Grodriguez Ethnographicproject Final
Grodriguez Ethnographicproject Final
Grodriguez Ethnographicproject Final
roles and authority
values and atmosphere
writing tools
(Information from Appendix 2, question 1 and question 4.) There are 30 team
members within the Information Technology department at the corporate
office of Hunt Companies, Inc. Different individuals have different roles, such
as developing and updating technology, business analysts who listens to
the business and translates what it needs with team members and how
technology can assist, and executive management who deal with strategy,
governance, relaying information to other company entities, etc. All different
roles generally follow the same norms and use the same writing tools as the
rest of the department, all that differs is their task at hand. Although
Information Technology is commonly seen as the technology group, the roles
actually vary considerably. During my observations (Appendix A), I generally
noticed a few individuals moving packages and boxes, individuals in cubicles,
and the 2 executives in their offices.
The interviewee for this guide happened to be at Hunt Companies, Inc. for
21 years, which is uncommon in the modern business world. Personnel
turnover in Information Technology is even more common because of the
ever changing development in technology. According to Schosser (Appendix
B, question 6), Hunt Companies, Inc. has an uncommon long longevity in
employees from lower level business services to upper level executives.
Schosser, the Senior Vice President of Information Technology, having the
position he does and, thus, having the authority he has, can influence
conventions and writing practices within his team, but only to an extent.
Schosser explains, 15 years ago, being in management and having seniority
automatically gave you power and credibility, but thats not the case
anymore, not just here at Hunt, but anywhere. Although various
communities may differ, within this particular team, a role in management
gives one the power and the responsibility to promote a certain behavior and
environment; yet it also gives one the responsibility to act further than the
job description and back up that authority and prove ones self every day by
demonstrating competence in Information Technology and in the executive
management position. This team recognizes a well manager in a deserving
management position no matter the longevity in the company like an
unspoken rule of thumb.
Hung on the wall by employee cubicles is an illustration of Requirements
(Appendix E) describing both requirements and regulations for all Information
Technology employees. Requirements include knowledge of format,
directory, department computers, servers, procedures, etc. Regulations, or
anything prohibited, include certain email and voice mail forwarding
containing specific information, instant messaging platforms, remote desktop
access, and use of unauthorized software. Although these requirements and
regulations apply to both employee and employer, it is the employer that
initially determines what is important and should be specified for the
particular team.
Genres can be defined as similarities in strategies, similarities in modes of
thinking, similarities in conventions and practices, and the sharing of
situations, all within a particular discourse. Genres can be classified once
individuals can recognize these similarities within their environment. With
this information in hand, the presenting question is, what function does
writing serve for these basic and short term goals of the Information
Technology department in the corporate office of Hunt Companies, Inc., and
of these functions, what can be classified as genres? (The following
statements and assumptions were made on the basis of Appendix A and
Appendix B, question 1 and question 3.) Since there are different roles, which
were discussed in the previous section, it is important that all team members
are on the same page with the tasks at hand, which also include practicing
similar conventions and practices and recognizing the same genres occurring
in their environment. Collaboration and relaying of information between
team members, departments, and company entities occur primarily through:
1) phone call, 2) face to face conversation and visitation, and 3) email. From
time to time, video conferencing is used and is always an option, along with
team meetings. These primary forms of communication, along with video
conferencing and team meetings, can be classified as genres, as all team
members recognize these conventions and have an understanding of what
types of situations each is appropriate for.
promote a laid back environment due to the stress this particular field
accompanies. Schosser also pointed out 3 specific values his team constantly
tries to foster, which all intertwine with each other: 1) professionalism, 2)
customer service, and 3) work ethic.
1) Professionalism Due to the nature of tasks in the Information
Technology department, it is vital to the company that all team
members competence be high and skill sets at the expected level.
Along with the competence and particular skill sets required that
accompany providing technology, security, and data, being capable of
collaborating with other team members as a professional is a value this
department attempts to radiate on a daily basis.
