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Syssec 01

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System Security

Aurlien Francillon


About me
Recent Assistant professor at Eurecom
Doing security research

Embedded systems (MCU, smart phones,...)

Software security (incl. HW support for SW sec)
Wireless/wired network
Interests in privacy and telecom/telephony security as well...

For more details check our group's page:



My office is in room 385

Down below :)
if you plan to pass by try to drop me an email first

Some projects for the semester

If you are interested in doing one on an other topic let
me know

Welcome to the SysSec course

This is an introductory course that aims to make you
So far, as a engineers, you have learned to write
code and build applications
we now show you how to break them
Our aim is to help you to understand complexity of
current systems
learn typical and common security mistakes
showing how to break systems

Security Mindset
The goal of this course is not ( only ) to stuff your
brains with lots of technical attacks
But to teach you to think as an attacker
This is a necessary state of mind in security
One can't secure a system without being aware of ways to
break it...

B. Schneier Law
Any person can invent a security system so clever that he
or she can't imagine a way of breaking it.

See also:

OK, but Why?

In computer science education, you learn to design
and program code, but security education falls short
Simple programming mistakes lead to serious security
Today, failing to protect yourself and not being securityaware can be very costly
The number of security-related incidents on the Internet
increasing fast
And by well funded organizations (Stuxnet...)
Attribution is difficult, people can easily be falsely accused of
performing illegal activities because their computers were

Some Interesting Numbers

Adware industry is worth sevral billion dollars per
Malware industry is worth 105 billion dollars per year
50%-80% of computers connected to Internet are
infected with spyware
81% of emails is spam (symantec report feb11)
90% of web applications are vulnerable (cenzic report 09)
Cyber Security market in 2011 was worth $63.7 billion,
and is expected to grow to about $120.1 billion by 2017
(marketsandmarkets.com June 2012)

What we expect from you

Technical interest for security issues
(Doing security without being interested is useless)

Interest in understanding how things work, often from a

very low-level point of view
(If you are scared of binary codes... syssec is not for you)

Basic programming knowledge and experience

Informally courses such as SoftDev or OS are
Lot of patience
(security exercises arent like Hollywood scenes )

Administrative Issues
Lectures covering different practical security aspects
Security challenges (e.g., cracking web applications, using
security tools, stack-based buffer overflows,...)
Ideally one challenge every 2 weeks
The challenge system will be deployed soon
There will be one Lab session to help you to start/setup
Challenges will be part of the final grade, do them !
Written final exam (February)

Slides and News (please visit regularly!)

(you can find this link through my EURECOM page)

SysSec and Forensics courses

Courses organisation since a few years
SysSec in fall (A. Francillon) <= you are here !
Long course presenting all the basis of system and
network security
Network security, Memory corruption, OS Security...
Forensics in spring (D. Balzarotti)
Long course
Focusing on advanced topics
Show students the current (both from a technical and a
research) perspective of the fight against cyber-crime
Almost no overlapping of topics
Different types of homeworks

Lectures in SysSec
Topics we will likely cover

(but they will change along the road)

1. Host security
Unix / Windows / OSX security overview (3h)
Smartphone security (3h)
Race conditions, memory corruption exploitation (2*3h)
Trusted computing (3h)
2. Network security (2*3h)
Wired / wireless
3. Web security and vulnerabilities (2*3h)
4. Software testing (i.e., finding vulnerabilities) (3h)
5. Malware overview (3h)
6. Guest lectures TBD

SysSec Lab

Starting date 24/10
5 challenges (expected, maybe more)
5 points per challenge solved

One lab session on 24/10, TA (Onur, Florian) will help
setting up ssh and help with the challenge
In general assignments should be mostly solved at home /
any computer with Internet connection and ssh enough

Automatic checking with immediate feedback
Everything you do is monitored
Cheating will be detected and sanctionned

Grading for the labs

Each challenge (assignment) brings you 5 points

The written exam has 75 possible points
Total of 100 points for the course
You need to have a total of 50 points to pass the

This is subject to change, I'll decide on the final rule !

