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Hypertension and Exercise

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Rev Port Cardiol. 2012;31(2):151---158

Revista Portuguesa de

Portuguese Journal of Cardiology


Hypertension and exercise

Jorge A. Ruivo , Paula Alcntara
Servico de Medicina 1, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal
Received 5 April 2011; accepted 8 September 2011
Available online 18 January 2012


Hipertenso arterial;

Abstract Levels of physical activity in modern urbanized society are clearly insufcient to
maintain good health, and to prevent cardiovascular and other disease. Aerobic exercise is
almost completely free of secondary effects, and is a useful adjunctive therapy in treating
hypertension. There are several possible mechanisms to account for the benecial effects of
exercise in reducing blood pressure, the resulting physiological effects usually being classied
as acute, post-exercise or chronic. Variations in genetic background, hypertension etiology,
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics may explain the different blood pressure responses
to exercise among hypertensive patients. The present review discusses the different pathophysiological aspects of the response to exercise in hypertensives, including its modulators
and diagnostic and prognostic usefulness, as well as the latest guidelines on prescribing and
monitoring exercise regimes and drug therapy in the clinical follow-up of active hypertensive
2011 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier Espaa, S.L. All rights

Hipertenso arterial e exerccio fsico

Resumo A actual sociedade urbanizada apresenta nveis manifestamente insucientes de
actividade para manter os nveis de sade desejveis, e prevenir, entre outras, as doenc
cardiovasculares. O exerccio aerbico um adjunto favorvel medicac
o no tratamento da
hipertenso arterial, sendo desprovido virtualmente de efeitos secundrios. Existem numerosos
mecanismos propostos para o efeito salutar do exerccio na reduc
o da presso arterial, sendo
que os efeitos siolgicos decorrentes podem ser classicados em agudos, ps-esforc
o, e crnicos. Diferenc
as no patrimnio gentico, na etiologia da hipertenso, na farmacodinmica e/ou
farmacocintica podem justicar a diferente resposta tensional ao esforc
o entre os indivduos

Please cite this article as: Ruivo JA, Hipertenso arterial e exerccio fsico. Rev Port Cardiol; 2012. doi:10.1016/j.repc.2011.12.012.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jorge.ruivo@netcabo.pt (J. A. Ruivo).

2174-2049/$ see front matter 2011 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier Espaa, S.L. All rights reserved.

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J. A. Ruivo, P. Alcntara
hipertensos. Na presente reviso iremos abordar os vrios aspectos siopatolgicos relacionados
com a resposta tensional ao esforc
o e seus moduladores no indivduo hipertenso, sua utilidade
diagnstica e prognstica, assim como referir-nos s ltimas linhas de orientac
o no que respeita
o de regimes de exerccio fsico e frmaco-associac
o no seguimento
clnico do hipertenso activo.
2011 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Espaa, S.L. Todos os
direitos reservados.

The increasing urbanization of modern society has led to
profound changes in behavior, in particular a growing trend
towards sedentary lifestyles. It is estimated that children
nowadays expend 600 kcal/day less in physical activity than
their counterparts 50 years ago,1 while 57% of the population
of Europe do not take regular vigorous exercise2 and only 11%
of Portuguese believe that exercise signicantly inuences
However, there is clear evidence of an inverse
dose---response relation between total quantity and intensity of exercise and cardiovascular mortality, in both healthy
individuals and in those with cardiovascular disease (CVD).4,5
It is important to differentiate physical activity from
exercise and sports6 (Table 1), but all three are useful at
all stages of the natural history of CVD.
Exercise therapy is recommended in all the main clinical guidelines on CVD,7---9 and if properly implemented, it
also has benecial effects on risk factors for CVD, including
hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, obesity, and
In the case of hypertension in particular, the contribution of non-pharmacological treatment is central to
reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This article reviews the mechanisms of the response to exercise
and its modulators, the main benets and risks involved,
guidelines for prescribing exercise in hypertensives, and
specic aspects of drug therapy in active hypertensive

Acute physiological response to exercise

The acute physiological response to exercise, during which
the organism is subject to signicant stress, varies in
Table 1

Key concepts.

