Siskind DC Machines Q&A Answers
Siskind DC Machines Q&A Answers
Siskind DC Machines Q&A Answers
16, 2014
31.How many electrical circuits are there in a three point starter? a four point
A three point starter contains two electrical circuits while the four point
starter contains three electrical circuits.
32.What is the disadvantage of the three point starter? How is this disadvantage
overcome by the four point starter?
The disadvantage of three point starters is that the current through the field
winding and the holding coil is the same thus a great increase in the
resistance in the field rheostat will prevent current to pass through which
results the holding coil will not be able to produce sufficient electromagnetic
induction to the springing coil and the starter arm goes back to the off
position. The problem in three point starters was overcome in four point
starters by placing the holding coil separately from the field rheostat in order
to maintain current in the holding coil.
33.What is the function of the holding coil?
As the name suggests, holding coil holds the starter arms spring coil through
magnetic induction. When there will be power failure or accidental removal of
the field circuit, the holding coil allows he starter arm to go back to off
position through spring action thus preventing any further damage to the
34.What is a controller? What functions can it perform other than starting?
Controllers are starters that are equipped with some means of varying the
speed of the motor to which it is connected. The controller can also be used
to permit reversing the direction of rotation.
35.What two important advantages are possessed by a manual controller for a
shunt or compound motor?
One advantage is that controllers are more economical since the controller
already functions as a speed control as well as a starter instead of using two
rheostats for starting and speed contol. Another advantage is that it prevents
damage to the motor by limiting the starting current in faulty starting
36.Explain the operation of a four point controller for a shunt or compound
When the motor is started, the two arms move forward simultaneously, the
long one pushing the short one. Resistance is first inserted and then cut out
of the armature circuit in the usual way as the armature accelerates. The field
is excited without and rheostat resistance in the field circuit because current
directly passes from line to armature circuit to the holding coil circuit to the
field circuit. When the final position of the armature resistor arm is reached,
the arm is held by the electromagnet. When the field rheostat arm is moved
backwards, the resistance is cut into the field circuit, which causes the motor
to speed up.
37.In an automatic starter distinguish between a relay and a contactor; normally
open and normally closed contacts.
motors increase in speed upon the current taken by the armature circuit; this
permits the motor to start more slowly when the load is heavy and more
rapidly under light-load condition.
43.In the push button automatic starter, is the start button normally open or
closed? Is the stop button normally open or closed? Are the overload relay
contacts normally open or closed?
The start button is normally open, the off button is normally closed and the
overload relay contact is normally closed.
44.Explain why the armature of a dc motor automatically draws more current
from the source when the load is increased?
When the load is increased, our motor naturally slows down from its speed at
no load. This slowing down of rotation results to a decrease in our back emf. A
decrease in back emf results in a lesser voltage drop in the armature side
thus increasing our armature current.
45.What is meant by normal speed of a motor?
Normal speed is the speed at which a motor operates when it Is driving its
rated load.
46.What general statements can be made with regard to the change in speed
with load for shunt motor? Compound motor? Series motor?
In shunt motors, a change in load results to a little change in speed. For
compound motor, a change in load results to a moderate change in speed. In
series motors, a change in load results to a drastic change in speed.
47.What is meant by torque? In what units is it usually expressed?
Torque is a tendency of a mechanical body to produce rotation. It is usually
expressed in Lb-ft or Nm.
48.In general, upon what 2 factors doe the torque of a motor depend?
The torque of a motor depends on the flux created by the main poles and the
current flowing in the armature winding.
49.How much power must a motor develop?
The motor must develop power that is necessary to overcome the motors
own rotational losses as well as able to drive the mechanical load.
50.Why is the torque of the motor directly proportional to the armature current?
Torque is directly proportional to the armature current because when the
torque, for instance, is already increases, it will result to a drop in speed
which results to the decrease in counter emf which subsequently results in an
increase in armature current.
51.Explain how the torque varies with increased load upon a compound motor,
series motor and shunt motor.
In shunt motors, torque will vary linearly with an increase in load since the
load only depends on the armature current. In series motor, an increase in
load will tend to produce a exponential increase that eventually becomes
linear. In compound motor, the variation tends to become linear since its
characteristics are a combination of the series and shunt motor.
52.Under what operating conditions is it desirable to use a shunt motor?? A
series motor? A compound motor?
It is desirable to use shunt motor when the load requires little starting torque.
The series motor is desirable when the load requires a very high starting
torque. Lastly, compound motors is desirable when the load requires
moderate starting torque.
53.Is shunt and compound types of motor more stable at no load?
Shunt and compound motors are more stable at no load because the speed
regulates at higher rpm.
54.What precautions must be taken in operating a series motor, the load on
which varies over with?
In operating series motor, great care must be taken not to permit the load to
be reduced to such extent that the speed becomes excessive.
55.Two similar shunt motors are changed to compound motors. If one of them is
wound with twice as many series field turns per pole than the other, which
will have (a) the greater speed change with the load? (b) the greater starting
torque? (c)the greater overload torque?
(a). The one with the most number of series field turns has a greater speed
change with load.
(b) The one with the most number of series field turns has a greater starting
(c) The one with the most number of series field turns has a greater overload
56.Define speed regulation.
