General Biology Syllabus 2023 24
General Biology Syllabus 2023 24
General Biology Syllabus 2023 24
General Biology is a course that allows one to explain the diversity of life forms in depth while revealing
their relationship and fundamental unity in form and function. This course capitalizes on topics such as
the Scientific Method, Biochemistry, Cells, Photosynthesis, Mitosis/Meiosis, DNA, Genetics, Evolution,
Classification, Invertebrate Animals, Vertebrate Animals/Humans, and Ecology. The text is to be used as
a resource and does not force the planning of units and themes. Note taking and class participation will be
encouraged daily.
When a student has successfully completed this course, he will be able to
Develop a working knowledge of the Scientific Method,
Perform biological experiments following the scientific method,
Develop a working knowledge of the biological community,
Develop a working knowledge of the diversity of life using the structural and chemical
components of organisms,
Develop a working knowledge of the continuity of life,
Develop a working knowledge of the diversity of life as it progresses from the most simplistic
forms of life to more complex life form,
Develop an awareness of organisms and their environment, and
Develop an awareness of the human body, and how it functions.
*These objectives follow the Standards and Guidelines set by
the Georgia Department of Education*
This course generally follows the Georgia Standards of Excellence for the Georgia
Department of Education.
Riverside Military Academy produces leaders of character prepared for success in college and
beyond through the provision of a rigorous academic program leadership opportunities,
competitive athletics, extensive co-curricular activities and the structure and discipline inherent
in a preparatory school using the military model of leadership development.
The course will approximately follow the pacing guide below. The exact order and
content are subject to change based on circumstances and class needs.
Quarter 1
The Scientific Method
The Cell
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Taxonomy (Classification)
C indicates satisfactory work, which shows a basic knowledge of the material but
not mastery. B is for commendable work, which shows near mastery. A is for
outstanding work, which shows mastery of the material as well as original insight. F
is for the unacceptable.
This course grade is calculated by percentages and each category will be divided
approximately as follows:
Participation: 10%
HW: 20%
Labs: 20%
Quizzes: 25%
Tests: 25%
Make sure you get to class early enough to start your routine before the
Get your materials for the day out, turn in any homework and write down any
new homework in your agenda. You may be counted tardy if you are not
ready to begin class when class begins.
When attention is called, stand by your desk until the command to be seated.
Agendas will be used to copy down the topic of the day and will be dated.
From the Blue Book (114th edition): “Cadets are expected to be in class every
day that school is in session at Riverside Military Academy. Cadets are also
expected to attend any assigned OT times.
Any absence from class is to the detriment of the cadet and the learning
environment as a whole. As such, we seek to limit all absences, excused and
unexcused. If a cadet accrues more than 5 total absences (excused or unexcused)
per semester in any single class, the cadet will receive a 0 and not be permitted to
make up any missed work for each class absence thereafter. Once a cadet reaches
10 absences in a single semester for any single class, no credit can be issued and
the highest grade a cadet can earn will be limited to a 69. Requests for exceptions
to this policy can be made in writing to the Academic Dean. The Dean will judge
each case on its own merit.
The cadet must take the initiative to meet with teachers and schedule
makeup work. All makeup work should be completed in a timely manner as
arranged with teachers. If a cadet misses final exams due to illness, a doctor’s
excuse is required, and exams should be made up within two weeks of the cadet’s
Unexcused Absences - Any absence that does not qualify as an Excused
Absence as described above will be considered an Unexcused Absence. Exceptions
will be granted only for compelling reasons. Unexcused Academic Absences will
incur a penalty of 20% on missed graded work including class participation.”
In order to be considered on time, all assigned work must be submitted at the
beginning of class.
If homework is late, it will be penalized no more than 20%, and the cadet will
be required to make it up during Opportunity Time. If there is a legitimate conflict
with Opportunity Time, he will be allowed 24 hours form the initial class time to
submit the work with the same penalty. If the work is not submitted within 24 hours,
an additional penalty may be assessed. A zero will be recorded for the missing
work, and the cadet will have one week to submit the work and remove the zero.
If a major assignment (essay or project) is late, it will be penalized 10% for
every calendar day it is late.
A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.
The Honor Code prohibits the discussion of a test by those who have
completed the test in the presence of anyone who is to take the same test.
The Honor Code prohibits unauthorized collaboration outside of class on
graded work. Cadets who are unsure about what outside help is authorized on an
assignment are responsible for requesting clarification from their teacher.
The Honor Code prohibits the possession of materials and/or devices which
could be of unauthorized assistance during testing.