Physical activity --- body movements resulting in contraction

of skeletal muscle, increasing energy expenditure above
baseline levels
Exercise --- planned, structured and repetitive body
movements, for a specic purpose
Sport --- activity requiring a range of physical abilities and
vigorous physical exercise

intensity according to the type of exercise, participant

and environment. Exercise always causes transient organ
dysfunction and generation of free radicals, but acquired
adaptation mechanisms will improve functional performance in the future.
During endurance exercise there is typically an increase
and redistribution of cardiac output (CO) to maintain
perfusion of active muscles. This response is triggered
by neurohormonal and hydrostatic mechanisms, initially
by increasing systolic volume and then increasing heart
rate.11 Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), which are
determined by the product of CO and peripheral vascular
resistance (PVR), react differently to exercise: systolic BP
(SBP) rises as CO increases, while diastolic BP (DBP) falls
as a result of decreased PVR, facilitating perfusion of large
muscle groups.
In resistance exercise both SPB and DBP rise as a result of
the exercise pressor reex, in which intramuscular pressure
during contraction exceeds arterial pressure, interrupting
muscle blood ow, and arterial pressure rises to overcome this resistance to muscle perfusion. If inappropriately
applied, this type of exercise can cause SBP to rise up to
320 mmHg and DBP up to 250 mmHg during a single repetition
at maximum load.12

Post-exercise physiological response

An acute fall in BP minutes or hours after exercise,13 known
as post-exercise hypotension,14 is seen in hypertensive and
pre-hypertensive subjects15 and also in normotensive individuals, although to a lesser degree.16 It can last up to
22 h after exercise.12 The principal mechanism suggested
for this fall is reduced noradrenaline levels and thus inhibition of sympathetic activity and reductions in circulating
angiotensin II, adenosine and endothelin and their receptors in the central nervous system, all of which reduce PVR
and increase baroreex sensitivity.17 The vasodilator effect
of prostaglandins and nitric oxide released during exercise
also contributes.17
This fall in BP is clinically signicant, particularly in
hypertensives, since it can act as a non-pharmacological
BP-lowering measure. However, several aspects of the phenomenon remain unclear; various factors inuence the
hypotensive response, including the intensity, duration and
type of exercise and the individuals clinical status, age,

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Hypertension and exercise

ethnicity, and physical tness. Studies directly comparing different exercise intensities indicate that the fall
in BP is independent of intensity in both normotensives
and hypertensives.17 However, exercise duration appears to
inuence both the magnitude and the duration of the fall,17
although the volume of exercise appears to be more important than the action of other variables in isolation, with
longer but less intense periods of exercise producing the
same results as shorter and more intense sessions.17 This
means individuals can exercise whatever their clinical status, including hypertensives, in whom the intensity should
be carefully controlled. However, post-exercise BP response
appears to differ with ethnicity: BP in black hypertensive
women does not necessarily fall after exercise.17 Age may
also modulate exercise response: PVR increases naturally
with age, resulting in a smaller fall in BP. There are also
indications that intermittent exercise protocols, and those
that use more muscle mass, may increase the BP-lowering

