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Trecutul Perfect Simplu

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- Trecutul perfect simplu se forneaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have la trecutul simplu (past tense
simple) + verbul de conjugat la participiu trecut (past participle).
Forma lunga
had + vb la past participle (forma a III-a) / vb + - ed
Forma scurta
d + vb la past participle (forma a III-a) / vb + - ed

- Participiul trecut (past participle) al verbelor regulate se formeaza adaugand sufixul ed la finalul
verbului verb + -ed
Ex.: play played

- Participiul trecut (past participle) al verbelor neregulate se formeaza diferit si este reprezentat de
forma a III-a a verbelor neregulate prezentata in tabelul cu verbele neregulate.

- Forma negativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have la trecutul simplu + not + verb la participiu trecut.
Forma prescurtata este hadnt.
had + not + vb la past participle (forma a III-a) / vb + -ed
Ex.: I had not taken the book = I hadnt taken the book = Eu nu am luat cartea
He had not repaired the TV = He hadnt repaired the TV = El nu a reparat TV.

- Forma interogativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have la trecutul simplu care se pune inaintea
subiectului = had + subiect + verb la past participle / verb + -ed
Ex.: Had you read the book? = Tu ai citit cartea?
Had he bought flowers? El a cumparat flori?

I had seen = Id seen = eu am vazut
I had not seen = I hadnt seen = Eu nu am vazut
You had seen = Youd seen = tu ai vazut You had not seen = You hadnt seen = tu nu ai vazut
He had seen = Hed seen = el a vazut
He had not seen = He hadnt seen = el nu a vazut
She had seen = Shed seen = ea a vazut
She had not seen = She hadnt seen = ea nu a vazut
It had seen = Itd seen = el/ea a vazut
It had not seen = It hadnt seen = el/ea nu a vazut
We had seen = Wed seen = noi am vazut
We had not seen = We hadnt seen = noi nu am vazut
You had seen = Youd seen = voi ati vazut
You had not seen = You hadnt seen = voi nu ati vazut
They had seen = Theyd seen = ei au vazut
They had not seen = They hadnt seen = ei nu au vazut
Had I seen? = eu am vazut?
Had you seen? = tu ai vazut?
Had he seen? = el a vazut?
Had she seen? = ea a vazut?
Had it seen? = el/ea a vazut?
Had we seen? = noi am vazut?
Had you seen? = voi ati vazut?
Had they seen? = ei au vazut?

Trecutul perfect simplu se foloseste pentru:
- o actiune care s-a petrecut in trecut inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute. Actiunea care s-a intamplat
mai devreme in trecut este la past perfect simple, iar actiunea care s-a petrecut mai tarziu in trecut
este la past simple
Ex.: They had done their homework before they went out to play yesterday afternoon. = Ei si-au facut
temele inainte ca ei sa iasa afara sa se joace ieri la amiaza.

- o actiune care s-a petrecut inaintea unui timp stabilit in trecut

Ex.: She had watered all the flowers by five oclock in the afternoon = Ea a udat toate florile pana la ora
cinci dupa-amiaza.

- Ca echivalentul trecut al present perfect simple (prezentului perfect simplu), adica pentru o actiune
care a inceput si s-a terminat in trecut. Folosim past perfect simple (trecutul perfect simplu) pentru o
actiune care a inceput si s-a terminat in trecut, dar folosim present perfect simple (prezentul perfect
simplu) pentru o actiune carea inceput in trecut si s-a terminat in prezent
Ex.: Jill wasnt at home. She had gone out. = Jill nu era acasa. Ea a plecat afara.
Jill isnt at home. She has gone out. = Jill nu este acasa. Ea a plecat afara.

- o actiune care s-a terminat in trecut si al carei rezultat este vizibil in trecut
Ex.: Bill had injured his legs in a car accident, so he had to use a wheelchair for six months. = Bill s- a ranit
la picioare intr-un accident de masina, asa ca el a trebuit sa foloseasca un scaun cu rotile pentru sase luni

Putem folosi past perfect simple (trecutul perfect simplu) sau past simple (trecutul simplu) cu before sau
after fara nicio diferenta de inteles.
Ex.: They went out after it had stopped raining = They went out after it stopped raining = Ei au mers afara
dupa ce s-a oprit ploaia.
She left after she had finished her work = She left after she finished her work = Ea a plecat dupa ce si-a
terminat munca.


- before = inainte
- after = dupa
- already = deja
- for = de, pentru (arata durata, de exp.:de doua zile, de trei ani etc.)
- since = de cand, din (arata momentul de inceput, de exp: din 1980, din aprilie, de cand eram mici etc.)
- just = doar
- till/until = pana cand, pana la, pana ce
- when = cand
- by = de, prin, cu, de catre, catre, pe, dupa, din etc.
- by the time = pana cand
- never = niciodata

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