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16th Amendment Facts & Truths

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The Fascinating Truth About The 16th Amendment

The income tax is just an excise;

capitations still require apportionment;
and youve been taken to the cleaners by Uncle Sam Inc.
"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie-- deliberate, contrived and dishonest-- but the
myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the
discomfort of thought."
-John F. Kennedy
event in the history of the United States Constitution by which an unapportioned direct federal income
tax on "all that comes in" was authorized. Youve been told that the 16th amendment reversed the
preceding 137+year-old Constitutional tax structure prohibiting such taxes-- under which the American
people had grown to be the freest, most prosperous, and most optimistic people in the history of the
world-- in favor of a radically-different progressive-structure under which the scandal-ridden and
deeply-distrusted denizens & vipers of Washington, DC were granted carte blanche to reach directly
into every bank account & wallet, be it that of a Wall Street tycoons or that of the average working
Explanations as to why the rich and happy Americans of the early 20th Century would do such a thing
to themselves have always been vague-- they typically amount to something about a populist or
progressive impulse that swept the country in favor of sticking it to the Robber Barons. [ see Creature
from Jeckel Ialsnd by G. Edward Griffith] Missing is any reason why such an impulse would embrace a
universal tax reaching not just the robber barons, but their alleged victims in the working class, as well
(along with every little shopkeeper, every mid-level success-story working out the American dream,
and everyone else, too).
Also missing from these stories is any explanation of why the several states would ratify such a tax,
under which they would inevitably lose power and significance in favor of their federal competitor.
Further, these stories leave out the fact that there already WAS an income tax on the books and still in
force at the time of the 16th Amendment, which had been successfully deployed over the preceding 52
years without Constitutional problem, save for a single instance in which the US Supreme Court had
taken issue with its application to merely two single varieties of realized income.
These stories dont mention that, in fact, huge portions of our modern body of income tax law pre-date
the 16th Amendment [Created in 1865] even though Congress publishes a comprehensive derivation
table explicitly identifying the pre-16th-origins of these still-current codes & statutes.
The fact is, an awful lot is left out of these stories purporting to explain the seemingly inexplicable
decision of the prosperous American people of the early 20th Century to chuck a system that had
served them so well for so long-- because theyre just stories. Theyre fiction, so they dont have to
make sense. Those telling these stories want you to believe otherwise for reasons of their own, but the
truth is, the 16th Amendment did nothing these story-tellers want you to imagine it did. Instead, the
amendment merely overruled a Supreme Court decision that had briefly interrupted the application of

the already-long-standing tax (the twice-heard case of Pollock v. Farmers Loan & Trust, 157 U.S. 429,
and 158 U.S. 601, (both 1895)), while making no changes to its pre-amendment nature.
The Income Tax Was Established As An Excise On Privilege
From its inception the income tax has been an excise that applies only to gains from the profitable
exercise of federal privileges (and therefore neednt be apportioned), as the Pollock court itself noted
(here in Justice Fields separate concurring opinion):
"...in Springer v. U. S., 102 U.S. 586 , it was held that a tax upon gains, profits, and income was an
excise or duty, and not a direct tax, within the meaning of the constitution, and that its imposition was
not, therefore, unconstitutional."
Pollock v. Farmer's Loan & Trust, 157 U.S. 429 (1895)
Nonetheless, in its Pollock ruling, the court embraced an argument that when applied to excisable gains
realized in the form of dividends and rent, the "income" tax was transformed into a property tax on the
personal property sources (stock and real estate) from which the gains were derived. The tax on these
fruits, said the court, amounted to a tax on the trees (even though the analogy is less than perfect, since
the thing really being taxed is neither the fruit nor the tree, but rather the privileged activity that
produced the fruit, which might be described as using government fertilizer to make ones orchard
The 16th Amendment Merely Says That Privileged Gains Cant Escape The Tax By Resorting To
Pollocks Source Argument
The 16th Amendment says the Pollock court's conclusion was wrong (or, in any event, is overruled).
The amendment provides that Congress can continue to apply the income tax to gains that qualify as
"incomes" (that is, the subclass of receipts that had always been subject to the income excise due to
being the product of an exercise of privilege) without being made to treat the tax as direct and needing
apportionment when applied to dividends and rent by virtue of judicial consideration of the source:
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived,
without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
The amendment doesn't transform the "income tax" into a direct tax, nor modify, repeal, revoke or
affect the apportionment requirement for capitations and other direct taxes. It simply prohibits the
courts from using the overruled reasoning of the Pollock decision to shield otherwise excisable
dividends and rents from the tax. As Treasury Department legislative draftsman F. Morse Hubbard
summarizes the amendments effect for Congress in hearing testimony in 1943:
"[T]he amendment made it possible to bring investment income within the scope of the general
income-tax law, but did not change the character of the tax. It is still fundamentally an excise or duty..."
This isnt Hubbards personal opinion. Almost immediately after the amendment was declared adopted
in 1913, [Same year as the Federal Reserve Act] and the income tax was revived after its 18-year hiatus
since the Pollock decision, the application of the tax was again challenged (in Brushaber v. Union
Pacific RR Co., 240 U.S. 1 (1916)). Frank Brushaber, a New Yorker with investments in the Union
Pacific Railroad Company, based his suit on a series of contentions about the 16th Amendment. The
Supreme Court took the case with the intention of settling all issues regarding the purpose and meaning

