Software Engineering Lab Manual
Software Engineering Lab Manual
Software Engineering Lab Manual
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Open source Tools: StarUML / UMLGraph / Topcased
Prepare the following documents for each experiment and develop the software using
software engineering methodology.
1. Problem Analysis and Project Planning -Thorough study of the problem Identify
Project scope, Objectives and Infrastructure.
2. Software Requirement Analysis - Describe the individual Phases/modules of the project
and Identify deliverables.
3. Data Modelling - Use work products data dictionary, use case diagrams and activity
diagrams, build and test class diagrams, sequence diagrams and add interface to class
4. diagrams.
5. Software Development and Debugging implement the design by coding
6. Software Testing - Prepare test plan, perform validation testing, coverage analysis,
memory leaks, develop test case hierarchy, Site check and site monitor.
Sample Experiments:
Academic domain
1. Course Registration System
2. Student marks analyzing system
Railway domain
3. Online ticket reservation system
4. Platform assignment system for the trains in a railway station
Medicine domain
5. Expert system to prescribe the medicines for the given symptoms
6. Remote computer monitoring
Finance domain
7. ATM system
8. Stock maintenance
Human Resource management
9. Quiz System
10. E-mail Client system.
The analysis phase defines the requirements of the system, independent of how these
requirements will be accomplished. This phase defines the problem that the customer is
trying to solve. The deliverable result at the end of this phase is a requirement document.
Ideally, this document states in a clear and precise fashion what is to be built. This analysis
represents the what phase. The requirement document tries to capture the requirements
from the customers perspective by defining goals and interactions at a level removed from
the implementation details.
The requirement document may be expressed in a formal language based on mathematical
logic. Traditionally, the requirement document is written in English or another written
language. The requirement document does not specify the architectural or implementation
details, but specifies information at the higher level of description. The problem statement,
the customers expectations, and the criteria for success are examples of high-level
descriptions. There is a fuzzy line between high-level descriptions and low-level details.
Sometimes, if an exact engineering detail needs to be specified, this detail will also appear in
the requirement document. This is the exception and should not be the rule. These exceptions
occur for many reasons including maintaining the consistency with other established systems,
availability of particular options, customers demands, and to establish, at the requirement
level, a particular architecture vision. An example of a low-level detail that might appear in
the requirement document is the usage of a particular vendors product line, or the usage of
some accepted computer industry standard, or a constraint on the image size of the
application behaviors.
The deliverable design document is the architecture. The design document describes a plan to
implement the requirements. This phase represents the how phase. Details on computer
programming languages and environments, machines, packages, application architecture,
distributed architecture layering, memory size, platform, algorithms, data structures, global
type definitions, interfaces, and many other engineering details are established.
The result of the software requirements analysis (SRA) usually is a specification. The design
helps us turning this specification into a working system. As we have seen there are different
kinds of software designs.
Functional Design: the process of defining the working relationships among the
components of a system.
Preliminary Design: the process of analyzing design alternatives and defining the
architecture, components, interfaces, and timing/sizing estimates for a system or
There are many aspects to consider in the design of a piece of software. The importance of
each should reflect the goals the software is trying to achieve. Some of these aspects are:
Compatibility - The software is able to operate with other products that are designed
for interoperability with another product. For example, a piece of software may be
backward-compatible with an older version of itself.
Extensibility - New capabilities can be added to the software without major changes to
the underlying architecture.
Fault-tolerance - The software is resistant to and able to recover from component
Maintainability - The software can be restored to a specified condition within a
specified period of time. For example, antivirus software may include the ability to
periodically receive virus definition updates in order to maintain the software's
Modularity - the resulting software comprises well defined, independent components.
That leads to better maintainability. The components could be then implemented and
tested in isolation before being integrated to form a desired software system. This
allows division of work in a software development project.
Packaging - Printed material such as the box and manuals should match the style
designated for the target market and should enhance usability. All compatibility
information should be visible on the outside of the package. All components required
for use should be included in the package or specified as a requirement on the outside
of the package.