2) Customer service Again, due to the nature of Information Technology,
Schosser explains, Its not a matter if something is going to go wrong,
or if you are going to get hacked, or if things will break or fail; its a
matter of when. This particular team promotes strong customer
service not only in response to dilemmas, but in preparation. This team
values being prepared, being one step ahead of possible problems,
because problems are assured in everyday situations. Once a problem
does occur, this team values personnel who can handle and respond
efficiently, not only with a customer, but with other collaborating team
3) Work ethic Every business values a strong work ethic, and this
department is no different. Schosser says, Everyone in this team has
a well, ethical, and strong work ethic. Efficiency and productivity is
These tools seem useful in this environment when proposing plans or ideas.
For example: Microsoft Word in a written proposal, Microsoft PowerPoint in a
face to face proposal, and perhaps Microsoft Excel as a factual and statistical
basis for said proposal. These tools restrain adding excess personality or
humor, and seem appropriate when communicating with other departments
and entities in the company whose norms may differ.
Another tool not only this department, but the entire company uses is
Employee Intranet. This software is a large virtual space for document
sharing within the company. Another tool used occasionally for video
conferencing is Web Axis, which will allow some features of a face to face
conversation to be shared and be less restricted than Microsoft Word
Appendix A
Field notes and tour of the location 1 hour and 30 minutes
Environment Individual cubicles. Cubicles are personalized and decorated
by the individual. Constant and steady flow of people walking around.
Friendly, cozy vibe. Everybody is aggressively working on their task, no
fooling around.
Writing/communication Frequent phone calls. Individuals frequently visiting
each others cubicles and the Senior Vice Presidents office. All are constantly
on their computers, either writing on Word (from what I can see) or on some
kind of number spreadsheet (some on Excel, others couldnt tell.)
Although verbal communication is warm and friendly, it is always for a
specific purpose (to gain information, relay information, etc.)
I noticed a few people moving packages. Everyone else working in cubicles.
2 executives in their offices.
No breaks. Friendly. Smiles.
Took a tour of the rest of the building and all departments were also
vigorously working, although in the Accounting department, it seemed much
more quiet like everybody was focused on their own individual task without
much collaboration from other team members. The Information Technology
department obviously requires much more collaboration amongst
Appendix B
Interview Questions 1st Interview
Interviewee Karl Schosser, Senior Vice President of Information Technology
1. What is the big picture, or main goal of the Information Technology
department/team here at the corporate office of Hunt Companies, Inc.?
2. Are there any shared values in this team you feel is worth mentioning?
How are these values depicted in day to day communication with each
3. Are there any forms of communication that are frequently used? (Such as
meetings, phone calls, e-mails, newsletters, etc.)
6. Who would you classify as the old timers with more expertise in this
Appendix C
Interview Questions 2nd Interview
Interviewee Karl Schosser, Senior Vice President of Information Technology
1. I understand all roles in this team are important, but are there 1 or 2 roles
you find interesting or feel are worth discussing in depth?
2. Are there team meetings or conferences that take place within this
Appendix D
Appendix E
Integration M&A Requirements
Required to be Hunt Standards for
companies on Hunt IT Platform
-Email Platform
-User and Computer Name Format
-Active Directory
-Employee Intranet
-Networking Equipment
-User Computers
-Storage Devices
-Phone Systems
-All Security Platforms, Policies and Procedures
-Hunt IT Help Desk Procedures
Appendix F
Guiding Principles
Hosting Options
SAAS Solution
Hosting provider
On Premises Hosting
Appendix G
Established Priorities
System Stability and Availability
Regulatory Requirements
Hunt Family / TSA Regulated Projects
Non HCBS Projects (HCI and Affiliates)
HCBS Projects
Hunt Companies. (2016). Who We Are. Retrieved from
Hunt Companies. (2016). What We Do. Retrieved from
Hunt Companies. (2016). What We Do Leadership Corporate Officers.
Retrieved from