of the amendment and declaring the ongoing nature of the income tax as affected thereby.
The lengthy, detailed and unanimous ruling issued by the court declares that the amendment has no
effect on what is and what is not subject to the income tax, and does nothing to limit or diminish the
apportionment provisions in the Constitution concerning capitations or other direct taxes. Here are
three more good summaries of the Brushaber ruling to add to F. Morse Hubbards:
"The Amendment, the [Supreme] court said, judged by the purpose for which it was passed, does not
treat income taxes as direct taxes but simply removed the ground which led to their being considered as
such in the Pollock case, namely, the source of the income. Therefore, they are again to be classified in
the class of indirect taxes to which they by nature belong."
Cornell Law Quarterly, 1 Cornell L. Q. 298 (1915-16)
"In Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., Mr. C. J. White, upholding the income tax imposed by the
Tariff Act of 1913, construed the Amendment as a declaration that an income tax is "indirect," rather
than as making an exception to the rule that direct taxes must be apportioned."
Harvard Law Review, 29 Harv. L. Rev. 536 (1915-16)
"The Supreme Court, in a decision written by Chief Justice White, first noted that the Sixteenth
Amendment did not authorize any new type of tax, nor did it repeal or revoke the tax clauses of Article
I of the Constitution, quoted above. Direct taxes were, notwithstanding the advent of the Sixteenth
Amendment, still subject to the rule of apportionment"
Legislative Attorney of the American Law Division of the Library of Congress Howard M. Zaritsky in
his 1979 Report No. 80-19A, entitled 'Some Constitutional Questions Regarding the Federal Income
Tax Laws'
So, the class of what qualifies as "income" subject to the tax remains the same after the amendment as
it had been before it. The 16th Amendment eliminated the "source" argument, but didn't change the
limits on what was subject to the tax. If something didnt qualify as taxable without apportionment
prior to Pollock and the amendment, it still doesn't qualify as taxable without apportionment. The
Supreme Court reiterates this in ruling after ruling:
"The Sixteenth Amendment, although referred to in argument, has no real bearing and may be put out
of view. As pointed out in recent decisions, it does not extend the taxing power to new or excepted
subjects..." U.S. Supreme Court, Peck v. Lowe, 247 U.S. 165 (1918)
"[T]he settled doctrine is that the Sixteenth Amendment confers no power upon Congress to define and
tax as income without apportionment something which theretofore could not have been properly
regarded as income." U.S. Supreme Court, Taft v. Bowers, 278 US 470, 481 (1929)
"[T]he sole purpose of the Sixteenth Amendment was to remove the apportionment requirement for
whichever incomes were otherwise taxable. 45 Cong. Rec. 2245-2246 (1910); id. at 2539; see also
Brushaber v. Union Pacific R. Co., 240 U. S. 1, 240 U. S. 17-18 (1916)"
U.S. Supreme Court, So. Carolina v. Baker, 485 U.S. 505 (1988)
Summing it all up, the 16th Amendment comes down to this: The Pollock court had said, "Congress has
laid a tax on a big class of excisable objects (which it calls "incomes"), and it's all good. But when the
tax is applied to dividend and rent "incomes", it actually functions as a property tax on their sources

and therefore, in regard to those two "incomes", the tax has to be apportioned."
The 16th Amendment simply says, "NO to that last bit."
The Income Tax Remains An Excise, And Unapportioned Capitations Remain Prohibited
TODAY in light of the actual meaning and effect of the 16th Amendment is to simply think of the
Pollock decision as having gone the other way. Simply imagine that the Pollock Court had upheld the
application of the tax to excisable dividends and rent without apportionment, and the 16th Amendment
had never happened. What we would have had from that course of events is exactly what we have
now-- federal authority for an indirect excise tax falling only on objects suitable to that type of tax,
unthwarted by the argument that if applied to excisable dividends and rent, that excise tax becomes a
property tax requiring apportionment.
But theres another easy way to grasp the legal reality of the income tax today in light of the actual
meaning and effect of the 16th Amendment, too. That is to remember that the amendment caused no
change to the apportionment rule for direct taxes (as declared in all those Supreme Court rulings and
other authorities quoted above). This means that taxes on general revenues and/or the unprivileged
activities which produce them-- Constitutionally designated as capitations-- remain subject to that
Here is the Supreme Court again declaring the ongoing vitality of the apportionment rule (the 16th
Amendment notwithstanding), and specifically distinguishing the income tax as an excise and not a
"If [a] tax is a direct one, it shall be apportioned according to the census or enumeration. If it is a duty,
impost, or excise, it shall be uniform throughout the United States. Together, these classes include
every form of tax appropriate to sovereignty. Whether the [income] tax is to be classified as an "excise"
is in truth not of critical importance [for this analysis]. If not that, it is an "impost", or a "duty". A
capitation or other "direct" tax it certainly is not."
U.S. Supreme Court, Steward Machine Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 301 U.S. 548 (1937)
(Emphasis added; citations omitted.)
Thus, what the income tax DOES fall on, as the excise that it is, can be roughly but usefully perceived
by remembering that it CANT fall on (or be measured by) the objects of a capitation, among which
"all that comes in";
"every different species of revenue";
"the fortune or revenue of each contributor";
"the [common-meaning] wages for labour";
"what is supposed to be one's fortune [per] an assessment which varies from year to year"; or
"[an assessed percentage] of [one's] supposed [commonly-defined] income".

