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Ben Davis Chemistry I: CLASS SYALLBUS 2016-2017

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Ben Davis Chemistry I



Chemistry is interesting. Chemistry is the study of the matter what stuff is made of and how it reacts. It is called the
central science because of its intimate connection with physics and beautiful applications in biology and earth science.
Chemistry is not easy. We are trying to create models to describe things we cannot see. It requires not only your effort to
do the work, but also your diligence to learn the content. Success in this class depends primarily on how well you master
what we cover, not merely how much work you do. You have to want to succeed. This means:
Dont miss class!
Be present and engaged in what were doing.
If you dont get something, ask! You need to be pro-active in seeking help.
I may not directly answer your questions; instead I will guide you toward discovering the answer for yourself.
Work together with your friends to learn the stuff, not just to finish the work.
Chemistry is not easy, but you must have the desire and persistence to work at it. Dont give up!
Everyone can do chemistry. But you must have the desire and persistence to work at it. Dont give up! This class emphasizes on
developing the skills to be successful analytical, communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to build the
content of chemistry at a rigorous level. This class also helps prepare you for AP Chemistry and college-level chemistry.

Teacher:Mr. Hopkinsryan.hopkins@wayne.k12.in.usCanvas
Getting Help:

Glencoe: Matter and Change
On Canvas


Class Behavior and Attitude

Class Preparation
In order to help every person learn and be successful, please:
You should bring to class every day:
Be encouraging to yourself and to other students in your words, Aactions,
binder and
to keep
class notes and handouts organ
Be diligent and putting in your best effort into your classwork and
to master
the material;
pencil and erase, p
Be prepared by completing the homework, bringing supplies to class,
Paper and
in class;
Be engaged in the classroom activities; and
A scientific calculator
Be pro-active to ask questions and seek out help.
Note cards.
Thank you!

Class Procedures & Policies

Class Time
Come prepared, focused, and ready to work! During class, you should have only your binder and writing instrument on
your desk.
Restroom: Please use the restroom before you come to class.

Digital Devices: Cell phones and other personal mobile devices (e.g. tablets, laptop computers) are not to be used
during class time. You will have time to use them just keep them away while I am teaching. Do not take pictures
of classroom materials without permission.
Working Together: Working with other students is often helpful for learning. Copying is not. Ask your group-mates
first before asking me. During whole-class activities, please work within your designated groups.

These items will comprise ~65% of the total points. Tests and quizzes may include multiple choice, true/false, short
answer, problem solving, and essay questions. They will include questions from the material covered during the unit, as
well as questions about labs performed during that unit. One test will be given per unit of study. A final exam will be given
at either at the end of each semester or just at the end of the spring semester encompassing the entire course material.
Quizzes will be given frequently in order to encourage regular review and aid the student in evaluating mastery of
the concepts.

You will typically be given a Periodic Table and be allowed to use a scientific calculator. Any special
arrangements must be made with me ahead of time.
All other electronic devices are not allowed during testing time.
Make-Up Tests: A Make-Up Test will be administered approximately a week after the Unit test. Only if
you got less than 75% on the test will you be allowed to do a make-up test. The Make-Up Test will give
you a second opportunity to demonstrate your learning of the content. You must fill out a request sheet
to take the make-up test and attend a Chemistry help session to show what steps you took to master
the material a second time in order to take the Make-Up Test.

These items will comprise ~25% of the total points. Grading of labs may include pre- and post-lab assignments,
lab techniques, lab reports, and lab exams. It is important that students NOT miss lab days. Missed labs must be made
up, either by completion of a makeup lab or alternative assignment at the instructors discretion AND is due the NEXT
CLASS like everybody else. Missed labs may NOT be made up by copying information from lab partners.

Daily Work:
These items will comprise ~10% of the total points. Daily work grades will be based on in-class assignments,
homework assignments, and bellwork. Completion of daily work and homework is essential to understanding chemistry.
Students may check answers and ask questions pertaining to daily work during class.

All missed work will be put on the front work table by the eyewash and should be collected and completed.

You are responsible for picking up any missed work as soon as possible, even if that means coming by chemistry
class on your opposite day.

Work will be due with your classmates. See me before school if you have questions.

Absences are NOT a legitimate reason for not knowing content or completing assigned work.

Tests make ups or retakes MUST to be made up before the next test.

Discipline Policy

Academic Honesty
Violations of Class Norms
We want to create
The general
an environment
for everyone
to violations
to demonstrate
of class norms
theyve learned. While working with oth
Do not copy someone
Verbal Warning
elses work. You should never have someone elses work. Both will receive zeros.
During a test, Parent
do not Contact
look like youre cheating. NO CELL PHONES!
If there is suspicion
of cheating, you may receive zeros on the task and/or a referral. If you are unsure what co
The specific consequence is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Cheating/copying and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Cheating or plagiarism will be handled according to the Lawrence North High School Handbook policy. Violations
will also be dealt with according to the Indiana University/IB policies and can result in an F for the course. If you
are worried something might be cheating or plagiarism, do not do it.
The Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct describes types of misconduct
for which students may be penalized, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and interference with other
students work, as well as action which endanger the University and the University community and possession
of firearms. The Code also indicates the procedures to be followed in these cases. All students are required to
adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the Code.
The definition and clarification related to cheating, plagiarism, etc. is found here:
o http://www.iu.edu/~code/code/responsibilities/academic/index.shtml

Useful link to student-info about Plagiarism:



All graded assignments will be assigned a point value. Grades will be determined by the percentage of total po

Letter grades will be assigned according to the Lawrence North grading scale.. Grades will be posted regularly
LN Chemistry I is a weighted course that carries 0.5 weight.

Assigning Grades
Your grade primarily reflects your mastery of the content, not effort. You do not receive points for merely doin
your points come from demonstrating your learning. I believe every student can and I expect every student to

Grading Scale:
A = 90.0% 100.0
B = 80.0 % 89.9
C = 70.0% 79.9%
D = 60.0% 69.9%

Why Students Fail Chemistry

1. Absences - Not getting make up work completed
2. Procrastination Cramming will not work
3. Insufficient Practice - Assignments/homework are important so do them!
4. Cheating/Copying others work
5. Not reading the textbook or reviewing notes regularly
6. Insufficient Math background
7. Waiting until its too late to get help.
1. Late homework will not be accepted.
2. Participation/Homework will be around 50 points per quarter. This will determined randomly by the teacher.
3. Pass requests will not be granted unless it is an emergency.
4. We will have a daily bellwork question(s). These will be part of your participation grade and are easy points and good

Chromebook/Phone/Digital Device Policy

The chromebook/phone/digital device can be a useful tool and we will use it in class, however, it can easily distract a student
from the material being presented. So, unless specifically instructed by the teacher, chromebooks should be put away in your
backpack/book bag. If you have your chromebook out in class without permission then you will be given a referral and could
lose points toward your grade.

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