Biology II Karr Syllabus Updated
Biology II Karr Syllabus Updated
Biology II Karr Syllabus Updated
Code: f29rf4
Phone: 504-3027135
Tuesday 4:00-5:00 pm
Friday 4:00-5:00 pm
Replacement Cost: $107.00
Course Description:
The Biology II course is designed to help students develop a conceptual framework for modern
biology and an understanding and appreciation of science as a process. The course is
structured around an inquiry-approach throughout. This course is focused on the building
connections between biology at the cellular and molecular level though biology at the
environmental level. It is important for students to understand the role biology has on society
and the responsibility that students have to make informed decisions about issues raised by
advancements and research in biology.
The curriculum is built around the four big ideas in Advanced Placement Biology. They
include the following:
1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building block to grow, reproduce and
maintain dynamic homeostasis.
3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.
4. Biological systems interact. These systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
Mastery of content and grades are important, but the following are given emphasis:
Required Materials
You are required to bring the following materials in class on Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 .
Materials are to be brought to class everyday.
1. 1 spiral notebook: 8 x 11 or larger (You must get this size!)
200-300 sheets (3 or 5-subject notebook. You will use every page, so get the
biggest notebook you can!)
2. Colored pencils (erasable colored pencils)
8. Pencil
3. Highlighters (3 different colors of your choice)
9. Calculator
4. Glue sticks
10. Lab coat/apron
5. Scissors
11.Index cards
6. Ruler
12. Loose-leaf paper
7. Blue or Black Pens
13. Access to Internet
Course Output
Students will be required to submit the following during the course of the study. Details will be
given in class.
1. Science Lab Reports
2. Book Reports
3. Science Projects (1st Quarter: 3-D Cell Model; 2nd Quarter: Brochure of the Human Body
Note-taking and Organization
Taking notes is a required independent activity in class using the Cornell Notetaking format.
The Cornell note-taking is done in the Interactive Science Notebook (ISN). In this class,
students are required to keep all assignments in the ISN. If a student is caught cheating the
assignment on ISN will be assigned a zero and no make-up will be allowed.
Required Reading
This course will require you to increase science literacy skills. You will read the following
novels in this class that you will be required to purchase or check out from the school or public
1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Course Outline
2nd Semester
Week 1-2
Biological Statistics
Week 3-4
Experimental Design
Week 5-6
Week 7-8
Week 9
Mardigras Break
Midterm Exam
Week 12-13
Immune System
Week 14-15
Cardiovascular System
Week 16
Week 17
April 2426, 2017
April 27,
April 28,
***Due to content requirements, this course outline is subject to change to address individual student
B: 85-92%
C: 84-75%
Grading Percentages
Quizzes and Lab Reports
Classwork/Daily Grade
Homework Policy
Homework is assigned daily to prepare you for new discussions and lessons, to reinforce lessons
taught in class, and to give you a chance to practice! Homework is due the next class period unless
otherwise stated by your teacher. I expect homework to be done to the best of your ability and 100 %
complete. My job is to support you and give you the necessary tools to complete your homework. Use
tutoring hours if you need help! Also, Karrs academic honesty policy applies to copying, and
will earn you a zero.
Classwork/Daily Grade
Your Daily Grade is composed of points you earn from participation (or lose by not being fully
engaged and participating to the best of your ability), independent practice, Do Nows and Exit
Tickets, and ISN checks.
Quizzes, Tests, and Lab Reports
A quiz will be given around the middle of every unit, and a vocabulary quiz 3-4 days after a unit
begins. A unit test will be given at the end of every unit. Quiz and test corrections for halfcredit back will be allowed. There is a specific procedure for quiz and test correction which must
be followed so you get a half credit. All corrections will be done in Ms. Lumods classroom only
during the tutoring schedule. Please note: corrections are a privilege, and you should definitely take
advantage of it. They can make a huge difference in your final grade. Lab reports will be written
on the ISN. There is a specific format that should be followed.
Experiments and Lab Supplies
Experiments and demos are part of what makes Biology an interesting and fun class! However, it is
imperative that you understand the safe handling of tools and supplies. In order to participate in
labs you must have a signed lab safety contract, and have passed the lab safety test! Please note that
any and all materials are lent to you for the purpose of the experiment, broken or missing items from
the classroom will be traced back to the group and will be added to your school debt. You will be in
assigned groups and receive a collaborative, group grade.
Make-up Policy
1. Homework that is not turned in will receive an automatic teacher detention & call home. The
missed assignment MUST be made up during the detention in order to receive partial credit
for the assignment. Partial credit is 80% of full value.
Please note that labs CANNOT be made up, even if the absence is excused. Students who
do not complete their work when in class due to chattiness, incompliance, sleep,
cutting or skipping class CANNOT make up those assignments and will receive a
2. In the event that you have an EXCUSED absence, or extenuating circumstance, you will
need to come in after school to retrieve your work and for help completing missed
assignments. Getting copies of notes, independent practice and homework is your
responsibility and can only be done after school.
Missed assignments for EXCUSED absence receive a ONE DAY make up window for each
day missed to receive full credit
If student is absent on the day of a test or quiz, s/he is responsible to schedule a time to take
it after school, keeping in mind you have 7 days before it is a zero.
A student absent the day before a test/quiz is still required to take the test/quiz
No assignments for the unit will be accepted once the unit test is given
No Food/Drink
Follow Directions
Complete all tasks as a college prep student
Do The Homework
Use Respectful Language
Be Polite
Always Do Your Best!!
1. Verbal warning and negative daily points
2. After school classroom detention and phone
call to guardian(s) & coaches/sponsors
3. Office referral to disciplinarian
4. Suspension
*Confiscated cell phones/electronic devices: will be given to a disciplinarian. First offense - parent conference
with administration, second offense - confiscated for 9 weeks.
Academic Expectations
Grades are not given; they are earned through hardwork and dedication!
1. Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to work
2. Do your best work (homework/classwork/studying for tests, labs, and group and individual
3. Pay attention in class! Ask lots of questions when you dont understand OR dont agree with
the accepted scientific norms
4. Take good Cornell Notes
5. Complete all assignments and projects on time and to the best of your ability.
6. Work cooperatively with your peers, no matter who they are.
7. Most Important KEEP UP!! Homework is assigned daily and is a crucial part of this class!
F on assignment, parent-teacher
F on assignment, suspension
6th +
F on assignment, suspension
F on assignment, suspension