Do as many labs as you can, interact, attend lectures
Final appreciation can tune the grade
Not attending lectures is a very bad idea, slides are not self
Only working with the slides will not be enough !

Printouts ?

No printouts
I'll put the final slides on-line the evening after the
I'll try sometimes in advance but no promises
e.g., Thursday evening

Intro and History

But first: Shocking news of the week

I'll often show some shocking news from the field at

the beginning of each lecture

To wake up those that still asleep!

Motivate the course / threats
We are covering hot topics, new stuff every week!
Often recent topic that hit the media

This week news of the week:


One vulnerability fuond in bash
Does not parses environemnt variables
Allows command/code injection
Especially bad when the

One vulnerability found in bash
Does not parses environment variables properly
Allows command/code injection

Many other flaws found

What is the problem?
Bash designed 20 years ago for local shell scripting
Not really with security in mind
Somehow now used to parse or interact with untrusted input
CGI is the worst example
DHCP clients

Intro and History

One big problem

System and network administrators are not prepared
Insufficient resources
Lack of training

Intruders are now leveraging the availability of

broadband connections
Many connected home computers are vulnerable
Collections of compromised home computers are good
weapons (e.g., for distributed denial of service attacks).

High speed networking

Powerful CPU
Always on

Bugs And Failure

Hardware and software are developed by humans and
therefore are not perfect
A human error may introduce a bug (or fault)
When a fault gets
triggered, it might
generate a failure...

If the fault is security-related, it is usually called a

When the vulnerability is triggered (exploited) can lead to
the compromise of the system (or of part of it)








1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


A little bit of history

1960s - mainframe computers like the MITs Artificial
Intelligence Lab became staging ground for hackers.
Hacker was a positive term
1970s - hackers start tampering with phones
(the largest network back then)
1972, John Draper finds that the whistle that comes with the
Capn Crunch cereal produces a sound at the 2600 Hz (the
same used by AT&T to authorize long-distance calls)
It is the start of phone phreaking


A little bit of history

1973 - Bob Metcalfe wrote RFC 602: The Stockings
Were Hung by the Chimney with Care
ARPA computer network is susceptible to security violations
many people still use passwords which are easy to guess:
their first names, their initials, their host name spelled
backwards, a string of characters which are easy to type in

1980/81 - Two hacker groups form

Legion of Doom (US)
Chaos Computer Club (DE)

1982 - The term cyberspace is coined in the novel

Bourning Chrome

A little bit of history

1983 - The movie Wargames introduces hackers to
the public
1986 - German hackers penetrate Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory systems and try to obtain
secrets to be sold to the KGB
Cliff Stoll (a sysadmin at LBL) found an intruder while
investigating a 75 cent accounting discrepancy for CPU time
He decided to monitor the intruder in order to find out who
he/she was and how he was able to gain privileged access
The investigation ends with the arrest of Markus Hess in
Germany, who apparently worked for the Eastern Bloc
The story is published in a book: The Cuckoo's Egg

A little bit of history

1988 - The Internet worm, developed by Robert T.
Morris, brings down the Internet
A mistake in the replication procedure led to unexpected
The Internet had to be turned off
Damages were estimated in the order of several hundred
thousand dollars
The CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) is

1994 - Kevin Mitnick attacks the Supercomputer

Center in San Diego using a TCP spoofing attack
Arrested in 1995 and sentenced to 46 months in prison

A little bit of history

1990 - Operation Sundevil: secret service arrests
hackers in 14 U.S. Cities for credit-card theft and
telephone and wire fraud
1992 - Release of the movie Sneakers
1993 The first DefCon conference is held in Las
Vegas. It is so popular that it will become an annual
1995 A russian cracker siphon 10M $ from Citibank
and transfer the money to banks around the world
1995 The movie Hackers is released
1999 The melissa worm causes large problems to
the email systems

A little bit of history

2000 ILOVEYOU, a VBScript worm infects millions of
computers within a few hours of its release
2002 - Bill Gates announces the 'Trustworthy Computing'
initiative, a new direction in Microsoft's software
development strategy aimed at increasing security
2003 The SQL Slammer worm infected 75,000
machines (90% of the possible targets) in 10 minutes
Starts the fear for the flash worms

2005-today Worms are slowly replaced by botnets

2010 Stuxnet attacks centrifuge systems in nuclear
facilities in Iran
Completely new (and unexpected) level of sophistication
Most likely state sponsored, cyberwar ?

