Fundamentals of Resistance Training: Progression and Exercise Prescription
Fundamentals of Resistance Training: Progression and Exercise Prescription
Fundamentals of Resistance Training: Progression and Exercise Prescription
KRAEMER, W. J., and N. A. RATAMESS. Fundamentals of Resistance Training: Progression and Exercise Prescription. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc., Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 674 688, 2004. Progression in resistance training is a dynamic process that requires an exercise
prescription process, evaluation of training progress, and careful development of target goals. The process starts with the determination
of individual needs and training goals. This involves decisions regarding questions as to what muscles must be trained, injury prevention
sites, metabolic demands of target training goals, etc. The single workout must then be designed reflecting these targeted program goals
including the choice of exercises, order of exercise, amount of rest used between sets and exercises, number of repetitions and sets used
for each exercise, and the intensity of each exercise. For progression, these variables must then be varied over time and the exercise
prescription altered to maintain or advance specific training goals and to avoid overtraining. A careful system of goal targeting, exercise
testing, proper exercise technique, supervision, and optimal exercise prescription all contribute to the successful implementation of a
The act of resistance training, itself, does not ensure
optimal gains in muscle strength and performance. Rather, it
is the magnitude of the individual effort and systematic
structuring of the training stimulus that ultimately determines the outcomes associated with resistance training.
Thus, resistance-training programs need to be individualized
(e.g., based on individual goals) in order to maximize the
outcomes (29). Program individualization involves several
steps. Before the initiation of a resistance training program,
it is important that at-risk individuals (e.g., those individuals
strength in the targeted muscle groups. Single-joint exercises, e.g., leg extension and leg curl, have typically
been used to target specific muscle groups and are
thought to pose less risk of injury due to the reduced level
of skill and technique involved. Multiple-joint exercises,
e.g., bench press, squat, hang pulls, and power clean,
involve a more complex neural activation and coordination, and due to the larger muscle mass involvement (and
subsequent amount of weight used), these exercises have
generally been regarded as the most effective exercises
for increasing muscular strength and power (29). In fact,
total-body exercises such as the power snatch and power
clean have been regarded as the most effective exercises
for increasing muscle power because they require fast force
production to successfully complete each repetition (31).
Exercises stressing multiple or large muscle groups
have shown the greatest acute metabolic responses (9).
For example, exercises such as the squat, leg press, leg
extension, and bent-over row have been shown to elicit
greater rates of oxygen consumption than exercises such
as the behind-the-neck shoulder press, bench press, upright row, and arm curl (9). In addition, these exercises
have elicited the greatest acute hormonal responses (67).
Deadlifts (25), squat jumps (105), and Olympic lifts (67)
have produced greater acute 22-kDa growth hormone and
testosterone responses compared with exercises such as
the bench press and seated shoulder press. Thus, the
amount of muscle mass involved in a movement significantly impacts the acute metabolic demands and anabolic hormonal response, which have direct implications
for resistance training programs targeting improvements
in local muscle endurance, lean body mass, and reductions in body fat.
Exercise order and workout structure. The sequencing of exercises and number of muscle groups
trained during a workout significantly affects the acute
expression of muscular strength (97). For example, there
are three basic workout structures: 1) total-body workouts, 2) upper/lower body split workouts, and 3) muscle
group split routines. Total-body workouts involve performance of exercises stressing all major muscle groups
(i.e., one to two exercises for each major muscle group).
They are common among general fitness enthusiasts,
athletes, and Olympic weightlifters. Upper/lower body
split workouts involve performance of upper-body exercises during one workout and lower-body exercises during another. These are common among general fitness
enthusiasts, athletes, power lifters, and body builders.
Muscle group split routines involve performance of exercises for specific muscle groups during the same workout (e.g., a chest/triceps workout where all exercises
for the chest are performed then all exercises for the
triceps are performed). These types of workouts are most
popular among body builders or individuals striving to
maximize muscle hypertrophy. All three workout structures are effective for improving muscular fitness, and it
appears that individual goals, time/frequency, and personal preferences often determines which type of work676
component to local muscle endurance training is to prolong the duration of the set. Two effective strategies used
to prolong set duration are 1) moderate repetition number
using an intentionally slow velocity and 2) high repetition
number using moderate-to-fast velocities. Intentionally
slow velocity training with light loads (i.e., 5-s CON: 5-s
ECC and slower) places continued tension on the muscles
for an extended period and may be more metabolically
demanding than moderate and fast velocities when the
same number of repetitions are performed. However, it is
difficult to perform a large number of repetitions using
intentionally slow velocities. Both slow velocity, moderate repetitions and moderate-to-fast velocity, high repetitions training strategies increase the glycolytic and oxidative demands of the stimulus, thereby serving as very
effective means of increasing local muscle endurance.
