 1382.50 3.99ab 1.94ab 8795.14 3335.07a
40 cm 103.18a 11.43 213.58 1398.58 3.85ab 1.89ab 8470.00 3059.58ab
50 cm 99.87ab 11.27 211.67 1456.33 2.75b 1.58b 8325.00 3089.88ab
Mean 99.47 11.33 209.50 1389.62 3.99 1.92 8437.60 3058.10
LSD (5%) ** NS NS NS ** ** NS **
Interaction between seed rate and row spacing
Mean 99.47 11.32 209.50 1389.63 3.98 1.92 8437.59 3058.10
CV (%) 5.6 4.5 25.7 11.8 48.5.0 9.9 11.9 10.4
Note: Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different at 5% of probability level according to Tukey HSD Test. On the
table PH , LF , N0H, N0F, LI, BD, TDB and GY refers to plant height in cm, Length of fingers in cm, number of heads per m2, Number of fingers
per m2 , Lodging index in % (Square-root transformed), Blast diseases infestation (0-9 scale),Total dry biomass in kilogram/ha and Grain yield
in kilogram/ha, respectively
Table 2 Combined main and interaction effects across two years (2011-2012) on the yield and yield component of finger millet at finoteslam
research station
Source of variations PH LF N0H N0F LI BD TDB GY
Effect of seed rate on the yield and yield component of finger millet
10 kg/ha 108.10 12.69 181.11 1302.81 4.69 3.10 10376.8 2330.83
15 kg/ha 112.04 12.22 172.56 1238.21 4.97 3.10 10782.6 2283.59
20 kg/ha 118.27 12.62 169.87 1221.73 5.96 3.10 10042.0 2277.74
25 kg/ha 114.41 12.92 174.44 1247.97 6.37 3.10 10461.4 2255.93
Mean 113.21 12.61 174.49 1252.68 5.49 3.10 10415.70 2287.02
Effect of row spacing on the yield and yield component of finger millet
20 cm 117.25 12.89 170.25 1218.29 7.44a 3.21 9834.8 2167.15b
30 cm 114.73 12.55 174.83 1252.01 5.15 3.05 10156.7 2432.47a
40 cm 114.16 12.55 186.09 1328.64 5.78ab 3.05 10545.9 2401.25a
50 cm 106.69 12.46 166.79 1211.77 3.63b 3.09 11125.4 2147.23b
Mean 113.21 12.61 174.49 1252.68 5.50 3.10 10415.70 2287.03
LSD (5%) NS NS NS NS * NS NS *
Interaction between seed rate and row spacing
Mean 113.21 12.61 174.49 1252.68 5.50 3.10 10415.69 2287.02
CV (%) 10.2 6.2 14.8 13.6 46.7 6.4 11.4 13.5
Note: Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different at 5% of probability level according to Tukey HSD Test. On the
table PH , LF , N0H, N0F, LI, BD, TDB and GY refers to plant height in cm, Length of fingers in cm, number of heads per m2, Number of fingers
per m2 , Lodging index in % (Square-root transformed), Blast diseases infestation (0-9 scale),Total dry biomass in kilogram/ha and Grain yield
in kilogram/ha, respectively.
Table 4 partial budgets for an experiment on finger millet seed rate and drill row planting
Treatments Adjusted grain GGB Adjusted straw GSB TGFB TVC NB MRR
(Seed rate by row yield (kg/ha) (Eth. birr/ha) yield (kg/ha) (Eth. birr/ha) (Eth. (Eth.birr) (Eth.birr) (%)
spacing) birr/ha)
10kg/ha@50cm 2434.86 24348.6 9512.64 23781.6 48130.2 160 47970.2
10kg/ha@40cm 2703.87 27038.7 12059.1 30147.75 57186.45 180 57006.45 4510
10kg/ha@30cm 2680.56 26805.6 12425.67 31064.18 57869.78 200 57669.78 3316
15kg/ha@50cm 2624.31 26243.1 10748.16 26870.4 53113.5 210 52903.5 D
10kg/ha@20cm 2339.46 23394.6 12233.61 30584.03 53978.63 220 53758.63 D
15kg/ha@40cm 2442.78 24427.8 12306.24 30765.6 55193.4 230 54963.4 D
15kg/ha@30cm 2514.24 25142.4 14373.27 35933.18 61075.58 250 60825.58 6311
20kg/ha@50cm 2501.46 25014.6 11898.54 29746.35 54760.95 260 54500.95 D
15kg/ha@20cm 2381.22 23812.2 13437.99 33594.98 57407.18 270 57137.18 D
20kg/ha@40cm 2542.41 25424.1 12276.63 30691.58 56115.68 280 55835.68 D
20kg/ha@30cm 2544.93 25449.3 14892.57 37231.43 62680.73 300 62380.73 3110
25kg/ha@50cm 2303.64 23036.4 12426.39 31065.98 54102.38 310 53792.38 D
20kg/ha@20cm 2115.63 21156.3 12947.85 32369.63 53525.93 320 53205.93 D
25kg/ha@40cm 2402.64 24026.4 12801.33 32003.33 56029.73 330 55699.73 D
25kg/ha@30cm 2807.73 28077.3 14479.74 36199.35 64276.65 350 63926.65 3091
25kg/ha@20cm 2253.96 22539.6 13259.52 33148.8 55688.4 370 55318.4 D
Note: GGB, GSB, TGFB, TVC, NB and MRR indicates: Gross grain yield benefit, Gross straw yield benefit, Total Gross field benefit, Total
variable cost, Net benefit and Marginal rate of return, respectively. Price of finger millet= Birr 10/kg, Price of finger millet straw= Birr 2.50/kg,
Seed cost of finger millet = Birr 10/kg (Average of 2013 and 2014), man power needed for 20 cm, 30cm, 40 cm and 50 cm row planting of finger
millet = 6, 5, 4 and 3 man days/ha, respectively and labour cost/ man day= Birr 20
As planting finger millet from 20 cm spacing. [16] The highest lodging and
to 30 cm row spacing the grain yield biomass at narrower row spacing might be
increased by 14.8 % in the combined of due to low plant strength due to nutrient
location (Table 3). This might be due to competition and higher plant population,
relative increment in yield components and respectively. Further increase in row spacing
reduction of lodging and blast diseases from 30 cm to 40 cm and 50 cm caused 5.3
infestation. Highest gain yield in 30 cm as % and 9.2 % yield reduction, respectively
compared to narrow spacing (20 cm) could (Table 3). These imply there could be
be also due to fewer nutrients, less light optimal row spacing, suggesting increasing
competition among the same plant in narrow row spacing could increase grain yield
How to cite this article: Bitew Y, Asargew F. Determination of seed rate and inter row spacing for
finger millet production (eleusine coracana gaertn.) in north western Ethiopia. Int J Res Rev. 2014;