Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies For Its Prevention: Abstract-Cyber Civilization Considers
Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies For Its Prevention: Abstract-Cyber Civilization Considers
Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies For Its Prevention: Abstract-Cyber Civilization Considers
Ajeet Singh Poonia
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology, Bikaner, India.
Dr. Awadesh Bhardwaj
Department of Management Studies
Malviya National Institute of Technology, J aipur, India.
Dr. G. S. Dangayach
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Malviya National Institute of Technology, J aipur, India.
Abstract- Cyber civilization considers
knowledge as an integral part of society
and human systems. With the facilities of
cyber civilization the evils of cyber
civilization also need to be equally tackled
through technological as well as social
means. The phenomenal growth of
computers and Internet services has
engendered the problem of cyber crime
proliferation on the account of
investigation difficulties and lack of strong
evidences further, existing laws and
preventive measures are not effective to
curb such crimes. So to cope up with the
situation we have to modify the old
policies and practices to meet our security
needs. Also we can see that the crimes are
coming in new forms embedded with new
technologies, which is very difficult to
investigate with the available resources.
To stand with them we need a hi-tech
technology enabled security system and
investigators along with the awareness
among the common man, as todays crime
have no defined boundaries
Keywords- Cyber civilization, Cyber
crime, cyber ethics, cyber world
Cyber crime is different from
Conventional crime (a legal wrong that can
be followed by criminal proceedings which
may result into punishment.(1)). Cyber
crime is the latest and perhaps the most
complicated problem in the cyber world. It is
defined as Any criminal activity that uses a
computer either as an instrumentality, target
or a means for perpetuating further crimes
comes within the ambit of cyber crime (2 A
generalized definition of cyber crime may be
unlawful acts wherein the computer is
either a tool or target or both(3))
.Cybercrime is also substantially different
from computer crime. It's like the difference
between people who use computers for all
they can be versus people who use
computers as a tool like a typewriter. Cyber
crime is hard to detect, thus giving the
perpetrators plenty of time to flee the area in
which the crime was committed, because of
this fact the criminals can be in another
country far away from the scene of the crime
by the time it is detected. Computer is a
major source for cyber crime. Cyber crime is
any illegal activity arising from one or more
Internet components. Cybercrime can
include everything from non-delivery of
goods or services and computer intrusions to
The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand
Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. Awadesh Bhardwaj, and Dr. G. S. Dangayach
intellectual property rights abuses, economic
espionage, online extortion, international
money laundering, and a growing list of
other Internet-facilitated offenses. Further, it
is not easy to identify immediately about the
crime method used, and to answer questions
like where and when it was done.
Cyber crimesharmful acts
committed from or against a computer or
networkdiffer from most terrestrial crimes
.They are easy to learn how to commit; they
require few resources relative to the potential
damage caused; they can be committed in a
jurisdiction without being physically present
in it; and they are often not clearly illegal.
Existing terrestrial laws against
physical acts of trespass or breaking and
entering often do not cover their virtual
counterparts. Web pages such as the
ecommerce sites recently hit by widespread,
distributed denial of service attacks
may not
be covered by outdated laws as protected
forms of property.
A. Types of Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime comes in many forms
and in many ways. Below mentioned are the
different types of Cyber crime:
1) Communications in Furtherance of
Criminal Conspiracies
J ust as legitimate organizations use the
information networks for record keeping and
communication, so too are the activities of
criminal organizations enhanced by the
advent of information technology. There is
evidence of information systems being used
in drug trafficking, gambling, money
laundering and weapons trade just to name a
2) Telecommunications Piracy
Digital technology permits perfect
reproduction and easy dissemination of print,
graphics, sound, and multimedia
combinations. This has produced the
temptation to reproduce copyrighted material
either for personal use or for sale at a lower
3) Electronic Money Laundering
For some time now electronic funds
transfers have assisted in concealing and
moving the proceeds of crime. Emerging
technologies make it easier to hide the origin
and destination of funds transfer. Thus
money laundering comes to the living room.
4) Electronic Vandalism and Terrorism
All societies in which computers play a
major role in everyday life are vulnerable to
attack from people motivated by either
curiosity or vindictiveness. These people can
cause inconvenience at best and have the
potential to inflict massive harm.
5) Sales and Investment Fraud
As electronic commerce or e-commerce
as it is called becomes more and more
popular, the application of digital technology
to fraudulent crime will become that much
6) Illegal Interception of Information
Developments in telecommunications as
well as data transfer over the net have
resulted in greater speed and capacity but
also greater vulnerability. It is now easier
than ever before for unauthorized people to
gain access to sensitive information.
7) Cyber Pornography
Spread of Child pornography and
sexually implicit material.
8) Information Piracy and Forgery
Digital technology permits perfect
reproduction of the original documents,
examples are birth certificates, passport,
false identity, counterfeiting of currency,
negotiable instruments etc.
