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AC-Biology-1-Syllabus 2

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AC BIOLOGY 1 Syllabus Fr. RV D. Baylón, S.J.

Office: 3301F Agee Bldg.

Classroom: 3209 Agee Bldg. Office Phone: (713) 490-8159
Academic Year 2024-2025 Email: rvbaylon@strakejesuit.org
Office Hours: M-F 3-4 pm,
and by
I. Course Description:
AC Biology 1 is geared towards students with a keen interest in science and a
strong background in problem solving using the scientific method. AC Biology 1
provides an introduction to fundamental principles of biological science emphasizing the
unity and diversity of all forms of life. The curriculum emphasizes the molecular basis
for cellular structure and function, genetics, taxonomy, energy transfers in living systems,
homeostasis, and ecosystems and the environment. Laboratory activities provide
reinforcement for classroom concepts as well as an opportunity to expand critical
thinking and problem-solving skills. Compared to Biology 1, this course moves at a faster
pace with an even stronger significance placed on problem-solving and it requires
additional independent work. All presentations will be posted on mySJ.

II. Course Outline

This course overview is tentative and subject to change based on time and your mastery
of concepts.
Unit and Topic Chapters

Unit 1: Introduction, Laboratory Safety

Equipment, CER, Experimental Design
Unit 2: Ecology Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 3.3
Unit 3: Chemistry in Living Systems Chapter 2.1, 2.2
Unit 4: Systems and Cells and Chapter 1.2, 1.3, 2.2
Unit 5: Classification and Cladistics
Unit 6: Energy Chapter 3.1, 3.2, 3.4
Unit 7: Mitosis and Meiosis Chapter 5.1, 5.2, 7.1
Unit 8: Genetics Chapter 7.2, 7.3
Unit 9: DNA Chapter 6.1
Unit 10: RNA Chapter 6.2, 6.3, 7.4
Unit 11: Evolution Chapter 8.1, 8.2, 9.1

III. Required Text:

Nowicki, Stephen. HMH Biology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2018. All
other materials will be made available online (mySJ) or in the classroom.

IV. Course Policies:

a. Attendance
I expect the student to be in class unless he has an acceptable reason to be absent (ex.
illness, extracurricular activity, etc.). Quizzes are generally given at the beginning of the
class period, so it would be best to arrive to class on time.

b. Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty is a serious matter and will never be tolerated. The student should
not copy another student’s homework or laboratory report. He should not bring any cheat
sheet to quizzes, tests, or exams and not look at someone else’s paper. Any student who
violates these rules will be reported to the Dean of Students and the student’s parents will
be informed of this.

c. Use of Electronic Devices

All cell phones will be turned in at the beginning of the class period and returned at the
end of class. Using a cell phone in class for non-academic purposes, will be an automatic
PH. Headphones or airpods are not allowed inside the classroom. The teacher will tell
the students when they would be needing their iPads. Make sure your iPads are fully

d. Classroom Decorum:
It is expected that you will be respectful to both the teacher and your fellow classmates,
and also respectful of school property. In this way, the classroom will be a place where
we will all feel safe and accepted. People may have different opinions about certain
things, so we will learn how to discuss issues in a dignified manner. Please raise your
hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking. We all have a part in creating a
classroom environment that is most conducive to learning. No disruptive behavior will
be tolerated. The classroom / laboratory is not the place to play games, sleep, or distract
others from learning. If you are enrolled in the Learning Resource Center, please let me
know, and I will make all necessary accommodations for you.

e. How to do well in this class:

To do well, one has to be both physically and mentally present in class. You need to
have a notebook dedicated to biology in which you will be taking notes. Taking good
notes is not about writing down everything that is on the board, but taking note of the
important points the teacher emphasizes during the class. I will let you know when you
can use your iPad. Active participation means listening well, asking questions, and
engaging in the discussion. Doing the assignments and coming to class prepared by
keeping up with the readings is also important. Do not be shy or afraid to set up a
meeting with the teacher to go over material that needs further clarification or
explanation. And be sure to make up for the things you missed. I do not give extra
credit work at the end of the semester.

f. Contacting me:
I am pleased to discuss things with you after class, during my office hours, or by
appointment. You may contact me by phone or e-mail outside of office hours. However,
having left me a phone message or sent me an e-mail does not constitute an excuse for
failing to complete required work.
V. Course Requirements and Grading:

1. Quizzes and Tests: There will be short quizzes (10-15 points) and tests (20 or
more points) given regularly throughout the year. These will cover items related
to the previous class session(s) and are intended to help keep students current on
the material. A quiz or a test will not be administered once quiz/test collection
has commenced. Missed quizzes/tests cannot be made up unless the absence is an
excused one. The tests and quizzes may be multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank,
matching, and/or essay. The teacher reserves the right to give an essay make up
Missed quiz/test: If you missed a quiz or a test and your absence was unexcused,
then no make-up will be given. This means you will get a zero for that quiz/test.
However, if it was an excused absence, then you will have 5 school days from the
day you return to school to make up the missed quiz/test. You are responsible for
contacting me to set a day and time for you to take the missed quiz/test. Failure to
do so would also mean a zero for the quiz/test. I will not allow make up quizzes
or tests to be taken during our class periods.

2. Homework and Laboratory Reports: Every now and then, students will be
given homework or have laboratory activities that will require them to turn in
worksheets or laboratory reports.
Missed laboratory: If you were absent on a day when a laboratory activity was
done, it would be your responsibility to arrange to make that up with me.
Missed worksheets or laboratory reports: If you missed to turn in a worksheet
or report, you will be given 3 school days from the due date to turn it in. It will be
graded and then 25% will be deducted from whatever grade it got. (Ex. You
turned in a late assignment 3 days after the due date. I graded it and gave it 80
points out of 100. I will further reduce this by 25% of 80, so the final grade will
be 80 – 20 = 60 points.) For late work turned in 4 or more school days after the
due date, it will be graded and then 50% will be deducted from whatever grade it
got. (Ex. You turned in late work 5 days after the due date. I graded it and gave it
70 points out of 100. I will further reduce this by 50% of 70, so the final grade
will be 70 – 35 = 35 points.) If it is never turned in, then the student will be given
a zero.

3. Semester Exams: There will be a long exam at the end of each semester. Each
exam will cover the material for that specific semester only.

Grades will be calculated based on the following weighted components:
Tests / Quizzes 45%
Lab reports 35% These three components make up
Classwork / homework 20% 80% of the final grade.

Semester Exam 20% of final grade

Contract for Biology 1

Student’s Printed Name

I have read and agree to abide by Fr. Baylón’s classroom rules and policies. I understand that breaking any of
these rules or policies will have specific consequences, which I will have to face.

Student’s Signature Date

I have read the above-mentioned rules and I understand the consequences that the student will have to deal with
if he or she has broken any class rules or policies. If I have a question regarding the rules or the class, I shall call
Fr. Baylón at school.

Parent’s / Legal Guardian’s Signature

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