Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Gabriel Willer
Determine if hydrogen is a viable energy
source to replace existing sources
Figure how to lower the cost of hydrogen
extraction and creation
How to obtain more cost-effective
catalystswith high catalytic activity
Find a way to convince the mass population
who may be skeptical about the relatively
new technology.
Hydrogen atoms enter a fuel cell at the anode where a chemical reaction
strips them of their electrons. The negatively charged electrons provide
the current through wires to do work. The hydrogen is now positively
charged ions which pass through the electrolyte to the cathode, where
oxygen is entering. The hydrogen ions, oxygen and electrons combine
there. Performed correctly, the only by product is water.
What we know
Hydrogen is abundant, but to separate it from water (electrolysis) or
harvest it from methane can be very costly and energy inefficient.
The least expensive way to extract hydrogen is to spray steam on
white-hot coals. This results in mostly hydrogen gas (40 percent)
and carbon monoxide (50 percent), a mixture known appropriately
as water gas. The carbon monoxide can then be burned to
become carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.
Hydrogen fuel cells use a chemical reaction rather than combustion
to produce electricity
Wasted heat can be used to provide more efficient motors
The only emission is water
Electric motors outfitted with hydrogen fuel cells have a far longer
range than that of todays electric motors.