9) Hacking
Information theft from computers hard
disk, removal storage etc. Data theft, data
destroy, stealing and altering information.
Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011
Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies for Its Prevention
10) Internet time thefts
By stealing user name and password,
criminals use for themselves and steal the
internet time allotted to the purchaser.
11) Hate/Communal Crimes
As building a web page is not expensive
and reaches to billions of people, criminals
spread hate or communal information or
rumours, by building a website and also
recruits people for their operation through
12) Altering Websites
The hacker deletes some pages of a
website, uploads new pages with the similar
name and controls the messages conveyed by
the web site.
B. Penetration methods of Cyber crime
There are various methods through
which the crime is penetrated into the
computer, network, hardware, software or in
your cell phone. They are:
1) Unauthorized access
Unauthorized access also known as
cracking as opposed to hacking, means
gaining access to a system without
permission of the users or without proper
authority. This is generally done either by
fake identity, or by cracking access codes.
2) E-mail bombing
This means sending a large number of
mails to the victim resulting in the victims
mail account (in case of individual) or server
(in case of corporations) crashing.
3) Data diddling
This kind of attack involves altering the
raw data before it is processed by a system
and re-altering it after processing.
4) Salami attack
This is generally used to commit
financial crimes. Here the key is to make the
alteration so small that in a single case it
would go unnoticed. For example a bank
employee deducts five rupees from every
customers account. The individual customers
are unlikely to notice this small change but
the employee will make a significant
5) Logic Bomb
This is an event dependent program. This
implies that this program is created to do
something only when a certain event occurs
6) Virus/Worm attack
A virus is a program, which attaches
itself to another file or a system and then
circulates to other files and to other
computers via a network. They usually affect
computers by either altering or deleting data
from it. Worms on the other hand do not
interfere with data. They simply multiply
until they fill all available space on the
7) Trojan attack
A Trojan is a program, which appears to
be something useful but under the disguise of
a useful program causes some damage.
8) Denial of service attack
This involves flooding the computer
resource with more requests than it can
handle. This causes the resource to crash,
thereby denying the authorized users the
9) Distributed denial of service
This is a denial of service attack in which
the perpetrators are more than one in number
and geographically displaced. It is very
difficult to control such attacks.
10) E-mail spoofing
A spoofed email is one, which appears to
originate from one source but actually
originates from another.
11) Phishing
In a typical phishing scam, phishers send
out emails which appear to come from a
legitimate company, in an attempt to scam
users into providing private information that
will be used for identity theft. Phishers use a
variety of sophisticated devices to steal
informationincluding pop-up windows,
The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand
Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. Awadesh Bhardwaj, and Dr. G. S. Dangayach
URL masks which simulate real Web
addresses, and keystroke loggers that capture
what you type, such as account names and
12) Pharming
It is an attempt to defraud Internet surfers
by hijacking a Web sites domain name, or
URL, and redirecting users to an imposture
Web site where fraudulent requests for
information are made.
Unauthorized Access is the main tool
used by Criminals. Following are the
common techniques used for unauthorized
1. Port Scanner
A port scan is a method used by hackers
to determine which ports are open or in use
on a system or network. By using various
tools a hacker can send data to TCP or UDP
ports one at a time. Based on the response
received the port scan utility can determine if
that port is in use. Using this information the
hacker can then focus their attack on the
ports that are open and try to exploit any
weaknesses to gain access.
2. Packet Sniffing
Packet sniffing is the act of capturing
packets of data flowing across a computer
network. The software or device used to do
this is called a packet sniffer. Packet sniffing
is to computer networks what wire tapping is
to a telephone network. Packet sniffing has
legitimate uses to monitor network
performance or troubleshoot problems with
network communications.
3. Password Cracking
All systems cache, passwords in memory
during, login session. Therefore, if a hacker
can gain access to all memory on the system,
he can likely sift the memory for passwords.
Likewise, hackers can frequently sift page
files for passwords. To crack a password
means to decrypt a password, or to bypass a
protection scheme. Another form of
password cracking attack is all possible
combinations of letters, numbers and
symbols are tried out one by one, till the
password is found out.
4. Buffer Overflow
A buffer overflow occurs when a
program or process tries to store more data in
a buffer (temporary data storage area) than it
was intended to hold. In buffer overflow
attacks, the extra data may contain codes
designed to trigger specific actions, in effect
sending new instructions to the attacked
computer that could, for example, damage
the users file, change data, or disclose
confidential information. As the excess data
overflows into other areas of the
computers memory. This allows the hacker
to insert executable code along with the
input, thus enabling the hacker to break into
the computer.