A little bit of history

2013 Snowden revelations, threat model changes. We are
facing an extremely powerful adversary!
Big Brother like threat


Changing Nature of the Threat

Nowadays Intruders are more prepared and organized
Internet attacks are easy, low-risk and difficult
to trace
Intruder tools are increasingly sophisticated and easy
to use (e.g., by Script kiddies)
Source code is not required to find vulnerabilities
The complexity of Internet-related applications and
protocols are increasing and so is our dependency
on them


Online Crime is a Business Now

Klikparty, 2007


Online Crime is a Business Now

KoobFace Gang



Good and Bad Hackers

The term hacker was introduced at MIT in the 60s
to describe computer wizards
[...] someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all
about computers, who can get a computer to do anything.
Equally important, though, is the hacker's attitude. Computer
programming must be a hobby, something done for fun, not out
of a sense of duty or for the money.
- Brian Harvey, University of Berkeley

The term was later associated to malicious hackers

or crackers, that is, people that perform intrusions
and misuse computer systems

Black Hat: a cracker, someone bent on breaking into
the system you are protecting
White hat: usually associated to friendly security
Script Kiddie: lowest form of cracker; script kiddies do
mischief with scripts and programs written by others,
often without understanding the exploit they are using

What is an attack?
no easy answer, it depends

First: what is the security policy

The framework within which an organization establishes needed
levels of information security to achieve the desired integrity,
confidentiality, and availability goals. A policy is a statement of
information values, protection responsibilities, and organization
commitment for a system.
(US Congressional Office of Technology)
A set of guidelines defining what you want to protect and what you
want to allow at your site.


What you want to protect?
defines assets

What are the goals of your protection efforts?

Data has not been altered or destroyed in an
unauthorized manner
Information is not made available or disclosed to
unauthorized individuals, entities or processes
Data/Service being accessible and usable upon demand
by an authorized entity

What do you want to protect against?
threat model
risk analysis

Different security policies

bank answers questions different than home user

any maliciously intended act against a system or a
population of systems
any action that violates a given security policy


Threats vs Vulnerabilities
A Threat defines who might attack against what assets,
using what resources, with what goal in mind,
when/where/why, and with what probability
Vulnerabilities are specific weakness in security that could
be exploited by adversaries with a wide range of
motivations and interest in a lot of different assets
Threat: Thieves could break into our facility and steal our equipment
Vulnerability: The lock we are using on the building doors is easy to pick
or bump
Threat: Adversaries might install malware in the computer so they can
steal social security numbers for purposes of identity theft.
Vulnerability: The computer do not have up to date virus signatures

Ethics & Law

Malicious hacking/cracking is illegal
However, discussing vulnerabilities and how they are
actually exploited is useful to educate and increase

A full disclosure policy has been advocated by many
respected researchers, provided that...
The information disclosed has been already distributed to
the parties that may provide a solution to the problem (e.g.,
See: Responsible vulnerability disclosure process
(IETF Internet Draft)

The ultimate goal is to prevent similar mistakes from being


Security Overview

Security Threats
Information Domain
acquisition of information by unauthorized recipients, e.g.,
Password sniffing

unauthorized alteration/creation of information (including
e.g., change of electronic money order, installation of a


Security Threats
Operation Domain
Resource stealing
(ab)use of facilities without authorization

interference with proper operation of a system without gain


Security Overview
Security issues at various stages of application life-cycle
mistakes, vulnerabilities, and exploits
avoidance, detection, and defense

security considerations when designing the application

security considerations when writing the application

security considerations when the application is in production


Security Overview
Architecture and design
validation of requirements (building the right model)
verification of design (building the model right)

Common problems
authentication and privileges
session replay
principle of least privilege

communication protocol design

sniffing, man-in-the-middle
session killing, hijacking

parallelism and resource access

race conditions

denial of service

Security Overview
verification of implementation
classic vulnerabilities (often programming-language-specific)