Hypertensive response to exercise

Although resting blood pressure measurement in the
physicians ofce is the gold standard for management
of hypertension, it is no longer considered the best
tool to assess BP. Other methods provide more information on the risk associated with high BP, including
24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and
exercise testing, which correlate more closely with, for
example, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) than ofce
BP response to exercise is particularly useful in prognostic stratication of hypertensive patients as well as
for diagnosing silent CVD. An abnormal response, in which
SBP fails to rise or even falls during exercise, is universally accepted as a sign of severe ischemia, while a
disproportionate hypertensive response must be taken into
consideration when assessing the natural history of the
A hypertensive response to exercise in sedentary subjects
is dened as SBP rise of over 7---10 mmHg for every increment
of one metabolic equivalent (MET), or failure of DBP to fall
more than 15 mmHg (or actually to rise). Such a response to
exercise is a strong predictor of risk of developing sustained
hypertension19 and individuals with this response also have
a higher rate of fatal cardiovascular events.20 A prospective
study showed that cardiovascular mortality up to 16 years
after exercise testing in 2000 apparently healthy individuals aged between 40 and 59 years was up to twice as high
in those whose peak SBP was >200 mmHg, and the risk was
higher the steeper the BP rise during exercise. In t individuals and those undergoing training, BP rises more slowly
than in those in poor cardiorespiratory condition, in whom
BP rise is rapid, steep and large immediately after beginning,
or even before, exercise.21
Similarly, probably also due to adrenergic hypersensitivity, individuals with white coat hypertension usually
have higher peak BP with exercise and are more likely
to have LVH and lower nitric oxide bioavailability than
the general population.22 Exercise BP correlates well
with ABPM, to some extent reecting circadian variations

in BP. There is evidence that intermittent BP rises
with exercise in these individuals may be sufcient to
cause target organ dysfunction in susceptible and unt
The post-exercise response prole also has prognostic
implications. A delayed post-exercise SBP fall, with a ratio
of SBP at 3 min of recovery to SBP at 1 min of recovery of
>1, is associated with worse prognosis.23

Chronic response to exercise: benets and risks of

physical activity
Aerobic exercise has been shown to reduce the incidence
of hypertension and to lower BP in hypertensives, with
SBP falling by 5---15 mmHg (less in the elderly).24---27 Falls
in DBP with this type of exercise, although benecial, are
less marked. The overall reduction is directly proportional
to the duration and frequency of exercise28 ; it appears to
be independent of body mass index,29 and is greater in
middle-aged hypertensives,27 uncontrolled hypertensives,
and non-dippers.28
The largest meta-analysis to date on the effects of aerobic exercise on BP, by Whelton et al.,30 analyzing 53
randomized controlled trials lasting over 2 weeks in individuals aged over 18, estimated SBP reduction as 5 mmHg at
most. Compared to previous meta-analyses which showed
more dramatic reductions, this value is probably closer to
reality, which may be due to the inclusion of longer trials
with an intention-to-treat design, in some of which exercise
regimes were not supervised, thus reecting more realistic
levels of adherence.
Resistance exercise has also been shown to reduce both
SBP and DBP by 3---5 mmHg31 by increasing parasympathetic
tone and thereby reducing PVR32 when the exercise regime
concentrates on muscle resistance.
Given that the fall in BP following both endurance
and resistance exercise is relatively small,33 it is clear
that exercise does not cure hypertension. Even so, it is
an excellent adjunctive therapy and can alter the natural history of the disease. In middle-aged individuals, a
decrease of only 2 mmHg in SBP reduces cardiovascular
mortality by 4%.34 The fact that exercise has pleiotropic
protective effects, including reducing body weight, visceral adiposity and inammation, and improving endothelial
function, explains its overall benet on cardiovascular risk
prole, independently of reductions in BP. Increased physical activity and cardiorespiratory capacity can have a
similar effect to drug therapy, reducing LVH by 8---15%,35
and to other non-pharmacological measures that reduce
BP by 1---4 mmHg.36
The mechanisms put forward to explain the BPlowering and cardioprotective effects of regular exercise
are based on neurohormonal and structural adaptations
in vessels, muscle and adipocytes. The neuroendocrinological factors involved include reductions in circulating
noradrenaline and its receptors and in angiotensin II,
and increases in nitric oxide bioavailability,37 antioxidant
capacity, insulin sensitivity, and expression of cardioprotective factors such as apelin.38 Structural adaptations
include vascular remodeling (increased length and lumen

