Gel Electrophoresis Lab Report
Gel Electrophoresis Lab Report
Gel Electrophoresis Lab Report
Gel Electrophoresis
Drew Linarelli
Honors Biology
17 May 2016
Period 9
First the purpose of this lab is we want to see if different restriction enzymes
cut DNA into different sized fragments or the same sized fragments. Second we
want to get practice with using tools and materials such as restriction enzymes and
gel electrophoresis. Finally we want to create a logarithmic graph with known data
to figure out the other lengths of our DNA fragments that were created by different
restriction enzymes cutting them.
The dependent variable is the size of the fragments cut by the restriction
enzymes while the independent variable is the different restriction enzymes. Then
the control group is the DNA that does not consist of any restriction enzymes. The
hypothesis is that the restriction enzymes will cut the DNA in different places, the
smaller fragments will move faster through the gel, and the control group will not
move very much if at all.
Materials List
Agarose Gel
TBE Buffer Solution
Lambda DNA
Restriction Enzymes (EcoRI, BamHI, HindIII)
Micropipettes tips
Hot plate
Eddindorf reaction tubes
50 mL beakers
1000 mL flask
Electrophoresis cylinder
Ethidium bromide stain
Loading dye
Staining trays
Ultraviolet light source
Procedure A: Set up Restriction Digest
Label four 1.5-mL tubes, in which you will perform restrictions: B for BamHI, E
for EcoRI, H for HindIII, and for no enzyme
Use table below as a checklist while adding reagents to each reaction. Read
down each column, adding the same reagent to all the appropriate tubes; use a
fresh tip for each reagent. All groups share the same BamHi, EcoRI, HindIII enzymes
at a central station
Pool and mix ingredients by tapping the tube bottom on the lab bench, or
with a short pulse in a microcentrifuge
Incubate all reaction tubes for a minimum of 20 minutes at 37 degrees
Celsius. Your teacher may instruct you to incubate the reactions for a longer period.
Procedure B: Load Gel
Add 1 mean of loading dye to each reaction tube. Mix dye with digested DNA
by tapping tube on lab bench, or with a pulse in microcentrifuge
Use micropipette to load contents of each reaction tube into a separated well
in gel, aligned as illustrated in ideal Restriction Digest of Lambda DNA.
Be careful to expel any air in micropipette tip end before loading gel. (if air
bubbles form cap over well, DNA loading dye will flow into buffer around edges of
Dip pipet tip through surface of buffer, position it over the well, and slowly
expel the mixture. Sucrose in the loading dye weighs down the sample, causing it to
sink to the bottom of the well. Be careful not to punch tip of pipet through bottom of
Procedure C: Electrophorese
Close top of electrophoresis chamber and connect electrical leads to an
approved power supply, anode to anode (red-red) and cathode to cathode (blackblack). Make sure both electrodes are connected to same channel of power supply.
Turn power supply on and set voltage as directed by your instructor. Shortly
after current is applied, loading dye can be seen moving through gel toward positive
pole of electrophorese apparatus.
The loading dye will eventually resolve into two bands of color. The fastermoving, purplish band is the dye bromophenol blue; the slower moving, aqua band
is xylene cyanol. Bromophenol blue migrates through gel at same rate as a DNA
fragment approximately 300 base pairs long. Xylene cyanol migrates at a rate
equivalent to approximately 2000 base pairs.
Allow DNA to electrophorese until the bromophenol blue band nears the end
of the gel. Your instructor may monitor the progress of electrophoresis in your
absence; in that case, omit steps 5 and 6.
Turn off power supply, disconnect leads from the inputs, and remove top of
electrophoresis chamber.
Carefully remove casting tray and slide gel into staining tray labeled with
your group name. take your get to your instructor for staining.
Gel Electrophoresis lab
This is the gel on a light box that I examined to find all of my measurements and
results for this lab.
f(x) = - 0.01x + 1.9
This graph shows the results of the HindIII data generating a best fit line. I
also used the equation at the top to find the base power of my other two
This chart shows the distance and the actual base pairs for HindIII. The
information in the middle of the chart was also used to create the graph on
the previous page. The info is the log of kbp. Distance is in mm.
This chart shows the distance, the calculated base pairs, and the actual base
pairs for EcoRI. Distance is in mm.
This chart shows the distance, the calculated base pairs, and the actual base
pairs for BamHI. Distance is in mm.
This chart shows the distance and calculated base pairs of an area with no
restriction enzymes. Which is the control group in this lab. Distance is in mm.
The hypothesis was that the restriction enzymes will cut the DNA in different
places, the smaller fragments will move faster through the gel, and the control
group will not move very much if at all. Therefore my hypothesis was absolutely
correct. I was shown that the restriction enzymes really do cut the DNA in different
locations. I also found out that the smaller fragments move the farthest containing
the least amount of base pairs, especially shown in HindIII of the Gel
Electrophoresis picture on page five. However I had some sources of error while
doing the lab. We did not actually use real gel to measure these results because the
DNA fragments did not show up in my gel due to an unknown problem, so all we
used was a picture, which is on page five. Therefore is it was hard to measure the
exact points on the picture, which is the reason why some of my calculated base
pairs are not incredibly accurate to the actual base pairs.
(Scienceclarified) Genetic Engineering using restriction enzymes source,
(google) Google used in-text citation for how Gel electrophoresis works,