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Prezentul Simplu Present Tense Simple

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- Prezentul simplu are forma de baza a verbului

- La persoana a III-a singular se formeaza adaugand s la finalul verbului
Ex.: he writes = el scrie
- Forma negativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul to do + not. Forma prescurtata este dont, respectiv
doesnt pentru persoana a III-a singular
Ex.: I do not drink wine = I dont drink wine = Eu nu beau vin
She does not play football = She doesnt play football = Ea nu joaca fotbal.
- Forma interogativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul to do care se pune inaintea subiectului = to do +
subiect + verb
Ex.: Do you work here? = Tu lucrezi aici?
Does she sing beautifully? Ea canta frumos?




I read = eu citesc
You read = tu citesti
He reads = el citeste
She reads = ea citeste
It reads = el/ea citeste
We read = noi citim
You read = voi cititi
They read = ei citesc

I do not read = I dont read = Eu nu citesc

You do not read = You dont read
He does not read = He doesnt read
She does not read = She dosnt read
It does not read = It doesnt read
We do not read = We dont read
You do not read = You doesnt read
They do not read = They dont read

Do I read? = Eu citesc?
Do you read?
Does he read?
Does she read?
Does it read?
Do we read?
Do you read?
Do they read?

Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru:
- actiuni obisnuite, care se intampla in prezent sau in mod regulat, dar nu neaparat in timpul vorbirii,
precum si actiuni repetate si care arata rutina zilnica
Ex.: Mr Gibson is a businessman. He lives in New York = Dl Gibson este un om de afaceri. El locuieste
in New York. (permanent state = actiune obisnuita, permanenta)
He usually starts work at 9 am = El de obicei incepe munca la ora 9 dimineata.
- adevaruri sau realitati general acceptate
Ex.: The moon moves round the earth = Luna se misca in jurul pamantului.
- expresia opiniilor
Ex.: I think India is beautiful = Cred ca India este frumoasa.
Some believe everything they read = Unii cred tot ce citesc.
- expresia preferintelor
Ex.: Peter likes cats = Lui Peter ii plac pisicile
- pentru evenimente planuite, programate sau orare
Ex.: The bus leaves in 10 minutes = Autobuzul pleaca in 10 minute
The train from Boston arrives at 3 pm = Trenul din Boston soseste la 3 dupa-amiaza.
We meet at 1 pm at the restaurant = Noi ne intalnim la ora 1 dupa-amiaza la restaurant.
- pentru a exprima prezentul istoric facand astfel referire la evenimente care s-au intamplat de fapt in
Ex.: Susan tells me that she took her brother to the dentist = Susan imi spune ca l-a dus pe fratele ei la
- in comentarii sportive, rezumate, recenzii, cronici, narari, povestiri
Ex.: Ben kicks the ball and passes it to Jim = Ben loveste mingea si i-o paseaza lui Jim. (comentariu
Laura acts superbly in the film = Laura joaca superb in film (cronica de film)
- pentru a da instructiuni sau directii (in loc de imperativ)
Ex.: You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it = Presari niste branza pe pizza si apoi
o coci.
In loc de: Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and bake it! = Presara niste branza pe pizza si

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