Mini Project Design
Mini Project Design
Mini Project Design
Design is an extremely important part of the curriculum virtually every employer of
engineering graduates is interested in the nature and extent of design projects completed by
their potential employees. In courses such as Microprocessor System (ECE 521), it is therefore
essential that students have the opportunity to complete open-ended, design-oriented
exercises. This Mini-Project represents our effort to provide such an opportunity.
From a pedagogical point of view, this project is based on the premise:
The best way to learn about a topic is to write your own question and then proceed to answer it.
In other words, the process of formulating questions and exploring alternate solutions can
help elucidate difficult concepts. To provide as much flexibility as possible concerning
potential topics you may wish to explore, a wide range of Mini-Projects may be completed.
Mini-Project Functional Requirements:
The basic requirement is to design your own embedded system that makes meaningful (and
hopefully creative) use of the MCU 8051 resources in particular, the I/O peripherals (latches
and buffers) should be effectively utilized. Also, your project must operate in a turn-key
fashion, i.e., your code should be stored in the ROM and start up directly out of reset (or
automatically when powered up). Finally, the project should be stand-alone (self-contained)
any interface hardware required should be packaged appropriately. All components used
must be supplied by your team.
Mini-Project Report Requirements:
The core of your written report should be approximately 10 pages in length and printed in
point size 12 with one-and-a-half spacing. Your report should be organized as listed below:
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction and Project Objectives
a functional description of your project and its objectives together with the role
played by each team member.
Section 2: System Description and Operation
a description of the system and its operation and reasons for the external interfaces
being implemented.
Section 3: Project Scope
a description of what are the tasks/work involved in implementing the mini-project.
Section 4: Hardware Design
a description of the hardware modules developed along with a narrative of how
your hardware works in detail.
Section 5: Software Design
a description of the software developed for the mini-project, complete with correct
flowchart and detailed explanation of the program
Overall team
final editing of
product packaging
Overall software
and development
Interface hardware,
Schematic entry (ExpressPCB),
including ExpressPCB interface hardware construction
Introduction, Packaging,
Activity Logs (Log Book),
Peripheral module
and device drivers
Peripherals, Solution
Source File
The above itemized tasks are to help balance and distribute responsibility for the project.
Being the software leader, for example, means that you are to take the lead in planning,
writing, and integrating the software. It does not necessarily mean that you are the only one
developing and debugging the software, however. You may be working closely with
Hardware and Testing leaders.
Mini-Project Titles:
As a way to promote creativity and self-learning, students are allowed to come forward with
their own ideas on the Mini-Project titles. Based on past experiences, many students have
difficulties or failed to make their Mini-Project work fully.
There are various aspects that need to be considered when choosing a title, but the following
issues will help:1. Level of difficulty. Try to do a project that is of moderate difficulty. The aim here is to
build something will work in the end.
2. Cost consideration. The items need to be bought are costly, further more if they are
destroyed during the process of implementation.
3. Time limit. Projects need to be completed on time. So careful planning is required.
4. Other courses work load. At the end of the semester, there are huge amount of work to be
completed, so avoid starting work late.
5. Any dispute between members in a group must be settled quickly.
6. Make sure to discuss with the lecturer if encounter with something that is unclear.
7. Make sure to record everything in a log book. The log book will become as evidence that
work is done.
8. Always talk to the lecturer. This will help a lot.
The mini project must consist of input and output devices. The following table shows some of
the commonly used devices. Use these devices to build something out of your own idea. Then
write a proposal and hand it to your lecturer.
Input devices
1. Switches (Toggle or Push-button)
2. Sensors (replaced by switches to simulate)
- Temperature Sensor
- Heat Sensor
- Infrared Sensor - etc.
3. Analog to Digital (ADC) Converter (8 bit)
4. Keypad (3x4) or (4x4)
Output devices
1. Liquid Crystal Display Unit (16 characters, 2 lines)
2. Seven segment display unit