Reliability - The software is able to perform a required function under stated
conditions for a specified period of time.
Reusability - the software is able to add further features and modification with slight
or no modification.
Robustness - The software is able to operate under stress or tolerate unpredictable or
invalid input. For example, it can be designed with resilience to low memory
Security - The software is able to withstand hostile acts and influences.
Usability - The software user interface must be usable for its target user/audience.
Default values for the parameters must be chosen so that they are a good choice for
the majority of the users.
On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual
coding is started. Since, in this phase the code is produced so it is the main focus for the
developer. This is the longest phase of the software development life cycle. Implementation
is the part of the process where software engineers actually program the code for the project.
The implementation phase deals with issues of quality, performance, baselines, libraries, and
debugging. The end deliverable is the product itself.
After the code is developed it is tested against the requirements to make sure that the product is
actually solving the needs addressed and gathered during the requirements phase. During this phase
unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing are done.
After successful testing the product is delivered / deployed to the customer for their use.
Once when the customers starts using the developed system then the actual problems comes up and
needs to be solved from time to time. This process where the care is taken for the developed product
is known as maintenance.
The UML is a language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the
software system and its components. The UML is a graphical language with sets of rules and
semantics. The rules and semantics of a model are expressed in English in a form known as
OCL (Object Constraint Language). OCL uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a
system. The UML is not intended to be a visual programming language. However it has a
much closer mapping to object-oriented programming languages, so that the best of both can
be obtained. The UML is much simpler than other methods preceding it. UML is appropriate
for modeling systems, ranging from enterprise information system to distributed web based
application and even to real time embedded system. It is a very expensive language
addressing all views needed to develop and then to display system even though understand to
use. Learning to apply UML effectively starts forming a conceptual mode of languages
which requires learning.
Three major language elements:
o UML basic building blocks
o Rules that dictate how this building blocks put together
o Some common mechanism that apply throughout the
language The primary goals in the design of UML are:
1. Provides users ready to use, expressive visual modeling language as well so they can
develop and exchange meaningful models.
2. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.
3. Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes.
4. Provide formal basis for understanding the modeling language.
5. Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.
6. Support higher-level development concepts.
7. Integrate best practices and methodologies.
Every complex system is best approached through a small set of nearly independent views of a
model. Every model can be expressed at different levels of fidelity. The best models are
connected to reality. The UML defines nine graphical diagrams:
1. Class diagram
2. Use-case diagram
3. Behavior diagram
3.1. Interaction diagram
3.1.1. Sequence diagram
3.1.2. Collaboration diagram
3.2. State chart diagram
3.3. Activity diagram
4. Implementation diagram
4.1 component diagram
4.2 deployment diagram
9. Deployment diagram:
The deployment diagram shows the structure of the runtime system. It shows the
configuration of runtime processing elements and the software components that live in
them. They are usually used in conjunction with deployment diagrams to show how
physical modules of code are distributed on the system.
These are explanatory parts of UML model. They are boxes which may apply to
describe and remark about any element in the model. They provide the information for
understanding the necessary details of the diagrams.
Relations in the UML:
These are four kinds of relationships used in an UML diagram, they are:
It is a semantic relationship between two things in which a change one thing affects the
semantics of other things. Graphically a dependency is represented by a non-continuous
It is a structural relationship that describes asset of links. A link is being connected
among objects. Graphically association is represented as a solid line possibly including
It is a specialized relationship in which the specialized elements are substitutable for
object of the generalized element. Graphically it is a solid line with hollow arrow head
It is a semantic relation between classifiers. Graphically it is represented as a cross
between generalization and dependency relationship.
Where UML can be used:
UML is not limited to modeling software. In fact it is expressive to model nonsoftware such as to show in structure and behavior of health case system and to design
the hardware of the system.