Speed regulation is the natural or inherent change of speed in motors
between full load and no load.
57.What approximate values of speed regulation can be assigned to shunt and
compound motors?
For shunt motors, the percent speed regulation is about 2-8% while in
compound motors, the percent speed regulation is about 10-25%
58.Why is it improper to speak of speed regulation in a series motor?
There is no speed regulation in series motor because there is no such thing as
speed in no load for series motor since by the time the series motor has no
load, it will be under the runaway state or the no load speed is already
approaching infinity which will most likely result to a damaged motor.
59.Distinguish between the terms speed regulation and voltage regulation
Speed regulation, as the name suggests, focuses more on the change of
speed between no load and full load. Speed regulation is more frequently
used for motors. Voltage regulation, on the other hand, is used more on
generators and focuses more on the change of voltage when full load or no
60.Why are shunt motors referred to as constant speed motors?
Shunt motors are called constant speed motors because they still maintain
more or less the same speed when the load in removed. Shunt motors have
the least speed regulation percentage among the three types.
61.Why compound and series motors are generally referred to as variable speed
a.)Since the speed and the flux () is inversely proportional, changing the
resistance in the field circuit will change the flux generated thus changing the
speed of the motor.
b.)The speed will also vary by changing the total resistance in the armature
(RA) since the voltage drop in the armature (IARA) will change.
c.) The speed will obviously vary by changing the voltage supplied in the
armature (VA).
73.Describe the Ward Leonard system of control for shunt motor.
The shunt field must be connected to a constant potential supply so that flux
of unvarying intensity is created, while the armature is permanently
connected to the armature terminals of a special generator whose voltage
can be varied. ; the latter is usually separately excited from the same source
that feeds the controlled motor. To drive both the controlling generator and
the exciter, a prime mover is necessary.
74.Compare the power losses in the rheostats of field and armature resistance
methods of control.
The field resistance method of control involves less power loss because the
shunt field current is just 2-8% if the total motor current while the armature
resistance method of control involves a high power loss since the armature
current is more or less equal to the line current.
75.What is the advantage of the Ward-Leonard system of control? What are its
The chief advantage of the Ward-Leonard control system is that it provides
excellent step less speed control for a motor which must have a very wide
range of speed. Its disadvantages are: high first cost and low overall
76.List some practical applications of the Ward-Leonard control system.
Ward-Leonard control system is frequently used as electric excavators, freight
handing ships, blooming and paper mills, and for operation of large elevators
in tall buildings.
77.Describe the operation of the modified Ward Leonard system of control in
which two exciters are found.
The fundamental interconnection of the two armatures of the main machines
is identical to the original Ward-Leonard control system however, the
important departure from the original is that a controlled intermediate
exciter, connected directly across the field of the main generator, is used not
only to adjust the voltage in the loop but also to vary the flux produced by
the field of the controlled motor; the latter is accompanied by having the two
exciters in series bucking and directly across the field of the controlled motor.
78.What advantages are possessed by the modified Ward Leonard control
equivalent to the action of two interpoles, each acting on one coil side. The
main advantage of this practice would be reduction in manufacturing costs.
85.What two fundamental methods may be used to reverse a dc motor? Which is
preferable in compound machines?
A dc motors rotation can be reversed by changing the direction of current
flow through the armature and by changing the direction of current flow
through the field circuit. In compound machines, it is more preferable to
change the direction of the armature current in reversing its rotation.
86.When a DPDT switch is used in the field circuit of a shunt motor for reversing
purposes, what precaution must be taken when the motor is started? Is this
necessary if the DPDT switch is placed in the armature circuit?
The DPDT switch must already be closed to the contacts in order to prevent
high current in passing through the armature since if the DPDT switch is
open, then no current passes through the field which results to the armature
monopolizing the high current thus damaging the windings. If the DPDT
switch is placed in the armature circuit, then the precaution will no longer be
87.Describe the operation of the automatic reversing starter.
When the For button is pressed, the F contactor is energized and the R circuit
is opened at f as a safety measure; this seals the For button at F1, closes the
F contacts and the current passes through the armature circuit from a to b. At
the same instant, the F2 contacts close to energize the timing relay; after the
latter times out, the T-T-C contacts close to energize the 1A contactor, which,
in turn, closes the 1A contacts to short circuit in resistor R1. Contactor 1A
also has a set of timed contacts, which, after a certain delay, close to make
contactor 2A pick up; the operation of the latter closes contacts 2A to short
circuit the second resistor so that the motor can run normally. To reverse the
motor, the Stop button is first pressed ten the rev button is pressed.
88.Carefully explain why the control relay CR has a normally closed contact in
the F contactor circuit.
CR has a normally closed contactor before the F relay in order to prevent the
F contactor from being operated accidentally and momentarily opens the r
contacts as a further safety measure.
89.Explain why each of the push buttons, for and rev, has one normally open
and normally closed set of contacts.
For and rev has one normally open and normally closed set of contacts in
order to prevent current flow once the two push button are pushed
90.What would happen if the for and rev buttons were pressed simultaneously?
If for and rev buttons are pushed simultaneously, the motor will not turn on
since no current flow is happening to energize the F relay.