Frequency. The number of training sessions performed during a specific period of time (e.g., 1 wk) may
affect subsequent resistance training adaptations. Frequency also includes the number of times certain exercises or muscle groups are trained per week. It is dependent upon several factors such as volume and intensity,
exercise selection, level of conditioning and/or training
status, recovery ability, nutritional intake, and training
goals. For example, training with heavy loads increases
the recovery time needed before subsequent sessions
especially for multiple-joint exercises involving similar
muscle groups. The use of extremely heavy loads, especially when heavy eccentric training is performed, may
require 72 h of recovery whereas large and moderate
loads may require less recovery time. In particular, it has
been shown that untrained women of various ages only
recovered approximately 94% of their strength 2 d after
a lower-body workout consisting of 5 sets of 10 repetitions with a 10 RM load (34), thus demonstrating that
lesser-trained individuals may need longer recovery periods. Numerous resistance-training studies have used
frequencies of 23 alternating days per week in previously untrained individuals (18,44). This has been shown
to be an effective initial frequency whereas 12 dwk1
appears to be an effective maintenance frequency for
those individuals already engaged in a resistance training
program (32). In a few studies: 4 5 dwk1 were superior
to 3, 3 dwk1 superior to 1 and 2 d, and 2 dwk1
superior to 1 for increasing maximal strength (32,49).
An increase in training experience does not necessarily
require a change in frequency for training each muscle
group but may coincide with alterations in other acute
variables such as exercise selection, volume, and intensity. Increasing training frequency may enable greater
specialization, for example, greater exercise selection and
volume per muscle group in accordance with more specific goals. Performing upper/lower body split or muscle
groups split routines during a workout are common at this
level of training in addition to total-body workouts (29).
Advanced training frequency varies considerably. It
has been shown that football players (with varied training
backgrounds) training 4 5 dwk1 achieved better results
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
than those who trained either 3 or 6 dwk1 (46). Advanced weightlifters and body builders use high frequency training, e.g., four to six sessions per week. The
frequency for elite weightlifters and body builders may
be even greater. Double-split routines (two training sessions per day with emphasis on different muscle groups)
are so common during training (40) that this can result in
the completion of 8 12 training sessions per week. Frequencies as high as 18 sessions per week have been
reported in Olympic weightlifters. The rationale for this
high-frequency training is that frequent short sessions
followed by periods of recovery, supplementation, and
food intake allow for high-intensity training via maximal
energy utilization and reduced fatigue during exercise
performance (29). One study reported greater increases in
muscle cross-sectional area and strength when training
volume was divided into two sessions per day rather than
one (42). Elite power lifters typically train 4 6 dwk1
(29). It is important to note that not all muscle groups are
trained specifically per workout using a high frequency.
Rather, each major muscle group may be trained 2 to 3
wk1 despite the large number of workouts.
A recent study examined training frequency with a
particular focus on resistance training overreaching (86).
Overreaching is a short-term training phase in which the
volume, frequency, and/or the intensity of resistance exercise is increased above normal. The rationale is to
overwork (in order to suppress performance and build up
tolerance) and then taper to produce a subsequent rebound in performance (30). In our study (86), we trained
experienced participants for 4 wk using total-body resistance training consisting of two 2-wk phases of overreaching (phase 1: 3 8 12 RM, eight exercises; phase
2: 5 35 RM, five exercises). Overreaching was
achieved by training each major muscle group on consecutive days for 5 dwk1 (note: the participants had just
completed a 4-wk base training phase of 2 dwk1 so the
overreaching program resulted in a large increase in
frequency and volume). After the first week, 1 RM squat
and bench press significantly decreased (5.2 and 3.4 kg,
respectively) in one group of participants who did not
ingest an amino acid supplement. However, significant
increases in 1 RM squat and bench press were observed
after the second, third, and fourth weeks of training. In
addition, further increases in strength were observed following a 2-wk reduced volume/frequency phase. These
results supported the concept of overreaching and indicated that a large short-term increase in training volume
and frequency can produce significant increases in performance. However, it is important to note that overreaching for an extended period of time may lead to
overtraining in which significant declines in performance
may be observed.
Ultimately, the goal of a resistance training program is to
improve some component of fitness or health until a certain
FIGURE 1General-to-specific
Rest intervals
Slow to moderate
23 dwk1
Muscle action
Exerc. selection
Exerc. order
Rest intervals
Slow to moderate
23 dwk1
Slow to moderate
24 dwk1
Muscle action
Exerc. selection
Exerc. order
individuals strength profile for a variety of muscles. Furthermore, one must understand the basic physiological adaptations associated with strength-training programs.
There have been a limited number of studies that examined different models of progression over long-term resistance training. Most resistance training studies have been
short-term (i.e., 6 24 wk) and have used mostly previously
untrained individuals. All of these studies have shown significant improvements in muscular strength during the
short-term. However, little is known about adaptations and
improvements in strength in response to longer training
periods. Resistance-trained individuals have shown a slower
rate of progression (38,41). In addition, advanced lifters
have demonstrated a complex cyclical pattern of training
variation to optimize performance (38 41). It appears from
the available literature that resistance-training progression
occurs in an orderly manner from a general program design
initially to a more specific design with higher levels of
training when the rate of improvement becomes slower (see
Fig. 1). For example, most studies using untrained individuals have shown great improvements regardless of the type
of training program (37). This has been evident in both the
volume and intensity (4,101) chosen. Loads of 4550% of
1 RM and less (i.e., performed with very high repetitions)
may increase strength in untrained individuals (4,101),
whereas trained lifters appear responsive only to heavier
loading (35,38). It is difficult to differentiate program
In summary, specific needs and goals should be addressed
before resistance training. The resistance training program
design should be simple at first for untrained individuals but
should become more specific with greater variation in the
acute program variables during progression. Manipulation
of the program variables may be performed in numerous
ways, many of which are beneficial to progression suffice
they adhere to general principles. Progression may be maximized by the incorporation of progressive overload, specificity, and training variation in the program.
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