The Income Tax IS Only Written And Administered As An Excise On Privilege

have just learned about the nature of the tax and the rules to which it is subject: The "income tax" laws
make no attempt to violate the excise and capitation rules!
Though the mechanisms by which it does so are a bit difficult to find, the tax law, as written, confines
itself carefully and scrupulously to nothing but gains resulting from the exercise of federal privilege,
just as any federal excise tax must do. It is not by accident or oversight that, for instance, the "wages"
subject to the tax, or the phrase "trade or business" as used in the context of the tax, are custom-defined
in the law.
As written, the income tax laws leave unprivileged earnings and receipts untouched, never crossing
the line into the realm of capitations. As written, the income tax remains a proper excise, and as such,
doesnt apply to the earnings of most Americans.
This shouldnt be surprising (just as nothing else youve read here should be). But unfortunately, a
mature scheme has been in place for about the last 100 years which is designed to trick those ignorant
of the definitions & nuances of the law into inadvertently vo;unteering/applying[through fraud of nondisclosure] declaring their unprivileged earnings to be privileged, allowing the government to treat
them as subject to the tax. You can learn all about how that works, how to keep from falling prey to this
trick, and how to correct the ill effects of having fallen for this trick in the past, in the book Cracking
the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America by Pete Hendrickson.***
Now you know that the 16th Amendment never authorized an unapportioned general tax (and I suspect
youre beginning to realize that for all of your working life youve probably been one of those
Americans victimized by the misapplication of what the income tax really is).
[Purposefully given a special meaning with-in the tax code definitions of the statutes]
After all, the 16th Amendment is a Constitutional amendment, the highest possible expression of the
popular will of the people possible, and the fraud/mythology about the amendment says it was intended
to authorize a universal tax on everyones revenue. And yet, 30 years goes by after its adoption in 1913
[through passage of the Federal Resere act which bankrupted Uncle Sam & the people, see Library of
Congress for Banruptcy filings by President Roosevelt] before that no more than a small fraction of
Americans were affected in any way by the income tax! The amount of income being taxed was far
greater than the average persons wages.
Had the 16th Amendment actually been meant to authorize a universal tax, we would have seen income
tax filings by every adult American no later than 1914 and every year from there forward. In reality
though, only 9.36% of all money-making Americans had occasion to file any kind of tax document in
any year from 1913 to 1939, on average. The revenue/taxes for the Government beyond Federal/State
Employees, was derived mostly from Foreign Income.
This was a period at the very beginning of which even simple factory workers were making $1,500 a
year (with pay-rates climbing), and during which the tax only exempted $1,000 of income. But back
then everyone understood that the $1,000 of exempted gains-- and the amounts above that to which the
income tax applied-- were different types of gains from the unprivileged variety received by factory
workers and most everyone else.