Conceptual model be UML:
UML you need to form the conceptual model of UML. This requires three major
o UML basic building blocks.
o Rules that dictate how this building blocks are put together.
o Some common mechanism that apply throughout the language.
Once you have grasped these ideas, you may be able to read. UML create some basic
ones. As you gain more experience in applying conceptual model using more advanced
features of this language.
A use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal. A use case is a
behavioral diagram that shows a set of use case actions and their relationships.
The purpose of use case is login and exchange messages between sender and receiver
(Email client).
Main flow:
First, the sender gives his id and enters his login. Now, he enters the message to the
receiver id.
Alternate flow:
If the username and id by the sender or receiver is not valid, the administrator will not
allow entering and Invalid password message is displayed.
A person has to register himself to obtain a login ID.
The user is not allowed to enter if the password or user name is not valid.
A class diagram describes the type of objects in system and various kinds of relationships
that exists among them. Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate
representations of object models. During analysis, we use class diagram to show roles and
responsibilities of entities that provide email client system behaviors design. We use to
capture the structure of classes that form the email client system architecture.
The classes used in system are:
1. user
2. login
A class diagram is represented as:
<<Class name>>
<<Attribute 1>>
<<Attribute n>>
<<Operation ()>>
Relationship used:
A change in one element affects the other
It is a kind of relationship
State chart:
The state chart diagram made the dynamic behavior of individual classes. State chart
shows the sequences of states that an object goes through events and state transitions.
A state chart contains one state start and multiple end states.
The important objectives
are: Decision:
It represents a specific location state chart diagram where the work flow may branch based
upon guard conditions.
It gives a simultaneous workflow in a state chart diagram. They visually define forks and
joints representing parallel workflow.
Forks and joins:
A fork construct is used to model a single flow of control.
Every work must be followed by a corresponding join.
Joints have two or more flow that unit into a single flow.
Activity diagram provides a way to model the workflow of a development process. We can
also model this code specific information such as class operation using activity diagram.
Activity diagrams can model different types of diagrams.
There are various tools involved in the activity diagram.
An activity represents the performance of a task on duty. It may also represent the
execution of a statement in a procedure.
A decision represents a condition on situation during the life of an object, which it satisfies
some condition or waits for an event.
Start state:
It represents the condition explicitly the beginning of a workflow on an activity.
Object flow:
An object on an activity diagram represents the relationship between activity and object
that creates or uses it.
It enables us to see a simultaneous workflow in an activity.
End state:
An end state represents a final or terminal state on an activity diagram or state chart
A sequence diagram is a graphical view of scenario that shows object interaction in a time
based sequence what happens first what happens next. Sequence diagrams are closely
related to collaboration diagram. The main difference between sequence and collaboration
diagram is that sequence diagram show time based interaction while collaboration diagram
shows objects associated with each other. The sequence diagram for the e-mail client
system consists of the following objectives:
An object has state, behavior and identity. An object is not based is referred to as an
The various objects in e-mail client system are:
Message icon:
A message icon represents the communication between objects indicating that an action
will follow. The message icon is the horizontal solid arrow connecting lifelines together.
Collaboration diagram and sequence diagrams are alternate representations of an
interaction. A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that shows the order of
messages that implement an operation or a transaction. Collaboration diagram is an
interaction diagram that shows the order of messages that implement an operation or a
transaction. Collaboration diagram shows object s, their links and their messages.
They can also contain simple class instances and class utility instances. During, analysis
indicates the semantics of the primary and secondary interactions. Design, shows the
semantics of mechanisms in the logical design of system.
The student and employee have to login to the system before any processing can be
The student can see the courses available to him and register to the course he wants.
The administrator can maintain the course details and view all the students who have
registered to any course.
After all the desired transactions are made, the user may choose to logout from the
system to save all he changes they have made.
Use-case diagram for course registration system
The class diagram is a graphical representation of all the classes used in the system and
their operations, attributes and relationships.