Common problems
buffer overflows
Static: stack-based buffer overflows
Dynamic: heap-based buffer overflows

input validation
URL encoding
document root escape
SQL injection

back doors

Security Overview
decisions made after software is deployed
often not under developers control

Common problems
denial of service (DOS)
network DOS
distributed DOS, zombies

administration problems
weak passwords
password cracking
unsafe defaults


Insecure Software
.or, why good people write bad code

Technical factors
complexity of task

Economic factors
insufficient funding

Human factors
mental models
social factors

Technical Factors

algorithmic complexity
parallel processes, threads

incorrect assumptions
surprising interactions

consequences are hard to predict
example: Sun tarballs
Small change leads to leaking password hashes
Debian RNG: remove unintialized read

Economic Factors
Production pressure
not enough time
not enough manpower for testing

Security is not a feature

just secure enough

Open-source vs. closed-source debate

open-source is peer-reviewed
closed-source is written by professionals

Legacy software

Human Factors
Poor risk assessment
invisible enemy

Mental models
only check for errors that are understood
assume software is used for a specific task


detect mistakes and vulnerabilities
support programmer
formal verification

Standards and metrics

hold vendors accountable
allow for comparison between products

thats what we are trying to do here ;-)

Methods of attacking
getting copies of information without authorization

Masquerading (impersonating)
sending messages with others identity

Message tampering
change content of message


Methods of attacking
store a message and send it again later, e.g., resend a
payment message

using bugs in software to get access to a host

Man in the middle attack
emulate communication of both attacked partners (e.g., cause
havoc and confusion)


Social Engineering
The art and science of getting someone to comply to
your wishes
Security is all about trust.
Unfortunately, the weakest link, the user, is often the target

Performed in many different forms

Social engineering by phone

Dumpster Diving
Reverse social engineering
Malware disguised as fake anti-virus

According to report, secret services often use social

engineering techniques for intrusion

Choosing a good password

Retina checks are not deployed everywhere, so
guard your password ;-)
NEVER give your password to anyone
Make your password something you can remember
Make your password difficult for others to guess

Easy to break passwords:

Words in any dictionary, Your user name, Your name,
Names of people you know, substituting some characters (a
0 (zero) for an o, or a 1 for an l), words from book or movies,
sequences of keys on a keyboard (QWERTY), all the
previous + some numbers (aurel223)
http://www.openwall.com/john/ (John the ripper, password cracker)

Choosing a good password

at least 8 characters long
mix of lower- and upper-case characters, numbers, and
punctuation marks
take a phrase and try to squeeze it into eight characters
(e.g., this is an interesting lecture == tiail), Throw in a capital
letter and a punctuation mark or a number or two (==
Something that no one but you would ever think of. The best
password is one that is totally random to anyone else except
you. It is difficult to tell you how to come up with these, but
people are able to do it. Use your imagination!


Password Examples
The Bad


The Good


Password managers

Create random passwords for each use (website)

Encrypt the password database with a passphrase
Can be performed with a file in gnupg or with
integrated tools
Some are cross platform (phone+laptop
Helps to avoid sharing passwords across services:
Many leaks recently

Design and
Architectural Principles


Security issues at various stages of application life-cycle

mistakes, vulnerabilities, and exploits
avoidance, detection, and defense

security considerations when designing the application

security considerations when writing the application

security considerations when the application is in use


Microsoft SDL

Architecture A Quick Recap

Software architecture
A representation of an engineered software system, and the
process and discipline for effectively implementing the design(s)
for such a system

architecture concerned with components and their relationships

steps are provided that describe how to change design
within set of constraints

set of principles how to design system within constraints


Architecture A Quick Recap

Software architecture has emerged as crucial part of design

much work was done in the early 90s
today, there are research issues such as product family
architectures, architectural description languages, flexibility,
fault tolerance, etc.