The very highest annual percentage of income tax-filing money-making Americans for the whole
period (which included World War I and the "Roaring Twenties") was only 17.3%. It was not until the
early 1940s, in the midst of World War II and after decades of relentless disinformation about the
nature of the 16th Amendment and the meaning of "income" by corrupt elements of a revenue-hungry
state, beneficiaries of misunderstanding in professions like tax law and accounting and progressives
who had always wanted a universal tax that the percentage cracked 50%.
This campaign of disinformation was assisted by increasing state influence in schools, propaganda
resources which included exhortations by the likes of Donald Duck, and ten years of deep mental
softening during the rigors of the Great Depression. Needless to say, no such campaign of propaganda
would have taken place had the 16th Amendment actually authorized the general tax in which you are
encouraged to believe. Unfortunately, the campaign succeeded. You were invited to believe the
Leviathan-serving mythology/fraud/lies about the 16th Amendment, and you did because we knew no
better. In thrall to that myth, you have made the income tax a reality in your own mind/life, despite it
likely having no actual lawful or legal application to your activities. In thrall to that myth, you have
been actively=voluntarily declaring your unprivileged earnings to be the privileged kind to which the
income tax THAT WE REALLY DO HAVE actually applies.
Americans who have been using this knowldge to reclaim complete authority over property they
otherwise had lost (or would lose) to a tax which has proven to not apply to their activities & earnings
(including the Social Security & Medicare versions of the tax)[also State Taxes]. Im not talking
about some abstract legal claim or loophole. Im talking about checks in the mailbox-- refund checks of
every penny withheld and every penny paid-in, plus interest in many cases.
More important by far than the money, though, is the reclaiming of rightful authority over the power
which attends control of that wealth. You are yourown banker [see HJR 192]. Individual control of that
power is central to the Founders Constitutional design for maintaining a limited government subject to
the rule of law, because the Constitution does not enforce itself, and left undefended by grown-up
American men and women, it is the natural course of things for liberty to yield and for government to
gain ground. Just as a Republic form of government is always under attack.
The Founders design relies on you acting on behalf of your own interests and retaining control of your
own wealth and property. By doing so, you function as part of an invisible hand imposing restraint &
discipline on the federal government, keeping it small, obedient & respectful, as it was intended to be.
Small, obedient and respectful government results in freedom and prosperity for all Americans.
This "invisible hand" restraint operates just like Adam Smith's better-known economic "invisible hand"
engine-of-prosperity. Like its counterpart, the restraint-engine is fueled by millions of decisions
intended only to benefit each American individually, which nonetheless act organically to benefit all by
keeping the state small and harmless to liberty. For nearly all of the 150 years or so during which the
restraint-engine ran strong before sputtering into "idle" in the 1940s, the state remained in harness and
the American people grew in prosperity while preserving their liberties.
A graphic comparison of the fed-state constrained by the Constitutional tax rules upheld by the
Brushaber Court versus the fed-state since widespread understanding of those rules has been lost down
the memory-hole
This "invisible hand" engine of freedom is, in fact, the ONLY mechanism whereby effective constraints
can be laid on the state. Certainly the founding generation felt this way, as evidenced by the

prescriptions regarding taxes within the federal charter.

Had the framers been willing to rely upon the political process to keep the state under control, no rules
concerning the taxing power would have been seen as necessary. But they were not so naive. In fact,
the framers were so conscious of the dangers inherent in a state able to control how much of the
peoples fuel it would burn that in the first version of the United States Constitution, known as the
Articles of Confederation, the federal-state was denied any ability to collect money on its own authority
Even the modest permission for federal self-fueling reluctantly granted in our current Constitution
partakes of that same narrow-eyed view. In fact, the apportionment requirement for all capitations and
other direct taxes-- by which the American people are insulated from any federal reach directly into
their pockets, and any tax other than imposts, duties and excises on purely voluntary activities is made
difficult and highly politically-accountable-- is the only provision that appears in the Constitution
twice. The Founders knew how a state gets out of control and dangerous to liberty. They provided
against it with care.
freedom humming along is on you and me. In the absence of countervailing pressure from individual
men and women, dangerous-- even ruinous-- state power automatically grows. We must take control of
our FICTION as trustee.
We are not infants, nor are we incompetent, we are simply ignorant of the facts and have adhered to the
fantasy/myth given to us by our controllers.
Were suffering from the effects of long years of individual irresponsibility today. Still, even as far
gone to neglect as we are right now, all that is needed to set things right is for each of us to rise to our
feet and take action/control of our Birth Certificate created fiction..
Learn more, spread the word, and act, my friend. Liberty for each of us, is just over the horizon.
Join our SPCCAssociation to learn more so you too can take action.
One or two lower court rulings over the decades have clumsily described the Brushaber ruling as
upholding a "direct, non-apportioned tax" in its conclusions concerning the 16th Amendment, and the
"universal tax" schemers love to cite them (e.g. United States v. Collins, 920 F.2d 619, 629 (10th Cir.
1990); Parker v. Comm'r, 724 F.2d 469 (5th Cir. 1984; Lovell v. United States, 755 F.2d 517 (7th Cir.
1984), which simply cites to Parker v. Commr. to make this assertion). But these rulings don't say or
mean what the schemers hope will be mis-taken from them.
The simple fact is, some jurists have always thought the Pollock reasoning was correct, and that the
income tax, even when applied to dividends and real estate distinguished by being from privileged, and
therefore excisable, activities, takes on the characteristics of a property tax (and therefore takes on the
characteristics of a "direct" tax). Because the 16th Amendment provides for the application of the tax to
these two classes of "income" without apportionment, these jurists consider it to therefore authorize
what amounts to a "non-apportioned direct tax [on certain excisable items]."
However, even these frustrated contrarians don't dispute that the overall class to which this "nonapportionment" rule extends remains limited to excisable activities and the products thereof, just as the
income tax always has. Nor do any argue that the 16th Amendment did away with the apportionment