The course registration system makes use of the following classes:
1. Stud (student details)
2. Administrator
1) Student
It consists of the details of all the students present in the database. The attributes present
in this class are student id, password, name, age, sex, course and attendance. The object
of this class is created as soon as the student registers to a course. The operations
available to this class are login (), logout (), confirmation (), register (), and view course
details ().
2) Administrator
It consists of details of all the courses available to the student. The attributes present in
this class are username, password, course fees, fees due, marks, and attendance. The
operations available to this class are login (), logout (), ma course details (), display
course (), and confirmation ().
A sequence diagram represents the sequence and interactions of a given usecase or scenario.
Sequence diagrams can capture most of the information about the system. Most object-toobject interactions and operations are considered events and events include signals, inputs,
decisions, interrupts, transitions and actions to or from users or external devices.
An event also is considered to be any action by an object that sends information. The event
line represents a message from one object to another, in which the from object is
requesting an operation be performed by the to object. The to object performs the
operation using a method that the class contains. It is also represented by the order in which
things occur and how the objects in the system send message to one another. The sequence
diagram for each use-case that exists when a user logs in, adds, views, updates or deletes
records in the system
Thus the documentation for course registration system is created. The output is verified.
Ex. No.: 2
The manual system of ticket reservation takes more time and the number of reservations
per day is limited. To increase the efficiency of the process, we go for online ticket
reservation system. This system supports online ticket booking.
Problem statement
This system is built for user to directly access the system online to book tickets. The user
can book, print, delete tickets without the help of a clerk. The administrator has control
over the adding train available for booking and has control over deleting train that are not
necessary. The administrator and user can both enter the system using their respective
login details
Use-case diagram
The online ticket reservation system uses the following use cases:
1. Login
2. Book ticket
3. Print ticket
4. Cancel ticket
5. View train
6. Add train
7. Delete train
8. Logout
Actors involved
1) Administrator
2) Passenger
Class diagram
The class diagram is a graphical representation of all the classes used in the system and their
operations, attributes and relationships.
The online ticket reservation system makes use of the following classes:
Ticket system
Train details
Ticket system
It consists of two attributes and two operations. The attributes are username and password.
The operations used are login () and logout ().
Train details
It stores the details of all the train such as train number, train name train capacity, and cost.
The operations available are add (), delete () and view ().
It records the details of every ticket booked such as ticket number, passenger name, and train
number, from place, to place, date of travel, departure time, arrival time, and price. The
operations available are add (), delete (), view (), and print ().
Sequence diagram
A sequence diagram represents the sequence and interactions of a given use case or scenario.
Sequence diagrams can capture most of the information about the system. Most object-toobject interactions and operations are considered events and events include signals, inputs,
decisions, interrupts, transitions and actions to or from users or external devices.
An event also is considered to be any action by an object that sends information. The event
line represents a message from one object to another, in which the from object is requesting
an operation be performed by the to object. The to object performs the operation using a
method that the class contains.
It is also represented by the order in which things occur and how the objects in the system
send message to one another.
The sequence diagram for each use-case that exists when a user logs in, adds, views, updates
or deletes records in the system.
Sequence and collaboration diagram for adding a train
The Administrator has the privilege to add train. He/she has to provide details about the new
train that is being created in the database.
A passenger can book a ticket by himself. He/she can view the train details he/she wants to
book a ticket on and as per his necessity may book an appropriate ticket.
Canceling a ticket can be performed by the passenger himself. He/she may view the ticket
he/she wants and cancel it.
A train can be deleted only by the administrator. The train to be deleted is selected and
removed from the database.
The passenger may choose to print a ticket after booking a ticket. The ticket which is booked
is selected and printed by the passenger.
Thus the documentation for train reservation system is created. The output is verified.
EX. NO.:3
To create a system to perform Bank ATM transaction
Problem statement:
This system is build for the bank client and the manager.