5. Keylogger
Keylogger is a software program or
hardware device that is used to monitor and
log each of the keys a user types into a
computer keyboard. The user who installed
the program or hardware device can then
view all keys typed in by that user. Because
these programs and hardware devices
monitor the keys typed in a user can easily
find user passwords and other information a
user may not wish others to know about.
1) Capacity to store data in comparatively
small space
The computer has unique characteristic
of storing data in a very small space. This
affords to remove or derive information
either through physical or virtual medium
makes it much easier.
2) Easy to access
The problem encountered in guarding a
computer system from unauthorised access is
that there is every possibility of breach not
Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011
Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies for Its Prevention
due to human error but due to the complex
technology. By secretly implanted logic
bomb, key loggers that can steal access
codes, advanced voice recorders; retina
imagers etc. that can fool biometric systems
and bypass firewalls can be utilized to get
past many a security system.
3) Complex
The computers work on operating
systems and these operating systems in turn
are composed of millions of codes. Human
mind is fallible and it is not possible that
there might not be a lapse at any stage. The
cyber criminals take advantage of these
lacunas and penetrate into the computer
4) Negligence
Negligence is very closely connected
with human conduct. It is therefore very
probable that while protecting the computer
system there might be any negligence, which
in turn provides a cyber criminal to gain
access and control over the computer system.
5) Loss of evidence
Loss of evidence is a very common &
obvious problem as all the data are routinely
destroyed. Further collection of data outside
the territorial extent also paralyses this
system of crime investigation.
6) Motivation
Intellectual challenge of mastering
complex system was the motivation in the
past for criminals, but presently criminals are
driven by greed, lust, power, revenge,
adventure. The desire to inflict loss or
damage or revenge is the present motivation
for criminals.
7) Opportunities
Growth of computing abilities in
banking, stock exchange, air traffic control,
telephones, electric power, health welfare
institution and education, has though brought
down the cost leading to revolutionary
changes in commerce, communications,
entertainment and education, and is
providing more criminal opportunities owing
to few vulnerabilities that exist in
information technology.
8) Poor response from Law Enforcing
Many developing countries lack
appropriate law to tackle the cyber crime
attackers. Due to this the criminal are far
from reach and easily get rid of punishments.
While most businesses lack the
requisite in-house resources and technical
know-how to carry out sophisticated cyber-
crime investigations, nevertheless, there are
some basic steps which they can take to
assist the authorities in unravelling these
offences. These are as follows:
1) Scope of Losses
The first step in any cyber-crime
investigation should be to determine the
extent of the loss incurred. Where the
financial losses are negligible, but
nevertheless distasteful, consideration should
be given to other options open to
management. This should be done prior to
committing resources to any costly and
timeconsuming investigation. For example,
where an insider is involved, as the case of
an unauthorized use, termination is a viable
2) Regulatory Directives
Where funds and financial records are
involved, banks and other financial
institutions are frequently required by
governmental mandates to investigate and
report their findings to the authorities. A
failure to do so could expose the
organization to civil and/or criminal
sanctions; as well as civil litigation, in the
event that customer financial accounts or
records are involved.
3) Adverse Publicity
Cyber-crimes have become so pervasive
in the corporate sector, as to almost
constitute the norm. Nevertheless, their
The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand
Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. Awadesh Bhardwaj, and Dr. G. S. Dangayach
public disclosure can result in damaging
publicity for the corporate victim.
Management should consider the necessary
steps to minimize any potential damages
ensuing from such disclosure(s). This is
especially necessary where law requires such
4) Prosecuting Cyber-Crime
While every state - and the federal
government have cyber-crime laws on the
books, these frequently vary in terms of their
scope and the sanctions they impose. While
data crimes may result in tough sanctions
under some state cyber-crime laws, they may
result in little or no penal sanctions in other
5) Occurrence of Crime
In those cases where a cyber-crime is not
current -stale is the term the authorities use
to describe crimes that occurred months or
years in the past, but were only recently
discovered - investigating it for purposes of
prosecution could prove difficult and bear
little fruition. In addition, the evidence may
have been destroyed or accidentally erased;
witnesses may have left the area, the culprit
may prove difficult to locate, etc. Further,
the authorities are likely to show little or no
interest in prosecuting an offence that is
stale; since it will spark little or no interest
by the public or the press.
Prevention is always better than cure.
It is always better to take certain precaution
while operating the net.
Firewalls: These are programs, which
protect a user from unauthorized access
attacks while on a network. They provide
access to only known users, or people
who the user permits.
Frequent password changing: With the
advent of multi-user systems, security
has become dependent on passwords.
Thus one should always keep passwords
to sensitive data secure. Changing them
frequently and keeping them sufficiently
complex in the first place can do this.
Safe surfing: Safe surfing involves
keeping ones e-mail address private, not
chatting on open systems, which do not
have adequate protection methods,
visiting secure sites. Accepting data from
only known users, downloading
carefully, and then from known sites also
minimizes risk.