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J. A. Ruivo, P. Alcntara

diameter and number of precapillary sphincters) and

Despite all the recognized benets of exercise as a
complementary treatment for hypertension, it is not free
of risk in certain cases, and thus appropriate medical
screening is essential before participating in exercise or
In general, the main concerns are:
a) to identify absolute contraindications to particular types
of exercise or sports;
b) on the basis of cardiovascular risk stratication, to identify limitations in the practice of particular types of
exercise or sports (relative contraindications);
c) to tailor the exercise regime to each clinical condition in
order to minimize complications and to promote rehabilitation (exercise medicine).
For hypertensives, the specic concerns are:
a) to diagnose silent CVD;
b) to identify individuals at high cardiovascular risk, such
as those with uncontrolled stage 2 hypertension, unstable angina or decompensated diabetes, who should
not exercise until their clinical condition has been
c) to prepare a personalized plan designed to avoid activities that will tend to raise BP.
The most feared complication is sudden death, which in
individuals aged over 35 is usually due to silent ischemic
heart disease, although the former is uncommon in those
followed medically. The thoroughness of pre-participation
screening depends on the intensity of the planned exercise and the hypertensive patients global cardiovascular
risk. For an asymptomatic individual in risk group A or B39
with BP of <180/110 mmHg intending to participate in light
to moderate exercise (<60% VO2 reserve), there is generally no need for diagnostic exams beyond the routine
evaluation14 (Table 2). Those in risk group C, without CVD
or BP >180/110 mmHg, may benet from exercise testing
before engaging in moderate-intensity exercise (40---60% VO2
reserve), but not for light activity (<40% VO2 reserve).14
Exercise testing is essential for all patients with documented
CVD, whatever the level of intensity, and vigorous exercise
(>60% VO2 reserve) should only be performed in dedicated
cardiac rehabilitation centers.15

Table 2

Prescription of exercise and monitoring of

The optimal exercise regime for hypertensives in terms of
type, frequency, intensity and duration has been the subject
of considerable research.
Type. Most studies focus on endurance exercise. As shown
above, rhythmic aerobic exercise involving the main muscle groups, such as walking, running, cycling and swimming,
reduces BP by 5---15 mmHg. The response to resistance training is less marked (5 mmHg), but it can be greater in circuit
training, which involves more repetitions of lighter loads,40
since DBP rises more with greater static work, which should
therefore be kept to a minimum. A resistance training program should set limits of >20 mmHg over baseline DBP or DBP
>120 mmHg, and if these are exceeded the program and/or
medication should be reviewed. The individuals preferences should also be taken into consideration, as this will
affect long-term adherence.
Frequency. Exercise on 3---5 days a week reduces BP.41
Although there is evidence that 7 days a week may be more
effective,42 three sessions a week have 75% of the antihypertensive effect of seven sessions.43 The simpler the regime
the better, and it is not necessary to exercise every day to
obtain an antihypertensive effect, especially as this effect
lasts for many hours.
Intensity. Exercise intensity of less than 70% of VO2
reserve appears to have a more marked BP-lowering effect27
that does not depend on improved maximal aerobic capacity
(VO2 max). The main health benet thus derives from changing a sedentary lifestyle to one of physical activity, with
moderate intensity exercise being safest and most effective, as well as most likely to be adhered to. Reductions in
BP obtained with intensities between 40 and 70% VO2 max
are similar.43 This intensity range corresponds to approximately 12---13 on the Borg 6---20 scale. Use of the Borg scale
to monitor exercise intensity is of particular importance in
patients taking beta-blockers, since these may weaken the
hemodynamic response to exercise.
Screened individuals with low cardiovascular risk may
benet from interval exercise, with periods of varying intensity in a single session, since as well as leading to greater
reductions in BP44 than with continuous exercise, this
regime protects against age-related sarcopenia and loss of
Duration. Most randomized controlled trials to date
in hypertensives have used continuous exercise lasting

Algorithm for exercise testing before participation in exercise programs.

Blood pressure (mmHg)

Risk group A (no risk

factors; no TOD/CVD)

Risk group B (at least 1

risk factor not including
diabetes; no TOD/CVD)

Risk group C (TOD/CVD

and/or diabetes, with or
without other risk


Blood pressure control

Blood pressure control

Moderate or vigorous
Moderate or vigorous
Blood pressure control

Adapted from Ref. 14. CVD: cardiovascular disease; TOD: target organ damage.