The bank client must be able to deposit and withdraw amount from his/her accounts
using the ATM machine. Each transaction must be recorded and the client must be
able to review all transactions performed in his/her account. Recorded transactions
must include the date, time, transaction type, amount and account balance after the
The bank manager must be able to view the ATM machine status that is the total
balance of the ATM machine, todays withdrawal, todays balance and the limitations
of the machine.
The bank client is provided by login verification. If it is valid he/she will access their account
otherwise an appropriate message is displayed to the client.
USE-CASE diagram:
The ATM transaction use cases in our system are:
1. Login
2. Withdraw
3. Mini statement
4. ATM machine status
5. Deposit
Actors involved:
1. User
2. Bank manager
USE-CASE name: Login
The user enters a user name and password. If it is valid, the users account becomes
available. If it is invalid, an appropriate message is displayed to the user.
USE-CASE name: Withdraw
The user tries to withdraw an amount from his or her checking account. The amount is
less than or equal to the checking accounts balance, the transaction is performed and
the available information is displayed. The system creates a record of the transaction
and the display confirmation message is displayed to the client.
USE-CASE name: Mini statement
The bank user requests a history of transactions for a checking account. The system
displays the transaction history for the checking account. The transaction history
consists of amount, date, transaction type and balance of the particular account.
The class diagram, also referred to as object modeling is the main static analysis diagram.
The main task of object modeling is to graphically show what each object will do in the
problem domain. The problem domain describes the structure and the relationships
among objects.
The ATM system class diagram consists of four classes:
1. User class
2. ATM machine status
3. Account
4. Transaction
1) User class:
It consists of four attributes and two operations. The attributes are user name, password,
address and DOB. The operations of this class are read (), display () and write ().
2) ATM machine status:
The attributes of this class are ATM balance, todays withdrawal, todays balance, and
limitations. The operations are login verification (), ATM status () and display
confirmation ().
3) Account:
The attributes are account no. and balance and the operations are withdraw (), deposit ()
and display availability ().
4) Transaction:
The attributes of this class are account no, transaction type, data, amount, balance and
the operations are mini statement () and create transaction ().
The diagrams show the entire deposit process in an ATM system. The user has to login to the
ATM machine and deposit the amount of money as required by the user. The user may wish
to get a mini statement and a screen about the details of the transaction.
The diagrams show the process of login by the user to the ATM system. The user has to enter
his details. The details entered are verified by the system and the user is approved if the
details match, otherwise an appropriate error message is displayed.
The Administrator of the ATM system has to maintain the details about the ATM, He has to
check if there is enough money in the ATM and if the ATM is functional without major
errors. For this, he may check the ATM machine status occasionally. The process is shown in
the above diagrams.
After a transaction is carried out successfully, the user must get a mini statement to tell him
his accounts details such as balance and transaction number. This process is depicted in the
above diagrams.
The user can make withdraw money from his account. The process is depicted in the
diagrams above. The user has to login to the system using his username and password, which
are verified by the system. After successful verification, the user can choose the amount of
money he wants to withdraw from his account. The amount specified by the user is checked
by the system to make sure there is enough balance in his account to carry out the transaction.
After the transaction is carried out the resulting amount is displayed and the details are
updated to the database.
Thus the system for ATM is created and executed. The output is verified.
The JDBC library includes APIs for each of the tasks commonly associated with database
Making a connection to a database
You need to have good understanding on the following two subjects to learn JDBC:
Core JAVA Programming
Based on the above steps, we can have following consolidated sample code which we can
use as a template while writing our JDBC code
//STEP 1. Import required packages
import java.sql.*;
//Display values
System.out.print("ID: " + id);
System.out.print(", Age: " + age);
System.out.print(", First: " + first);
System.out.println(", Last: " + last);
//STEP 6: Clean-up environment
}catch(SQLException se){
//Handle errors for JDBC
}catch(Exception e){
//Handle errors for Class.forName
}catch(SQLException se){
}//end finally try
}//end try
}//end main
}//end FirstExample