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Where We Work April 2010

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fact sheet
Save the Children works in more than 50 countries, including the United States.
We serve 64 million children and many others working to
save and improve children’s lives, including parents, community members,
local organizations and government agencies.

Afghanistan Honduras* Papua New Guinea*

Angola India* Paraguay*
Armenia Indonesia Philippines
Azerbaijan Iraq Romania*
Bangladesh Israel* Somalia*
Bhutan Jordan South Africa*
Bolivia Kazakhstan* South Sudan
Burkina Faso* Kenya* Sri Lanka*
China* Kyrgyzstan Sudan
Colombia* Lebanon* Tajikistan
Democratic Rep. of the Congo* Malawi Tanzania*
Dominican Republic* Mali Thailand*
Egypt Mexico* Uganda
El Salvador Mongolia* United States
Ethiopia Morocco* Vietnam
Fiji* Mozambique West Bank and Gaza
Georgia Myanmar Yemen*
Ghana* Nepal Zambia
Guatemala Nicaragua Zimbabwe*
Guinea Nigeria*
Haiti Pakistan
* Programs supported by Save the Children and/or implemented by national partner agencies

In the United States, Save the Children serves tens of thousands of children
in impoverished communities or affected by disasters in these states:

Alabama Louisiana South Carolina

Arkansas Maryland Tennessee
Arizona Mississippi Texas
California Nevada Washington
Colorado New Mexico Washington, DC
Kentucky New York
April 2010


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