Chinese AP Syllabus
Chinese AP Syllabus
Chinese AP Syllabus
DOUGHERTY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. All students have the opportunity to access the full curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and community support. Actively apply and strengthen strategies that foster respect and value diversity in a safe, clean, and caring environment. Staff will support students with special needs through collaboration, consistent communication, and professional development for all staff. Implement consistent practices that provide a welcoming and responsive environment for students, staff, parents, and community.
EXPECTED SCHOOL WIDE LEARNING RESULTS (ESLRS) At Dougherty Valley High School, we believe students will:
Be able to communicate effectively. Think critically and support ideas through problem solving. Stand for integrity, honesty, and ethical treatment of all people. Be partners in the learning process and take responsibility for themselves and their learning. World Language Department Mission Statement
The Mission of the Department of Foreign Languages at Dougherty Valley High School is to prepare students for citizenship in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual global community. The Department promotes proficiency in languages, knowledge of cultures and literatures, and students' active engagement in cultural and linguistic exchanges. The department encourages community outreach, and actively supports clubs and other organizations related to world languages. 1
Course Description: Chinese AP is equivalent to a 2nd year college level Chinese course. Students will continue to develop their Chinese pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading writing, grammatical structures, and Chinese language comprehension skills. Students are expected to speak Chinese exclusively in class. This course has rich Chinese culture and history information. The textbook and workbook are Integrated Chinese by Cheng & Tsui, Jia You by Cengage, and supplementary materials chosen by the teacher. The Chinese characters learned in this course are both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. This course follows the guidelines of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, California State and the San Ramon Valley Unified District Standards and Benchmarks for foreign language instruction. Course Objective: This course is designed to provide students with varied opportunities to further develop their proficiencies across the three communicative modes: interpersonal (speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills), interpretive (listing and reading skills), and presentational (speaking and writing skills); and the five goal areas (communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities) as outlined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning for the 21st Century. Required Materials: You will need to bring to class everyday: a black pen/pencil, a red pen, textbook, workbook, and a notebook. You are required to have a notebook exclusively for Chinese and take notes on every class. You are suggested to have a 2 binder to keep all returned materials: homework, projects, presentations, etc. In the beginning of each class, students have a warm-up exercise to review the material we learned the day before and to prepare for the learning of new material. Students need to write the warm-up answers in a note book. Some quizzes, pop quizzes and test questions will be from the warm-up exercises. Your text book is expected to be covered at all times. If you use adhesives for book covering, please make sure no adhesives should directly touch the textbook itself. There should have no writing on your text book except your name. Students are expected to have recording homework done at home or in our schools language lab. Students are suggested to have recording equipment, a microphone, at home to help doing their homework efficiently. Homework Policy: All of your assignments will be posted on Schoolloop. It is your responsibility to check what your homework is. Homework is due at the beginning of the class on the day it is
due. Homework will be checked for effort and completion. Late homework will receive a zero credit. Should there be any homework/quiz/test discrepancy between class announcement and Schoolloop posting, the Schoolloop posting prevails. Grades: The grade is determined by speaking as much as Chinese as possible, participating in class, oral work, written tests, projects, presentation, quizzes, and the homework. BENCHMARKS QUIZZES CLASS Work Class Participation HOMEWORK PROJECTS/PRESENTATIONS FINAL EXAMS 25% 10% 10% 10% 15% 20% 10%
The Dougherty Valley High School-wide grade scales are as follows: A=93.5%-100% B+=87.5%-89.5% C+=77.5%-79.5% D+ = 67.5% - 69.5% F = Below 59.5% Dougherty Valley High School believes all students will achieve the highest level of mastery on the state standard formative assessments. Students who achieve below 65% of the standards have an opportunity to attend departmental Mastery Workshops. Students receive support based on the specific standards missed and have an opportunity to be reassessed to improve their grade up to 65%. Academic Integrity: Honest behavior is an expectation at DVHS. The purpose of the policy is to create and maintain an ethical academic atmosphere in which strong behavioral consequences will be enforced. Teachers address cheating and plagiarism in their course policies. Counselors will be notified of the incident and it may be disclosed on a students college application. Staff will access to review plagiarism information taken from websites. Examples include, but are not limited to: Copying from another student Using unauthorized materials/resources (cell phones, calculators, etc.) A-=89.5%-93.5% B=83.5%-87.5% C=73.5%-77.5% D=63.5% - 67.5% B-=79.5%-83.5% C-=69.5% - 73.5% D-=59.5% -63.5%
Submitting an essay written in whole or in part by someone else as ones own Preparing an essay or assignment for submission by another student Copying an assignment or essay or allowing ones assignment or essay to be copied by someone else Using direct quotations, large sections or paraphrased material without acknowledgement Buying or selling essays or assignments Submitting whole or part of computer-generated documents or materials with or without minor modifications as ones own
Class Expectations and Success Code: Learning Chinese will be exciting, rewarding, and fun! To be successful, students must: Be prepared to class daily: having a black pen/pencil, a read pen, textbook, workbooks and a notebook. Participate actively in class, complete assignments on time, and study for quizzes and tests. Be in your seats and ready to work when the bell rings. Otherwise, it is a tardy. Listen attentively to the teacher and to others. Show respect and courtesy to other students and the teacher. No food or drinks in classroom. Water is allowed. No MP3 players. Cell phones should not be on or visible during class. Stay on your seat until the dismissal bell rings. Use all your in-class time productively. Be willing to take a risk and try something new Dont be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes help you achieve success. Follow School wide rules as outlined in DVHS Student Handbook. Speak Chinese as much as possible in class. Have a positive attitude and enjoy the new language and cultures you are learning. Ask for help before you fall behind.
Please re-read these policies and share them with your parents. If you or they have any questions, please notify Ms. Shuen. You may also want to review the Student Handbook for further guidance regarding school and district policies/guidelines. Name: _______________________________ Questions I have about the Chinese class syllabus are _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ I have received, reviewed, understood, and promise to abide by the Chinese class syllabus and all the rules, policies, expectations set within. ____________________________________ _________________________ Students signature Date I have received, reviewed, understood, and will support my child to abide by the Chinese class syllabus and all the rules, policies, expectations set within. ____________________________________ _________________________ Parents signature Date ____________________________________ _________________________ Parents printed name Contact Numbers ******************************************************************* Video Viewing Permission Form During the school year, students may view course-related videos rated PG-13 and below (PG-13, PG, and G). Please indicate if your child has permission to view videos rated PG13 and below. _______ Yes, my child has permission to view videos rated PG-13 and below. _______ No, my child does not have permission to view these videos. ******************************************************************* Period: __________