requirement for any capitation or other direct tax in which the excise-suited element is missing, which
is the actual substance of the Brushaber ruling, and what the "ignorance tax" beneficiaries have been
striving to keep off the American public's radar screen for decades.
A nice example of the continuity of the tax from its origin in 1862 through the 16th Amendment can be
seen in the United States Supreme Courts use of the ruling in the 1870 case of Stanwood v. Green,
1870 U.S. Dist. Lexis 279, to both clarify the IRSs present-day examination authority, and to
emphasize the settled character of that authority due to it going back that far (and, in fact, to 1864) , in
its 1978 ruling in United States v. LaSalle Nat'l Bank, 437 US 298:
The interrelated nature of fraud investigations thus was apparent as early as 1864. Section 14 of the
1864 Act permitted the issuance of a summons to investigate a suspected fraudulent return. It also
prescribed a 100% increase in valuation as a civil penalty for falsehood. Section 15 established the
criminal penalties for such conduct. Four years later, when Congress created the position of district
supervisor, that official received similar summons authority. Act of July 20, 1868, 49, 15 Stat. 144145; see Cong.Globe, 40th Cong., 2d Sess., 3450 (1868). The federal courts enforced these summonses
when they were issued in good faith and in compliance with instructions from the Commissioner. See
In re Meador, 16 F.Cas. 1294, 1296 (No. 9,375) (ND Ga. 1869); Stanwood v. Green, 22 F.Cas. 1077,
1079 (No. 13,301) (SD Miss. 1870) ("it being understood that this right upon the part of the supervisor
extends only to such books and papers as relate to their banking operations, and are connected with the
internal revenue of the United States").
United States v. LaSalle Natl Bank, 437 U.S. 298 (1978)
The language of that old ruling is itself very useful for purposes of this discussion/commentary, by the
way. In ruling that Green can be compelled to produce books and records in response to a Bureau of
Internal Revenue summons, the court says:
"...Messrs. Green will be directed to produce such books and papers as the supervisor may desire to
examine, connected with their banking operations; it being understood that this right upon the part of
the supervisor extends only to such books and papers as relate to their banking operations, and are
connected with the internal revenue of the United States."
"It is said that this is an attempt at an unreasonable seizure and search into the private affairs of the
citizens, against which they are protected by the constitution. [But t]here is no attempt to investigate
any of the private affairs of the Messrs. Green, only an examination into so much of their business as
relates to the operations of their banking house and is connected with the subjects of taxation; beyond
this, he has no right to institute an inquiry." (Emphasis added.)
Now read that language again:
"[O]nly such books and papers as relate to their banking operations, and are connected with the internal
revenue of the United States."
"[O]nly an examination into so much of their business as relates to the operations of their banking
house and is connected with the subjects of taxation; beyond this, he has no right to institute an
The distinctions being drawn by this court are clear, bright, and remain the law today: While some of
the business of these Americans MAY be connected with "the subjects" of taxation and the internal

revenue of the United States, none is so "connected", and subject to tax-agency scrutiny simply because
it is "business". See private vs public in blacks law and my notes
The United States didnt dream up its "income excise all on its own. When the Lincoln administration
was looking for a perpetual stream of revenue with which to finance its war to subjugate the Southern
States and other projects of secession, it borrowed from a tax structure which had long been in force in
Great Britain and which was fully compatible with US Constitutional prescriptions and proscriptions.
William Blackstone had described this special tax as early as the 1760s. A bit more than 100 years later
Stephen Dowell expanded on Blackstone's work and tracked the evolution of this perpetual tax measure
as it operated on into the 1860s, fully-proven and highly-recommended to Lincoln's needs. Just a
cursory glance at the British measure clearly indicates that it was the model for the United States
version established here under the name "income tax".
Heres a discussion of this history, as presented by researcher Greg Sutton:
Blackstone and Dowell: The Income Excise Revealed
The history of the American implementation of excises, duties and imposts makes clear that the
Founders, and those who followed thereafter, closely abided by the prescriptions and proscriptions that
had been developed under the English Common Law/Liberal indirect or benefits system of taxation. A
case could be made that the Americans actually followed it much closer than the British, thanks to the
apportionment and uniformity requirements for direct and indirect taxes, respectively, and federalism in
This system of indirect taxation was best described by Sir William Blackstone in his Commentaries on
the Laws of England, which was by far the most popular exposition of the English Common Law in
America at the time (and would be until several decades into the twentieth century). Blackstone listed
nine classifications of duties or excises that were typical for the period post 1688 Glorious Revolution
to his time--1750-60s. These nine divisions included such taxes as customs or tariffs, excise duties on
various and sundry commodities, salt duty, post-office or letter-carrier duty, stamp duties, duty upon
houses and windows, carriage duty, auction duty, duties on all the various alcoholic beverages, and the
office duty. This is just a short list.
American legislators had copied, or adapted, a good portion of these excises for their own statutes, by
the time of the Civil War. One of these excises, which wasnt used until the Civil War, and was the last
and ninth on Blackstones list, was the Office Duty. Thats what it was called in Blackstones day, but
the Americans, one hundred or so years later, would choose to call it an Income Duty (or later, Tax) for
reasons rendered obvious with-in these notes. Different name, same tax. And significantly, the same
simple tax that today fills thousands of pages of the IRC & IRSC with impenetrable legalese, that you
have been told your whole life youll never possibly understand, can actually be easily understood by
reading what those who handsomely benefit from your ignorance have conveniently hidden from you
by omission--Blackstones ninth excise:
The ninth and last branch of the kings extraordinary perpetual revenue is the duty upon offices and
pensions; consisting in an annual payment of 1s. in the pound (over and above all other duties)(k) out
of all salaries, fees, and perquisites, of offices and pensions payable by the crown, exceeding the value
of 100l. per annum. This highly popular taxation was imposed by statute 31 Geo. II. c. 22, and is under
the direction of the commissioners of the land tax. Footnote (k): Previous to this, a deduction of 6d.
in the pound was charged on all pensions and annuities, and all salaries, fees and wages of all offices of