Frequent virus checks: One should
frequently check ones computer for
viruses and worms. Also any external
media such as floppy disks and CD
ROMS should always be virus checked
before running.
Email filters: These are programs, which
monitor the inflow of mails to the inbox
and delete automatically any suspicious
or useless mails thus reducing the
chances of being bombed or spoofed.
Always avoid sending any photograph
online particularly to strangers and chat
friends as there have been incidents of
misuse of the photographs.
Always keep back up volumes so that
one may not suffer data loss in case of
virus contamination
Never send your credit card number to
any site that is not secured, to guard
against frauds.
Always keep a watch on the sites that
your children are accessing to prevent
any kind of harassment or depravation in
It is better to use a security programme
that gives control over the cookies and
send information back to the site as
leaving the cookies unguarded might
prove fatal.
Web site owners should watch traffic and
check any irregularity on the site. Putting
hostbased intrusion detection devices on
servers may do this.
Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011
Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies for Its Prevention
Web servers running public sites must be
physically separate protected from
internal corporate network.
Make Backups of Important Files and
Folders to protect important files and
records on your computer if your
computer malfunctions or is destroyed by
a successful attacker?
Disconnect from internet when not in
Habitually download security protection
update patches & Keep your browser and
operating system up to date.
Change administrators password from
the default password. If the wireless
network does not have a default
password, create one and use it to protect
the network.
Disable file sharing on computers.
Turn off the network during extended
periods of non-use, etc.
Check your online account frequently
and make sure all listed transactions are
valid. Use a variety of passwords, not
same for all of your account.
Never respond to text messages from
someone you don't know.
Never let someone you don't know use
your cell phone and avoid posting your
cell phone number online.
Open email attachment carefully
Other than the prctices discussed
above, some polocies are also recommended
for the code of cyber society, to be at safer
side.These policies should be bring into
practical part so that the prctices are easier to
implement.Policies recommended are:
Integrated policies are required to ensure
the effective benefits from the
Information system. The basic challenge
and issue in the development of a cyber
society, is the lack of financial and
trained human resources.
A strong education system should be
followed in the society to deliver
education at every stage of the society
with a special stress on Information
Technology which should be secure and
free from cyber crime and in reach to a
common man.
Promotion of Research & Development
in ICTs area and also in Human Resource
Development as a core part of the system
Up to date, common, and mutually
supporting cyber laws should be there to
fight with cyber crime and protection of
intellectual property rights towards the
creation of cyber crime free information
Adoption of ICTs standards, regulation,
and quality assurance to foster high
quality and secure services and
productions that keep competition in
place for the benefits of the communities
within each country.
High levels of awareness among the each
part of the society should be there in
regard to information security and cyber
crime and increased exchange of
information on information security and
cyber crime at the regional and national
levels should be there.
Effective mechanisms should be there for
detection and prevention of cyber crime
and improving protection against,
detection of, and responses to, cyber
crime, at the lower level itself.
Conduct national user awareness
campaigns for the general user, including
children and young people, educational
institutions, consumers, government
officials and the private sector, using
different media.
Educate and involve the media
professionals, and then encourage them
to increase public awareness.
The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand
Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. Awadesh Bhardwaj, and Dr. G. S. Dangayach
Engage large private sector corporations
and industry associations in the
sponsorship of awareness programs.
Stress should be laid on less developed
countries on effective systems, for
protection against, detection of and
responses to, cyber crime.
Promote and support the use of filtering,
rating, parental control and related
software, as well as measures for the
establishment of safe environments for
the use of the Internet by children.
Law enforcement personnel must be
trained and equipped to address high-tech
Legal systems should permit the
preservation of and quick access to
electronic data, which are often critical to
the successful investigation of crime.
Mutual assistance regimes must ensure
the timely gathering and exchange of
evidence in cases involving international
high-tech crime.
Use our established network of
knowledgeable personnel to ensure a
timely, effective response to
transnational high-tech cases and
designate a point-of-contact who is
available on a 24-hour basis.
Prevention is better than cure. Awareness
raising, education, and technical support
to prevent e-crime is essential, but
without discouraging the development of
With the information highway having
entered our very homes, we are all at
increasing risk of being affected by
Cybercrime. Everything about our lives is in
some manner affected by computers. Under
the circumstances its high time we sat up and
took notice of the events shaping our
destinies on the information highway.
Cybercrime is everyones problem. There is
no doubt that the Internet offers criminals
unparalleled opportunities. And its time we
did something to protect ourselves.
Information is the best form of protection.
Concrete measures must be found in order to
track electronics evidence, classify the
material that needs to be search, and their
preservation, so that systems are better
protected from cyber intrusions. In addition,
new rules and regulations must be developed
by law enforcement agencies to address the
various families of computer crime
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The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand