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AP Chem Syllabus

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Dougherty Valley High School AP Chemistry Syllabus AP Chemistry Class Policy Instructor- Mr. Schnell Email: eschnell@dvhigh.


Textbook Houghton Mifflin Co. Steven S. Zumdahl & Susan A. Zumdahl. Chemistry 7th Edition Laboratory Experiments The laboratory experiments represent a collection of labs from various sources - Flinn Scientific Inc. Advanced Placement Chemistry Laboratories - Experimental Chemistry, 7th Edition. James F. Hall - Juniata College, Science in Motion, Advanced Placement Labs
Overview of AP Chemistry Program Dougherty Valley HS offers one section of AP Chemistry. The class meets five days a week for 52 minutes. The class is scheduled in the morning; this allows additional time for laboratory experiments as the students are required to come approx. 30 minutes early for labs to allow sufficient time to safely complete the laboratory component of the class; averaging about two periods per week for laboratories.

AP Chemistry is a 2nd-year course. You should have already completed Honors Chemistry
The expectation is that all AP Chemistry students will sign up and take the AP Chemistry Exam Course Description: AP Chemistry is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. The goal is to provide the student with a strong background in many of the basic topics covered in chemistry. The objective of this class is to prepare each and every student to be successful on the AP Chemistry Exam given by the College Board in May. Please note, an actual college chemistry class would involve more hours of instruction time per week than our current schedule, to compensate, additional time, outside of scheduled class time, will be required. This includes two Saturdays in April prior to the exam. Finally, if you do not have several hours each week to devote to lab reports, homework, and studying do not take this class. Since this is a second year course, students have a sound previous knowledge of: Atomic Theory Molar Relationships Electronic Structure Periodicity Molecular Geometry Gas Laws Solutions & Colligative Props. Nuclear Chemistry Intra/Intermolecular bonding The following concepts increase in complexity or unfamiliar nature makes it necessary for me to allow for more time when I cover them: Equilibrium Chemical Kinetics Thermodynamics Redox Reactions Organic Chemistry Buffer Systems Coordination Complexes Materials Science Classroom Behavior and Rules: - The DVHS Student Handbook is governing for Policies and Procedures The student is expected to: 1. Follow safe lab procedures and practices. Details will be forthcoming as safety is the number one priority. 2. Be on time, be organized, and be prepared. Have pencils, pens, paper, textbook, and lab book in class when needed. 3. Be respectful and courteous of self, fellow classmates, your room, and your instructor. Comments concerning race, religion, appearance, or sexual preferences are unacceptable in this classroom. 4. Cheating will not be tolerated will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and can lead to further disciplinary actions. This includes copying homework, lab reports, and any misconduct during exams. 5. The use of any electron device, excluding calculators, is prohibited during class time. 6. All other rules outlined in the Student Handbook are in effect. 7. Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Resourceful

Grades: Grades are used to evaluate how well the student has understood the course content. Exams, quizzes, homework, and labs are designed to reinforce concepts and their applications. Specific laboratory report and homework formats will be discussed in class. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. If a student has an excused absence, homework will be due the day the student returns to class. The class is not graded on a curve; each student determines his or her own grade based on how many points they earn. Grades will be calculated each semester and are based as follows for the 1st semester: Graded Work: All evaluated classwork and homework is due at the beginning of the period of the day on which it is due unless specified otherwise. There will be NO credit given for late work.

Mark your Calendars: AP Chemistry Test Date MONDAY MAY 7TH, 2012 @ 8AM
Percentage of Class (Approx.) 50% 20% Category

Unit Tests (normally 3-4 per semester worth approx. 30 pts each)* Semester Exam/Mid-term (approx. 75 pts) Formal Lab Reports (one per week based on lab performed during two 52 minute block) 15% Informal Lab Reports (worth half formal lab amount) 10% Quizzes (Lowest score dropped) 5% Homework/Classwork/Participation *Very important part of the class. These tests will prepare you for the AP Exam in MAY

Grading Scale* Percent (%) Grade 90 A 80 B 70 C 60 D 59 and below F *not on a curve

These percentages are similar to a normal class. If you cannot perform on the tests you cannot get a good grade. Progress reports will be sent home mid-quarter as well as at the end of each quarter. Parents are welcome to email me about their students progress at any time. See full grading scale below. Email is the BEST way for communication

Class Participation: Grades in this category will depend upon the students behavior in class. Points will be deducted for noncompliance with class rules. Disruptive/Inappropriate behavior or comments that detract from the creation of a positive classroom environment will result in the loss of points. Everyone has the right to learn in this classroom. Finally, not working on the task assigned including doing work for another class will also result in the subtraction of points. Playing video games on your calculator is not a productive activity!! Attendance: Daily attendance is essential to the students ability to stay current with the topics covered in class. If the student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to find out what was missed. Assignments that were due on the absent day are due when the student returns to class. Labs, quizzes, or tests missed due to an excused absence must be made up within three school days. No credit will be given for un-excused absences. Please note that in order to be successful in this class additional time at lunch or after school will be required. Make-up work is to be completed and turned in within the same length of time as the absence. If the length of the absence is exceeded, the work will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to find out about make-up work as well as make-up tests or quizzes. You will choose 2 study buddies in class whom you can call to find out such information. Make-up tests are given the day you return. Any assignments or tests due on the day of a cut will receive a score of zero. Citizenship grades are based on attendance, including tardiness, and behavior in class.

Labs: Separate handouts concerning laboratory procedures and safety will be passed out and discussed in class. All students will be using a laboratory notebook that makes carbon copies of each lab (they can be purchased from Mr. Schnell for $22.50). Lab notebooks will be collected at the end of the semester and checked for writeups on informal labs and demonstrations. Two of our 52 minute block periods will be devoted exclusively to performing hands-on labs. A formal lab report will be written for each of these labs. Lab Report Guidelines: A more detailed explanation of each section can be found on my web site Each Formal Lab Report will consist of the following sections: Title Abstract (no more than 120 words summarizing each major section of the lab report) Introduction o Background Information (written in Ss own words) o Hypothesis o Problem wanting answered o Equation(s) Experimental Procedure Followed during the experiment o What steps were followed o When to record observations o Diagram of apparatus (if needed) Data Table(s) to organize observations and measurements Calculations/Analysis o Show all calculation including units o All Symbols defined o Graphical Data Titles Labeled Axis Slope calculations Discussion Analysis of the Experiment o Post Lab questions and follow-up o Explaining how lab and results bring concepts together Conclusion o Report your results and try to tell why it turned out the way it did o Discuss how your results demonstrate basic principles of chemistry o Describe any errors that occurred during the experiment that may change your outcomes References o List all sources, e.g. lab manual, textbook, course packet, etc. Appendix o With a table of contents listing the items in the Appendix, include any paperwork used to prepare or used while performing the lab, such as any pre-lab worksheets, lab handouts or protocols, notes taken during the lab, etc. Organization/Formatting Final Note: The best way to make this course a success for yourself is to ask questions, spend time reading the book, take notes, participate in discussions, and work as many problems as possible over and beyond those assigned for homework. Problem solving in chemistry is a skill that can only be improved by practice. If you do not spend time on the homework you will not be successful when taking tests. I am excited about this year. I love chemistry and my hope is to get many of you to love it as well. Do not hesitate to ask for help. I am here to help you learn.

Course Descriptions
Summer Assignment Read Chapters 1-4, 18 from Zumdahl Chemistry, 7th Edition Print out the Stuff you should know for the AP Exam, but dont know yet Page 1 & 2 (www.chemistryrocks.net) Print out and Memorize Solubility Rules from web page (www.chemistryrocks.net) Read the following chapter and answer the following questions found at the end of each chapter Chapter 1(Chemical Foundations): 1, 2, 3, 27, 29, 31, 33, 53 Chapter 2 (Atoms, Molecules, and Ions): 11, 18, 22, 24, 49, 56-70 (even) Chapter 3 (Stoichiometry): 1, 2, 5, 10, 27, 34, 59, 65, 90, 100 Chapter 4 (Types of Chemical Rx and Solution Stoich): 9, 18, 21, 24, 36, 44, 56, 68, 71 Chapter 18 (Nuclear Chemistry): 11 13, 19 20, 23 31 Odd

See Course Outline on page 7 for order class will following during the year Unit

Description Content Skills

Unit 1 is a review unit: This is material well covered in Honors Chemistry and by the summer assignment other students are required to complete Matter and Measurements: Classifying matter, dimensional analysis, and significant figures Atoms, Molecules, and Ions: Atomic structure, formula writing, nomenclature, oxidation states, etc. Stoichiometry: Mole, atomic weight, molecular formula, balancing equations, limiting reagents, empirical formulas, percent composition, percent yield, and solution Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry: Precipitation (net ionic), acid-base, redox, concentrations. Gases: Ideal gas law, van der Waals equation, Avogadros Law, STP, Daltons Law, Grahams Law, kinetic theory of gases, real vs. ideal gases, etc Chemical Reactions

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Analysis of Silver in an Alloy Exp. 2 FLINN Labette Solution Anyone (Introduction to variety of ways to calc. Concentration) Reaction Lab intro Ss perform Rxs & write net ionic eq. for metathesis, acid/base, and redox

I: Review Unit Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4

2 weeks

II: Gases Ch. 5

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Determination of the Molar Mass of Volatile Liquids Exp. 9 - FLINN Identification of an Unknown Gas - Juniata Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Reaction and Hesss Law Exp. 6 FLINN Estimation of Atomic Mass from Specific Heat Data Juniata

1.5 weeks

Thermochemistry Ch. 6

1 week

Thermochemistry: First Law of Thermodynamics, enthalpy, calorimetry, Hesss Law Chemical Reactions

IV: Bonding and Molecular Structure Ch. 8 + 9

2 weeks

Chemical Bonding: Lewis structures, ionic bonding, character of bonds, covalent model, octet rule and exceptions, resonance, VSEPR model, and hybridization Chemical Reactions Atomic Structure: Atomic spectra, Bohr atom, quantum numbers, molecular geometry, hybrid orbitals, electron configurations, periodic table, trends in the periodic table in terms of physical and chemical properties Chemical Reactions Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids: Dipoledipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, London forces, liquid state, types of solids, metallic bonding, network solids, vapor pressure, change of state, phase diagrams Chemical Reactions Properties of Solutions: Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, molarity, molality, mole fraction, colligative properties, Raoults Law, Henrys law, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and osmotic pressure. Chemical Reactions Chemical Kinetics: Reaction kinetics, rate law expressions, order of reactions, rate constant, half- life, activation energy, catalysts, and reaction mechanism Chemical Reactions Chemical Equilibrium: Equilibrium constant, equilibrium expressions, calculations of K and equilibrium concentrations, Le Chatelier's principle, and how equilibrium is shifted by temperature, concentration, ICE tables, intro to complex ions, etc Chemical Reactions Acids-Bases: pH, Ka and Kb expressions, titration, degree of ionization, Kw expressions, indicators, equivalence points, Arrhenius, Brnsted-Lowry and Lewis acid theories, and salt hydrolysis Aqueous Equilibria: Common-Ion effect, buffers, factors affecting solubility Chemical Reactions

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Model Building Organic Nomenclature and Building

Bragg Equation Lab* Spectrophotometry Beers Law (A = abc)

V: Periodic Table, Atomic Structure Ch. 7

1.5 weeks

VI: Intermolecular Forces, Solids, Liquids Ch. 10

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Liquid Chromatography Exp. 10 - FLINN TLC of Food Dyes Juniata

2 weeks

VII: Properties of Solutions Ch. 11

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression Exp. 11 - FLINN Molecular Weight by Freezing Point Depression - Juniata Identification of Solutions Juniata Kinetics of a Reaction Exp. 12 FLINN Iodination of Acetone Juniata

2 weeks

VIII: Chemical Kinetics Ch. 12

2 weeks

Determination of Keq for FeSCN2+ - Exp. 13 FLINN Le Chatelier Principle Juniata The Solubility Product Constant of Silver Acetate Juniata Titration of Vinegar Determination of the Solubility Product of an Ionic Compound Exp. 18 - FLINN Analysis of a Commercial Buffer Exp. 21 - FLINN

IX: Chemical Equilibrium Ch. 13

2 weeks

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

X: Acid / Base Ch. 14 + 15

2.5 weeks

Chemical Thermodynamics Ch. 16

2 weeks

Chemical Thermodynamics: Entropy, 2nd and 3rd Laws of Thermodynamics, Gibbs Free Energy, spontaneity Chemical Reactions Redox & Electrochemistry: Oxidation and reduction half-cells and equations, electrolysis, electrochemical (voltaic) cells, standard voltages, standard voltages from a table, Nernst equation, Faradays laws, writing redox equations, and balancing equations in acid/base solutions Chemical Reactions Nuclear Chemistry: Nuclear Stability & Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Transformations, Thermodynamic Stability of the Nucleus, fission & fusion. Chemical Reactions Organic Chemistry: Naming, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, functional groups, reactions involving hydrocarbons Chemical Reactions In the weeks prior to the exam the students will their final exam (currently the released exams) to get students acquainted with the test and to evaluate their knowledge. Review sessions include practicing FRQ from previous years.

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Energy of a Rubber band Cooling Curve for paradichlorobenzene Entropy of Reaction - Juniata Electrochemical Cells Exp. 22 FLINN Oxidation Reduction Titrations Exp. 20 - FLINN Electroplating a Nickel Electrolysis of KI

XII: Electrochemistry Ch. 17

2 weeks

XIII: Nuclear Chemistry Ch. 18 XIV: Organic Chemistry Ch. 22

Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems Approx. 20- 30 Book Qs per week Worksheets practice problems

Alpha, Beta, Gamma Activity

1 week

Nomenclature, drawing compounds, model building Synthesis, Isolation, and Purification of an Ester Exp. 25 - FLINN Predicting the Products of Chemical Reactions and Writing Chemical Equations Exp. 26 - FLINN

1 week

XV: Review for AP Test


Post Exam Laboratory Experiments Gravimetric Analysis of a Metal Carbonate FLINN Exp. 3 Fractional Distillation Juniata College More to come Claymation Video Project Specific topics in chemistry Online Tutorial creation Specific topics in chemistry

Chapter(s) 1-4 6 16 12 13 7 8 9 5 10 11 14 15 17 22

Course Outline Topic(s) Review Unit Chemical Thermodynamics I Chemical Thermodynamics II Chemical Kinetics Chemical Equilibrium Atomic Structure & Periodic Table Bonding and Molecular Structure I Bonding and Molecular Structure II

Test Date (approx.) Test 1 (day 2) Test 2 Test 3

Gases Intermolecular Forces, Solids, Liquids Properties of Solutions Acid / Base I (Review time) Acid / Base II Redox & Electrochemistry Organic Chemistry

Test 4 Finals Week in January Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 if times allows Date TBA 2 3 weeks Finals Week in June

Review for AP Test FINAL Exam


1. All students have the opportunity to access the full curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and community envolvment. 2. Actively apply and strengthen relationships that foster respect and value diversity in a safe, clean and caring environment. 3. Staff will support students with special needs through collaboration, consistent communication, and professional development for all staff. 4. Implement consistent practices that provide a welcoming and responsive environment for students, staff, parents, and community.


Honest behavior is an expectation at DVHS. The purpose of the policy is to create and maintain an ethical academic atmosphere in which strong behavioral consequences will be enforced. Teachers also address cheating and plagiarism in their course policies. Counselors will be notified of the incident and it may be disclosed on a students college application. Staff will access Turnitin.com to review plagiarism information taken from websites. Copying from another student Unauthorized collaboration on assignment Using unauthorized materials/resources (spark/cliff notes, cell phones, calculators, etc.) Submitting an essay written in whole or in part by someone else as ones own Preparing an essay or assignment for submission by another student Copying an assignment or essay or allowing ones assignment or essay to be copied by someone else Using direct quotations, large sections or paraphrased material without acknowledgement Buying or selling essays or assignments Submitting whole or part of computer-generated documents or materials with or without minor modifications as ones own Consequences for Academic Dishonesty will include appropriate disciplinary measures consistent with Board policy and the California Education Code. One or more of the following consequences may occur. Disciplinary consequences will be cumulative for only the current school year per class and will be noted in students discipline file. Examples include, but are not limited to: 1. Parent /Guardian contacted by teacher 2. Referral to assistant principal for disciplinary consequences; parent/guardian will be notified.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Loss of all credit for the assignment or test with no makeup permitted. Upon second violation of 2nd degree cheating within the same course, the student may be dropped from the class. Monday School (3 hours) Suspension from school

Please see the DVHS Student Handbook for complete list of consequences for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree offenses.

To be successful in Chemistry you must attend class regularly. No student will fail this class if they attend class, make productive use of time, turn in all assignments on time, take all tests and quizzes, complete labs and projects, and above all put forth a strong EFFORT. o EFFORT = SUCCESS

Extra Help
I will try and be in my classroom before school begins (700am) and after school until 400pm a few days a week. I also coach swimming, therefore during the swim season (Feb. May) I am not as available in the afternoon, but can be if needed.


Drawing upon our departments diverse ideas, skills, and backgrounds, it is our mission to motivate and challenge our students through rigorous curriculum. We plan to assist students to become scientifically literate through inquiry and problem solving in order to develop curiosity about the world around them. Students will be given the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge of science and technology as they apply to personal and social decisions. We strive to instill in students a deeper appreciation for the complexity of scientific disciplines and an understanding of how they function together and separately. Finally, we have a commitment to the collective success of the department through collaboration.

SCHOOL POLICIES & PROCEDURES All policies/procedures will be followed from the DVHS Student Handbook
All school rules, policies, procedures, and disciplinary actions will be followed. Please see the student handbook for further information. Staff Communication Policy: Email is the best way to reach me As a guideline, any communication to staff, via email or telephone, should receive a response within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). If there is no response within 48 hours, please email or call again stating this is the second attempt. The 48-hour guideline may be affected by illness, conferences, or technology problems. Line of Communication: Any questions or concerns regarding student progress in a class should be addressed through the following process: 1. Student communicating with teacher 2. Parent communicating with teacher 3. Parent/Student communicating with counselor 4. Parent/Student communicating with Assistant Principal 5. Parent/Student communicating with Principal Textbooks: Students are loaned a textbook based on the specific subject. The student and the parents are held financially liable for lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed textbooks. Students are charged the full replacement cost for items lost or damaged, since the school must pay the full replacement cost. All outstanding bills must be cleared before yearbooks, schedules, report cards or textbooks are issued to a student. Possession of Electronic Devices, MP3 Players, Cell Phones, Laser Pens at School: Possession of electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, by a student at school is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student who does not follow the pertinent school rules, district rules, and/or Electronic Device Policy below. Electronic devices (cell phones, iPODS, MP3S, video players, PSPs, games, etc) may only be used before and after school and during lunch and brunch. Electronic devices are to be in the off mode and are not to be used, heard, or visible during class, passing periods, in the library, or computer labs. Students may not use electronic devices if they leave the classroom to use the restroom, go to counseling, etc. Use of cell phones is prohibited in the locker rooms and bathrooms at all times. Any cell phone violation during the school day will be subject to call or text/voice message search by administration. The district/school shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to a cellular phone, iPOD, or electronic device brought on campus. Consequences: see next page

First Offense: Second Offense:

Device confiscated until the end of the day. Parent called, Detention assigned. Device confiscated, parent will be called. Device returned when contact has been made with parent. Monday School assigned. Device confiscated, parent contacted and Suspension assigned. Further consequences may result in suspension. Student loses ability to have device on campus for the remainder of the semester.

Third Offense:

Dougherty Valley High School Grading Policy Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Percent 93.51% - 100% 89.51% - 93.5% 87.51% - 89.5% 83.51% - 87.5% 79.51% - 83.5% 77.51% - 79.5% 73.51% - 77.5% 69.51% - 73.5% 67.51% - 69.5% 63.51% - 67.5% 59.51% - 63.5% Below 59.5%

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Dougherty Valley High School Expected School-wide Learning Results

At Dougherty Valley High School, we believe students will: Be able to communicate effectively Think critically and support ideas through problem solving Stand for integrity, honesty and ethical treatment of all people Be partners in the learning process and take responsibility for themselves and their learning

All Students will 1. Accept responsibility for your education, decisions, words, and actions. 2. Act in a way that best represents your school, parents, community and self to promote a safe, healthy environment in which to learn. 3. Be active in the school and community. 4. Maintain balance between academics, co-curricular activities and personal life. 5. Support your fellow students and their activities. 6. Respect cultural diversity, individuality, and the choices and rights of others.

From the AP Course Setting:

Comparability Studies The AP Program periodically conducts college score comparability studies in all AP subjects. These studies compare the performance of AP students with that of college students in the courses for which successful AP students will receive credit. In general, the AP composite score cutpoints are set so that the lowest composite score for an AP score of 5 is equivalent to the average score for college students earning scores of A. Similarly, the lowest composite scores for AP scores of 4, 3, and 2 are equivalent to the average scores for students with college scores of B, C, and D, respectively. Students who earn AP Exam scores of 3 or above are generally considered to be qualified to receive college credit and/or placement into advanced courses due to the fact that their AP Exam scores are equivalent to a college course score of "middle C " or above. However, the awarding of credit and placement is determined by each college or university and students should check with the institution to verify its AP credit and placement policies.

Please tear off and return to Mr. Schnell by Monday August 29th, 2011 Dear Parents: Please fill out my ONLINE FORM found on www.chemistryrocks.net/Parents.htm. This assignment is part of your childs grade in my class. The due date for completion is by Monday Aug. 29th, 2011. Thank you. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Both signatures (the student and his/her parent/guardian) below indicate that you and your parents/guardians have read the AP Chemistry class rules, procedures, and lab safety guidelines. Your signatures indicate that you and your parents/guardians will respect and obey them.

Student Name: (Print)

Student Signature:

Date: ___ / ___ / 2011

Parent / Guardian Contact Name:

Parent / Guardian Signature:

Date: ___ / ___ / 2011

Please make sure you complete the Parent Homework Assignment found on www.chemistryrocks.net and click on the Parents Link

Class: AP Chemistry

California continues to face financial challenges; we would appreciate a donation of $50.00 to help defray the cost of supplemental supplies and materials. Thank you for considering donating.
I would be happy to donate to the DVHS Science program. I am aware that my donation is tax deductable as applicable by law. My donation is attached to this form in the amount of: Choose an amount to donate from the following: ___$40 ___$50 ___ $75 ___ $100 $______ (other)

___ My employer has a education matching funds program and the companys form is attached. [Companies will match if donation is more than $25]

Student ID#: ____________

Please be sure to write the student ID# directly on the CHECK in the memo, to, for, line


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