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Hypertension and exercise

30---60 min per session. These times lead to similar BP reduction, but exercise programs of over 2.5 h a week give very
little extra benet.32 The alternative of shorter intermittent sessions appears to be valid, since these elicit the same
kind of BP response,45 so long as the volume of exercise is
To summarize, exercise is recommended as a treatment
for hypertension, particularly cardiovascular exercise,46 for
20---60 min 3---5 days a week, at an intensity of 40---70%
VO2 max. Although resistance exercise in the form of muscle endurance training is no more effective in reducing BP,
it may be integrated into the exercise regime so long as DBP
response remains within safe limits.

Modulators of response to exercise

Although regular moderate exercise lowers BP in most hypertensives, not all respond to exercise therapy in the same
way.34 Differences in genetics, pathophysiology of hypertension, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics may explain
why some individuals do not respond to exercise with falls
in chronic BP values.
Rankinen et al.47 examined the association between
Glu298Asp variants of the NOS3 gene, which codes for nitric
oxide synthase, and BP response during submaximal exercise
in 471 normotensive individuals after an endurance training
program. Individuals with the NOS3-Asp allele reduced DBP
less during submaximal exercise than those homozygous for
the NOS3-Glu allele.
Hagberg et al. also reported differences in trainingbased BP reductions in hypertensive subjects with different
alleles for the apoE gene.48 The endothelial expression
of endothelin-1 promotes vasoconstriction, and certain
variants of the endothelin-1 gene are associated with
hypertension.49 Interestingly, the association between
endothelin genotype and blood pressure phenotype is inuenced by different levels of physical activity and functional
capacity. In the HERITAGE Family study,50 20 weeks of
endurance training at submaximal effort in sedentary individuals reduced SBP and pulse pressure less in carriers of the
rs5370 allele than in homozygotes.
Regular exercise prevents or reduces age-related arterial stiffness. Besides its vasomotor effect, endothelin-1 is
involved in vascular remodeling. Iemitsu et al.51 examined
different genetic polymorphisms in the ET-A and ET-B receptors and in the two isoenzymes of endothelin-converting
enzyme (ECE-1 and ECE-2) and their relationship with
exercise-induced effects on age-related arterial stiffness.
Individuals with the AA genotype of the 958A/G polymorphism of ET-A, and those with the AG or GG genotype of
the 831A/G polymorphism of ET-B, presented a reduction in
arterial stiffness with greater physical activity, while others showed no improvement with exercise, showing that
exercise alone may not be sufcient to reduce age-related
arterial stiffness in these individuals.

Monitoring of BP response to exercise

ABPM has improved cardiovascular risk stratication and
evaluation of individual exercise response, complementing

conventional exercise testing. ABPM helps quantify the
dose response to exercise, analyze circadian BP variations
according to time of day for exercise, compare different
exercise regimes, and divide exercise sessions into shorter
As pointed out above, not all hypertensives respond
in the same way to exercise; around 25% show no BP
fall,27 although they still derive other benets. Non-dipper
hypertensives have been identied as being among those
who do not respond to exercise.52 Non-dippers suffer
more cardiovascular complications and more severe target organ damage, and would therefore seem to require
more carefully planned and individualized exercise programs. However, on the basis of ABPM data, Park et al.53
concluded that non-dippers do in fact respond to exercise,
but differently from dippers, in a way that depends on the
time of day exercise is performed:
1) Evening exercise appears to be more effective in reducing nighttime BP for non-dippers than for dippers.
2) Morning exercise produces similar daytime SBP reductions for dippers and non-dippers.
3) Morning and evening exercise exhibits similar 24-h SBP
reduction for both dippers and non-dippers.
Time of day for exercise thus appears to be a useful
concept in tailoring exercise regimes for non-dipper hypertensives.
There is also evidence that intensive training programs,
in which patients response is more closely monitored, are
better at motivating patients to modify their lifestyle, not
only leading to greater falls in BP, but also improving their
overall metabolic prole.54 Participation in programs in
exercise centers for secondary prevention therefore seems
an excellent option.