profit granted by or derived from the crown, in order to pay interest at the rate of three per cent. on one
million, which was raised for discharging the debts on the civil list, by statutes 7 Geo. I. st. 1, c. 27; 11
Geo. I. c. 17; and 12 Geo.I. c. 2.
Should the clear subject matter of this excise, as described by Blackstone, somehow escape you, dont
despair. Stephen Dowell in his 1888 A History Of Taxation and Taxes in England, Vol. III, picks up
where Blackstone left off: That part of the old land tax which was collected from public offices and
employmentin respect of any public office, or employment, or any salaries, gratuities, bounty monies,
rewards, fees, profits, perquisites or advantages therefromhad been extended, by Pitt, to persons
receiving annuities, pensions, stipends and other yearly payments charged upon the exchequer or any
branch of the revenue, or secured to be paid by any person or persons otherwise than as a charge on
lands, and, as thus extended, had been formed into a separate tax.
He is discussing the office duty component as expressed in Pitts Property and Income Tax, 1799-1802.
Pitts tax, as a whole, did not perform up to expectations, with the self-assessment aspect of the direct
portion of the tax taking the blame. Which may be cause for ignorance of legalese.
Dowell continues the story with Addingtons Property and Income Tax, 1803-06, which remedied the
faults of Pitts tax by providing for stoppage-at-source. The evolving office duty, again a part of a
comprehensive property and income tax statute, was expressed in Schedules C and E. Dowell helpfully
summarizes them:
Schedule C, the tax on fundholders, in respect of profits arising from annuities
payable out of any public revenues...
Schedule E contained the charge on persons deriving income from any public office or employment of
profit, and included also persons receiving any annuity, pension or stipend payable by the Crown or out
of public revenue. The plan of this schedule was to make responsible for the payment of the tax those
who paid the salary, annuity, pension or stipend, who in their turn, were to deduct the amount on paying
the person entitled. This provision effectually prevented evasions, and therefore a wide sweep was
given to the net, and by definition, the term public office or employment was extended so as to
include all offices in public institutions, and public foundations under any trustees or guardians of any
county or municipal fund, tolls, or duties; those held under any corporation or any company or society,
corporate or not corporate; and, generally, every other public office or employment of profit of a public
(It should be noted that Schedules A, B and D of Addingtons Tax were without question general direct
taxes, but were not applicable within the American federal taxation scheme because they were of the
type that could not be practically or fairly apportioned.)
Addingtons Tax was an experiment in taxation that exceeded expectations, so it undoubtedly garnered
attention from the international government finance crowd. In 1815, during the War of 1812, Treasury
Secretary Dallas, who would be a likely member of this crowd, suggested an income tax in the nature
of an excise because it had the potential to raise multiple millions. Presumably, this tax would have
been implemented had the war not abruptly ended. Was it Blackstone and the British reports of the
collection amounts for each schedule of the Addington Tax that informed Secretary Dallas of its
potential? Many Questions.
Fast forward to the American Civil War and the governments urgent need for revenue. The same

