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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form

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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form

(Unit 7)

Kelsey Wilkie

Date: Lesson 2

Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Math

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The main focus of this lesson is how different shapes come together to create new shapes. (this goes
along with tessellations, symmetry, and similarities)
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
This lessons builds off of the past one. We take our knowledge of shape attributes and characteristics and
tie them into creating new shapes with many different shapes.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
I can.

Differentiate between different shapes based on their characteristics.

Create new shapes using more than one shape
Recognize the original shape of a new shape.

Common Core Standards:


Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and

quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular
cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from
the composite shape.1

Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus nondefining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess
defining attributes.
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.

Basic number sense

Understanding of counting and 1:1 correspondence
Previous knowledge of shape attributes.
During the whole group lesson, I will be posing discussion questions
to the group about shapes and will be listening and taking mental
notes of their answers
Observation of them when we are in our small group workshop.
The students will be working on a worksheet as an activity that will
be turned in and checked for understanding.

(formative and

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation

Multiple Means of Expression

Multiple Means of

Options for Perception

Options for action/interaction

Options for recruiting interest

Instead of just saying number, I write them

on the board as well as show them in 10s
and 1s sticks.

The students will be allowed to be

collaborative and communicative
when it comes to creating their
new shapes using multiple
other shapes.

The students will be allowed to

play around with the
manipulatives to see how the
shapes fit together and what they
can create together.

Options for Language/Symbols

Options for Expression

Students are writing the numbers, saying

them, as well as drawing them out. This
allows them to connect the meaning
behind a number. (1:1 correspondence)

The students will be creating their

own new shapes as well as
creating pictures using different

Options for Sustaining Effort &


Options for Comprehension

Options for Executive Function

The students are given the opportunity to

be introduced to the materials in a whole
group mini lesson, and then are placed
in a small group where the topic is zoomed
in much more.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?
Do you need to set up
your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
III. The Plan

We will be doing everything in a

workshop format, meaning the
students will be changing
activities every so often, which
will help keep them focused and
Options for Self Regulation
The students will be
independently working on a
worksheet/activity that allows
them to stay focused, not
distracting other, and doing what
they need to be doing.

Foam manipulatives

N/A The classroom will be set up as it usually is. We will be having a math
workshop time, so the students will be moving around the room to different
stations throughout math time.

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities

the lesson by reviewing what we covered last lesson:

What shape is this? (While drawing a shape on the board)
What makes this shape a square?
Who can tell me what isnt a shape?
o Looking for open shapes

Ask the students if they can see any similarities and differences between the
Put the foam letter manipulatives under the ELMO
Are there any patterns we see with these shapes?

Then, show an example of how 2 triangles can create a square.

Have some students come up to the ELMO and show what other shapes are creating
a different shape.
Example: triangles making a hexagon, squares making a rectangle,
pentagons making a hexagon, half circles making a circle.
Then introduce the activity to the students as well as the other rotations/centers.
After they have an idea of what to expect at each station, gradually release them to
their first rotations.
Leveled Group:
o Go over completed activity sheet
o 3D shapes introduction
o Fill out large poster
Anchor chart on the faces, vertices, and edges of 3D shapes.
o Vertices, faces, edges
Vocabulary introduction.
o Shapes that make other shapes
o Original shape
What were the original shapes we used to create the new
o What new shapes can we make?
o Activity Sheet
Introduce it and begin it together. Then release them to work
on it independently.

o Shape attribute review
What is a square? Rectangles? Triangle? Circle?
o Draw a shape with ____________(fill in characteristic)
Show me a shape with 3 sides.
o Shapes that make other shapes
Using manipulatives
o Activity sheet
Introduce it and begin it together. Then release them to work
on it independently.
Chrome Book:
Mega Math: Shapes Ahoy Ship Shapes, Level R
iReady Math
See worksheets attached
A bell will be the sign of center changes, and the students should have their voices
at a whisper or completely off.

At the end of the lesson, we will come back together and go over the I can
statements we began the lesson with. We will then share 3 things we learned, 2
things we found interesting, and 1 question we still have.

Then we will add our I can statements to our learned portion of the KWL.
Then we will put our materials away and prepare ourselves to go to one of our

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:

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