Software architecture encompasses the structures of large

software systems
architectural view is abstracted
mostly concerned with interface descriptions (behavior)
distills details of implementation (such as algorithmic
aspects and data representation)

Security Architecture
What is a security architecture?
A body of high-level design principles and decisions that
allow a programmer to say "Yes" with confidence and "No" with
A framework for secure design, which embodies the four classic
stages of information security: protect, deter, detect, and react.

Security is a measure of the architectures ability to

resist unauthorized usage
at the same time, services need to be provided to legitimate

What happens if architecture is flawed?

Some history: The Swedish warship Vasa

now in Stockholm, Vasa Museum

a solemn reminder for engineers
the ship was built well, but its architecture was flawed.
on its first voyage, it fired its guns to salute the port and

So what does Vasa have to do with security?

your code might be engineered well, but if your architecture
is bad from a security point of view, your system may be
broken by attacker


Vasa Today


Architecture is Important
Cost of fixing security flaws during different development phases
(cost = 60)

(cost = 15)


(cost = 6.5)
(cost = 1)



Security and Design

Systems are often designed without security in mind
application programmer is often more worried about solving
the problem than protecting the system
often, security is ignored because either the policy is
generally not available, or it is easier to ignore security

Organizations and individuals want their technology

to survive attacks, failures and accidents
critical systems need to be survivable


Design Principles
Design is a complex, creative process
No standard technique to make design secure
But general rules derived from experience

8 principles according to Saltzer and Schroeder (1975)

The protection of information of computer systems

Economy of Mechanism
Fail-safe defaults
Complete mediation
Open design
Separation of privilege
Least privilege
Least common mechanism
Psychological acceptability

Economy of Mechanism
Design should be as simple as possible
KISS -- keep it simple, stupid
Brian W. Kernighan
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

When things are complex, users get them wrong


Fail-safe Defaults
Allow as default action

grant access when not explicitly forbidden

in case of mistake, access allowed (often not noticed)
improves ease-of-use
wrong psychological model

Deny as default action

grant access only on explicit permission

in case of mistake, access denied (noticed quickly)
improves security
important for firewall configurations and input validation

Fail-safe Defaults
secure initial configuration
easy (re)configuration

Secure initial configuration

no default passwords
no test users
files are write-protected, owned by root/admin

Error messages
should be very generic
additional information in log files

Complete Mediation
Complete access control
check every access to every object
include all aspects (normal operation, initialization,
maintenance, ...)
caching of checks is dangerous
identification of source of action (authentication) is crucial

Trusted path
make sure that user is talking to authentication program
important for safe login (thwart fake logins)
Windows control-alt-delete sequence


Complete Mediation
Secure interface
non-bypassable (e.g., check at server, not client)

Input validation
Trust input only from trustworthy channels
any value that can be influenced by user cannot be trusted
do not authenticate based on IP source addresses / ports
E-mail sender can be forged
hidden fields or client side checks are inappropriate

safely load initialization (configuration)


Open Design
Design must not be secret

security mechanisms must be known

allows review
establishes trust
unrealistic to keep mechanism secret in widely distributed

Security depends on secrecy of few, small tokens



Open Design
Kerckhoff's principle for cryptography:
A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about
the system, except the key, is public knowledge

Don't rely on secrecy does not mean make

everything public
Companies often keep secret the details of a system
Security through Obscurity
May improve security in the short term, but it is generally a
bad idea on the long run


Separation of Privilege
Access depends on more than one condition
for example, two keys are required to access a resource
two privileges can be (physically) distributed
more robust and flexible

Classic examples
launch of nuclear weapons requires two people
bank safe

Related principle


Separation of Privilege
break system in different, isolated parts and minimize
privileges in each part
dont implement all-or-nothing model
minimizes possible damage

traditional compartmentalization technique
Java sandbox (bytecode verifier, class loader, security
virtual machines
Rendering in google Chrome
System jails (chroot)

Least Privilege
Operate with least number of rights to complete task
minimize damage
minimize interactions between privileged programs
reduce unintentional, unwanted use

Minimize granted privileges

avoid setuid root programs (UNIX/Linux)
use groups and setgid (e.g., group games for high scores)
use special user (e.g., nobody for web server)

make file owner different from setuid user

taking control of process does not allow to modify program

Least Privilege
Minimize granted privileges
database restrictions
limit access to needed tables
use stored procedures