British reports, that once informed Secretary Dallas in 1815, were now informing Secretary Chase and
Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stevens of the results of the British income tax which ran from
1842 to essentially now. (All British income tax legislation for the rest of the nineteenth century was
just a repeat of Addingtons 1806 income tax, Schedules A through E remained essentially the same in
every edition.) This information along with Blackstones ninth excise discussion must have worked
their same magic on the Lincoln administration and Congress, as it had on Secretary Dallas. How can
Blackstones highly popular taxation recommendation possibly be ignored when revenue is needed
direly? In fact, a non-apportioned income excise tax was included in the 1861 internal revenue bill,
indicating Congresss willingness to utilize the tax from the get-go, but it lacked administrative
provisions and was repealed by the 1862 act. The 1862 act provided for an Income Duty and Salary
Duty, both in the nature of an excise and therefore not apportioned, and were implemented along with
dozens of other excises and duties. Not surprisingly, the Income Duty (Sec. 90) was clearly just an
Americanized rendition of Schedule C and, likewise, the Salary Duty (Sec. 86) was just a knock-off of
Schedule E. Two years later the two would be merged into one statute, as both their subject matter
(exercise of government privilege) and rates were the same. (See these 1862 United States Income
Duty statutes here.)
This first American legislative expression of Blackstones ninth excise would run successfully until
1872 when Congress allowed it to go dormant. Statistics from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
show that only a tiny fraction of the population was subject to the tax, yet it would raise a quarter of all
revenue collected from internal taxation. The favorable British results were successfully duplicated and
Blackstones recommendation was once again validated.
Whereas the American income tax only saw a ten year stint, the British income tax ran continuously,
during the second half of the nineteenth century. Dowell picked two periods, 1879-80 and 1884-5, for
his then current (1888) study of the tax. As mentioned previously, the tax utilized the same format
established by the much earlier Addington Tax. Dowell reviews them in detail:
Schedule C: The third branch, termed schedule C, touches income from any public revenue, imperial,
colonial, or foreign, and under this schedule the amount received is charged. The assessment, as regards
dividends from the Funds and other imperial revenue, is made by commissioners for the purpose, from
information derived from official documents in their possession; and the tax is deducted from the
dividends or other payments and paid into the Bank to the account of the revenue. As regards income
from investments in colonial or foreign government securities, the plan of the tax is to require all
persons entrusted with the payment of the income in this country to deliver accounts to the SPECIAL
COMMISSIONERSin order that they may make out the assessments and raise a charge.
Schedule E. A fourth branch, termed schedule E, touches persons in the employment of the state, or in
other public employments of profit. The assessment and collection is easily effected, ad unguem, as
regards official incomes in the strict sense of the term, in the departments concerned; while as regards
other employments of profit in public corporations or companies, the treasurer or other such officer is
required to do all acts requisite for the assessment of the officers of the corporation or company. The
increase in the number of public companies renders this a growing schedule.
Dowell also included in his review a tally for the five schedules. Schedule C returned 40 million and 41
million for the 1879--80 and 1884-5 periods, respectively. Schedule E returned 26 million and 29.5
million for the same time periods, respectively. Those government finance types must have rejoiced in
these numbers!

The American income tax was revived in 1894, during the Democratic Cleveland administration, for
the following main reasons: 1) political pressure from the Populists and Democrats to revive the tax, 2)
a financial crisis that was wreaking havoc on the federal treasury, 3) the failure of high protective tariffs
to generate adequate revenue, 4) as a remedy for the corruption that accompanied the political influence
seeking political entrepreneurs, and 5) the publication of Dowells work in 1888 and the glowing
reports of the continued success of the British experiment in income taxation, suggested the tax once
again. Unfortunately, the tax would succumb to a corrupt and specious argument oddly (some read this
as corruptly) upheld by otherwise intelligent Justices of the Supreme Court, by a bare majority, in the
Pollock decision of 1895.
This brief historical exercise provides ample proof of precisely what an excise on the exercise of
government privilege consists of and how it operates, no matter what the particular name given to it.
You can be sure that nineteenth and early twentieth century American legislators and lawyers
understood it exactly as described by Blackstone and Dowell and would not confuse it with a direct tax
or wish to abandon it for one (without apportionment). Thats why the Pollock decision received so
much open public derision, because it ignored over 150 years of both British and American Common
Law precedent. And why the purpose of the 16th Amendment was to overturn the Pollock decision to
return to Congress the power to tax privileged incomes, from whatever source derived (with all judicial
liberties in that issue forever removed), that it had enjoyed all through the 1862-1872 era and had
expected to enjoy in 1815 and 1894.
Noticed that I dont directly quote the Brushaber ruling in the body of this article. This is largely
because, however sound a thinker Justice White certainly was, as a writer he left much to be desired.
He tended to produce very long, very convoluted sentences, full of dependent clauses and touching on
an excess of subjects. The summaries I present are much easier to take in, and are accurate to follow;
not wishing to risk being thought to have somehow cherry-picked summaries favorable to my
argument, here are some relevant excerpts of the Brushaber ruling itself, beginning in its own summary
of the 170+ page Pollock ruling:
"...the conclusion reached in the Pollock Case did not in any degree involve holding that income taxes
generically and necessarily came within the class of direct taxes on property, but, on the contrary,
recognized the fact that taxation on income was in its nature an excise entitled to be enforced as such..."
Going on, the Brushaber court explains the Pollock court's reasoning in excepting dividend- and rentrealized gains:
"...unless and until it was concluded that to enforce [the income tax] would amount to accomplishing
the result which the requirement as to apportionment of direct taxation was adopted to prevent in which
case the duty would arise to disregard form and consider substance alone and hence subject the tax to
the regulation as to apportionment which otherwise as an excise would not apply to it. Nothing could
serve to make this clearer than to recall that in the Pollock Case, in so far as the law taxed incomes
from other classes of property than real estate and invested personal property, that is, income from
'professions, trades, employments, or vocations', its validity was recognized; indeed, it was expressly
declared that no dispute was made upon that subject, and attention was called to the fact that taxes on
such income had been sustained as excise taxes in the past."
As Justice White observes, the Pollock court DIDN'T declare that the income tax WASN'T an excise in
regard to the two excepted categories of dividends and rent. Rather, the court declared that in those two