Drug therapy in active hypertensives

When drug therapy is indicated in active hypertensives,
it should ideally: (a) lower BP at rest and during exertion; (b) decrease PVR; (c) not adversely affect exercise
capacity. For these reasons, angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and
calcium channel blockers are the drugs of choice for hypertensive recreational exercisers and athletes. Due to the
vasodilator effect of calcium channel blockers, they may
cause post-exercise hypotension, and therefore an extended
cooling-down period is recommended rather than abrupt
cessation of activity. If a third drug is required a low-dose
thiazide diuretic may be added, although the possibility of
iatrogenic hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia should be monitored, as these could cause malignant arrhythmias during
Diuretics and beta-blockers can affect thermoregulation and increase the risk of hypoglycemia. Loop diuretics
cause volume depletion, with severe consequences for exercise capacity. Furthermore, use of beta-blockers, besides
their negative chronotropic and inotropic effects (which
affect maximum exercise capacity), may also be considered
as doping in some competitive sports. Non-selective betablockers can also impair normal bronchomotor tone during

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exertion. There is disagreement concerning their effects on
intermittent claudication in patients with peripheral arterial disease55 and hence on maximum walking distance,
and so they should be prescribed with caution when clinically indicated. Their use in active hypertensives should be
restricted to cases of adrenergic hypertension or those with
concomitant ischemic coronary artery disease; in the latter
case ivabradine, when recommended in the guidelines, may
enable better performance.56
There is no evidence of negative effects of any drug
classes on static exercise.

The adoption of a healthy lifestyle, of which exercise is a
key element, is recommended for the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Programs that include endurance
and resistance training not only play a part in the primary
prevention of hypertension but also lower BP in hypertensive
The immediate effect of aerobic exercise is to increase
and redistribute cardiac output, raising SBP while DBP
remains the same or falls slightly, while both SBP and
DBP rise during predominantly static exercise. Post-exercise
effects in the 72 h following an exercise session include
a slight reduction in BP, especially in hypertensives (postexercise hypotension), the fall being greater for higher
baseline levels. Chronic effects result from the organisms adaptation to frequent exercise. Individuals who take
regular exercise have lower blood pressure, relative bradycardia at rest, muscular hypertrophy, physiological left
ventricular hypertrophy and increased oxygen consumption.
Decreased serum catecholamine levels and adiposity,
increased insulin sensitivity and alterations in the expression of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator factors are among the
proposed mediators of BP response to exercise. Differences
in genetics, pathophysiology of hypertension, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics may explain why some
individuals do not respond to exercise with falls in chronic
BP values.
In view of the added safety provided by pre-participation
sports screening, there is justication for widening prescription of exercise programs to all hypertensives based
on the results of such screening, since the benets of
exercise undeniably outweigh any complications that might
The training program should be carefully designed and
tailored in order to optimize its antihypertensive effects and
to maximize safety. The following standard recommendations for exercise regimes for hypertensive individuals are

a) Frequency: on most, preferably all, days of the week.

b) Intensity: moderate (40---70% VO2 R), in order to maximize
the benet and minimize the possible adverse effects of
more vigorous exercise.
c) Duration: at least 30 min of continuous or intermittent
activity (310 min) per day.

J. A. Ruivo, P. Alcntara
d) Type: primarily endurance exercise supplemented by
resistance exercise.
The individuals preferences should also be taken into
consideration, as this will affect long-term adherence.
First-line drug therapy should be ACE inhibitors or ARBs,
possibly associated with thiazide diuretics if required. Loop
diuretics and beta-blockers have secondary effects that can
affect sporting performance and their use should be on a
case-by-case basis.
In conclusion, aerobic exercise is a useful adjunctive
therapy in treating hypertension, reducing cardiovascular and metabolic risk, and is almost completely free
of secondary effects. It should be recommended to all
hypertensive individuals who are willing and able to participate.

Conicts of interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to declare.

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