Minimize time that privilege can be used

drop privileges as soon as possible
make sure to clear saved ID values

Minimize time that privilege is active

temporarily drop privileges
can often be re-enabled by the attacker, but still
protects against some kinds of attacks (e.g., file access)

Least Privilege
Minimize modules that are granted privilege
optimally, only single module uses privileges and
drops them
two separate programs
one can be large and untrusted
other is small and can perform critical operations
important for GUI applications that require privileges

Limit view of system

limit file system view by setting new root directory
chroot() on Unix
more complete virtual machine abstraction
BSD system call jail(2)

Least Privilege
Do not use setuid scripts
race condition problems
Linux drops setuid settings

Minimize accessible data

CGI scripts
place data used by script outside document root

Minimize available resources


Paper: Provos et al., Preventing Privilege Escalation,

12th USENIX Security Symposium, 2003

Least Common Mechanisms

Minimize shared mechanisms
reduce potentially dangerous information flow
reduce possible interactions

beware of race conditions
avoid temporary files in global directories


Psychological Acceptability
Easy-to-use human interface
easy to apply security mechanisms routinely
easy to apply security mechanisms correctly
interface has to support mental model
do what is expected intuitively (e.g., personal firewalls)

enforce minimum length (what is the minimum length?)
enforce frequent changes

PKI (public key infrastructure)

overhead vs. security


One more Design Principle

Separate data and control
failed separation is reason for many security vulnerabilities
from buffer overflows to macro viruses

distinction between control information and data has to be


with automatically executing code in data files
JavaScript in web pages (eval)
automatic preview of web pages in emails
macros in Word

when using mobile code

code that is downloaded and executed locally

Practice Defense in Depth

Have several layers of security
Preventing is not enough, you also need detection and
mitigation mechanisms
Two controls are better than one

No single point of failure

Practice Defense in Depth

"The only system which is truly secure is one which is
switched off and unplugged, locked in a titanium-lined
safe, buried in a concrete bunker, and surrounded by
nerve gas and very highly paid armed guards.
Even then, I wouldn't stake my life on it
-- Gene Spafford

Minimize Attack Surface


number of open sockets

number of services
number of services running by default
number of services running with high privileges
number of dynamic content webpages
number of accounts with administrator rights
number of files & directories with weak access control

Minimize the time surface

Automatically lock screen after n minutes
its good practice to zero-out memory that contains sensitive
information (usually, decrypted information) as soon as its no
longer needed (sun tarball example)

Retrofitting Applications
Applying security techniques to existing applications
element of overall system design
when no source code available or
complete redesign too complicated

move original application to new location and replace it with
small program or script that
checks (and perhaps sanitizes) command-line
prepares a restricted runtime, and
invokes the target application from its new location
can provide logging
can provide possibility for prologue and epilogue code

Retrofitting Applications
Example wrappers
AusCERT Overflow Wrapper
exits when any command line argument exceeds a certain

TCP Wrappers
replaces inetd (for telnet, ftp, finger, )
access control

sendmail restricted shell (smrsh, replacement for /bin/sh)

sendmail known for security problems
smrsh restricts accessible binaries
interestingly, was vulnerable to two exploits that allow arbitrary
code execution

Retrofitting Applications
insert program that we control between two pieces of
software that we do not control
filtering of data
add security checks and constraints

network proxy
application policy enforcement
SYN flood protection

input sanitization


Bad Practice
Being too specific too soon
without having a design, solve technical problems and start

Focus only on functionality

security must be built in from the beginning

Not considering economic factors

ignoring the cost of security features


Bad Practice
Not considering the human factor
propose solutions that users strongly dislike
biometric scanners instead of passwords

propose solutions that are annoying

change passwords to frequently
terminate idle sessions too fast

propose solutions that require considerable additional effort

producing too many alerts (e.g., snort -- useless)
require checking of many different log-files


We looked at introductory topics
Social engineering, passwords, importance of security

We discussed architectural considerations and issues

Next week Lecture on host security
Windows/Linux security


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