cases what was in form an "income" tax nonetheless in substance amounted to a tax on the "sources" by
which the "income" was derived, meaning that in those cases the tax was really a property tax, and
therefore "direct" and requiring apportionment.
The Brushaber court then proceeds to declare that the 16th Amendment doesn't authorize a nonapportioned property tax (which would be a new kind of tax: a capitation or other direct tax which is
free of the apportionment requirement). Rather, it simply overrules the Pollock Court's conclusion that
because these two kinds of privilege-based (and therefore otherwise excise-taxable) gains are realized
in connection with personal property any tax on them must be apportioned. Responding to litigant
Frank Brushaber's argument to the contrary, the court says:
"We are of opinion, however, that the confusion is not inherent, but rather arises from the conclusion
that the 16th Amendment provides for a hitherto unknown power of taxation; that is, a power to levy an
income tax which, although direct, should not be subject to the regulation of apportionment applicable
to all other direct taxes. And the far-reaching effect of this erroneous assumption will be made clear by
generalizing the many contentions advanced in argument to support it...
The court goes on to discuss those many contentions argued to support the "new hybrid tax" error, and
then returns to again directly address that central issue:
But it clearly results that the [erroneous] proposition and the contentions under it, if acceded to, would
cause one provision of the Constitution to destroy another; that is, they would result in bringing the
provisions of the Amendment [purportedly] exempting a direct tax from apportionment into
irreconcilable conflict with the general requirement that all direct taxes be apportioned."
Like the courts, the Treasury Department has ALWAYS acknowledged the income tax is an excise:
"I hereby certify that the following is a true and faithful statement of the gains, profits, or income of
_____ _____, of the _____ of _____, in the county of _____, and State of _____, whether derived from
any kind of property, rents, interest, dividends, salary, or from any profession, trade, employment, or
vocation, or from any other source whatever, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December,
1862, both days inclusive, and subject to an income tax under the excise laws of the United States."
The affirmation on the first income tax return form (emphasis added)
Note the language used here, which plainly calls only for a report of the gains, profits or income...
...subject to an income tax under the excise laws of the United States. (At this point in time, income
hadnt acquired the exclusive tax-context meaning of the subclass of all receipts subject to the tax
that it would through statutory use over the next fifty years before becoming permanently fixed in that
usage-bestowed meaning due to its appearance in the 16th Amendment.)
Later versions of the form, such as the one we use today, avoid revealing this distinction so overtly.
They leave it to the filer to either know the law sufficiently to be aware of the distinction, or to notice
that the forms DONT simply ask for reports of how much money was received, but instead ask only
for how much income was received, either using that generic catch-all term for privileged gains or
one or another of the custom-defined labels for subcategories of income, such as wages, or selfemployment income gains from a trade or business, and so on.
(and have a much better idea of the true nature of the income tax). As I said at the end of the article

above, the Constitution doesnt enforce itself, and if Americans want liberty and the rule of law, theyve
got to stand up and lay it down, cause those who operate and profit from the state arent going to lay it
on themselves. So how did including how gains, profit and income that arent subject to an income tax
under the excise laws of the United States come to be treated that way, and what Congress has
provided for remedying such errors, Join The SPCCA and learn this and more.
Although all men are born free, slavery has been the general lot of the human race. Ignorant--they
have been cheated; asleep--they have been surprised; divided--the yoke has been forced upon them. But
what is the lesson?the people ought to be enlightened, to be awakened, to be united, that after
establishing a government they should watch over it....It is universally admitted that a well-instructed
people alone can be permanently free.
-James Madison

Also, See IRS info/forms W-2, W-4, W-8, W-9, 1040, 4852
for the Secured Creditor we use a W-8 and to get back the taxes with-held we use a form 4852 instead
of the 1040 or 1040ez. You can amend your returns going back three years, no future taxes will be
with-held from your wages once a W-8 is filed. Then for each year going forward you would file a
4852 instead of a 1040.

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