Scavenger Hunt Student
Scavenger Hunt Student
Scavenger Hunt Student
7. Find an item of technology in the Museum that may have led to improved immigration.
Draw, title and explain why you think it would have improved immigration.
Cloze activity:
Find the plaques inside the museum and fill in the blanks.
imported Asian indentured labourers, accepted convicts, and assisted British women to
migrate. Gold Fever in the 1890s more than trebled the states population, attracting
people from all over the world. At federation in 1901, the Commonwealth government
brought in new laws restricting immigration from Asia. This came to be known as the
_______________________________ policy. Aboriginal peoples were denied citizenship.
Australia was to be white and British.
Fremantle Harbour
For Western Australia to develop, a safe and deep ________________ was needed at
Fremantle. Gold discoveries during the 1880s and 1890s provided the wealth needed for
major public works. ______________________ designed a harbour inside the river mouth
despite claims that it could not be done. Work began in November 1892. When completed,
shipping could enter the harbour safely.